Process & Manufacturing – JEC Connecting the World with Composites Thu, 27 Apr 2023 14:09:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Process & Manufacturing - JEC 32 32 191959199 The German Plastics Center (SKZ) supports industry with the production of sample quantities and prototypes Tue, 02 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> SKZ offers its customers and partners the opportunity to have sample quantities of plastic compounds or prototypes, such as profiles, pipes or injection-molded samples, produced. Companies can thus save development time and costs.

Industry often lacks the time and equipment to test new developments or test and optimize processes in addition to ongoing customer orders. The SKZ therefore offers the possibility of producing sample quantities or prototypes, which can then be used directly in the companies.

“Since some companies are busy with their current orders and cannot convert their systems for small series at the first go, our partners are increasingly approaching us with inquiries. Thanks to our well-equipped pilot plants, we are able to test a wide variety of constellations and produce sample compounds or, for example, films and short tube sections. The company can then use these for testing purposes or have us carry out comparisons directly,” explains Hatice Malatyali, Compounding and Extrusion Group Manager at SKZ.

Thanks to the extensive equipment, the possibilities are indeed very diverse. In addition to pipes, material compounds and films, sheets or profiles are also frequently in demand. In addition to compounders and extruders, injection molding machines, a recycling plant and various testing devices are also available at SKZ. Therefore, process analyses and testing of non-destructive testing methods are also possible.

“Due to the very broadly positioned technology, we have already been able to support various new developments from the industry or also solve quality problems. Therefore, we are even planning to increase the capacities for orders on samples of any kind. Among other things, a blown film line will be put into operation this year, for example, which will open up new possibilities for us in the film sector,” emphasizes Matthias Ruff, Sales Manager Education & Research at SKZ.

Always being up to date and permanently optimizing manufacturing processes is a basic prerequisite for remaining competitive in the industry. At the same time, production lines are ideally well utilized. Topics such as process optimization, quality assurance, small batches for new developments or even compounds from alternative materials are enormously important in order to survive in the markets of the plastics industry.

129752JEC Group
Luca Businaro, CEO, Novation Tech Mon, 01 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Luca Businaro, president and CEO of Novation Tech since 2007, is the president of Assosport, the Italian sporting goods industry association, and the first Italian president of FESI, the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry. He has been a Confindustria national arbitrator since June 2019 and he was appointed president of Certottica, the Italian institute for optical products certification, in 2022.

JEC Composites Magazine : What are the leading sectors for your company?
Luca Businaro, CEO, Novation Tech : We developed technologies and expertise in a number of different sectors where industrial production and high-quality carbon fibre and composite materials are required, such as the automotive, aerospace, and sports and leisure industries. The automotive industry is undoubtedly our reference market and we have been supplying most major car manufacturers since 2007. We produce seats, interior parts, structural components and body parts.

Novation Tech – Corporate video

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

JEC Composites Magazine : Can you tell us about the technologies you have developed for the space sector?
Luca Businaro : In 2017, we patented a new manufacturing process for composites production and we applied it to airliner seats, which we have been producing in one of our factories ever since. Lightness has always been a key issue in the aeronautical sector. Our innovation enabled us to industrialize a technologically advanced and therefore economically sustainable process. We patented a new compression moulding process using vacuum and metal inserts in order to be able to combine autoclaving and compression moulding in the same process. We use carbon fibre as well as metal inserts.

JEC Composites Magazine : Do you have ongoing research projects for new production technologies?
Luca Businaro : In addition to various undisclosed trials with customers, we are currently focusing on how to integrate 3D printing technologies in our production (we inaugurated a new 3D farm last year) as well as a fully-additive manufacturing approach. We can print using different types of plastics, carbon-reinforced materials as well as epoxy resin, and we can directly handle the correct assembly of these components. Moreover, the new Massivit 10000 for the additive printing of moulds (we have the first one in Europe) has created a series of opportunities for us and our customers to provide faster services and prototyping activities.

The new Massivit 10000 enables automated production of moulds and tooling for composite manufacturing,
with a print volume of 1.42 x 1.11 x 1.5 m.

The Massivit 10000 creates a type of empty “shell” in a special water-breakable gel, inside which a thermosetting epoxy resin is poured. The resulting shell is then immersed in water, where it crumbles, leaving a mould that therefore does not present the structural criticalities of traditional 3D printing (due to the lack of molecular bonds between the layers). The system is designed to overcome manufacturing bottlenecks in carbon fibre production by enabling direct printing of custom moulds, master tools, mandrels, jigs, and fixtures. This technology reduces the production time for a mould by 80% and the corresponding manual labour by 90%.

JEC Composites Magazine : What do you think of bio-based advanced composite materials?
Luca Businaro : These materials will play an important role in our industry. We are already producing components using bio-based composite materials and we are trying to test how advanced bio-based composite materials will react to production processes and what are the effects on their mechanical performance. We are currently producing a component using a flax composite material for aesthetical results but also structural components for the automotive and sports sectors.

SandRob is a robotic solution for surface finishing processes: sanding, polishing, trimming of complex shapes of any scale or size.

JEC Composites Magazine : Do you have plans for recycling carbon composites?
Luca Businaro : Yes, we have been working on it for some time, especially for “non-aesthetic” components. We are currently producing several recycled carbon fibre components for our customers and we foresee a continuous improvement of these materials in our future developments. On the other hand, some products need to comply with specific mechanical standards that are currently difficult to meet with existing recycled raw materials. This is one of the reasons why we are trying to reduce our environmental impact by looking not only at the raw material but at the entire production process. Since 2022, we have been using a concrete sustainability process to drastically reduce our carbon impact in everything we do. For example, through the reuse of cutting scrap and the use of recycled carbon dry materials from scrap components.

JEC Composites Magazine : How do you see the future?
Luca Businaro : The future will be based on faster and faster processes and the robotization of several production steps to increase volumes and mass production. Bio-based and recycled materials will be part of any new development, as well as a sustainability approach to reduce the carbon footprint of production and logistics.

The market will see companies merge to create bigger players to support product development and market growth. Carbon fibre and composite materials will become a real commodity for every market looking for lighter products.

129460JEC Group
Mechanical behaviour of multifunctional composites Mon, 01 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> MCVE Technologie has patented EOPROM®, a copper-based formulation that allows tracks to be added to various types of materials. Its Eopromflex® process uses the silk-screening method and copper metallisation baths – similar to those used by the printed circuit industry – for deposition onto flexible fabrics made out of glass or natural fibres.

Since its founding in 2019, MCVE has focused on producing functionalised glass fibre materials with a view to integrating them to composites. Over the years, MCVE’s technology has been validated by proof of concept on a variety of fabrics for composite materials in various applications. This experience has allowed the company to demonstrate the strength of the EOPROM® bonded copper metallisation with fibre glass fabric. Indeed, as a result of its solderability, EOPROM® creates a robust connection for printed electronic functions. The study entitled “Composite materials instrumentation through integration of functional components printed on fabrics: development, processability and characterisation” was carried out at IMT Nord Europe under supervision of IMT Professor Patricia Krawczak, plastics and composites expert.

Fig. 1: Nine test specimen designs

Its objective was to show that using EOPROM® formulations to integrate a functionalised layer to a composite by means of an infusion process does not affect the mechanical behaviour of the material.

Experiment design
In order to determine the influence of track width, three single longitudinal lines were designed in widths of 0.8 mm, 1.5 mm and 3 mm. Four meanders design, used for heating circuits, were also designed. There were two longitudinal meanders with differing row pitches and two transversal meanders each with a variable row pitch. The last design was specific to the bending test specimens, whose dimensions are smaller. With the exception of the single lines, whose widths vary, all other tracks are 1.5 mm wide.

Sample manufacturing
Tracks were produced by silk-screening designs with EOPROM® paste. Once silkscreened, the samples were placed in a drying cabinet, then im­mersed in various metallisation baths. The purpose of these baths is to deposit a layer of copper over the EOPROM® paste.

Composite plates were manufactured from the following components:

Fig. 2: Diagram showing layer stacking

– Layers of a reinforcement material made of satin glass fabric that has a nearly balanced weave (52/48) and a weight of 296 g/m². Samaro material reference PO12768.

– A layer of functional glass fabric (containing copper track) with an un¬balanced weave (60/40) and a weight of 202 g/m². Porcher material reference 7628.

– Gurit Prime 37 resin and AMPREG 3X Slow Hardener, with a mass ratio of 100:29.

The dimensions of the plates manufactured are 250 x 25 x 2 mm; there are four different configurations.

For the tensile test specimens:
– 2.24 mm thickness
– [(0° R)9 / (0° F) / (0° R)]
For the in plane shearing test specimens:
– 2.24 mm thickness
– [(±45° R)9 / (0° F) / (±45° R)]
For the three-point bend test specimens and short beam shear test specimens:
– [(0° R)10 / (0° F) / (0° R)10 ]
– [(0° R)19 / (0° F) / (0° R)1 ]

The various plates were manufactured using the infusion process at ambient temperature and at -900 mbar for 16 hours. The plates were demoulded, then post-cured at 55°C for 24 hours.

Mechanical characterisation in tension
Standard NF EN ISO 527-4 was used, allowing the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E), and tensile strength σM to be determined.
The following test parameters were applied:
– Rate of displacement: 2 mm/min
– Test stopped after a drop of 40%

Displacement was measured via several methods, with an extensometer or through DIC (digital image correlation), and in some cases addition­ally by crosshead displacement.

In the case of single longitudinal lines, tensile test results indicate a linear correlation between the copper surface area and the modulus of elasticity. In the case of longitudinal meanders, the increase in number of meanders (and thus a reduction in the space between meanders) improves modulus. In the case of transversal meanders, the reduction in the space between meanders lowers the modulus of elasticity value.

Results from these tensile strength tests demonstrate that in the case of transversal designs, an increase in the number of copper tracks predicates a drop in tensile strength. Further examination of single lines seems to in­dicate that there is a line width value at which the drop in tensile strength is higher. Therefore, lines less than 2 mm are to be favoured.

Influence of temperature cycling on tensile properties
One of the targeted industrial applications is integration of a heating. It is therefore paramount to check its impact beforehand.

A thermal cycle was applied:
– Seven 30-minute cycles of thermal cycling, followed by 30 minutes at ambient temperature
– For design 19: 4.2 V / 2.8 A
– For design 20: 3.4 V / 2.3 A
– Temperature at the surface ≈ 67 °C
– Temperature of the opposite side ≈ 64 °C

The test specimens subjected to thermal stress were compared to a series of test specimens that were not subjected to thermal stress.

Accounting for standard deviations, measurements show that the values between the test specimens that had been subjected to thermal cycling remain very close to those that did not. The impact of temperature cycling on the mechanical performance is therefore quite low.

Fig. 3: Longitudinal modulus of elas­ticity versus to copper surface area
Fig. 4: Ranges of values for a plane shearing strength

In plane shearing test
The second mechanical test performed was the in plane shearing test, conducted through tensile tests at ± 45°, according to the NF EN ISO 14129 standard. It enabled the in plane shearing modulus G12 and in plane shearing strength τ12M to be determined.

The copper present in the composite involved a drop in plane shearing modulus G12. Nevertheless, the values remain within the order of magni­tude that can be expected for such a material.
Through these tests, we learnt that design orientation can have a strong influence. While longitudinal designs appear to be favorable, transversal designs are to be avoided.

Three-point bending test
The third test considered was the three-point bend test, carried out according to the NF EN ISO 14125 standard. It allows the flexural breaking stress σfB and the flexural modulus (Ef) to be determined.

The impact of copper on the flexural modulus of elasticity appears almost negligible, all the more so when the functional layer is placed near the surface. The metallising baths, vital to the manufacturing process, have no significative impact on bending properties.
The presence of copper has a rather positive impact, on both the flexural modulus and the flexural strength. It is therefore possible to integrate functional layers to a piece that will be subject to bending stress without a loss of mechanical properties.

Metallising baths do not present a significant deviation from the reference, thus no significant deterioration in sizing should occur.

Fig. 5: Range of values for the flexural modulus
(Functional layer placed at the neutral axis (left) or near t the side in tension state (right) of the test sample)

Short beam shear test
The last test considered was the ILSS shearing test through three-point bend tests, according to the NF EN ISO 14130 standard. It enabled interlaminar shear strength to be determined τ13M.

These tests investigated three aspects in particular: the impact of the presence of copper, the impact of metallising baths on sizing.

As most test specimens did not delaminate, the value for interlaminar shearing strength could not be quantified. However, the lower bound values obtained remain within the expected orders of magnitude, and no significant drop in value appears.

Fig. 6: Range of values for the interlaminar shear strength
(Functional layer placed at the neutral axis (right) or near the side in tension state (right) of the test sample)

Conclusions from the mechanical tests
This study focused on examining the impact of integrating function­al components to a composite material. From a general standpoint, the influence of these components is quite…

Linen fabric functionalized with EOPROM®. Tin solder on copper ©MCVE

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128966JEC Group
Broetje-Automation delivers STAXX One automated fiber placement system to VIC-K for future-oriented solutions Mon, 01 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> With the innovative integration of an additional rotary axis, the STAXX One system opens up new applications for future mobility and sustainability requirements. The Siemens NC Controls and its modular cell concept offer exceptional product flexibility combined with industrial readiness, allowing for efficient production and cost-effective development.

One of the system’s most impressive features is its digital twin capability, which enhances its efficiency. The system includes a CAM system for offline programming based on 3D/2D CAD data, collision analysis, and simulation for both machine and layup concept.

“We are delighted to partner with VIC-K in their pursuit of future-oriented solutions for the aerospace, defense, energy, and railway sectors,” said Jonas Wermter, Key Account Manager at Broetje-Automation. “The STAXX One Automated Fiber Placement System is a state-of-the-art technology that enables efficient and cost-effective production of composite structures. We are confident that VIC-K will benefit greatly from this system’s exceptional product flexibility, industrial readiness, and digital twin capability.”

VIC-K is excited to work with the STAXX One system in partnership with their customer in South Korea. With unparalleled customer service and a second-to-none network of suppliers and partners, VIC-K is well-positioned to meet all of its customers’ needs in the aerospace, defense, and heavy industrial sectors.

129733JEC Group
EconCore works with Airbus, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Fraunhofer on a new green and sustainable type of rudder for an Airbus A320 aircraft based on thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich composites Mon, 01 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This improvement in sustainability has to be achieved without compromising on mechanical requirements such as damage tolerance under extreme environments and unintended loading scenarios. Sufficient robustness and structural integrity against service loads, as well as potentially recycling of the thermoplastic constituent materials, must also be ensured.

Airbus, Fraunhofer, DTU and the sandwich core supplier EconCore will develop a new generation green and sustainable rudder structure based on potentially recyclable thermoplastic materials. It forms part of the project “FASTER H2”, funded by the European Union’s Clean Aviation Research Program under Horizon Europe and led by Airbus. The four partners will collaborate on the work package in FASTER H2, called EcoRudder, which focuses on the development of a new generation rudder structure for a single-aisle commercial aircraft. It is envisaged that the rudder structure will be redesigned and replaced with thermoplastic materials that have the potential to be recycled after the aircraft has been decommissioned.

EcoRudder: Development of a new green sustainable structural aircraft component – a project funded by the European Union’s Clean Aviation Research Program under Horizon Europe and led by Airbus. Picture: EcoRudder project partners

Within the scope of the project, thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich structures will be produced and evaluated against the requirements for the rudder, and a recycling concept for the panels will be demonstrated. Beside the extensive testing and analysis to ensure that the materials meet all requirements for a certification in a structural aircraft component, also a detailed life-cycle analysis (LCA) will be performed to confirm the reduced CO2 footprint of the new thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich rudder.

129745JEC Group
Open Mind Technologies announces highly productive ultrasonic knife cutting strategy Fri, 28 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Using a single interface, users can benefit from the comprehensive programming capabilities of the hyperMILL®CAD/CAM software suite ranging from 2.5D machining to 5-axis milling, as well as easily program ultrasonic cutting with oscillating cutting blades.

hyperMILL® provides NC code simulation to reliably bring challenging 6-axis output to the machine. Using hyperMILL®’s VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer to control the orientation of the spindle, as the sixth axis, the cutting blade is aligned to the workpiece. The Optimizer keeps toolpaths within limits for demanding machining processes with limited rotation axes, such as a fork-head style milling machine (with the machine head having two rotary axes).

“Creating the required 6-axis NC programs for knife cutting applications, including five machine axes plus a programmable spindle orientation, has historically proven to be a challenge,” said Mr. Alan Levine, Managing Director of OPEN MIND Technologies USA, Inc. “However,hyperMILL®  provides users with a productive, accurate, safe and smooth cutting solution which prevents hazardous rotations and retract movements.”

Picture: Ultrasonic Knife Cutting via hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer

130215JEC Group
Roboze is official partner of the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP Team Fri, 28 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Roboze 3D printing for the production of Motorsport components
Michele Gadda, Engineering Manager of Yamaha Motor Racing said: “In Roboze we have found an advanced technological partner that we are sure will help us achieve great technical results. Roboze ARGO 500 allows us to produce components in carbon and with materials resistant to very high temperatures. For our technical team it was a real breakthrough. We have already tested and had very satisfactory results. Reducing weights and production times, guaranteeing compliance with test times, gives us the opportunity to express all the ingenuity and inspiration of our technicians.”

Alessio Lorusso, Founder & CEO of Roboze added: “The challenge to achieve performance never seen before is what drives the Roboze team every day to evolve 3D printing technology. Partnerships with innovative players like Yamaha fuel our spirit and enable us to accelerate our insights directly on the field. We are ready to mark a further step in 3D printing for the production of Motorsport components.

129955JEC Group
Les lauréats JEC Composites Startup Booster 2023 annoncés Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:56:51 +0000 Read more]]> Lancée en 2017, cette competition a été organisée dans trois regions différentes (Europe, Etats-Unis et Asie) et a permis l’émergence de 900+ projets innovants dans plus de 60 pays, 100 finalistes and 25 lauréats, dont Arevo, Continuous Composites, ComPair, Fortify et Vartega… Ce challenge représente une visibilité inégalée pour ces startups, qu’elles soient lauréates ou finalists, qui rencontrent ainsi des décideurs clefs de toute l’industrie des composites et de ses secteurs d’application.

Le jury, qui a délibéré le 26 avril, est composé de représentants des principaux fabricants et investisseurs :
Turlough MCMAHON, Composite Industrial Technologist, Airbus
Karl-Heinz FUELLER, Manager Future Outside & Materials, Mercedes-Benz
Raphael SALAPETE, R&T Plan Manager, Ariane Group
Christer LARSSON, Founding Partner, The Impact Fellowship
Chris SKINNER, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Owens Corning

Ce concours représente une opportunité unique pour les startups participantes, ainsi que pour l’audience internationale de JEC World, de s’inspirer, faire des rencontres et encourager de futures collaborations. Deux excellentes sessions de pitchs ont eu lieu le 25 avril, à la suite desquelles le jury s’est réuni et a délibéré, annonçant les 3 lauréats de cette édition 2023 :

Catégorie “Produits et Matériaux”

INCA Renewable Technologies (Canada)
Développement de bio-composites plus solides, plus légers, mais aussi plus durables et compétitifs en termes de coûts, pour les industries automobiles, marines, éoliennes, de camping-cars, et des plastiques consommables.
INCA innove et fabrique des substituts de composites durables, performants et compétitifs en termes de coûts pour les plastiques à base de pétrole, le contreplaqué issu de la forêt tropicale et le bois de balsa. Notre équipe, qui est la première à utiliser des fibres naturelles pour l’industrie automobile, a aussi créé la prochaine génération de préimprégnés brevetés pour Toyota. Nous avons également développé des solutions de composites en fibres naturelles pour Winnebago, Gurit et d’autres clients. Nous nous approvisionnons en fibres de chanvre industriel cultivé dans les Prairies canadiennes pour obtenir des protéines et nous les raffinons selon les normes automobiles en vigueur dans l’Alberta, au Canada.
Plus d’information :

Catégorie “Processus, Fabrication & Equipement”

Composite Recycling (Suisse)
Boucler la boucle des matériaux composites.
Composite Recycling a mis au point un processus durable et à haut rendement énergétique pour séparer la résine des fibres. En collaboration avec l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, l’équipe a conçu un post-traitement pour nettoyer les fibres et les rendre réutilisables dans de nouveaux composites, refermant ainsi la boucle des composites.
Plus d’information :

Prix “Développement Durable

Agrona (Egypte)
Obtenir du bois sans abattre un seul arbre.
Deux milliards d’arbres sont abattus chaque année pour fournir du bois à l’industrie du meuble et de la construction, faisant de la déforestation la deuxième cause de changement climatique. Agrona fabrique les premiers panneaux de bois 100 % écologiques au monde à partir de déchets agricoles et de résines bio-sourcées… sans abattre un seul arbre. Pour chaque tonne de panneaux produite par Agrona, trois arbres sont sauvés et 500 mètres cubes d’émissions de CO2 sont évités. Agrona vise à étendre ses activités en Europe au cours des deux prochaines années.
Plus d’information :

Le concours de cette année a été parrainé par Airbus, Mercedes-Benz et Owens Corning en tant que principaux partenaires de l’innovation, ainsi que par le groupe Mitsubishi Chemical en tant que partenaire d’innovation.

JEC World 2024 • Paris Nord Villepinte
05-07 Mars 2024

130164JEC Group
JEC Composites Startup Booster 2023 winners announced Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:29:48 +0000 Read more]]> Launched in 2017, the competition has been organized in three different regions (Europe, USA and Asia) and has already fostered the emergence of 900+ innovative projects from 60+ countries, 100 finalists and 25 winners, including Arevo, Continuous Composites, ComPair, Fortify and Vartega… This challenge is a great opportunity to the winners of the awards – who will benefit from visibility and contacts with key decision-makers- as well as to all the parts involved: finalists, jury, partners and the worldwide audience of JEC World.

The jury who deliberated on April 26th included representatives from major manufacturers and investors:
Turlough MCMAHON, Composite Industrial Technologist, Airbus
Karl-Heinz FUELLER, Manager Future Outside & Materials, Mercedes-Benz
Raphael SALAPETE, R&T Plan Manager, Ariane Group
Christer LARSSON, Founding Partner, The Impact Fellowship
Chris SKINNER, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Owens Corning

This contest gives a unique opportunity to the participating startups as well as the international audience of JEC World to get some inspiration, network and foster business collaboration. Two exciting pitches sessions took place on April 25th and, after deliberation of the jury, 3 winners have been announced:

Category “Products & Materials”

INCA Renewable Technologies (Canada)
Developing stronger, lighter, cost competitive, sustainable bio-composites for the automotive, RV, marine, wind and consumer plastics industries.
INCA innovates and manufactures high performance, cost competitive, and sustainable composite substitutes for petroleum-based plastics, rainforest plywood and balsa wood.  Our team pioneered use of natural fibre for the automotive industry and have now created the next generation of patented prepreg for Toyota.  We have also developed natural fibre composite solutions for Winnebago, Gurit and others.  We are acquiring fibre from industrial hemp grown on the Canadian Prairie for protein and will refine it to automotive standards in Alberta, Canada.
More information:

Category “Process, Manufacturing & Equipment”

Composite Recycling (Switzerland)
Closing the loop on composite materials.
Composite Recycling has developed a highly energy efficient and sustainable process to separate the resin from the fibres. With the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the team has designed a post-treatment to clean the fibres and make them reusable in new composites, closing the loop.
More information:

Sustainability Prize

Agrona (Egypt)
Making wood without cutting a single tree
Two Billion trees are cut down every year just to supply wood to the furniture and the construction industry making deforestation the second leading cause of climate change. Agrona manufactures the first 100% eco-friendly wood panels in the world out of agri waste and bio-based resins without cutting a single tree. For every ton of panels produced by Agrona that helps to save three trees and avoid five hundred cubic meters of CO2 emissions. Agrona’s aims to expand it is operations to Europe in the next 2 years.
More information:

This year’s competition has been sponsored by Airbus, Mercedes-Benz and Owens Corning as Main Innovation Partners, and Mitsubishi Chemical Group as Innovation Partner.

JEC World 2024 • Paris Nord Villepinte
05-07 March 2024

130126JEC Group
Broetje-Automation introduces new product STAXX Box at JEC Paris Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:32:29 +0000 Read more]]> The “plug and play” system integrates a standardized single tow end effector with a rotating layup table in the smallest installation space. With its multi-material capability and compact design, it can be easily relocated and is an ergonomic and user-friendly system ready for production.

Plug and Play option for AFP manufacturing
This years’ JEC Paris is the stage for a new product introduction by Broetje-Automation. The STAXX Box, completes the STAXX family of AFP systems. As a robust machine for multiple materials the STAXX Box offers the well-known advantages of the larger STAXX systems such as STAXX Compact and STAXX One in one compact and flexible system. Various material types such as PrePreg, TowPreg, DryFiber, ThinPly, Thermoplast, etc. can be processed in widths from ¼ to 2 inches.  

New Product: STAXX Box Automated Fiber Placement

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Options for controlled heating concepts using an infrared emitter, diode laser, or flash-lamp allow optimized processes and heating of the materials for resource efficient production. This ensures that the machine can handle a wide range of manufacturing processes. The STAXX Box combines flexibility with industrial readiness and, thanks to its modular concept, offers good accessibility for easy maintenance and an ergonomic working environment. 

One of the special advantages of the STAXX family is the digital twin, simulation and offline programming software. Broetje-Automations larger Systems already come with a Digital Twin. Likewise, it is now also available in the STAXX Box. Additional features such as the CAM system for offline programming based on 3D/2D CAD data and internal water cooling make it a cost-efficient approach to automated production.  

Lightweight and sustainable solution
The lightweight configuration of the STAXX BOX requires no foundation and uses standardized system components, further reducing overall production costs and providing a sustainable solution for customers through optimized production parameters while scalability is possible at any time. 

“We are excited to open a new market segment with the STAXX BOX ,” says Raphael Reinhold, Head of R&T Composites at Broetje-Automation. “This machine offers a range of features that make it ideal for use in the manufacturing industry. It is also a great tool for businesses looking to automate their production processes of small composite parts.” 

Broetje-Automation is showcasing this new product at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth N82.

130137JEC Group
JEC World 2023 : tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Daher et les composites avancés Wed, 26 Apr 2023 08:11:24 +0000 Read more]]> La décarbonation au cœur de notre feuille de route technologique
« Notre feuille de route technologique a pour objectif de nous permettre de proposer des solutions matures pour les prochaines générations d’avions commerciaux, à l’horizon 2030-2035. Pour répondre aux enjeux de nos clients – au premier rang desquels la décarbonation -, nous travaillons notamment sur l’allégement des structures et la mise au point de nouveaux matériaux et procédés permettant de réduire la consommation d’énergie, et plus globalement les émissions de CO2 sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie », explique Julie Vaudour, Directrice adjointe R&D chez Daher.

Côté matériaux, Daher consacre une part importante de ses travaux aux applications aéronautiques du thermoplastique et dispose aujourd’hui d’une avance technologique significative sur ce marché.  Le thermoplastique permet de produire, à forte cadence et à coût contenu, des pièces plus légères mais aussi plus résistantes que les métaux employés précédemment. C’est l’un des game changers qui pourrait permettre à l’aviation de résoudre le double enjeu de la compétitivité et de l’impact environnemental.

« Outre ses qualités intrinsèques, le thermoplastique permet de diminuer l’impact de la production, d’avoir une industrie plus « verte » : contrairement aux composites thermodurcissables, il ne nécessite pas de transport et de stockage à -18°c, ni de mise en œuvre dans des salles de drapage climatisées et pressurisées, d’où une réduction significative de la consommation d’énergie. Il est en outre plus facilement recyclable et nous le démontrons ! », souligne Julie Vaudour.

Pour en savoir plus, rendez vous à la conférence sur JEC World 2023 intitulée : “Less is Better: Reducing Waste, Costs, Energy & Time“), le 26 avril 2023, 12-13h, Agora 5

Daher présente ainsi au salon JEC World des pédales de palonnier en thermoplastique revalorisé à partir de chutes de production. Une pièce de structure aujourd’hui certifiée, prête à voler sur nos avions TBM et réalisée selon un procédé breveté.

Concilier cadences et éco-responsabilité
La mise au point de procédés automatisés qui permettront de proposer demain des structures composites auto-raidies, à faible mase et à forte rigidité est l’un des axes prioritaires de travaux de recherche menés par Daher. Outre la soudure thermoplastique, particulièrement adaptée aux fortes cadences et qui permet un allègement significatif grâce à la suppression des rivets, l’estampage direct, autre procédé breveté, permet de s’affranchir de plusieurs étapes de fabrication et donc d’accélérer les cycles de production, tout en réduisant la consommation d’énergie et les coûts de production. Ce procédé, associé au placement automatique de fibres (AFP, Automated fiber Placement) – que Daher est parmi les premiers à maîtriser au niveau adéquat – permet de fabriquer des pièces complexes de grande dimension et de forte épaisseur en thermoplastique.

« C’est le cas de pièces pour l’environnement moteur que nous présentons à JEC World, tel que le cadre d’entrée d’air d’un démonstrateur de moteur, réalisé en partenariat avec Airbus. Avec sa circonférence de plusieurs mètres, cette pièce, constituée de 4 sections assemblées, est l’une des plus grandes jamais réalisées en thermoplastique, indique Julie Vaudour. Ou encore du pylône de suspension d’un moteur réalisée dans le cadre du projet MATCH de l’IRT Jules Verne dont la forte épaisseur – 196 plis/ 35mm – n’est réalisable que grâce à l’AFP, avec un gain de masse de 20%. »

Malgré la prépondérance des travaux autour du thermoplastique, Daher continue à travailler sur le thermodurcissable, en suivant son double objectif green/forte cadence. JEC World sera ainsi l’occasion de présenter un procédé forte cadence développé en partenariat avec Safran, le « compression molding » (moulage par compression) qui permet non seulement de réduire les chutes de matière et la production de déchets mais aussi d’utiliser de la matière revalorisée à partir de chutes de production.

« Notre ambition aujourd’hui est de travailler sur l’analyse des cycles de vie (ACV) de façon à pouvoir mettre au point des produits conçus dès le départ pour répondre au double enjeu environnemental et économique. Nous devons aujourd’hui capitaliser sur notre expérience, c’est indispensable pour avancer vite et bien, car il le faut ! », conclut Julie Vaudour.

Retrouvez les speakers de Daher :
> Julie Vaudour, directrice R&D adjointe, à la conférence “Less is Better: Reducing Waste, Costs, Energy & Time“, le 26 avril 2023, 12-13h, Agora 5
> Julie Dausseins, responsable technique AME, à la conférenceEmpowering Women in the Composites Industry”, le 27 avril 2023, 11-12h, Agora 6

Rencontrez Daher sur JEC World 2023, hall 6, stand C32.

130105JEC Group
JEC World 2023: Everything you always wanted to know about Daher and advanced composites Wed, 26 Apr 2023 07:52:46 +0000 Read more]]> Decarbonization, and its central role in Daher’s technology roadmap
“Our technology roadmap has been designed to ensure that we can offer mature solutions for the next generation of commercial aircraft during the 2030-2035 timeframe. To meet our customers’ key challenges – especially in decarbonization – we’re focusing primarily on making aerostructures lighter, and developing new materials and processes that reduce energy consumption and, more broadly, lower CO2 emissions through the full product life cycle,” explains Julie Vaudour, Deputy Head of Research & Development at Daher.

In material development, a large part of the work currently underway at Daher is devoted to the aerospace applications of thermoplastics, with the Group now establishing significant technological leadership in this market. Thermoplastics enable the production of lighter, stronger components than possible with the previously-used metals, and with higher production output and at a lower cost. This is one of the game-changing solutions that could help the aviation industry resolve the twin challenges of competitiveness and environmental impact.

“Over and above its intrinsic qualities, thermoplastics allow us to reduce the impact of production processes and make our industry greener. Unlike thermoset composites, thermoplastics do not require their transportation and storage at -18°C, nor do they need to be processed in air-conditioned rooms and with pressure during layup, which in turn means significant energy savings. We’ve also demonstrated that it’s easier to recycle!” continues Julie Vaudour.

To find out more, attend the JEC World’s conference session: “Less is Better: Reducing Waste, Costs, Energy & Time for Sustainable Composites Manufacturing“, on April 26, 12:00 – 13:00, Agora 5.

At this year’s JEC World, Daher is showcasing rudder pedals made using recycled material from thermoplastic production scraps. These components are now airworthiness certified, ready to fly in our TBM aircraft and manufactured using a Daher-patented process.

Reconciling higher production rates with eco-responsibility
A research priority at Daher is developing automated processes that eventually will enable the Group to offer self-stiffened, low-weight, high-rigidity composite structures. In addition to thermoplastic welding – which is particularly well suited to high production rates and delivers a significant weight reduction by eliminating the need for rivets – another patented process known as direct stamping eliminates a number of manufacturing stages for accelerated production cycles, while also reducing energy consumption and bringing down production costs. Used in combination with automated fiber placement, or AFP (Daher is one of the few early adopters of this technology at scale), the process opens up the possibility to manufacture large-scale, complex parts with high thermoplastic thicknesses.

“This is exactly what we’re showing at JEC World, with parts for the engine environment – including an air inlet for an engine demonstrator produced in partnership with Airbus. At several meters in circumference, this component is assembled from four separate sections, and is one of the largest ever created with thermoplastics,” added Julie Vaudour. “And we’re also showing an engine pylon fabricated as part of the IRT Jules Verne R&D institute’s MATCH project, whose thickness – 196 layers totaling 35 mm – is possible only through the use of AFP, and which delivers a weight gain of 20%.” 

In addition to its major focus on thermoplastics, Daher is continuing to work as well on thermoset composites in pursuing its twin goals of green/high-throughput production. At JEC World, Daher will showcase the high-throughput compression molding production process developed in partnership with Safran, which not only reduces material offcuts and waste production, but also enables the use of materials upcycled from production waste.

“Our ambition today is to conduct life cycle analyses (LCAs) as the basis for developing products designed from the outset to deliver an effective response to today’s twin environmental and economic challenges. Now is the time to capitalize on our experience in moving forward quickly and effectively, because it is necessary!” concludes Julie Vaudour.

Meet Daher speakers:
> Julie Vaudour, Deputy Head of R&D, at the “Less is Better: Reducing Waste, Costs, Energy & Time for Sustainable Composites Manufacturing” conference session, 12:00-13:00 on April 26 in Agora 5;
> Julie Dausseins, Technical Leader Thermoplastic Comosites, at the “Empowering Women in the Composites Industryconference session, 11:00-12:00 on April 27 in Agora 6.

Meet Daher at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth C32.

130102JEC Group
Cannon highlights sustainability-driven innovation for the automotive and wind energy industries at JEC World 2023 Wed, 26 Apr 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Cannon Group comprises over 30 companies and is recognized as a leader in technologies, processing, and molds for polyurethanes (PU), epoxy, and urethane elastomers for the plastics and composites industries. The Group’s interconnected businesses work in synergy to provide turnkey production plants for PU, multi-component resins, composite materials, and die-cast aluminum processing, serving an array of industries such as automotive and transportation, renewables, and cold chain, building and construction, furniture, medical and electronics.

“Dedication to improve manufacturing processes and productivity, coupled with health and safety concerns, has been at the core of Cannon Group’s strategy for over 40 years when we eliminated cleaning solvents for our PU processing mixing heads, replaced low-pressure mixing technology with high-pressure self-cleaning heads. The introduction of our game-changing free pouring laminar mixing head in 1979 revolutionized the way molded polyurethanes were produced, bringing cost-savings and especially environmental advantages in the workplace and, an avant-garde example of sustainability-driven innovation,” said Dario Pigliafreddo, Key Account Manager at Cannon Afros. “Sustainability has become a core business imperative and Cannon invests 5% of annual turnover in research and development which is the essential driver for innovative, technologically advanced, and increasingly sustainable products for our customers.”

The influence of composites is acutely predominant in two major industries – automotive and transportation, and renewable energy, especially wind turbines.

Cannon fully meets the automotive industry’s demanding requirements with superior expertise and the design and engineering of turnkey solutions to deliver high-quality products while optimizing cycle times and energy consumption, and the safety of factory floor personnel.

Automotive OEMs need to reduce the total weight of vehicles while maintaining high levels of safety, performance, and aesthetics. The Group’s knowledge and experience in PU and epoxy processing technology is extended and encompasses fiber-reinforced materials processing and composite technologies, fully optimized to provide advanced solutions and tailor-made applications.

The automotive industry is undergoing upheaval with the burgeoning rise of hybrid and fully electric vehicles (EVs), heavier than thermal combustion counterparts, and are also using composites more and more as part of lightweighting initiatives in body and powertrain applications to increase their autonomy.

Composite enclosures for EV batteries are a critical application with a complex array of constraints ranging from crash, impact and fire resistance to corrosion, dust and moisture incursion, stone impact, and in some circumstances, electrostatic discharge. Composite underrun protection shields further safeguard the battery casings. In addition, Cannon offers fully automated plants, including dosing units, mixing heads, and robots allowing micro-dosing processes of thermosetting polymers, silicone, or epoxy resin for gasketing and potting guarantee the protection of battery electrical and electronic components. In addition, Cannon supplies presses, molds, and automation related to sheet molding compounds (SMC), pre-preg compression molding (PCM), hybrid processes, high-pressure resin transfer molding (HP-RTM), Interwet-LFI, and other technologies to produce battery cases, lids, trays, and covers.

Further developments include high-precision multi-mixing heads and dosing systems for the filament winding process focusing mainly on the growing demands for Type VI composite pressure vessels and tanks for the transportation industry, where precision in mixing ratio, flowrate and temperature control are crucial.

Cannon Group has been collaborating with Tier 1 wind turbine blade manufacturers for over 15 years. Wind turbine blades are typically manufactured using glass fiber composite materials with thermoset resins and is the highest volume market for composites which enable innovative rotor blade designs to enhance turbine efficiency and lower the overall cost of electricity. Cannon supplies innovative turnkey HP-RTM, wet compression molding (WCM) and long fiber injection (LFI) plants fully equipped with dosing machines for epoxy resins, adhesives and pultrusion, vacuum degassing systems, and recently introduced a novel direct infusion system to automatize and provide accurate higher volume dosing to accelerate vacuum infusion (VARTM) for repeatable, reliable, and quicker production process that reduces waste, drastically lowers VOCs, and improves operator safety.

For more than five decades, Cannon Group has been active in a wide range of composite technologies providing state-of-the-art and game-changing engineering solutions delivering efficient and reliable dosing metering and mixing machines for reactive resins, preforming units for glass and carbon fiber, high tonnage presses with handling and shuttling systems for complete production lines, and mold design and manufacturing. A key sustainability-driven milestone to reduce the impact of industrial production on the environment resulted from an innovative pilot process to prove the viability of producing carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) from recycled carbon fiber with some mechanical properties comparable to virgin material.

Fabio Carminati, Sales Manager, Cannon Tipos

Extensive know-how and a significant aptitude for innovation, proven by over 200 patents, enables Cannon to conceive and develop efficient solutions tailored to meet customers’ needs. By implementing intentional changes to improve our environmental footprint, Cannon Group’s products, processes, and services generate durable environmental benefits for its customers while at the same time creating economic gains for the Group.

Cannon will feature a presentation focusing on “Structural and Aesthetic Lightweight Applications for EVs with Interwet-LFI technology” led by Fabio Carminati, Sales Manager, Cannon Tipos, during the ‘Composites Exchange’ sessions at JEC World 2023 on Wednesday, April 26 Agora 5 (16:30-16:55).

Cannon Group is exhibiting at JEC World 2023, Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris, France (April 25-27), in Hall 5 Booth N56. 

130029JEC Group
Cold Jet highlights dry ice cleaning in the composite industry at JEC World 2023 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:15:57 +0000 Read more]]> Manufacturers of composite parts are always looking for environmentally responsible cleaning and surface preparation methods for both tooling and finished parts. Dry ice cleaning systems provide composite manufacturers a variety of solutions to help achieve these goals by cleaning tooling in-line (or off-line) at operating temperatures, and the surface preparation of composite parts prior to painting, coating or bonding.

Dry ice cleaning can remove a variety of contaminants from many different types of tooling substrates. It is very common to clean sacrificial release agents, epoxy, Teflon® tape, tacky tape, silicones, oils, polymers, phenolic, carbon, graphite and Kevlar®. The molds themselves are manufactured from a variety of materials: steel, aluminum, epoxy, urethane, teflon-coated, composite and some with gelcoat. Cold Jet have worked with all of them, ensuring “no foreign object debris”.

Most would agree that tooling is the heart of making a good composite part. A tremendous amount of work goes into the design of tooling: proper tooling base material; permanent and semi-permanent release agents, coatings, etc. Maintaining the quality of the tooling surface is vital to the continued production of quality parts. Dry ice cleaning provides a non-abrasive way to clean the tools without causing the tool wear that is seen with some traditional cleaning methods: razor blades, scrapers, brushes, rags, etc.

At Cold Jet, they understand these applications offer solutions to clean molds and composite parts faster, cheaper and better. They do so in a non-abrasive, sustainable, environmentally responsible manner. Their dry ice technology is proven to clean better, while reducing cleaning time up to 75% without causing mold wear or damage to the parts.

They also offer automated, integrated cleaning solutions. Cold Jet systems are prepared for easy integration into automated systems for cleaning or the reapplying of an even coat of sacrificial mold release agents.

Today, proven LEAN manufacturing management methodologies, such as 5S and TPM are encouraging organizations to embrace maintenance as a critical business function. Dry ice cleaning is assisting companies in reaching those objectives.

At JEC World 2023, Cold Jet is showcasing their i3 MicroClean 2®, their latest patented, gentle cleaning microparticle SMART dry ice blaster adapted for the composite industry.

Meet Cold Jet at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth D73.

130096JEC Group
JEC World Preview and Innovation report Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Highlighting excellence and innovation

JEC World will be the place to promote the composites sector’s most innovative projects. More than 600 product launches are expected to be announced over the three days of the show, evidences a solidly dynamic sector led by high-performance and environmentally friendly innovations. Among which 79 product launches listed in the 2023 Innovation Report: from Raw materials, Intermediates and Ancillary, R&D to Production and Equipment, including composite Applications. The JEC World Preview including the Innovation report is available here for download:

Competitions and awards ceremonies

Two competitions, the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the famous JEC Composites Innovation Award, will also put the spotlights on the most innovative solutions and products this year.
The JEC Composites Startup Booster has a line-up of 20 finalists who will pitch during two live sessions in the Agora stage (Hall 6), on Tuesday, April 25th, at 10 am for the category Products & Materials and at 4.30 pm for the category: Process, Manufacturing & Equipment. Three winners will be chosen by the jury and one winner for the sustainable aspects of the project. The awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, April, 26th at 3 pm.
The JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. These composites champions are awarded based on multiple criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, complexity, or commercial potential of the project. As last year, the Innovation Awards ceremony was held prior to JEC World, raising great enthusiasm and showing the composites community’s eagerness to get together, get inspired and build strong business connections. Do not miss the opportunity to meet with the winners and learn more about their projects and expectations for the future at JEC World 2023 from April 25th to 27th and join them for the Opening session on April 25th at 9:30am in Agora 5.

128199JEC Group
Massivit to introduce game-changing 10000-G additive manufacturing system at JEC World 2023 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 10:40:33 +0000 Read more]]> The Massivit 10000-G sets a new standard in industrial mold production by automating and speeding up workflows for composite manufacturing. Based on the company’s Cast In Motion technology, the 10000-G facilitates digital production of complex molds, mandrels, master tools, jigs and fixtures for a range of industries including automotive, rail, marine, defense, consumer goods, and sporting goods. Cast In Motion technology brought to market the first isotropic 3D-printed mold and has been adopted by customers in the automotive, marine, and consumer goods sectors.

JEC World 2023 takes place at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience live demonstrations of the Massivit 10000-G at Massivit’s Booth K58 in Hall 6 as well as a showcase of industry applications.

The system offers manufacturers significant production time and cost savings – up to 80% of mold production time and 50% in material costs. This latest industrial 3D printer on the company’s second-generation product line provides access to Massivit’s full set of Dimengel thermoset materials that have until now been available with the company’s Gel Dispensing Printing (GDP) product line. GDP enables custom manufacturing and functional prototyping before going to production at up to 30 times the speed of other technologies. The growing range of Dimengel materials respond to essential industry requirements including flame retardancy, high-definition production, and a waste reduction. GDP systems have to date been installed across 40 countries, allowing manufacturers to expedite manufacturing of large, industrial parts.

“We are thrilled to introduce the revolutionary 10000-G to the European composites market at JEC World 2023,” said Erez Zimerman, CEO of Massivit 3D. “This event is the perfect platform to showcase our latest innovations and connect with industry leaders and experts. We are confident that our 10000-G printer will disrupt composite materials manufacturing as we know it, and we can’t wait to share it with the world.”

Lance Lyons, President of Massivit’s customer Lyons Industries, concurred “Massivit’s Cast In Motion process is a game changer.”, referring to the printer’s ability to automate production. “Finally, someone’s figured out how to print a composite mold. Now, with the Massivit 10000, it prints the mold in a fraction of the time, energy and cost.”

Massivit has also announced that it will utilize the JEC World event to launch its 2023 corporate rebranding roll out. The rebrand represents a significant step forward for Massivit, reflecting the company’s strategic endeavors to overcome real-world manufacturing needs by offering new, advanced additive manufacturing technologies. Massivit’s vision is to transform large-scale manufacturing from traditional processes to digital, high-speed production using industrial-grade materials. The new logo, look and feel serve to communicate Massivit’s brand identity and unique value proposition towards future growth.

The company’s rebranding process has incorporated Massivit’s core values: radical innovation, reliability – with a current install base across 40 countries, knowledge sharing with the global manufacturing and additive manufacturing communities, and a commitment to supporting greener manufacturing through waste-free, additive innovation.

Meet Massivit at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth K58.

130018JEC Group
Loop Technology launches high-accuracy robotic machining system Tue, 25 Apr 2023 10:19:31 +0000 Read more]]> As workforce availability continues to be a challenge for the composites and other manufacturing industries, RoboMACH HA aims to make automation more affordable to ease this strain. It is designed for suppliers who want to invest in high-accuracy automation, but have found traditional CNC machines unsuitable; either because their parts are too large for it to be cost-effective or the machining paths are too complex, or they prefer a flexible investment that can easily be adapted or expanded.

RoboMACH HA combines almost a decade’s worth of Loop Technology’s experience in developing bespoke robotic machining solutions. This process knowledge has allowed the company to design a versatile product that satisfies a wide range of machining applications with enhanced accuracy and enables them to pass on the cost-savings to their customers.

High accuracy robotic machining system – RoboMACH HA

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

“Whilst Loop Technology are best known for bespoke solutions, we recognised common requirements and an opportunity to make automation more accessible with an off-the-shelf solution that would suit many applications” says James Streatfeild, Product Manager at Loop Technology. “We want to help our customers stay ahead of the market with a flexible, affordable process that can keep up with new and constantly changing product designs.”

Typically, robotic machining has suited softer materials such as wood, engineering foam, or sand-casting moulds; however, ROBOMACH HA uses the latest advancements in robotics with FANUC’s M-800iA/60 high rigidity model for high accuracy path applications, making it suitable for harder materials such as cured carbon fibre.

RoboMACH HA key features and capabilities include:
• Handles workpieces up to 2000mm wide, 2000mm long, and 800mm high as standard. Maximum capacity dependant on application.
• Machine guarding, to protect personnel and contain debris, with modular design to easily extend and alter cell dimensions.
• Add-ons to suit different customer needs including: tooling rack, 7th axis positioner, CAD/CAM robot programming software, cell extraction, and at-source extraction.

Learn more about RoboMACH HD in-person at JEC World 2023, at the UK pavilion, Hall 6, Stand S52.

130013JEC Group
Cygnet Texkimp unveils novel Multi Roll Stack in campaign for higher-rate composite components Tue, 25 Apr 2023 08:49:55 +0000 Read more]]> The small-footprint machine was developed by the company’s prepreg technology specialists as a lower-cost solution in terms of capital investment, running costs and energy requirements, when compared to conventional prepreg processing. It was designed to manufacture high performance prepreg and towpreg materials more efficiently and sustainably without compromising accuracy of the product, speed, or consistency, and so offer the potential for cost effective prepregs and towpregs to be used more widely.

The machine was developed as part of a UK collaboration to develop the technical and supply chain capability to achieve high-grade, composites-intensive components at rate for high-volume markets. The ASCEND programme is a four-year, £40m project launched in 2021 and led by Tier-1 aerospace supplier GKN Aerospace with funding from the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) and Innovate UK. Cygnet Texkimp is a partner in the consortium which is made up of 14 UK organisations including the National Composites Centre.

The Multi Roll Stack is a UD (unidirectional) and fabric prepreg impregnation machine comprising a series of compaction rollers configured vertically. It is a major departure from conventional in-line prepreg machines which incorporate separate compaction stations (compactors) arranged in a horizontal line. In contrast, the Multi Roll Stack features a single compaction module containing multiple impregnation rollers arranged vertically.

“This space-saving machine offers a way to manufacture towpreg and prepreg materials quickly and accurately while delivering considerable cost and energy benefits,” explains Graeme Jones, Wide Web Product Director at Cygnet Texkimp.

“It is a more sustainable and cost-effective way to process prepregs which offers the potential for them to be used more widely in high-volume and mainstream applications.

“Trials of the technology have been extremely positive with high accuracy, low coat weight prepregs of 112gsm being achieved at speeds of 10metres per minute, with upper limits of performance still to be discovered.”

The material passes repeatedly around the Multi Roll Stack’s heated impregnation rollers, increasing contact with the rollers throughout the process and reducing the energy required to achieve impregnation of the resin within the fibres. One aim of the design was to reduce or remove the heating-cooling cycle, which is typical in conventional in-line prepreg technologies, so that the temperature of the material remains consistent. This is significant because it results in lower energy consumption and reduced material scrappage, while maintaining consistency and accuracy in the finished prepreg and the performance in the resulting component. The production speed and coat weight accuracy achieved by the Multi Roll Stack mean it is capable of manufacturing precision towpregs with the same resin systems commonly used in the aerospace industry.

By configuring the technology in this way, Cygnet Texkimp has shortened the machine’s footprint by more than 50% (with greater space savings relative to larger machines) and increased processing speeds. Stacking the rollers within one compaction module removes the need for multiple drive motors and heaters, which in turn also reduces energy consumption and cost by more than half compared to conventional prepreg technologies. The machine’s shortened web path also leads to reduced material wastage and the compact design will reduce CapEx costs.

Following JEC World, the Multi Roll Stack will be available for industry trials at Cygnet Texkimp’s new Innovation Centre, based at its UK headquarters in Cheshire.

In the last decade, Cygnet Texkimp has designed and supplied more than 30 UD and fabric thermoset prepreg lines to the aerospace, automotive and industrial markets, making it one of the largest suppliers of thermoset prepreg technologies in the world. In 2021, the company launched the Direct Melt Impregnation Thermoplastic Composite Line as the world’s first commercially available thermoplastic composite line capable of using standard polymer, from polypropylene to PEEK, to create high-grade thermoplastic composite prepregs on an industrial scale.

Cygnet Texkimp’s Multi Roll Stack technology will be exhibited at JEC World 2023, Paris, 25-27 April 2023, Hall 5, Stand M72.

128546JEC Group
ENGEL presents a faster mould set-up, for a more efficient production at JEC World 2023 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 08:45:44 +0000 Read more]]> A survey conducted by ENGEL among its customers clearly shows the massive time-saving potential that mould set-up holds. 73 percent of all injection moulding processors surveyed say that they take more than an hour to change products, and more than half of the respondents need to set up moulds at least once a day. “With the right measures, machine downtime caused by mould changes can be reduced by 50 to 80 percent,“ says Mario Wilke, consultant and trainer at ENGEL headquarters in Austria.

ENGEL offers a wide range of technologies for simple and fast mould changes. This includes magnetic clamping platens and quick couplings, intelligent assistance systems, the famox mould changing system for complete automation of the set-up process, and training offers that support the optimisation of the product change strategy.

Setup wizard saves time and reduces the risk of error
ENGEL consultancy starts as early as in the selection of the appropriate training package. Three different courses are available, each tailored to the different requirements of the processors, the conditions in the company and the know-how of the production staff. Basics, Advanced and Expert differ in terms of the depth of knowledge taught and the mould change methods covered. While Basics provides an introduction to the topic and demonstrates the potential using a pilot machine in the ENGEL training centre, the two more advanced courses take place on site at the processor’s facility. Together, the mould set-up processes are analysed and the various methods for product change optimisation are evaluated. Starting with magnetic rapid clamping systems and multiple couplings, through mould positioning and preheating, to the use of a Setup wizard in the Expert course. In all three courses, ENGEL collaborates with Stäubli and other partner companies. This means that participants are given valuable information and practical tips beyond the scope of the injection moulding machine.

“In view of the shortage of skilled workers, Wizard based mould set-up is increasingly shifting into the processors’ focus,“ as Wilke emphasises. “Standardised menu-driven mould changes not only save time, but also reduce the risk of errors.“

The Setup wizard is a kind of checklist that interactively guides the machine operator through the individual steps required for the mould change. To the extent possible, the Setup wizard handles the program steps automatically. Manual steps need to be confirmed on the control unit. This empowers less experienced employees to set up moulds safely and without errors. For experienced mould set-up teams, the Setup wizard further boosts efficiency.

Processor benefits from in-depth injection moulding know-how of trainer
One key component of the ENGEL offering is the training of employees who support the implementation of optimisation measures at the processing facility.

In all phases of product change optimisation, the processor benefits from the ENGEL trainers’ in-depth understanding of injection moulding. “This sets us apart from many other seminar providers on the market who do not focus on the injection moulding industry,“ as Wilke emphasises. “We make sure that our customers leverage the injection moulding production cell to the max – and with as little overhead as possible.“

ENGEL is offering the new product change optimisation courses in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The courses are available in other countries on request.

Meet ENGEL at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth N79.

129994JEC Group
JEC World 2023 – Sustainable and efficient production through automation and robotics from Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade, Germany Tue, 25 Apr 2023 08:16:30 +0000 Read more]]> The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM in Stade, Germany, will be presenting automation solutions for sustainable production at JEC World 2023 from April 25 to 27 in Paris at the joint booth of Composites United e.V..

R&D services focus on machining and assembly of large lightweight structures made of various materials for the aviation and aerospace, wind turbine, commercial vehicle, rail vehicle, and agricultural sectors. Automated or semi-automated manufacturing solutions up to industrial scale are developed.

Pioneering concepts for current challenges
The 4500 m2 research hall with an utilizable height of 15 m of Fraunhofer IFAM at the Research Center CFK NORD in Stade provides many large-scale research facilities which can be used flexibly and are equipped with robots, fixtures, and high-performance measurement technology. This makes it possible to relieve customers of the “upscaling” involved in the direct transfer of research results to their production, since Fraunhofer IFAM can validate the step from the laboratory to a production-analog environment with real components on a 1:1 scale on the institute’s own premises as part of process and plant development.

New weight-saving materials and manufacturing processes not only increase efficiency and reduce costs in production, but also decrease energy consumption in operation, which in turn saves costs and promotes climate protection. However, the experts in Automation and Production Technology are also rising to the challenge of reconciling ergonomic workplace design in large-scale structural assembly with efficiency and sustainability. At JEC World 2023, they will provide insights into current application-oriented R&D results in the context of automated assembly, including machining and joining processes.

Modular system with potential – Cognitive production with modular lightweight robotics

Transfer of currently manually performed drilling processes at CFRP vertical tail planes to mobile Cobots.
© Fraunhofer IFAM

In the joint project “Cobots, Humans and Machines from Lower Saxony” (CoMMaNds 2), the researchers at Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade, together with their project partners, developed mobile lightweight robot systems for the efficient and sustainable assembly of aircraft components.

The aim of the R&D activities was to create a modular lightweight robotics toolkit that makes it possible to configure and reconfigure lightweight robot systems with reduced time and financial effort. This allows not only new systems to be projected at lower cost and with shorter delivery time, but also existing systems to be more easily adapted to changing conditions. The system modeling as well as the standardized interfaces are based on the open data exchange standard OPC UA and the standardized sequence control consists of capability-based software modules. Thus, a “Plug & Produce” as well as a fast and simple generation of control codes is achieved in production practice.

Other important components of the project are human-machine interface, which was realized using AR technologies, among others, technologies for fast and reliable referencing, mobilization of the robots, and development of some aerospace-related processes.

The developed technology components of the modular system have already proven themselves in exemplary applications. For example, the crimping of rivets on an aircraft fuselage shell and the drilling and screwing of riveted joints were successfully carried out on a 1:1 scale using the example of an aircraft vertical tail plane box.

Clean Sky 2 – “MFFD” – An aircraft fuselage of the future – Assembly technologies for new fuselage designs with thermoplastic CFRP

Aircraft fuselage of the future: The Clean Sky 2 Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) in detail. It is currently being realized at Fraunhofer at the Research Center CFK NORD in Stade on a 1:1 scale with project partners. © Fraunhofer

In Stade, Fraunhofer is currently building the Clean Sky 2 “Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator” (“MFFD”) on a 1:1 scale. The significant weight reduction of the aircraft fuselage of the future results from a new design, which in turn is made accessible for this area of application by the use of thermoplastic fiber composites for the first time worldwide.

Increasing demand for aircraft and the need to reduce CO2 emissions require new methods and technologies in the aircraft construction. For a significant increase in productivity on the one hand and environmental compatibility – through weight reduction – on the other, there is a promising approach: the combination of thermoplastic, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) aircraft structural elements, fairing parts and cabin system elements into an integrated structural module.

The Clean Sky 2 “Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator” (“MFFD”) is investigating the technological and economic feasibility of welding-based assembly of highly integrated, thermoplastic aircraft fuselage structures. This includes the construction of a 1:1 scale demonstrator with various joint designs and welding processes in Stade, which is being developed together with international project partners. In addition to the welding process, the focus is on automated manipulation and assembly of the structures while maintaining the highest tolerance requirements.

Positioning and drilling end-effector for automated, high-precision and quality-assured pre-assembly of CFRP integral frames

The positioning and drilling end effector developed by Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade during the automated positioning of a cleat on the integral frame.  © Fraunhofer IFAM
The positioning and drilling end effector developed by Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade during the automated positioning of a cleat on the integral frame. © Fraunhofer IFAM

The automation solutions developed in the “Impuls” subproject “Tempo” (“Technologies for the efficient assembly and production of CFRP fuselage components”) by Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade together with project partners have already been validated in a near-series environment on a full-scale prototype.

The positioning and drilling end effector newly developed for a portal system to automate the pre-assembly of stiffening elements (cleats) on CFRP integral frames for the manufacture of aircraft fuselages enables production rate increases both with constant quality and at lower cost. In addition, the previous manual production requires more process steps.

The positioning and drilling end effector fulfills the tasks of receiving various cleats, positioning them on different integral frames and simultaneously double drilling both components. The compactly built end effector can be picked up by the portal system used as well as by standard industrial robots. It can be controlled via a system PLC and receives its global position data from imported CAD data of the components. The new assembly situation is adapted via a quick upstream measurement using a laser tracker. The innovative technology enables a reliable process and high positioning accuracy. The measuring technology integrated in the end effector documents exactly the required contact pressure as well as many other parameters for monitoring the optimal conditions for the pre-assembly of the cleats on the integral frame. This guarantees online quality assurance.

The end effector developed for the pre-assembly, positioning, and drilling of frames can also be used for the assembly of components in other industries, such as wind turbines-, rail vehicle-, commercial vehicle-, automotive- or shipbuilding, by adapting the mounting system.

Agile production technologies for CFRP box structures – Automated rudder hinge assembly in aircraft vertical tail planes

Automated rudder hinge assembly in aircraft tail planes – Automated on-demand shim application to compensate component tolerances: a lightweight robot guides a rudder hinge under the dispensing system for liquid shim application. © Fraunhofer IFAM

By using agile production technologies for CFRP box structures, researchers at Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade optimized the production processes of aircraft vertical tail planes in the joint project “FastFlexMont 2”.

With the aim of no longer interrupting the assembly of rudder hinges to the Vertical Tail Plane (VTP) box by long waiting times, Fraunhofer IFAM experts and partners have developed application and curing of shim material (gap-filling material; as a parallel process. Automated and digitally networked processes enable volume-accurate metering and application as well as precise shaping and edge smoothing of the shim. Only after the gap filling has cured, the completely shimmed rudder hinge is inserted into the vertical tail plane.

Thus, in addition to agile manufacturing, the parallelization of work steps makes it possible to reuse technical resources and consequently increase productivity while at the same time reducing costs.

Efficiency-enhancing flow-line production of large CFRP components – Trend-setting mobile holding fixture for flexible pick-up, alignment, and transport of components

Everything in flow – Efficiency-enhancing flow-line production of large CFRP components

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

A further milestone with regard to agile production technologies – the new mobile holding fixture developed by Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade together with project partners can flexibly hold various large components, such as aircraft tail planes or landing flaps, in different types up to eight meters in length, align them precisely and sustainably, and transport them.

This joint research project (“UniFix”; “Universal mobile component clamping and fixing device for the processing of fiber composite structures”) is also all about weight-reducing large CFRP structures on a 1:1 scale for aircraft construction. Focused on machining processes in the production flow, this holding fixture is able to significantly relieve a machining line of time-consuming, non-value-adding secondary activities by passing through various process stations in advance with the optimally and precisely aligned large components, at which preparatory work can be carried out in parallel and simultaneously.

This flow-oriented production makes it possible to reduce throughput times and thus increase productivity, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and consequently competitiveness in the international market. The advantages of flow-oriented manufacturing lie primarily in the reduction of manual handling operations and non-productive time. In addition, there are increases in efficiency through specialization of the individual plants, reduced throughput times due to harmonized cycle times, as well as an associated reduction in buffer stocks and faster reaction to process deviations.

Meet Fraunhofer IFAM at the JEC World 2023, Hall 6, Booth Q 28, Position 16 (joint booth of Composites United e.V.).

129982JEC Group
DOPAG présente sa technologie de dosage pour les composites au salon JEC World 2023 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Traitement fiable du polyuréthane et de l’époxy
Les systèmes de dosage et de mélange de DOPAG traitent avec précision les matériaux à un ou deux composants tels que le polyuréthane ou la résine époxy. Une application fiable et reproductible est assurée à tout moment. Ils conviennent donc à tous les secteurs d’activité. Les systèmes DOPAG sont utilisés dans tous les secteurs où la construction légère est importante. Il s’agit notamment de l’industrie automobile et de l’e-mobilité, de l’aérospatiale et de la construction d’éoliennes. DOPAG adapte tous les systèmes de dosage et de mélange aux exigences du client et les configure en conséquence. Les systèmes conviennent à toutes les applications composites, du collage et de l’étanchéité à l’infusion et à la pultrusion, en passant par l’enroulement filamentaire et le RTM.

Nouveau système de dosage pour les applications de mastic
Le puttymix est une nouveauté dans la gamme de produits DOPAG. La finition des pales de rotor est devenue de plus en plus importante en raison de l’augmentation de la longueur des pales. Afin de protéger particulièrement bien la surface des pales de rotor, les petites irrégularités sont remplies de mastic à la fin du processus de production. Avec le puttymix, DOPAG a développé un système spécifique qui dose et mélange parfaitement le matériau de mastic à deux composants avec sa variance de viscosité élevée.

Photo: puttymix : Système de dosage et de mélange pour l’application de mastic sur les pales de rotor.

Rencontrez DOPAG à JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth E72.

129701JEC Group
Bio-inspired lightweight EV underbody protection to serve high volume commercial and automotive market designed and developed by TPI Composites and Helicoid Industries Tue, 25 Apr 2023 07:56:53 +0000 Read more]]> This underbody protection panel will provide an alternative solution to current aluminum designs to protect high voltage battery packs from road debris. Combining the strength of both companies, this solution offers a low-cost product that is lower in weight, higher in load bearing capability and more resilient in impacts and crash scenarios compared to aluminum designs.

Developed in a manufacturing cell at TPI’s Automotive Technology Center in Warren, Rhode Island using the latest in automated ply cutting and robotic pick and place technologies, the process is a seamless and cost-effective implementation of Helicoid™ architectures. A multiaxial non-crimp fabric technology is used to strategically compose the full Helicoid™ stack in sub-units. The stack layers are then robotically dosed and automatically placed and retrieved from a 2500T press, resulting in high performance precision parts.

“TPI Automotive offers full-service development and production solutions for OEM next generation vehicles with efficient designs, superior performance, and outstanding quality. We offer industrialization expertise for engineered solutions that are quick to market, and low investment for our customers’ demanding technical and commercial battery enclosure and structural applications. We are excited to work with Helicoid to provide this innovative solution,” noted Jerry Lavine, President, TPI Automotive.

129979JEC Group
Impossible Objects breaks the 3D printing speed barrier with launch of CBAM 25, fifteen times faster than existing technologies Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:22:44 +0000 Read more]]> Impossible Objects, takes its revolutionary CBAM composite 3D printing process to the next level with the announcement of the CBAM 25 machine. Printing fifteen times faster than the fastest competition, the CBAM 25 brings 3D printing into mass production.

Commercially available in early 2024, the CBAM 25 will bring 3D printing to volume manufacturing, breaking the 3D printing speed barrier while using advanced materials for superior mechanical properties and tolerances. 

“The world is made out of things and with the CBAM 25 we are changing the way they are made,” says Robert Swartz, Founder and Chairman of the Board at Impossible Objects. “The CBAM 25 is the world’s fastest printer and we are entering a new era of 3D printing with nearly unlimited material options at the speed of true mass production. This is a Moore’s law moment for 3D printing and this is just the first step.”

Printed in 15 seconds on the CBAM 25

The CBAM 25 high-performance composite materials enable engineers to design stronger, lighter and more durable parts. Most notably, the Carbon Fiber PEEK material set achieves very high chemical and temperature resistance, and mechanical properties superior to most engineering plastics. Carbon Fiber PEEK parts are a suitable alternative for aluminum, tooling, spares, repairs and end-use parts. Impossible Objects is currently producing and selling parts in untapped 3D markets such as electronic tooling and for a broad range of applications, including aerospace, defense, and transportation industries. It is also replacing CNC machining with greater geometric freedom. 

Impossible Objects’ CEO, Steve Hoover, emphasizes the importance of production speed with the new CBAM 25: “With a fifteen times speed improvement over existing 3D printers our new CBAM 25 completes the transition of 3D printing from its roots in prototyping to the heartland of manufacturing. It’s hard to actually imagine what fifteen times faster means. For a comparison, this is also the speed difference between the fastest human running the mile and a Formula race car in a straight away. That’s the same difference that our new CBAM 25 has versus prior technologies. We believe that this is a huge-step forward not only for our company, but also our industry, as it moves 3D printing into volume manufacturing.”

129962JEC Group
Addyx to highlight the carbon exoskeleton at JEC World 2023 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:04:44 +0000 Read more]]> Obtained by the aid of Addyx’s WSM-170, that ensures a total freedom in the design, the carbon exoskeleton push steps forward the concept of topology optimization in the composites structures improving their mechanical performance in terms of:

  • Stiffness – to – weight ratio
  • Strength – to – weight ratio
  • Impact resistance – to – weight ratio

Addyx aims to change the paradigm for topological optimization of composites to make it more efficient in terms of mechanical performance, design and manufacturing.

Addyx to highlight the carbon exoskeleton at JEC World 2023

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

WSM-170 water soluble expanding mandrel
The WSM-170 Is the Addyx water-soluble expanding mandrel that opens new frontiers in the design and production of hollow, tubular composite components with complex geometry.

Made by Additive Manufacturing technology using a patented material with very low environmental footprint. Ideal for autoclave, OoA and RTM curing cycles, with an external counter-mould.

MAIN ADVANTAGES on the final composite component:

  • Up to 40% reduction in manufacturing time.
  • Up to 15% reduction in scrap rate.
  • Up to 20% weight reduction.
  • High quality surface finish on both external and internal side.
  • Washing out the mandrel using tab water.

Meet Addyx at JEC World 2023, at the JEC Startup Booster Village, hall 6, booth H4.

129900JEC Group
Brighton Science unveils BConnect: The Surface Intelligence network Mon, 24 Apr 2023 14:09:48 +0000 Read more]]> BConnect, which runs on Brighton’s proprietary SaaS platform, collects data from networked devices that assess surface readiness for bonding, coating or sealing by measuring the water contact angle. Because 90% of surface failures are due to a lack of surface readiness, getting this datapoint is critical throughout the development and production process.

Unlike tools that are centered on scientists and limited to the lab, BConnect gathers and distributes vital data to teams throughout the enterprise and around the world. This enables engineers, product designers, vendors, line operators, executive leadership and others to communicate with greater ease, speed and efficiency—bridging expertise gaps and language differences.

Brighton CEO Andy Reeher explains, “Nearly every product that’s made today has some kind of surface bonding requirements, whether that’s paint, glue, coatings or adhesives. For decades, companies have struggled to understand why certain materials fail, because what’s happening on these surfaces is invisible.” He continues, “Getting real-time surface readiness data and sharing it is a frontier where none have ventured before, and the implications are game-changing. If we can help our customers see what’s happening molecularly on those surface interfaces, they can get more predictability and assurance with their bonds, which will unleash innovation with new materials and make their existing products more durable and sustainable.”

Brighton Chief Science Officer Giles Dillingham, Ph.D., concurs: “The rate of innovation in manufacturing is exponential right now, with revolutionary new materials. Yet unseen environmental conditions and simple human choices continue to compromise surface integrity.” He continues, “Our BConnect system can now accomplish what traditional QA cannot—bringing more visibility and certainty to the manufacturing process.”

BConnect is a subscription-based offering that includes highly sensitive mobile and inline sensors that collect surface readiness data and wirelessly upload it to the BConnect cloud-based SaaS platform. Completely customized for each company and its users, these Surface Intelligence networks give teams a common language and data set to innovate, troubleshoot and optimize processes while reducing costly waste and recalls. All data collected via BConnect is private and proprietary to each company.

Companies that subscribe to BConnect can also opt in to the SIQ Community, an emerging industry collective committed to advancing knowledge and driving innovation in the surface science space—collaborating on topics like increasing sustainability, speed and safety in global manufacturing.

129950JEC Group
New project “3DMeKa“ has started Mon, 24 Apr 2023 13:35:41 +0000 Read more]]> The aim of the project is to develop a process for manufacturing novel injection molds based on additively manufactured fiber-reinforced plastics with a micrometer-thick metal coating. The innovative solution approach for the mold tool consists of the combination of two additive processes in interaction with a metallic coating.

The respective advantages are combined to drastically reduce production time and costs. With the aid of the metallic coating, the thermal conductivity and service life of the injection mold is to be significantly increased. With the aid of this new mold technology, the existing approach (aluminum cavity) will be supplemented by a further alternative to enable future injection molded components to be tested quickly and cost-effectively.

The new project is funded by the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

129937JEC Group
Arkema présente un portefeuille unique de matériaux à JEC World 2023 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Résine Elium®, maintenant disponible à partir de matières recyclées
En 2023, Arkema lance une nouvelle résine Elium® fabriquée à partir de matière recyclée rendant les composites plus durables. Une première génération d’Elium® contenant au moins 18 % de matériaux recyclés est déjà disponible pour les grades les plus demandés et une formulation contenant 92 % de matériaux recyclés est actuellement en test.

Les propriétés de ces nouveaux grades restent inchangées par rapport aux résines déjà existantes: propriétés de mise en œuvre, paramètres de fabrication et performance des composites. La différence étant un impact environnemental réduit des pièces réalisées et des composites toujours plus durables grâce à cette nouvelle résine.  

Elium® est une solution unique de fabrication des composites permettant d’utiliser les mêmes outils et méthodes de fabrication que les pièces utilisant des résines liquides standards avec l’avantage de les rendre recyclables.

Les pièces composites en Elium®, ainsi que ses déchets issus de la production, sont recyclables par dépolymerisation ou recyclage mécanique.

PEKK Kepstan®, un K fait toute la différence

Le matériau de très haute performance Kepstan® PEKK offre une combinaison unique de propriétés sur une très large gamme de température. Ce Polymère présente des avantages exceptionnels pour la mise en oeuvre et élargit les possibilités d’application offertes par la famille des polyarylether cetone. Le matériau Kepstan® PEKK est largement utilisé dans le domaine de l’aéronautique, en partenariat avec Hexcel.

Les composites Arkema UDX®, ce sont aussi des semi-produits !

Durant le JEC vous découvrirez également les UDX® PPA et UDX® PA11, rubans unidirectionnels à fibres de carbone imprégnées de résines thermoplastiques bio-sourcées et recyclables.

L’UDX® PPA est un produit de très haute performance particulièrement adapté à la fabrication des réservoirs de stockage d’hydrogène gazeux sous haute pression, grâce notamment aux propriétés du Rilsan® Matrix qui compose la matrice de ce composite.
Le Rilsan® Matrix est un polypthalamide présentant un compromis unique de propriétés:

  • haute température de transition vitreuse (150°C), permettant de résister au fort auto-échauffement du réservoir lors d’un remplissage rapide,
  • bas point de fusion (260°C) permettant une température de procédé raisonnable pour la mise en œuvre du ruban composite et ainsi une fabrication aisée du réservoir.

Très résistant à froid grâce aux propriétés de sa matrice en polyamide 11, l’UDX® PA11 offre une solution unique pour le stockage d’hydrogène liquide aux températures cryogéniques. La grande élasticité et la nervosité du polyamide 11 associées à la légèreté et la raideur des fibres de carbone font de l’UDX® PA11 un produit également très apprécié dans le domaine des sports et loisirs. Le caractère totalement bio-sourcé et recyclable du polyamide 11 ainsi que son mode de production basé sur une agriculture durable et éco-responsable font de l’UDX® PA11 un produit absolument unique qui emporte l’adhésion des clients.

Des additifs pour des composites plus résistants
Que vous ayez besoin d’améliorer la ténacité, la résistance, le durcissement, l’adhérence ou simplement d’initier la polymérisation de votre matrice, Arkema a une solution dans leur portefeuille.

  • Renforcez la ténacité de votre système:

Le modifiant choc core-shell Clearstrength® XT MBS permet une grande polyvalence de formulation pour les principaux types de matrices du marché. La version masterbatch des résines Sartomer® Advanced Resins de ce core-shell offre une prédispersion uniforme prête à l’emploi. Les oligomères (méth)acrylates d’uréthane liquide Sartomer® peuvent également être introduits dans la matrice pour affiner les propriétés mécaniques.

Les poudres polyamides ultra fines Orgasol® sont particulièrement adaptées aux matrices époxy et sont particulièrement efficaces grâce à leur forme sphérique combinée à une distribution granulométrique fine.

Les copolymères à blocs acryliques nanostructurés Nanostrength® agissent au cœur de la matière. Ils permettent d’améliorer la résistance aux chocs de la matrice sans perte de module et de tenue en température et aux UV, ainsi que la résistance à la fissuration. Ils s’appliquent aussi bien aux matrices composites base époxy ou vinylester, qu’aux adhésifs structuraux.
Les nanotubes de carbone Graphistrength® améliorent considérablement la résistance mécanique des composites. Ils empêchent également l’accumulation des charges électriques dans les pièces produites.

  • Contrôlez la rhéologie de votre composite:

Les copolymères (méth)acryliques Plastistrength® permettent de contrôler la viscosité des résines (méth)acryliques et époxy à faible dosage.

  • Réduisez les COV de votre matrice avec leurs réticulants de spécialité:

Les monomères biosourcés Sartomer®, dont le contenu biologique est supérieur à 25 %, sont des réticulants de choix pour les matrices (méth)acryliques et époxy. Ces diluants réactifs réduisent les COV, améliorent les propriétés mécaniques et favorisent la conversion tout en contrôlant la viscosité de l’ensemble du système.

  • Initier efficacement la polymérisation:

Les peroxydes organiques Luperox® et Retic® répondent à vos défis de polymérisation avec des grades adaptés à la polymérisation à température ambiante ou à température élevée. Ils sont parfaitement adaptés aux résines thermodurcissables.
Les photo-initiateurs Sartomer® sont très utiles pour les systèmes hybrides impliquant une étape de polymérisation par UV ou LED.

Des adhésifs intelligents

Bostik dévoilera ses solutions adhésives pour les pièces composites, notamment ses MMA structurels (gamme SAF&FIT), ses adhésifs instantanés (Born2Bond™) et ses mastics d’étanchéité (SMP et gamme étendue). Durant le JEC, vous découvrirez également leur nouvelle gamme Pliogrip™ (2k-polyuréthane et 2k-époxy) avec un focus sur leurs adhésifs polyuréthane plus sûrs à faible teneur en monomère Pliogrip™ 3540 (pas de formation obligatoire – règlement REACH 74).

Lumière sur leurs solutions pour l’impression 3D
Aujourd’hui, Arkema représente un portefeuille complet de matériaux de haute performance pour la fabrication additive. Ils proposent des solutions combinant le meilleur des deux domaines: l’impression 3D et les composites.

Le partenariat entre Continuous Composites et Arkema, vise à combiner la technologie brevetée d’impression 3D en fibre continue (CF3D®) de Continuous Composites avec des solutions de résine photodurcissable N3xtDimension®. Ce partenariat a lancé l’année dernière des matériaux entièrement formulés PolyMat™ haute Tg pour l’impression de fibres de carbone et de verre en continu pour produire des structures plus légères, à haute performance thermique et de la résine CeraMat™ Carbon pour la création de pièces précurseurs en fibre de carbone renforcée par du graphite pour les applications à ultra haute température.

Arkema présente son offre polymère pour la fabrication additive avec notamment les poudres polyamide 11 Rilsan®, matériau de haute performance, 100% bio-sourcé et recyclable via le programme Virtucycle®.

Avec son polymère haute performance Kepstan® PEKK , Arkema s’est associé à 9T Labs (Zurich), une start-up spécialisée dans l’impression 3D de composites thermoplastiques. 9T Labs a développé une technologie automatisant la fabrication de composites par fabrication additive (AM), ainsi que des algorithmes logiciels avancés.

Piezotech®, polymères électroactifs pour des applications high-tech
Arkema est leader dans la production d’une gamme de polymères électroactifs : Piezotech®. Ces matériaux offrent des possibilités infinies en permettant la conversion du mouvement ou de l’énergie thermique en électricité et vice versa avec les avantages intrinsèques des polymères : facilité de mise en œuvre, flexibilité, légèreté et faible coût.

Ces polymères ont un potentiel remarquable pour la surveillance de la santé structurelle des composites tels que les réservoirs d’hydrogène, les pales d’éoliennes, etc. Ils sont utilisés dans la détection acoustique pour identifier les fissures, les impacts ou dans les capteurs ultrasoniques pour générer des ondes et détecter ensuite les différences de propagation, permettant ainsi une analyse fine de la structure.

Par rapport aux céramiques piézoélectriques standard, les capteurs basés sur Piezotech® peuvent être montés sur des surfaces courbes car ils sont flexibles. De plus, grâce à leur nature polymère, ils peuvent être intégrés au cœur de réservoirs composites et peuvent être imprimés sur de grandes surfaces. L’absence de métaux lourds toxiques et non recyclables, leur légèreté et leur faible consommation d’énergie en font des matériaux de choix pour les composites intelligents de demain.

Rencontrez Arkema à JEC World 2023, hall 5, stand V39.

129592JEC Group
IDEKO will showcase at JEC World 2023 its latest advances for automated manufacture composites parts Fri, 21 Apr 2023 08:47:26 +0000 Read more]]> Achieving more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation is one of the main objectives of the industry. In this mission, research and development of composites play a key role for strategic sectors such as aerospace or railway, as they contribute to reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere at a competitive cost.

These composite materials offer high tensile, compressive or impact strength. In addition, they stand out, among other properties, for their lightweight nature, a characteristic that makes composites great allies for developing solutions in areas such as sustainable transportation or mobility and enables the transition towards greener vehicles.

In this scenario, the research center IDEKO, member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), a reference in research, design and development of manufacturing processes for composite materials, will have a prominent participation at JEC World 2023, the main European composites fair to be held from April 25 to 27 in Paris.

IDEKO will present its latest technological innovations in the field of composites, in its stand, located in AEMAC Spanish Association of Composite Materials pavilion (Hall 6, G86).
In particular, they will be sharing two pieces, one made of carbon fiber and one made of fiberglass.

  • The first one, that can be seen at their stand, is a carbon fiber part for aeronautical Industry, made by ADMPⓇ technology and designed to optimize the manufacturing process.
  • The second one is an innovation of IDEKO that will be showcased in the “Mobility Planet”, next to AEMAC Pavilion, and that seeks to improve the automated manufacturing processes of parts for the railway sector. This solution consists of fiberglass part that has been manufactured by a rapid process based on the UV-cured pre-impregnated fabrics.

These processes have great benefits for industry. As stated by “Thanks to the integration of this UV curing technology, the components are provided with higher quality and homogeneity and manufacturing costs and times are reduced around 30% and 60% respectively”, states Javier Vallejo, project manager of the research group manufacturing processes of IDEKO.

These new processes are complemented by high-precision robotic machining and assembly solutions and 3D vision systems for the monitoring, measuring and inspection of all types of components and tools.
Both parts have been manufactured using automated, sustainable and efficient processes, which improve the quality of materials, reduce the weight of vehicles and mitigate the impact of transport on the environment.

By incorporating artificial intelligence and digitized technologies, complex manual processes are eliminated and high costs related to design and materials are minimized.

Materials with enhanced performance and reduced weight
IDEKO has over a decade of experience dedicated to the research of these materials and has become a reference in the development of new automated manufacturing processes, including the manufacture of equipment, sensorization and monitoring, as well as in the synthesis and formulation of new resins.

The research center specializes in advanced processes based on multiaxial carbon fabrics, mainly in NCFs (Non-Crimped Fabrics), such as dry fabrics performing processes combined with liquid moulding.
These processes offer great advantages in cost savings and environmental impact, as they do not require refrigeration of material or autoclave. In addition, it facilitates the integration of complex structures from basic preforms, achieving weight reductions and improving mechanical performance for the industry.

To continue researching, innovating and developing solutions in this area, IDEKO has a laboratory in its facilities in Elgoibar, focused on the study and improvement of the manufacturing processes of composite parts. Likewise, at Itziar premises, has a high-capacity automatic lamination ADMP demonstration cell that opens up new technical possibilities and new business models by offering the opportunity to test these processes in large demonstrators for the aeronautical sector.

Meet IDEKO Research Center at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth G86.

129840JEC Group
Arkema will present a unique portfolio of materials at JEC World 2023 Fri, 21 Apr 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Elium® resins, now available with recycled content
In 2023, Arkema is launching new Elium® resins using recycled contents that increase sustainability of composites parts.

A first generation of Elium® containing at least 18% of recycled material is already available on the most popular grades and a formulation with 92% of recycled material is currently under test. The properties of these new Elium® resins remain the same as the previous grades with virgin components, from processability, manufacturing conditions to final composites and the same performance. The only difference is a lower environmental impact of the matrix used to manufacture composites and more sustainable parts than ever with Elium®.

Elium® is a unique solution for manufacturing composite parts using the same methods as those used for standard liquid resin parts, and include the major advantages of a resin designed for recycling.
Composites parts and manufacturing wastes containing Elium® resin can be easily recycled by depolymerization or mechanical recycling enabling upcycling and circularity of composites wastes.

Discover their solutions in a new sustainabilty corner on Arkema’s booth, the two recycling processes will be explained with the different steps.

Kepstan® PEKK, one K makes all the difference

This high-performance material provides a unique combination of properties over a very wide range of temperatures. This polymer family has exceptional advantages for processing and expands the application possibilities offered by the PAEK family. Kepstan® PEKK is widely used for the aerospace sector, in partnership with Hexcel.

UDX® Arkema composites are also semi-finished products!

During JEC World you will also discover UDX® PPA and UDX® PA11, unidirectional carbon fiber tapes impregnated with bio-sourced and recyclable thermoplastic resins.

UDX® PPA is a very high performance product particularly suited to the manufacture of high-pressure hydrogen gas storage tanks, thanks in particular to the properties of Rilsan® Matrix, which makes up the matrix of this composite.

Rilsan® Matrix is a polypthalamide with a unique combination of properties:

  • high glass transition temperature (150°C), allowing it to resist the high self-heating of the tank during rapid filling,
  • low melting point (260°C) allowing a reasonable process temperature for the implementation of the composite tape and thus an easy manufacturing of the tank.

UDX® PA11 offers a unique solution for the storage of liquid hydrogen at cryogenic temperatures due to the properties of its polyamide 11 matrix. The high elasticity and stiffness of polyamide 11 combined with the lightness and stiffness of carbon fibers make UDX® PA11 a product that is also highly appreciated in the field of sports and leisure. The completely bio-based and recyclable property of polyamide 11 and its production method based on sustainable and eco-responsible agriculture make UDX® PA11 an absolutely unique product that customers adopt.

Additives for tougher composites
Whether you need to improve toughness, strength, curing, adhesion or simply initiate the polymerization of your matrix, Arkema have a solution withing its portfolio.

  • Reinforce the thoughness of your system:

The Clearstrength® XT MBS coreshell toughening agent enables a wide formulation versatility for the main types of matrixes on the market. The Sartomer® Advanced Resins masterbatch version of the coreshell offer a ready to use uniform predispersion. The Sartomer® liquid urethane (meth)acrylate oligomers can also be introduced in the matrix to fine tune the mechanical properties.

The Orgasol® ultra fine polyamide powders are particularly adapted to epoxy matrix, and highly efficient thanks to their spherical shape combined with a narrow particle size distribution.

The nanostructured acrylic block copolymers Nanostrength® act as additives at the very heart of the material. They help enhance the impact resistance of the matrix with no loss of module or temperature stability. They can be used both in epoxy or vinyl ester composite matrices and in structural adhesives.

Graphistrength® carbon nanotubes significantly improve the mechanical strength of composites. They also prevent the build-up of electric charges in the resulting components.

  • Control the rheology of your composite:

Plastistrength® (meth)acrylic copolymers allow the viscosity control of (meth)acrylic and epoxy resins at low dosage.

  • Lower VOCs of your matrix with specialty crosslinkers:

Sartomer® biobased monomers, with bio contents above 25%, are crosslinkers of choice for (meth)acrylic and epoxy matrixes. Those reactive diluents reduce VOCs, enhance mechanical properties and drive conversion while controlling the viscosity of the overall system.

  • Initiate polymerization efficiently:

Luperox® and Retic® organic peroxides answer your curing challenges with grades tailored to room temperature or elevated temperature polymerization. They are fine-tuned for thermosetting resins. Sartomer® photoinitiators come in handy for hybrid systems involving a UV or LED curing step.

Smart Adhesives

Bostik will reveal its adhesive solutions for composite parts including its structural MMA (SAF&FIT range), its instant adhesives (Born2Bond™) and its sealants (SMP and extended range). During JEC World, you will also find the new Pliogrip™ range (2k-polyurethane and 2k-epoxy) with a focus the safer low monomer polyurethane adhesives Pliogrip™ 3540 (no mandatory training – REACH 74 regulation).

Today, Arkema offers a most comprehensive portfolio of high performance materials for additive manufacturing. They can provide solutions combining the best of both worlds: 3D printing and composites. The partnership between Continuous Composites and Arkema combines Continuous Composites’ patented continuous fiber 3D printing technology (CF3D®) with N3xtDimension®photocurable resin solutions. The partnership launched fully formulated materials last year PolyMat High Tg for printing of continuous carbon and glass fibers to produce lightweight, high temperature performance structures and CeraMat™ Carbon/Carbon resin for the creation of Carbon Bonded Carbon precursor parts for ultra-high temperature applications.

Designed for powder bed fusion, Arkema will be present with its Rilsan® fine powders Polyamide 11, high-performance materials, 100% bio-based materials and recyclable thanks to Arkema’s recycling Virtucycle® program.

Arkema with its high performance polymer Kepstan® PEKK is partnered with 9T Labs (Zurich), a start-up specializing in the 3D printing of thermoplastic composites that has developed a technology that automates the manufacture of composites using additive manufacturing (AM) and advanced software algorithms.

Piezotech®, electroactive polymers for high-tech applications
Arkema is a leader in the production of a range of electroactive polymers: Piezotech®. These materials offer endless possibilities by enabling motion or thermal energy conversion into electricity and vice versa with the intrinsic advantages of polymers: processability, flexibility, lightness & low cost.

Those polymers have remarkable potential for monitoring the structural health of composites like hydrogen tanks, wind turbine blades etc.: high sensitivity to acoustic waves, deformation, and temperature. They are used in acoustic detection to identify cracks, impacts or in ultrasonic sensors to generate waves and then detect the differences in propagation, thus allowing a fine analysis of the structure.

Compared to standard piezoelectric ceramics, sensors based on Piezotech® can be mounted on curved surfaces because they are flexible. Also, due to their polymeric nature, they can be integrated into the core of composite like tanks and can be printed on large surfaces. The absence of toxic and non-recyclable heavy metals, their light weight and low energy consumption make them the materials of choice for the intelligent composites of tomorrow.

Meet Arkema at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth V39.

129620JEC Group
Airborne and Accudyne Systems partner to provide automated composites solutions worldwide Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:53:00 +0000 Read more]]> Pioneers of new manufacturing and equipment concepts
Over the past few decades, Airborne and Accudyne Systems have independently introduced a myriad of unique automated solutions for advanced composites manufacture. Both companies are leading pioneers in this field and have always been at the forefront of composite manufacturing automation innovation.

Accudyne was one of the early pioneers of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and Automated Tape Placement for Thermoset and Thermoplastic composite component manufacture. More recently, Accudyne has delivered a completely automated multi-module turbofan blade manufacturing cell to include AFP and other advanced manufacturing processing equipment. Accudyne Systems’ expertise spans the entire composites manufacturing value chain, and includes specialized equipment such as: stringer laminating and forming systems delivered to suppliers for the A350 and B787 programs; cross-ply and variable-angle-ply lamination systems; Thermoset and Thermoplastic prepreg manufacturing lines; Net-Edge-of-Part (pre-cure) ultrasonic robotic trim cells; and much more.

Airborne’s complementary capabilities address other critical composite manufacturing processes such as: Automated Ply Placement systems for free-shape, multi-material tailored blanks; Automated Kitting solutions to optimise the cutting room operations; and Automated Edge Sealing. The Airborne equipment portfolio is based on their ingenious Automated Programming software platform, that eliminates any manual programming and brings adaptive robotics to the shopfloor.

Trans-Atlantic collaboration to offer a full suite of solutions
Today, Airborne and Accudyne Systems announce their collaboration on further development of digital automation systems for composites to offer a full suite of solutions to their customers in markets such as aerospace, mobility, renewables and consumer goods. 

This collaboration truly leverages the complementary capabilities of both companies for system and equipment optimization by perfectly aligning hardware and software. Clients, both in Europe and North America, will have access to expert resources that are unequaled in the automation equipment industry to bring about significant improvements in their operations. In the growing composite market, which is driven by the urgent need for lightweighting and increased sustainability, digital automation is a key enabler in the composites market to reduce cost, reduce waste and increase output.

Integrating software and hardware
Arno van Mourik, CEO at Airborne said: “Combining Airborne’s and Accudyne Systems’ unique and complementary technologies results in exceptional solutions for composite material and component manufacturers. Combining our strengths will bring our customers unique manufacturing solutions that will increase their efficiency and manufacturing capability, thereby significantly reducing labor and material waste.”

Tony Johnson, Executive Director at Accudyne Systems said: “The Airborne-Accudyne Systems collaboration will be a real game-changer, allowing our clients to tap into the expanded depth and breadth of expertise within our organizations across several technology domains, and giving them unprecedented access to the best automation equipment technologies worldwide. We are very much looking forward to expanding our market reach working with Airborne.”

129791JEC Group
Cygnet Texkimp opens Innovation Centre to accelerate development and adoption of composites technologies Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:47:34 +0000 Read more]]> The 15,000 sq ft R&D facility will house machines from across the company’s entire product range including filament winding, prepreg processing, slitting and spooling, automation and recycling equipment.

Its creation marks the latest chapter in Cygnet Texkimp’s work to forward the interests of the industry through the development of equipment used in fibre processing, materials and part manufacturing, and recycling.

Organisations can reserve time in the centre to carry out trials to optimise and validate their process design, evaluate materials, and gather evidence to prove their business case or justify investment.

The facility has been designed to complement existing industry support from academic institutions and the UK’s Catapult Network and is intended to help companies develop technologies from TRL (Technology Readiness Level) 5 or 6 to commercial viability and on to full-scale production.

“Our Innovation Centre forms part of our commitment to reinvest in UK capability and to accelerate learning in this area of materials science, so that organisations involved in the development and application of advanced materials can achieve more and do so more quickly,” explains Cygnet Texkimp CEO Luke Vardy.

“In this way we hope to create an asset for the world’s composites and advanced materials industry, and to support the work of the UK’s composites industry, including the Catapult Network and university-led innovation centres, as a world-class destination for composites technology.”

Andy Whitham, Director of Process Development at Cygnet Texkimp, says: “We’ve created an open-access facility with some of the most advanced fibre processing technologies in the world where our partners can come to push the boundaries of innovation further while developing the next generation of advanced materials and parts in a secure way.

“Our principal aims are to support industrialisation of emerging composites manufacturing technologies, take the guesswork out of process qualifications, and reduce the inherent commercial risk associated with investment in large-scale capital equipment by demonstrating the capabilities of our equipment.”

As a commercial engineering firm, Cygnet Texkimp has a 50-strong engineering team including R&D and product specialists, mechanical, electrical, software and design engineers to support the development work taking place in the company’s Innovation Centre.

“The breadth of expertise within our in-house engineering team means we can leverage other technologies to solve a particular problem and are ideally placed to manufacture specific items or equipment needed to demonstrate a process,” says Andy Whitham.

“Having our own team of specialist software engineers, for example, is a valuable asset and means that operating improvements identified within a trial programme can be made quickly and securely to create the most effective tailored solution for each application.”

The centre will allow Cygnet Texkimp to show the full scope of its diverse and growing range of fibre processing equipment in one place.

“As a machine builder and fibre specialist, we’ve developed a full life cycle of fibre processing technologies from handling and manufacturing to end-of-life management, recycling and repurposing. Being able to demonstrate the full extent of this capability under one roof is a pivotal moment for us and for the industries we serve,” says Luke Vardy.

Technologies housed within Cygnet Texkimp’s Innovation Centre will include:

  • Direct Melt Thermoplastic Processing Line capable of producing UD, and narrow tape prepregs from standard industrial feedstock.
  • Multi-Roll Stack, high-speed, short-footprint, vertically stacked prepreg manufacturing line.
  • High-Precision Slitter-Spooler-Rewinder to process UD prepreg slit tapes.
  • 9-Axis Robotic Filament Winding system with a range of fibre feed and resin dosing systems capable of high tension and thermoplastic winding
  • Multi Axis and 3D Winders providing high-rate deposition for wound parts of varying geometry.
  • Automated Filament Winding Cell showcasing Cygnet Texkimp’s work in high-rate manufacturing of composite components.
  • Composites Reclaiming & Recycling Solutions including those powered by DEECOM®
  • Spread Tape Line for low crimp fabrics
  • High-temperature Consolidation Line
  • Automation demonstration equipment
  • Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
  • Fibre Unrolling Creels

Cygnet Texkimp will be celebrating the launch of the company’s new Innovation Centre at JEC World 2023 in Paris with a drinks reception on Wednesday 26th April 12:00 to 14:00 at Hall 5 Stand M72.

129687JEC Group
ATC Manufacturing selected to participate in NASA’s HiCAM project Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:19:08 +0000 Read more]]> The goal of the HiCAM project is to speed up the development of affordable, high-rate composite manufacturing technologies that reduce costs for labor, equipment, and tooling. It will also focus on developing model-based engineering tools for high-rate manufacturing concepts. The objectives of HiCAM are key to meeting the US Aviation Climate Action Plan.

As a key member of both the HiCAM project and the Advanced Composites Consortium, ATC Manufacturing’s expertise in high-volume thermoplastic composites manufacturing will significantly contribute to the mission to accelerate the manufacturing of large composite aircraft components. Since 2004, ATC has pioneered the adoption of thermoplastic composites technology to produce tougher, lighter, and stronger parts.

“We are extremely honored to be a part of this project and we recognize that it is vital to the future of aerospace, lightweight aircraft, drones, and other vehicles. Low-cost, high-rate production of thermoplastic composite components are the key to lightweight, high-strength structures and will help industries take huge leaps in sustainability, durability, and performance. We look forward to working with and learning from the other project partners and NASA,” says David Leach, Business Development Director at ATC.

Meet ATC Manufacturing at JEC World 2023, hall 6, Booth Q43.

129674JEC Group
New Continuous Compression Moulding generation from company RUCKS for efficient manufacture of organic sheets at JEC World 2023 Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> In addition to its considerably higher cost-effectiveness, the process has the great advantage that as well as the high pressing capacity that can be achieved, temperatures above 450° can also be reached effortlessly. This means that even PEEK can be processed using this procedure, which is extremely advantageous compared with double belt presses.

The system primarily consists of six stations. The unwinding station prepares the material that is to be consolidated on rolls. This means that six layers of material can be pressed into one organic sheet. If necessary, the number of laminate layers can also be increased.

A feed table ensures the individual layers are aligned correctly and the current material usage is always calculated on the control side using incremental length measurement.

Before the actual consolidation, the material is heated in a pre-press to approximately 100°C and pre-compressed with a press capacity of 3 kN. This makes it possible to also process awkwardly shaped non-woven fabric in the machine.

The material is pulled semi-continuously through the press together with the separating sheets by the feeder arranged behind the press. This achieves theoretical speeds of 200mm/s. Depending on the number and thickness of the layers, up to 1.7m of laminate can be produced per minute.

The core of the machine is the heating-cooling press with a press capacity of 2,000 kN, which is fitted with a synchronized hydraulic system. This is constructed with four press cylinders with power and location control. In addition to the very high plane-parallelism of +/- 0.02mm, a special feature of the design is the option of deliberately placing the heating plates in a sloping position (1.5mm/1.2m). Furthermore, the heating plates can be adjusted to six individual positions over a length of 1,200mm and thermally separated temperature zones (up to 451°C) have been installed. As a result, material-specific heating and cooling curves can be run without any problems to form the melt front in the direction of manufacture. A thickness measuring device is used for quality control purposes, which determines the precise thickness of the pressed semi-finished product at four measuring points using a laser sensor.

The final station of the machine is the cutting station, which cuts the endless material into defined pieces. Alternatively, the material can also be run with winders on a roll. All the stations are connected to each other on the control side and provide a fully automated process.

The machine, which is located at the Textile Research Institute in Chemnitz, Saxony, can process glass fibres, carbon fibres, aramid fibres, natural fibres, as well as PP, PA, PES, PPS, PEEK, PEI… or also hybrid non-woven fabrics (reinforcement fibres + thermoplastic fibres). Please contact STFI or RUCKS if you are interested in press trials.

In addition to the CCM system described above, RUCKS has supplied many CCM system over the last years. The newest CCM system is assembled in Japan right now. It has a production width of 1.3m. Concepts for systems with production width of 1.5m are ready to be build.

Meet RUCKS Maschinenbau GmbH at JEC World 2023, hall 5 – D79.

128532JEC Group
PPG launches portable aerospace sealant removal, mixing and application kit Mon, 17 Apr 2023 13:58:02 +0000 Read more]]> The kit consists of a lightweight battery-powered dispensing gun and mixer, along with a spare, rechargeable battery and charging accessories housed in a watertight, crushproof and dustproof case. Users can quickly and easily remove old sealant and apply fresh product without requiring the aircraft to be moved to a hangar.

“We are pleased to offer this helpful tool kit to our customers,” said AbdulHalim Sayyed, PPG global marketing manager, packaging, Aerospace. “The Semco Sealant Removal, Mixing & Application Kit provides people working in difficult environments with a simple solution for sealant removal and application.”

“The mixing and dispensing of sealant are more convenient when using these Semco tools,” said Sam Millikin, PPG global director, coatings and sealants, Aerospace. “Aerospace professionals can trust that this kit will provide them with superior results, every time.”

Meet PPG at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth M24.

129627JEC Group
ALUULA collaborates with University of British Columbia to develop recycling processes for high-performance composite materials Mon, 17 Apr 2023 13:01:07 +0000 Read more]]> ALUULA Composites an advanced materials technology firm is pleased to report that it is collaborating with the University of British Columbia (UBC) to develop world-first recycling applications for ALUULA’s high-performance, UHMWPE based composite materials.

Traditionally, composite materials are made by gluing together different core layers and outer films to create fabrics for use in a wide range of product applications. Using a patented fusion process, ALUULA Composites has developed a unique way to fuse high tech fibers and technical films together without the use of glues. This fusion process is not only creating extremely light, strong, and durable fabrics, but materials that are recycle ready.

Aluula recycling process

“ALUULA has proven that sustainability and astounding performance can coexist without compromise. We look forward to leading the composite industry towards a more sustainable future.” said ALUULA Composites COO, John Zimmerman.

An initial project with the Composites Research Network at UBC Vancouver established the ability to compress ALUULA material off-cuts and end-of-life products into uniform, lightweight and ultra-durable panels. What makes these panels so unique is that throughout the recycling process, the specialized UHMWPE fibres of the original ALUULA materials are kept intact. This results in extraordinary, fibre reinforced composite panels that are 10x stronger than those molded from virgin UHMWPE. From backpack back panels to low friction wear plates, the applications of these panels are suited to many tasks where strength, weight, abrasion resistance, and low friction are desirable.

Together with UBC Manufacturing Engineering (MANU) students, ALUULA is developing and refining applications for these panels that not only exploit the inherent light and strong material properties, but result in an end product that can be recycled again and again; lengthening the materials’ lifespan for years to come.

“Working with UBC students on applications for these ultra-strong and ultra-durable products is proving to be invaluable as we refine our processes to ensure the recyclability of ALUULA materials.” said ALUULA Composites Material Scientist, Sam White.

129614JEC Group
AcXys Technologies and PlasmaBound to highlight surface preparation process at JEC World 2023 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:15:00 +0000 Read more]]> JEC World is the global trade show for composite materials and their applications. Held in Paris, JEC World is the leading event for the composites materials industry, presenting the latest innovations such as substainable composite development and live equipment demonstrations,….

PlasmaBound has developed a patented technology to lighten materials used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics … through its novel composite bonding preparation process. The process greatly improves the reliability of composite bonding, allowing the generalization of its use and consequently a considerable reduction of the amount of raw materials required for sustainable product manufacturing in numerous industry sectors. In addition, this process is also effective on recycled composites.

This technology is industrialized with AcXys Technologies’ plasma equipment, allowing a high-speed and fully automated process.

Come and meet AcXys Technologies’ and PlasmaBound’s experts at JEC World 2023, Hall 5, Booth N80.

129580JEC Group
ViscoTec to present cartridge filling stations for more efficiency in aircraft production at JEC World 2023 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> It is not only the increasing demand for new aircraft, but it is also the traditional manufacturing processes within the aerospace industry which require innovative solutions to optimize current production. This also applies to the processing of adhesives and sealants. Particularly when dispensing and applying sealants and sealant compounds, many production steps are still carried out manually. In addition to the manual application of sealants, the mixing process of 2-component polysulfides alone, often involves a great deal of effort.

Due to material properties such as low density, compressibility or demanding mixing ratios, so-called premixed-frozen (PMF) and 2-component cartridges (injection and barrier style) have established themselves in practice. However, in most cases the volumes are predefined, such as 180 ml cartridges, but are not suitable for the application and are only partially used due to the limited processing time. In addition to the costly waste of material, environmentally conscious action is becoming increasingly important for consumers and it is a fundamental goal to reduce material waste in general.

More efficiency in aircraft production with cartridge filling stations by ViscoTec

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Demand-driven mixing through ViscoTec’s cartridge filling stations
In view of these market requirements, a demand-driven filling system was presented during the live demonstration. The visitors were able to individually fill cartridges with the polysulfide “Naftoseal MC-780B-2” provided by Chemetall. The participants were impressed with the easy operation of the unit as well as the technology. After all, precise and gentle filling is a basic requirement for meeting the high demands of the aerospace industry. Without influencing the complex overall processes, ViscoTec cartridge filling stations can make a significant contribution to cost reduction through more efficient material supply.

Unique combination: Static-dynamic mixing and the endless piston principle
The heart of the filling systems is the 2-component dispenser vipro-DUOMIX, which was released in 2018. The static-dynamic mixer is perfectly suited for compressible, twocomponent materials with very different viscosities, extreme mixing ratios and highpressure sensitivity. Volumetric dispensing at low pressure is the key to success. Like all products in the ViscoTec portfolio, the vipro-DUOMIX also relies on the technology of the endless piston and offers the proven high quality.

Depending on the production volume: Scalable complete solutions thanks to modular design
Each ViscoTec cartridge filling system consists of two material emptying systems and a 2-component dispenser. Depending on the production volume and the available container sizes of the material used, these different standard solutions are easily scalable, always oriented to the actual consumption. If at a later date a fully automated material application is required, the existing equipment can easily be integrated into a holistic solution.

“With our cartridge filling systems, we continue to offer our customers the advantages of flexible material application from cartridges, but reduce material waste to a minimum, while at the same time obtaining material from large containers,” summarizes Sales Manager Franz Kamhuber. Complicated mixing and logistically complicated cooling chains are now a thing of the past, which not only saves energy but also reduces environmental pollution.

In addition to the demonstration, the focus was also on face-to-face dialogue with users.
After all, close collaboration with the customer and the fulfilment of individual requirements
have always been part of the ViscoTec philosophy. The scalable system concept, as well as the possibility of adaptation to automated sealant application, was particularly well received by the visitors to the event. However, the typical characteristics of the technology used were also impressive: “As no valves are used,
another source of error is eliminated. Valves cause fluctuating mixing ratios in production operations by pulsing the feed and dispensing flow,” says an aerospace specialist from Chemetall.

Meet ViscoTec at JEC World 2023, hall 5, P84.

128527JEC Group
Saurer presents innovative solutions for processing fine yarn filaments at JEC World 2023 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> GlassTwister VGT-P, multiply ring twisting machine with integrated ply unit
The Saurer GlassTwister Family is an innovative high performance ring twisting machine for winding up glass filament. Especially for plied – and hybrid yarns, Saurer offers the VGT-P which is well-established into the market. Our twisting systems provide an optimum level of variability and flexibility. The new VGT-P generation, offers options for more efficiency, higher quality in the producing field for multiple and hybrid yarns. The PreTwister units and DownTwister machine are the perfect combination for producing balanced multiple yarns of the very best quality.

CakeFormingWinder, Saurer glass yarn filament winding machine
Saurer CakeFormingWinder exactly meets the desires and requirements of its customers. With a new technology in the market field of glass filament winding, Saurer can achieve highest market requests. Thanks to the new rotor technology and the integration of high-speed traversing system, Saurer CakeFormingWinder is able to accomplish efficient production of high-quality glass filament packages. With a precise and perfect integration into the process chain Saurer CakeFormingWinder is offering more technical features like patent bearings, water cooled drive box and automatic greasing systems – and all that regardless of the new rotor technology and high-speed traversing.

Meet Saurer at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth L72.

128460JEC Group
Additive Fusion Technology (AFT) leverages carbon fibre and high-performance thermoplastics Mon, 17 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> When you board an airplane, put your bags in the overhead compartment, sit down in your seat and buckle your seatbelt, you probably do not pay much attention to the hinges, brackets, seat spreaders, table tray supports or other parts that you interact with, most of which are metal and were created as they have long been, by subtractive manufacturing processes.

Subtractive manufacturing takes a block of material and carves out the piece that is needed, like a sculptor chiseling away at stone to reveal some beautiful piece of art. Additive manufacturing, born in the 1980s as an alternative method of manufacturing, uses composites or thermoplastic materials to build objects layer by layer with each bonding to the next until the object is complete. In the history of manufacturing, additive manufacturing is relatively new, which means the pace of innovation and development for new applications is continuing to grow and expand into new industries, like aerospace, to solve both old and new problems.

Cost, sustainability, flexibility and speed are good markers by which to measure success with any innovation. In the past, additive manufacturing was often seen as expensive, and limited in terms of the production scaling that could be achieved. Today, traditional and established subtractive manufacturing approaches are grappling with their own issues related to cost and sustainability. The price of fuel and aluminum is increasing and environmental sustainability is a growing concern for all industries.

Specifically, as it relates to fuel costs, the World Bank’s energy price index was up 26.3% in the first few months of 2022 alone, on top of a 50% increase between January 2020 and December 2021. All of this has been brought on by the growing costs of coal, oil and natural gas. In fact, according to the World Bank, “crude oil prices had increased by 350% from April 2020 to April 2022—the largest increase for any equivalent two-year period since the 1970s.” While the world bank predicts both natural gas and coal prices may decrease marginally in 2023, they will likely still be double their average over the last five years, with European natural gas prices even potentially being as much as four times higher.

Regarding aluminum, data from the World Bank show a little over two decades ago the cost of iron ore was a mere $13 per dry metric ton unit (DMTU) and in 2021 it was $164.77, up nearly twice what it was in 2020. Leading reasons for the increase include the significant rise in energy and raw material costs, growing demand, declining global production and inventories, and the impact of Covid-19.

Enter Additive Fusion Technology (AFT), an innovative and novel approach to additive manufacturing that leverages new develop­ments in software and hardware to solve pre­viously identified problems with composites manufacturing, making it truly competitive with traditional subtractive manufacturing on cost, speed and sustainability. Traditional composite fabrication utilises a more com­plex, and often manual, lay-up process that takes more time and offers fewer options for design geometry. By automating the process of composite manufacturing, AFT allows for the production of relatively small, strong parts that are lighter, cost less and offer a zero-waste proposition to traditional metal parts. Through this innovative technology, critical applications such as brackets and seat structures that have traditionally been made with metal, can now be successfully produced with composite materials.

Fig. 1: After the build process – The images below show a computerised tomography (CT) scan of an unfinished, porous part prior to being compressed in the Fusion Module.
Fig. 2: After the fusion process – These images show a CT scan of the now compressed part after the fusion process. The process results in cleaner edges and the elimination of porosity, thereby achieving maximum interlaminar strength of the finished part.

Material costs for composite manufacturing depend on the type of polymer being used. For a continuous carbon fiber tape at 60% fiber volume content (FVC), one can gener­ally expect to pay competitive rates. While it is true that increases in energy prices and raw material costs end up impacting all industries, there is an expectation that material costs related to composite manufacturing specifi­cally will decrease substantially over the next few years, making it even more competitive.

How does Additive Fusion Technology (AFT) work?
Additive Fusion Technology (AFT) is a multi-step process that combines…

Fig. 3: An AFT-manufactured composite overhead compartment pin bracket

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128952JEC Group
Innovative solutions from a new technology for sustainable aviation Fri, 14 Apr 2023 09:40:00 +0000 Read more]]> Sustainable aviation is a hot topic nowadays and it is being addressed with the main focus on reducing structural weight, thereby lessening fuel consumption and emissions. This can be achieved by replacing metallic parts with equivalents made from composite materials that provide high ratios of strength and stiffness to weight. Such modifications allow the total weight to be significantly reduced without compromising on performance.

Composite materials are already widely used in the industry, but more efficient ways of manufacturing are still needed. Consequently, in the context of the Mobility Fund, NLR is exploring the large-scale additive manufacturing of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic materials. This is a relatively new technology that brings all the advantages of 3D printing (such as freedom of design, short lead times and cost-effectiveness) to a large scale, up to 2×2 metres in the case of NLR’s current setup. Another important benefit is the minimal material waste incurred during manufacturing, which makes the process sustainable right from the beginning of the production line.

The programme
The governmental Mobility Fund programme is aimed at reinvigorating the efforts of Dutch industry to progress towards more sustainable aviation. Several projects are being carried out within the Mobility Fund programme. One of them focuses on developing thermoplastic fibre-reinforced concepts for the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Sub-Regional Electrical Vehicle (SREV) markets, which require the high quality levels of the aviation sector to be met while achieving the production speeds of the automotive industry.

Example of grid stiffened panel from the ACASIAS project.

The thermoplastic project has been split into several groups of related tasks (known as work packages). NLR is involved in several and is conducting independent research and development into inter alia robot-assisted induction welding for thermoplastics, digitalisation of the welding process and the use of thermoplastics in stiffening structures. With a specific focus on the last subject, the Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (LSAM) process is being evaluated as a possible solution for rapid manufacturing of stiffening grids or honeycomb structures for UAM and helicopter doors and hatches. Printing these structures on top of pre-consolidated multi-curved panels would be the ultimate goal.

The technology
Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (also known as Big Area Additive Manufacturing or Fused Granulate Fabrication) is a manufacturing process based on depositing material in a certain area one layer at a time. The setup consists of an extruder (which melts and ejects the material) attached to a robot (which displaces the extruder as a function of the geometry to be printed) and the print bed (where the material is deposited).

The materials
R&D engineer Ana Ramirez de las Heras, who works for the Structures Technology department of the Aerospace Vehicles Division of NLR, is in charge of this relatively new manufacturing process. According to her, not every material is suitable for inclusion in a ‘flying part’ as it needs to meet aerospace quality and safety requirements and must be certified as such.

“The current focus is on carbon fibre-reinforced high-performance thermoplastics such as PEEK, low-melt PAEK or PPS, which can be used in very demanding applications,” states Ramirez de las Heras. “However, it’s precisely the special behaviour of these materials that makes them more challenging to process with this technology.”

Thermoplastic material classification (source: Pollen AM,

“One of the main challenges of LSAM is finding the optimum layer time, the time required to print one complete layer. If the selected layer time is too short, the previous layer won’t have had time to cool down enough and it will make the following layer collapse. On the other hand, if the layer time is too long, the material will solidify and the bonding with the next layer will be weak, leading to poor mechanical properties in the final product. The layer time selected will be material-dependent.”

Special attention is being paid to temperature control of the previous layer and implementing technologies such as infrared or laser heating. This will potentially increase the possibilities of the technology.

The setup
Since the beginning of 2023, NLR’s Structures Technology department has been working on implementing its own LSAM setup, consisting of the latest extruder from CEAD, a Dutch technology supplier of 3D printing equipment. The model S25 is a lightweight extruder (under 30 kilograms) with a maximum output of 24 kilograms an hour, engineered for high-end applications. The S25 is designed to be mounted on a robot arm such as the KUKA KR240 used at NLR. This is a high-payload robot with an extensive range of movement (6-axis), allowing large scale printing.

The extruder uses four different heating zones to melt the thermoplastic material gradually without degrading it, and can reach temperatures up to 400°C. The system is suitable for processing high performance thermoplastic materials (like the ones previously mentioned) with minimal wear of the machine, even when short glass and carbon fibres are included. The nozzle offers flexibility in the achievable wall thickness, which adds value when the process is to be used for different applications.

The CEAD S25 extruder mounted on the KUKA KR240 at NLR.

The setup also includes the VISMEC Dryplus drying system, upgraded with an automatic hopper loader for print jobs of more than 8 hours. Correct drying of the material before printing is essential if good part quality is to be achieved, due to the high moisture content that some materials tend to absorb.

In the coming months, the setup will also include a heated bed, which will improve the quality and the material adhesion to the print surface by maintaining the heat in the first layers of the product.

Future applications
“Even though the focus is currently on printing stiffening structures such as honeycombs or grids, this technology has proved to be suitable for other applications such as tooling,” says Ramirez de las Heras. “LSAM moulds are certainly a faster and cheaper solution than current moulds made from metals or using composites. Nevertheless, depending on the final application of the mould, it is still a challenge to control the porosity levels and to predict its dimensional stability accurately.”

The NLR department will continue to study this topic and develop further solutions for improving the LSAM process and bringing its promising capabilities to full fruition.

Meet NLR (Netherlands Aerospace Centre) at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth Q67.

129488JEC Group
Fladder will present a new stand-alone sanding unit for manual use or operated by a robot at JEC World 2023 Fri, 14 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The sanding result is achieved by the combination of the abrasive tool and the rpm of the tools. The speed of the tools is adjustable by means of a frequency converter. Laminated, tempered glass is used as shielding of the tools and gives the operator a good overview of the process.

Dust is led away through an exhaust manifold.

To achieve perfect working conditions the position of the abrasive tools, the dust exhaust manifold and the glass shield can be adjusted.

A finish sanding offers savings on coating/paint and improves the bonding:
Under a microscope a CFRP surface looks like a “grand canyon” – see photo.
The variation between the highest and lowest point is in this case up to 300 micron.

A finish sanding is changing this to a smooth “landscape” with a variation of only 25 micron. – see photo.

It offers some advantages:

  • Reduced amount of coating or paint because there are less deep spots to be filled.
  • The bonding of paint (or glue) is improved due to the fine scratches left after the finish sanding.

Meet Fladder Danmark A/S at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth Q57.

128521JEC Group
KraussMaffei presents solutions for lightweight construction and surfaces at JEC World 2023 Fri, 14 Apr 2023 08:07:02 +0000 Read more]]> Finished series components from the areas of additive manufacturing, SCS (Structural Component Spraying), various RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) technologies all the way to pultruded profiles: the range of composites and surface technologies for which KraussMaffei offers production solutions is enormous. From the first idea on, the focus is on providing advice to customers. This makes it possible to find the right technology from the comprehensive portfolio, involve corresponding network partners, create machines and systems and ultimately, to get the desired article into series production.   

The KraussMaffei exhibits at JEC World, the showcase of the composites industry, are a particularly clear demonstration of how wide the variety of relevant processes is and where there are further developments.    

The FiberForm technology, in which organic sheets are inserted into the mold and overmolded with a thermoplastic matrix (here: PP), is now also possible with natural fibers. This is a highly automated way of creating solid components, for example for door side panels, which are also recyclable.

The DCIM (Direct Compounding Injection Molding) process combines injection molding and compounding in one process. A single-screw extruder takes over material processing, which makes the process economically attractive, particularly for smaller components with a shot weight of 50 g to 2000 g. This makes it possible to attain material savings of up to 50 percent per kilogram.

Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), on the other hand, is classic reaction technology. A preform made of carbon or glass fibers is infiltrated with epoxy resin or polyurethane. The result is an extremely lightweight structural component for the most stringent requirements. The trade show booth will feature a leaf spring and parts for the Airbus aircraft

Also on exhibit will be an automotive hat tray, created by the SCS (Structural Component Spraying) process. For this purpose, a sandwich structure made of fiber mats and honeycomb cores is sprayed with unreinforced PUR, inserted into a mold and compressed.

PUR also plays the primary role in the ColorForm process. A thermoplastic substrate is produced in the injection molding process and then flooded with PUR. The part surface is extremely scratch-resistant as well as self-healing—ideal for automotive applications in the interior or exterior.

Pultrusion, the continuous production of fiber-reinforced profiles, usually involves inner values. This can be done for window profiles, which thus reach higher strength with a lower cross-section. Together with its English subsidiary Pultrex, KraussMaffei offers the entire scope of technology, including fiber rack and fiber guide, impregnation device, shaping tool, extractor device and trimming unit. Pultrex has over 45 years of experience in this area.

KraussMaffei produces molds for all processing technologies, including everything from FiberForm and RTM to SCS to backfoaming of molded parts. Molds for open or closed material pouring are made of steel or aluminum and/or with a polymer surface if required. The molds are designed specifically for the respective application and ensure process-specific heating. The molds have ejector concepts for damage-free demolding of components, are fitted with product-specific seal systems and can also come with wear-resistant surfaces if required.

By the way, additive manufacturing also offers enormous potential for the composite material industry. For example, molds and other customer-specific components can be printed in a way that is cost-effective, fast and convenient. At JEC World, the KraussMaffei experts will be glad to provide information about the many comprehensive options of additive manufacturing and provide technology-independent advice about the solution that is the best fit for you and your needs—from the idea to the finished component.

Meet KraussMaffei at JEC World 2023, hall 6, B32.

129539JEC Group
Grasse Zur Composite Testing will highlight online process control US-Plus® at JEC World 2023 Fri, 14 Apr 2023 08:02:00 +0000 Read more]]> As a highlight this year, the further developed online process control US-Plus® will be presented at the fair. This reference technology for non-contact curing control has been on the market for many years. Due to globalisation and increasing international competition, the optimisation of curing cycles while simultaneously increasing safety is becoming more and more important for manufacturers and processors.

S-Plus® is the only technology on the market that can measure the curing process of reactive plastics without contact. For this reason, this technology is particularly attractive for the aerospace and defence sector.

Meet Grasse Zur Composite Testing at JEC World 2023, hall 6 – R28.

128454JEC Group
EuCIA to unveil new visual identity and launch Eco Impact Calculator update at JEC World 2023 Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:44:07 +0000 Read more]]> The new branding reinforces EuCIA’s mission as the unified voice of the entire European composites value chain.

“We also want to convey the durability, lightness and circularity of composite materials as well as the significant role they can play in achieving our common goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050,” explains Roberto Frassine, President of EuCIA. “As EuCIA we continue to expand our and strategic initiatives in order to support the sustainable growth of the composites industry in Europe and at JEC World we look forward to demonstrating the latest version of our Eco Impact Calculator, which answers a growing need to provide detailed information on the environmental impact of composite products.”

Accurate life cycle assessments
The Eco Impact Calculator is an online tool which enables composites companies to calculate the environmental impact associated with the production of their products. The recent update, on display at EuCIA’s booth T59 in Hall 6, will enable users to take advantage of the latest environmental data and software, resulting in more accurate life cycle assessment (LCA) calculations.

Free to access on EuCIA’s website (, the Eco Impact Calculator is an easy to use LCA tool which calculates the environmental impact of polymer composite products from cradle to gate, using a transparent and uniform sector methodology for processes following ISO 14.040/044. Users do not need any in-depth knowledge of LCA techniques to use the tool and the data can be exported in the form of an Eco Report listing three sustainability indicators: carbon footprint (Greenhouse Gas Protocol); Cumulative Energy Demand (CED); and ILCD (International Reference Life Cycle Data System) sustainability score. The data can be downloaded for import into the SimaPro LCA software to allow for full life cycle calculations.

The updated Eco Impact Calculator incorporates the latest versions of these three impact assessment methods, the SimaPro software ( and Ecoinvent database (3.8). The resulting LCA calculations, based on the latest information, will therefore be more accurate.

Existing users will be able to recalculate the LCAs for products already saved in the system using the new datasets.

Sustainability-focused conferences
EuCIA will also play an active role in the JEC World conference programme. Raphaël Pleynet, EuCIA’s Managing Director, will act as moderator for the conference session Less is Better: Reducing Waste, Costs, Energy & Time for Sustainable Composites Manufacturing, on April 26th (12:00-13:00, Agora 5 presentation area), and will be on the panel of speakers discussing 4 Rs (Recycling, Reusing, Repurposing, Repairing): Composites in a Circular Economy, on April 27th (12:00-13:00, Agora 5).

Roberto Frassine will also moderate the session Join the Composites Industry and Contribute to a More Sustainable Future, on April 27th (12:00-13:00, Agora 6).

Meet EuCia at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth T59.

129506JEC Group
Belotti partnered up with Sandvik Coromant at JEC World 2023 Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:27:00 +0000 Read more]]> JEC World 2023, the world’s leading show for composites materials, is approaching in less than one month and we are pleased to unveil our partnership with Sandvik Coromant. Part of global industrial engineering group Sandvik, Sandvik Coromant is at the forefront of manufacturing tools, machining solutions and knowledge that drive industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and into the next industrial era like composite.

Lots of news from both companies are waiting for visitors at Belotti booth, ranging from Large Format Additive Manufacturing up to multi-axis CNC centers for advanced materials’ milling and trimming: witness our advanced composites technologies through the everyday live demos.

Belotti and Sandvik Coromant experts will be available to discuss your projects and explain a wide range of manufacturing solutions for your specific applications and industry.

Meet Belotti and Sandvik Coromant at JEC World 2023, hall 6 – G51.

129484JEC Group
IPCO to highlight double belt presses and precision scattering systems at JEC World 2023 Wed, 12 Apr 2023 13:27:00 +0000 Read more]]> High performance composites are typically lighter and stronger than traditional materials and can play a significant role in industrial decarbonisation initiatives. This focus on sustainability has led to the development of renewable, biobased solutions and products incorporating high levels of natural or recycled materials.

IPCO is the only double belt press manufacturer capable of supplying systems based on steel belts, Teflon® belts or a combination of the two. The modular design of ThermoPress press systems enables multiple stages of production – including polymerization, curing and cooling – to be incorporated into a single, highly efficient continuous process. A choice of belt types and pressure modules allows systems to be configured to meet virtually any pressure and heating requirements.

At IPCO’s center of excellence, a 1600 sq.m. test and demo center near Stuttgart/Germany, a full range of processes can be assessed, from consolidation / calibration, lamination and impregnation, to tempering and cooling. Applications include consolidation of pre-laminated sheets and impregnation of fibers with resin. Resin can also be applied in powder, film or liquid form onto a non-woven or felt material.

IPCO’s test and demo center near Stuttgart/Germany

A complete set of pilot systems, including a recently installed ThermoPress SB steel belt line, a ThermoPress TB (Teflon®) and a CB (Combi) unit, enables IPCO and its partners and customers to co-operate on the research and development of thermoplastic composite materials and produce prototypes scalable to production size. This in turn provides the process data needed to design high productivity commercial-scale solutions.

ScatterPro precision scattering for composites
Complementing the ThermoPress range, IPCO manufacturers a range of high precision scattering systems that can be incorporated into production lines to scatter powder, granulate or fibers.

These systems are used to achieve uniform scattering of various materials used in the manufacture of products for the automotive, textile, recycling / sustainable composites, and construction industries. A modular design allows multiple stages to be incorporated into one continuous process.

Meet IPCO at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth D74.

128867JEC Group
Radius Engineering announces it was selected by NIAR to supply a thermoplastic consolidation workcell to the NIAR ATLAS facility Tue, 11 Apr 2023 09:40:55 +0000 Read more]]> The workcell provides up to 350 tons of clamping force with Radius’ Distributed Pressure System (DPS). The workcell DPS will provide evenly distributed consolidation pressure for optimal laminate quality over an area of 4ft x 4ft (1.2 m x 1.2 m).

The DPS delivers precise laminate consolidation pressures from 50 – 300 psi (3.5 – 21 bars) within a tolerance of ±5 psi (±0.3 bar) throughout the full operating range, on variable laminate sizes. The workcell includes an integrated temperature control system with programmable heating and cooling rates to a maximum operating temperature of 800°F (426°C).

Radius’ proprietary InsightsTM Software provides intuitive programming controls along with data collection and analysis tools that are Industry 4.0 compatible.

The Advanced Technologies Lab for Aerospace Systems – is a multi-disciplinary manufacturing environment and engineering education program to prepare engineers and educators for the Factory of the Future and to aid the current workforce in seamlessly adapting to advancements in the workplace. ATLAS’s mission at NIAR is to provide a neutral ground for advanced manufacturing research and development with state-of-the-art machines, software and processing options.

About Radius Engineering, Inc:
Radius delivers Net-Shape composites manufacturing capability by providing tooling, equipment and know-how. Radius leverages its knowledge as a composite processing expert, backed by 35 years of experience, to develop customizable machines and turnkey workcells that provide the highest level of performance for the processing of aerospace quality composites. Radius is an AS9100D certified equipment and service supplier and has achieved world-wide recognition working with major OEM airframe manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers in the field of Net-Shape closed mold composites and custom machinery. All equipment is designed and assembled in Salt Lake City, Utah using a domestic supply chain.

Meet Radius Engineering, Inc. at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth N92.

129308JEC Group
Cevotec will showcase a sneak preview of its new Fiber Patch Placement production system at JEC World 2023 Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Despite the rise of hydrogen-powered electric vehicles, in particular for long-haul transport, the industry is facing the challenge to efficiently and safely store hydrogen (H2) in the vehicle. Hydrogen is typically stored in type IV composite pressure vessels; however, the high operating pressure requires a significant amount of carbon fiber for the vessel. With up to 700 bar nominal pressure, one tank consumes up to 10 kg of carbon fiber for every 1 kg of hydrogen stored. The carbon fibers of a high-pressure vessel typically represent more than 50% of the total cost of such storage system.

Dome reinforcements for composite tanks with FPP technology

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Cevotec has developed an industrial solution to reduce the amount of carbon fibers by locally reinforcing the dome areas of the pressure vessel. Fiber Patch Placement is the first technology to lay-up dome reinforcements directly onto the liner using a fully automated, industrial process which can be combined with established wet or tow winding equipment. This approach reduces net fiber consumption by approx. 15%, depending on the vessel type, which translates into considerable material cost savings while maintaining equivalent mechanical properties. Due to the material reduction, the reinforced tanks have more storage volume available at the same built space. In short: Using FPP results in a better product with a significant lower CO2 footprint and a very positive business case for manufacturers.

Cevotec is currently developing and assembling a dedicated FPP production system for dome reinforcements in their lab in Unterhaching near Munich. This SAMBA Pro PV system will be available for commercial prototyping and development with customers in autumn 2023. “We are pleased about the high interest of tank manufacturers worldwide in our solution, and I’m really looking forward to the commissioning of the first SAMBA Pro PV in our lab this year.”, says Thorsten Groene, CEO and Co-founder at Cevotec. “At JEC World in May, we will showcase a sneak preview of that new FPP production system.”

For the first time, Cevotec share a booth with their partner GFM GmbH. Michael Kralowetz, President & CEO of GFM, comments: “We are pleased to have a joint booth with Cevotec at this important trade show for composites, and I am confident that we can inspire our customers and visitors with new solutions that our partnership brings along.”

Photo : Composite tank dome reinforcements with Fiber Patch Placement

At JEC World 2023 interested parties are invited to watch a sneak preview at the joint booth of Cevotec and GFM, hall 5, booth N71.

128342JEC Group
Shimadzu’s new XSeeker™ 8000 bench-top X-ray CT System enables high functionality with a small footprint Mon, 10 Apr 2023 08:08:00 +0000 Read more]]> Despite its compact frame, the XSeeker 8000 can hold samples with a diameter up to 11.8 inches and a height of 12.6 inches. The XSeeker 8000 features a 160-kV high-output X-ray source that enables observations of thick, hard-to-penetrate plastic parts, as well as aluminum die cast and other metal components.

The newly developed XSeeker control software provides user-friendly operation and high throughput. Users can begin conducting observations in three steps. The XSeeker 8000 has four pre-set scan conditions. These four options incorporate a combination of material density and CT image quality settings. The standard software includes both cross-sectional and 3D volume rendering viewers, enabling more intuitive observations coordinated with the cross-sectional display function.

A single scan can be completed in as little as 12 seconds thanks to the proprietary CT image reconstruction algorithm. All processes of repetitive scanning in inspection applications—from start of scanning to observing cross sections of interest—are available at the push of a single button.

Meet Shimadzu at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth M86.

129190JEC Group
Composite large format additive manufacturing using CEAD hybrid solutions at JEC World 2023 Mon, 10 Apr 2023 08:07:00 +0000 Read more]]> CEAD builds and implements large scale hybrid 3D printers, combining multiple manufacturing processes in one cell. The Flexbot can be used to 3D print a part to near net shape and to then post-process the part, using calibration methods to reach the required high accuracies and tolerances. Composite parts are often made from non-recyclable materials that require tools and moulds to produce them. 3D printing can be used to print parts to near net shape, including such tools and moulds but also to directly print the final (non)-structural end-part. This significantly decreases the amount of waste during the production of a part. CEAD robot extruders can process virtually all fiber reinforced thermoplastic materials and thus the end part can have the desired mechanical properties for its purpose. The technology is therefore widely applicable to many industries. Thermoplastics can be recycled after the end of the product life cycle and can be reprocessed multiple times, decreasing the environmental footprint.

CEAD AM Flexbot | Large Format Robotic 3D Printing and Milling | LFAM

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

The production of most large composite parts is still a multi-step and time-consuming process, often requiring manual labour. The overall quality of the end part is mainly determined by the efficiency among these numerous steps. One of the key advantages of additive manufacturing is automating the production of parts and reducing steps in the production cycle. It also eliminates the need for labour-intensive work.

At CEAD, they provide a turnkey solution: from assessing a business case, to providing advice on the implementation of additive manufacturing, installing the machine, training and establishing a lifelong partnership. This ensures successful implementation and automation of manufacturing processes of their partners. The Flexbot goes beyond large format 3D printing.

Meet CEAD at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth S41.

128347JEC Group
DLR Fused Bonding demonstrator will be exhibited at JEC World 2023 Fri, 07 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The fused bonding process developed at the German Aerospace Centre uses reactive joining surfaces to produce reliable bonds, the result being bonded components as if produced from a single mould. In addition to maximum bonding quality, the fused bonding process promises considerable savings on production costs as well as reduced development times and easier approval of bonded structures made of fibre-reinforced plastic.

Simple and highly effective
At the core of the new joining process is a special activation foil, which is applied to the preform as an outermost layer during the production of fibre-reinforced plastic. which is applied to the preform as an outermost layer during the production of fibre-reinforced plastic. Pre-treatment in the form of peeling off the foil does not occur until just before the execution of the joining process itself. In contrast to other methods, it is thus particularly easy to obtain a clean and reactive surface. In the event of contact with a liquid adhesive or matrix resin, a chemical cross-linking reaction occurs at the interface, during which a continuous polymer chain forms between component and adhesive. The result is a strong and durable bond with the properties of the polymer base material.

Mechanical characteristics: Fused bonding vs. conventional pre-treatmentvs. konventionelle Vorbehandlung
Mechanical characteristics: Fused bonding vs. conventional pre-treatment

A solution for multiple use cases
The process is suitable for a range of materials, including matrix resins and epoxy adhesives with low to high curing temperatures. Mechanical trials have shown that bonds created using fused bonding exhibit outstanding strength. When loaded to fracture, no failure occurs at the interfaces between the pre-treated fibre composite and the adhesive. From affixing the smallest of sensors to joining large civil aircraft structures: The fused bonding process can be used for a wide range of applications. It offers a number of technical, economic and ecological advantages over the state of the art.

Discover the DLR Fused Bonding Demonstrator at JEC World 2023, Hall 6, Stand S28.

In addition, the EmpowerAX demo part on the topic “Additive Functionalization: Demonstration of an industrial process chain for local reinforcement”, will be also exhibited during JEC World 2023.

More information are available in this article published on JEC Website: Additive functionalisation & local stiffening using fibre-reinforced 3D printing in the EmpowerAX demo part exhibited at JEC World 2023

128607JEC Group
TPRC new publication on the role of different void removal mechanisms in VBO processing of advanced thermoplastic composites Fri, 07 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The current study is focused on understanding the role of different void removal mechanisms in VBO processing of advanced thermoplastic composites. For this purpose, two commercially available Carbon/Poly-Ether-Ketone-Ketone (C/PEKK) tape materials were evaluated, distinct in morphologies, such as surface roughness and fiber-matrix distribution, and physical characteristics.

The VBO consolidation results proved that the void reduction and removal mechanisms varied depending on the tape material. Depending on the tape material, a significant difference in the consolidation dwell time was observed to achieve <1% void content parts, which indicates that despite the tapes having the same polymer type matrix, they differ in their diffusion behavior.

Two causes for the difference in the times required for consolidation have been pinpointed. Firstly, the diffusion coefficients may be different for the two tapes. Although the matrix material in both tapes is PEKK, the exact formulation is unknown. Secondly, the volume of gases, which comprises entrapped air and the volatiles that evaporate during the process, may be different.

Jagadeesh has performed this research at the TPRC in close cooperation with the Production Technology research group of Remko Akkerman from the University of Twente.

The full publication is available here.

129181JEC Group
Isojet Equipements presents state of the art and optimization of infusion and injection processes at JEC World 2023 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> The materials and their deposition methods are progressing every day. These evolutions push the limits of the process. This is why Isojet Equipements develops bi-component machines totally adapted to the new resins developed by Hexcel, Solvay and Westlake for aeronautics and naval applications. Those high performance resins require a high performance 2K machine with variable ratio & flow, degassing system and a high performance heating system.

In addition, in order to respond to the market developments where the intelligent machine becomes essential, the company works on a piloting of sensors located in the mould, as well as on the piloting of the mould. In their project called “Diversifions” that they are finalizing with the company Corimatec, Isojet will be able to influence the parameters during the process in order to have a good part in one-shot. They will be able to give more details on this project at the end of June 2023.

Meet Isojet Equipements with their DPE 2K machine exhibited at JEC World 2023, Hall 6, B37.

128419JEC Group
Eastman to demo full-scale automation at JEC World 2023 Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:53:14 +0000 Read more]]> For the first time, Eastman will showcase full-scale automation in conjunction with its Eagle C135 conveyorized cutting system. Demonstrations will be held at 10 AM and 3 PM each day, highlighting the features gained with connectivity and data analysis of Industry 4.0 in an Eastman-powered cutting room, including increased output, reduction of waste, and minimal human errors.

The Eagle C135 continuously conveys rolled material good with consistent speed and control, delivering unrivaled levels of material utilization. The computer controlled (CNC) ply-cutting system is engineered for single- to low-ply automatic cutting of flexible fabrics and requires minimal operator guidance to automatically feed and spread material. The conveyor system is completely customizable based on application needs and available footprint.

Smart Advanced Manufacturing – Eastman

It is the system of choice for thousands of manufacturers around the world due to its industrial build, durable components, and proven rack & pinion drive system. The Eagle C135 system features cutting speeds up to 60 inches per second (152cm/second). Material to be cut at the fair includes Vectorply e-glass, NEXX-Technologies prepreg carbon, and Lantor Soric®.

Meet Eastman at JEC World 2023, hall 6, stand D59.

128894JEC Group
Sidus Space’s revolutionary 3D-printed satellite highlighted by Markforged Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:23:00 +0000 Read more]]> The video is featured on Markforged’s YouTube channel. A renowned additive manufacturing corporation, Markforged is the innovator behind The Digital Forge – a full-spectrum industrial platform of 3D printers, software, and materials which empowers manufacturers like Sidus Space to craft parts when and where they need them.

“Markforged 3D printers initially played an important role in our successful External Flight Test Platform (EFTP) mission, an on-orbit external experimental facility that was hosted on the NanoRacks International Space Station External Platform (NREP),” commented Carol Craig, Sidus Space Founder and CEO. “Building on the success of our EFTP program, we have continued to leverage Markforged solutions in the development of LizzieSat™.”

3D printing a satellite

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Sidus Space’s LizzieSat™ multi-purpose constellation is designed to meet the precise conditions of commercial and governmental demands in our increasingly interconnected, cloud-based, and data-driven world. The LizzieSat™ platform aims to take advantage of a shift away from static and low-frequency satellite imaging and geospatial solutions toward on-demand access of real-time geospatial intelligence.

By leveraging Markforged 3D printers, Sidus Space has been able to fabricate components quickly and effectively for multiple programs, which enables the Company to meet customer requirements in a cost-effective and timely manner.

“Markforged has been an incredible partner to us over the years,” remarked Craig. “We are honored to be highlighted in one of their videos, as it speaks to our commitment to providing innovative, reliable and cost-effective solutions to our customers.”

About Sidus Space:
Sidus Space, located in Cape Canaveral, Florida, operates from a 35,000-square-foot manufacturing, assembly, integration, and testing facility focused on commercial satellite design, manufacture, launch, and data collection. The company’s rich heritage includes the design and manufacture of many flight and ground component parts and systems for various space-related customers and programs. Sidus Space has a broad range of Space-As-a-Service offerings including space-rated hardware manufacturing, design engineering, satellite manufacturing and platform development, launch and support services, data analytics services and satellite constellation management.

Sidus Space has a mission of Bringing Space Down to Earth™ and a vision of enabling space flight heritage status for new technologies while delivering data and predictive analytics to domestic and global customers. Any corporation, industry, or vertical can start their journey off-planet with Sidus Space’s rapidly scalable, low-cost satellite services, space-based solutions, and testing alternatives. More than just a “Satellite-as-a-Service” provider, Sidus Space is a trusted Mission Partner–from concept to Low Earth Orbit and beyond. Sidus is ISO 9001:2015, AS9100 Rev. D certified, and ITAR registered.

128811JEC Group
Repairable composites based on epoxy vitrimer for aeronautics Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Due to their inherent complex damage behaviour, structural repair is a major challenge for advanced composites in the aerospace industry. Various defects can be initiated during manufacturing and in-service. For example, delaminations in the bending radii of the stiffeners can occur when demoulding the part. Often, these delaminations cannot be repaired with existing technologies, which leads to a high scrap rate, up to 20- 30% depending on the part’s complexity.

Within the AIRPOXY EU-funded project, a very simple and cost-effective method was developed to repair this type of delamination. This was made possible by a family of vitrimer epoxy resins developed and patented by Cidetec that present reversible or dynamic aromatic disulphide bonds. These dynamic bonds provide a series of smart properties, creating a new generation of composite materials that retain their high performance, in terms of easy fibre impregnation and overall stability, while showing unprecedented new features once the material is completely cured, such as re-processability, reparability and recyclability. This is why they are called “3R composites”.

Thus, delaminations in 3R composites can be repaired by simply applying heat and pressure to the damaged area (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Traditional repair versus AIRPOXY 3R repair

As the global aim of AIRPOXY is to reduce the production and maintenance costs of composite parts in the aeronautic sector, the project’s scope exceeded the study of repairability and also included the thermoforming and bonding capacity of 3R composites. Figure 2 summarizes the project’s concept and its main specific objectives.

The AIRPOXY project is conducted by a consortium made up of the resin developers (Cidetec), key technology providers (Leibniz- IVW as an expert in thermoplastic composites thermoforming and welding, Eurecat as an expert in RTM and LCA/LCC/HHRA analysis, Coexpair as an SQRTM process expert, the University of Ioannina as an expert in structural health monitoring techniques and Altair as an expert in process simulation software), and aircraft component manufacturers (EireComposites, IDEC and Sonaca) together with standardization experts (UNE) and an aeronautics consultancy firm (Arttic).

The 3R composite and its repair method were validated through the manufacturing of a transverse stiffener (TS) demonstrator using the RTM process, which was damaged in a controlled manner and repaired using a specific tool to apply localized pressure and heat. The main steps are described next.

Figure 2: AIRPOXY concept and main specific objectives (SO)

Design and production of the transverse stiffener
As a first step, Cidetec formulated the 3R epoxy resin with a Tg of 170°C, taking into account three main goals: (1) producing a vitrimer resin – therefore reprocessable, repairable and recyclable; (2) meeting the aeronautical sector’s specifications in terms of mechanical and thermal properties; and (3) being suitable for the RTM process in terms of rheology and curing kinetics.

To meet the first goal, the vitrimer epoxy resin was formulated based on a dynamic disulphide exchange mechanism, which seems to be the most promising mechanism for the aeronautics industry since the operational Tg ranges of the resulting polymers are almost in line with those of current thermoset materials. The hardener selected was 4-aminophenyl disulphide (4-AFD), which is commercially available for future industrialization. To fulfil the second and third goals, the first part of the resin was formulated with a mixture of tetraglycidyl-4,4´ methylene dianiline (TGMDA) and bisphenol F diglycidyl ether (BFDGE). Combining these two monomers makes it possible to achieve the mechanical and thermal properties required by the aeronautics industry, as well as the rheology and curing kinetics needed for the RTM process.

Both the 3R resin and the 3R composite were extensively characterized to verify that the three objectives had been met. Once the 3R resin was developed, the transverse stiffener demonstrator was designed and produced by IDEC.

The transverse stiffener is a structural element with a complex geometry (combining an omega and a transverse shape, see Figure 3) about 420 mm long. It was made by the RTM process using the project materials, the 3R resin and an intermediate-modulus carbon fibre (5-harness satin woven material and unidirectional fabric). Additionally, a peel ply was added on one of the surfaces to achieve the roughness needed to bond the rest of the sub-components (skin and longitudinal stiffener).

The mould used to manufacture the transverse stiffener was divided into several parts (see Figure 4), some of which were used to overmould the carbon fibre layers. The mould was closed with screws and heated in an oven, a vacuum was applied and the 3R resin was injected under pressure (1 to 6 bars).
Then, the 3R resin was cured in a twostep cycle (60 min. at 130°C and 30 min. at 180°C) and the transverse stiffener was demoulded.
Finally, the part was trimmed (see Figure 5) and inspected by ultrasonic testing (UT).

Defining the best repair strategy
In parallel, a study at the specimen level was performed by Cidetec and Eurecat to define the most suitable repair parameters (pressure- temperature-time) and the best way to apply them on the specimen. Two solutions were considered: 1) using an autoclave, which made it possible to apply pressures of up to 7 bars and generalized heating over the entire damaged piece; and 2) using a press to apply heating and higher pressure locally, just on the damaged area.

First, delaminations were generated by impacting 3R laminate specimens in a controlled way, using an impactor tower and a hemispherical tip 16 mm in diameter to create a damage of around 750 mm². The damages were identified by ultrasonic techniques. Next, the specimens were repaired in an autoclave or press using different pressure-temperature-time conditions. Afterwards, the specimens were inspected again using ultrasonic techniques. In the cases where the results were satisfactory, the repaired areas were subjected to a microscopic analysis to confirm that they were free of defects. Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) specimens were also extracted from the repaired areas and tested.

The best results were obtained using the press, heating the area to be repaired to 210°C and locally applying 20 bars of pressure for 20 minutes. Figure 6 compares the microscopic analysis of an impacted area (many delaminations can be identified) and a repaired area (the delaminations have disappeared), while Figure 7 compares the ILSS test results of two specimens; the first one from a reference panel and the second one from an impacted area after repair. The values showed that, although there is a slight loss in strength (21%), the elastic modulus remains unaffected.

Figure 6: Cross section of a specimen impacted at 6J (left) and another specimen impacted at 6J and then repaired in a press at 210°C under 20 bars during 20 minutes (right)
Figure 7: ILSS values of the reference material and the material repaired for 20 min. at 210°C under 20 bars

Damaging and repairing the stiffener
At the beginning of the AIRPOXY project, the partners decided to develop a tool to repair the delaminations produced when demoulding RTM composite parts (in this case, the transverse stiffener of the fan cowl demonstrator). However, in this case, no delaminations appeared during the demoulding process and therefore, another tool was designed and manufactured by IDEC to create…

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128563JEC Group
François Raguin, Technical Director of Pinette PEI Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> JEC Composites Magazine: Before addressing more specific topics, could you briefly describe your company’s activities?
François Raguin: Pinette PEI will celebrate our 160th anniversary at the end of September 2023. The production of hydraulic presses is our historical core business, with presses ranging from a few tons up to more than 10,000 tons of compression force.

Over the years, we have gone from press manufacturers to designers of complete automated production lines, integrating robotic loading and unloading systems, heating and cooling units for tool temperature monitoring with a high level of precision, raw material preparation and part finishing (cutting, deburring, drilling, and ultrasonic cutting), as well as vision systems and assembly systems for steel or plastic parts.

Our lines are delivered 70% abroad and 30% in France, for applications in the aeronautics, space, defence, automotive, medical, energy and industrial equipment sectors.

Pinette PEI: Explore the Future

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

We can classify our products as: thermoplastic or thermoset composite processes, laboratory presses, test benches for oil drilling tubes, high-pressure presses for steel forming, and large assembly machines for heavy industries such as boatbuilding, nuclear and space.

We provide press retrofit services as well, and we want to develop this activity.

Our factory and development centres are based at Chalon sur Saône, France, and we have commercial and technical offices in the USA, Germany, and China.

JEC Composites Magazine: How did 2022 close for the machine tool sector? What are the prospects for 2023/2025?
François Raguin: After a slowdown in the past two years due to the COVID pandemic, the activity was good in 2022 and will continue to grow in 2023/2025.

Our development is supported by the defence and aeronautical industries, as well as new demands related to “smart cities”.

Export is a very important part of our activity, particularly to the USA, China and Australia.

Our customers choose Pinette PEI for our expertise in the definition of efficient and reliable equipment, but also for our ability to advise and co-develop processes taking into consideration the raw material behaviour and product requirements.

Consolidation press with 395°C reinforced thermoplastic laminate platens (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)

JEC Composites Magazine: TIFAANI, your amazing development platform, will be ready by 2023. Can you describe it?
François Raguin: TIFAANI is a versatile production line installed in Chalon-sur-Saône, Burgundy, France, that can carry out all the processes we are offering to the composite industry, namely:

  • Consolidation of thermoplastic composite sheets
  • Thermoplastic hot forming (up to 425°C)
  • Carbon fabric preforming
  • Resin Transfer Moulding
  • Sheet Moulding Compound
  • Bulletproof vest compression

The line will be equipped with a 1300-ton press with a loading and unloading robot, two infrared ovens, two thermal oil regulators, a high-speed, high-precision cooling unit, and a vacuum unit for SMC and RTM processes. It will be ready at the end of September 2023, for our 160th anniversary.

Automated C-RTM production line (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)
Automated C-RTM production line (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)

JEC Composites Magazine: Can you tell us which materials TIFAANI will be able to process?
François Raguin: The materials that can be processed on TIFAANI are thermosets and thermoplastics for SMC, RTM and stamping processes. In fact, the platform can handle the main raw materials used in the composite industry, whatever the part destination (aerospace, defence, automotive, etc.).

For example, these can be polyester or epoxy resin-based thermosets, or PP, PPS, PEEK or PE-based thermoplastics, with reinforcements based on carbon, glass and other types of fibres.

JEC Composites Magazine: What are the main advantages of choosing TIFAANI?
François Raguin: TIFAANI is a versatile tool dedicated to research projects, product development or the production of small numbers of parts.

The press was designed to maintain the same level of performance and precision whatever the level of effort, from 50 to 1300 tons, with speeds adapted to each type of process.

It is also equipped with an IO-Link network that makes it possible to connect in a very flexible way additional sensors, in addition to standard machine sensors, in order to improve processes, monitor product parameters, reduce energy consumption and improve maintenance.

The sensors will be connected to several software interfaces: Wonderware Intouch for process monitoring and IFM Moneo for maintenance and energy efficiency.

On top of that, we are working on an expert software interface to help technicians find the right recipe parameters depending on the characteristics of the raw material used.

Robotised thermoplastic stamping cell (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)
Robotised thermoplastic stamping cell (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)

JEC Composites Magazine: Innovation and know-how are two essential requirements to overcome challenges on the global market. What role does R&D play for Pinette PEI?
François Raguin: R&D is fundamental. Indeed, the knowledge of material processing and optimum parameters is important to be able to design the most suitable and efficient production lines for our customers.

Our customers are not just looking for a machine manufacturer meeting precise technical specifications, but also for a partner capable of helping them define and develop the best process and produce best-in-class parts. This is the reason why it is essential have the best level of knowledge in terms of raw materials, products, processes and therefore R&D programmes, and TIFFANI will help us and our customers.

JEC Composites Magazine: What application sectors and countries are you most focusing on?
François Raguin: Our first target application sector is aeronautics in Europe, because the required level of part performance and reliability is very high.

One project is co-financed by the French government’s France Relance and supported by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and Grand Chalon. It aims to develop the new generation of aircraft: more sustainable, lighter, and more energy efficient.

In terms of process, our first focus is thermoplastic hot forming. But all composite processes will be addressed because the technical solution depends on the parts and markets concerned.

TIFAANI: Pinette PEI’s brand new development platform (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)
TIFAANI: Pinette PEI’s brand new development platform (Image courtesy of Pinette PEI)

JEC Composites Magazine: Finally, let’s take a look at the future: what are Pinette’s development strategies?
François Raguin: Pinette PEI’s strategy is to continue our growth in Europe and internationally thanks to our capacity for innovation and our expertise in materials, products, and processes. In our core businesses: aero, defence, heavy industries, automotive, but also in new markets related to sustainable development, such as “smart cities”.

If you would like to know more, Pinette PEI will exhibit at JEC World 2023, in Hall 6, Booth D83.

128739JEC Group
Alignment of reclaimed carbon fibres could allow reuse in primary structures Fri, 31 Mar 2023 10:48:59 +0000 Read more]]> Marco Longana is Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano, having recently moved from the University of Bristol in the UK. He has worked on carbon fibre reclamation for almost ten years, in particular he developed a technology for the reformatting of reclaimed carbon fibres (rCF), HiPerDiF, aimed at producing aligned discontinuous fibre composites from carbon fibres coming from all the available reclamation processes.

Matt Bradney is Director of Business Development at Prodrive Composites and a Board Director for trade association Composites UK. Prodrive process rCF as a reinforcement in thermoset and thermoplastic composite components, either in prepreg format, or in dry fibre infusion processes.

What would make it easier for rCF to be used by composite manufacturers more, or make it a more mainstream material?
Marco Longana points out that legislation and the current industrial and societal landscape are pushing for a more conscious use of resources. But he adds, “Only the certification and quality assurance of intermediate products, e.g. short fibre and reformatted carbon composite products, will allow manufacturers and end-users to use rCF composites with more confidence.” 

Prodrive Composites has learned to work with these materials, often in conjunction with virgin fibres, in demanding, high quality applications. From Matt Bradney’s perspective, a wider understanding of the properties, uses and applications is needed to make the use of rCF more widespread.

Reclaimed carbon fibre (rCF) Structural Bodyside with virgin reinforcements. Photo courtesy of Prodrive Composites.
Reclaimed carbon fibre (rCF) Structural Bodyside with virgin reinforcements. Photo courtesy of Prodrive Composites.

Can standards help with recycling carbon fibre composite?
Standards can help with both the reclamation processes for carbon fibres, and with aspects of testing and product specification. “The effects of reclamation on carbon fibre performance, particularly strength, are strongly dependent on process parameters”, explains Marco Longana, “Only by knowing exactly what materials are being treated, i.e. the exact type of matrix and fibres, can the quality of the reclaimed fibres be maximised. This would allow for creating a market in which sellers are accountable and buyers are aware of what they are using in their products.”

In terms of reformatting into intermediate materials, it is necessary to define categories of products based on fibre architecture, length, alignment etc. This enables designers to work with the materials.

Which fibre reclamation processes are best for the environment?
When considering the environmental impact, Matt Bradney notes that recycling/reclaiming of carbon fibres is better than current disposal methods: “Ideally, we should try to use the fibres for their properties, as this continues to make valuable use of the energy consumed in their production. Secondary purposes offer the next best, such as fillers or similar.”

Several variants of thermal and chemical carbon fibre reclamation processes have been developed. It is difficult to say which reclamation process is best for the environment, or where is best to use reclaimed fibres. Marco Longana explains this: “The reclamation of fibres from end-of-life and some forms of manufacturing waste by degrading the thermosetting matrix is, in general, an energy or resource intensive process, and, besides few examples, their reformatting doesn’t lead to recycled composites with performances comparable to virgin ones.” In his opinion, only through a life cycle assessment, or even better a life cycle engineering approach (accounting for technical, environmental, and economic impacts), is it possible to establish whether the use of recycled composites instead of virgin ones in a specific application is really beneficial for the environment.

AFFT™ turns chopped reclaimed carbon fibre into a new highly aligned fibre material with excellent formability, closing the loop for technical carbon fibre re-use. Shown here for a tennis racquet incorporating 50% reclaimed carbon fibre. Images courtesy of Lineat Composites.

Will alignment of reclaimed carbon fibres allow reuse in primary structures?
Academics have suggested for many years that alignment of rCFs will enable higher performance. Several processes have now been developed to convert short fibres into highly aligned formats. Matt Bradney believes alignment can allow reuse in primary structures: “We have already used virgin and rCF into structural components, and separately we have used aligned rCF to create some interesting geometry. Aligned rCF is very new and not yet at industrial supply, but when it is it will definitely complement virgin CF for structural applications.”

The geometry that can be achieved with the improved formability of the aligned short fibres is another advantage. Marco Longana adds: “If the reclamation process can retain fibre strength, sufficient fibre length, and would not compromise fibre-matrix adhesion properties, indeed, a very well aligned recycled composite with a high fibre volume fraction (such as TuFF, from the University of Delaware or AFFT™, in development at Lineat) could be used in primary structures, with the added bonus of improved formability and potentially reducing some types of manufacturing defects.”

As the carbon fibre reclamation market grows, bringing economies of scale, perhaps many applications currently using virgin fibres can be replaced with highly formable, aligned rCF materials, maintaining the embodied energy in the fibres for a more circular industry.

More information on alignment processes: Tailored Universal Feedstock for Forming (TuFF) from the University of Delaware , and Aligned Formable Fibre Technology (AFFT™) from Lineat Composites.

128845JEC Group
Engel will showcase integrated thermoplastic process for lowest unit costs in composite lightweights at JEC World 2023 Fri, 31 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> In the Engel organomelt process, thermoplastic fibre composite preforms – for example, thermoplastic sheet and UD-tapes – are formed and functionalised in a single integrated step. For example, reinforcing ribs or assembly elements are moulded immediately in the same mould after thermoforming using a thermoplastic from the same matrix material group as the thermoplastic sheet. This not only enables a highly efficient and fully automated production process, but also contributes to the circular economy. The consistent thermoplastic mono-material approach facilitates subsequent recycling of the parts.

At its stand in Paris, Engel is demonstrating the huge potential of organomelt lightweight technology with a live machine exhibit. An Engel victory 660/160 injection moulding machine and an Engel easix articulated robot are being used to automate the production of inspection flaps for the fuselage of passenger aircraft. The production cell also includes an IR oven, which also comes from Engel in-house development and production.

Process integration is key to reducing production costs. The heated thermoplastic sheet is formed in the injection moulding machine and immediately overmoulded to create the reinforcing and functional elements. (Picture: ENGEL)

To showcase the wide range of applications in both the aerospace and automotive sectors, two different material systems are being processed alternately during the three days of the fair. On the one hand, thermoplastic sheets with a PEEK matrix are being overmoulded with a PEEK, while, on the other, PPA-based thermoplastic sheets are being processed in combination with PPA.

The thermoplastic sheets are heated in the IR oven, taken into the mould by the robot, formed in the mould and immediately overmoulded. The reinforcement ribs and a mounting clip are formed.

Heating up the thermoplastic sheet is a process step which determines the cycle time and is also relevant to quality. The thickness of the preform defines the heat-up and cool-down times. Heating up the material quickly without damaging it is important, as are short paths for transporting the heated thermoplastic sheet to the mould, to avoid the sheet cooling down again on the way to the mould and losing its malleability. This is where tie-bar-less technology of the victory machine plays to its strengths. Barrier-free access to the mould area makes it possible to position the IR oven very close to the mould. And the robot can take the shortest path to the mould without working around interference contours. Both factors accelerate hot handling and ensure process consistency and high component quality.

In integrated Engel system solutions, the robot and the IR oven are integrated into the injection moulding machine’s CC300 control unit. This allows the entire process to be operated centrally using the machine display. Another advantage is that the injection moulding machine, robot and IR oven access the same database and precisely coordinate their motion sequences with one another. This reduces the cycle time in many applications.

Huge potential in all fields of mobility
Developed for efficient, large-scale production, the Engel organomelt process has quickly established itself in the automotive industry, but is also attracting great interest from other sectors. “We are increasingly seeing inquiries from the aerospace industry,” reports Christian Wolfsberger, Business Development Manager Composite Technologies at Engel. “In the aerospace industry, thermoset materials are increasingly being replaced by thermoplastics.” The drivers of this development include cost pressure and sustainability targets. The consistent use of thermoplastic materials enables a high degree of process integration to ensure totally worry-free functionalisation of the parts; this, in turn, reduces the time taken, the raw material input and the energy requirements.

Produced using the ENGEL organomelt process: front-end module carrier for the new “Air” electric vehicles by Lucid Motors. (Picture: Elring Klinger)

Where different material systems and several independent production steps are typically required, Engel organomelt only needs a single integrated production cell. Inspection flaps for the aircraft fuselage are the best example of this. Until now, they have been produced as thermoset sandwich parts with milled aluminium parts bolted on.

Reducing CO2 emissions is a declared goal of the aviation industry in addition to improving cost efficiency. An aircraft emits the most CO2 during its service life while it is in the air. This makes the leverage of innovative lightweight construction technologies correspondingly high, especially if these technologies can also help to close the material cycle at the end of the part’s service life, and this is the case with the Engel organomelt process, which produces purely thermoplastic parts.

Engel sees huge potential for the organomelt process in aircraft production. The required quantities of structural elements and parts for the passenger cabin are continuously increasing. Further potential is opening up worldwide in the fields of urban air mobility, which includes air cabs, and logistics, where transport drones are increasingly being used.

The sustainable and cost-efficient thermoplastic alternative to the previous thermoset solution with bolted-on milled aluminium parts: at JEC World 2023, ENGEL is producing inspection flaps for passenger aircraft using the ENGEL organomelt process. (Picture: ENGEL)

Engel is showcasing the production of the inspection flaps at JEC World 2023 in cooperation with its customer FACC (Ried im Innkreis, Austria). The other project partners are Ensinger (Nufringen, Germany), Victrex (Lancashire, Great Britain) and Kuraray (Hattersheim am Main, Germany) for the raw materials and Neue Materialien Fürth in Germany for the part design and simulation.

Another partner company will be exhibiting in its own Expert Corner at the Engel stand. Voidsy, headquartered in Wels, Austria, is presenting an ultra-compact system for zero-contact and non-destructive material and component testing using active thermography.

Reduced assembly overhead and labour costs
A further Expert Corner is dedicated to automotive applications with Engel organomelt. Among other things, the SPE Award-winning front-end module carrier by Lucid Motors is being showcased. Series production of the part is by ElringKlinger – headquartered in Dettingen an der Erms, Germany – and relies on the Engel organomelt process. Depending on the vehicle type, the front-end module carrier acts as a support for the charge air cooler, the headlamp modules, the wash-water tank, the horn, the distance radar module or the air intake. It also supports the bonnet through add-on bonnet locks.

ElringKlinger has succeeded in minimising both the number of pre- and post-machining steps and the costs, despite a total of 37 inserts. The extremely high level of functional integration in the injection moulding process results in lower assembly overhead, which, in turn, reduces labour costs. The front-end module carrier is used in the “Air”, the first electric vehicle model by US car manufacturer Lucid Motors.

Meet Engel at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth N79.

128295JEC Group
Cevotec grows its commercial activities in China Thu, 30 Mar 2023 12:17:25 +0000 Read more]]> “We are excited to announce these partnerships for the Chinese market today, where we see a large potential for FPP in the future”, states Thorsten Groene, CEO and Co-Founder of Cevotec. “China is already today a global manufacturing powerhouse and will continue to gradually upgrade its industrial base. In particular automation technology can accelerate the growth of the local composite industry as it safeguards repeatable quality also at large volumes.”

Nicolas Menge, CEO of HACO, adds: “Chinese aircraft manufacturers are relying on European technology to produce aerospace-grade lightweight structures. In order to meet quality and ESG targets, manufacturing efficiency through automation will become an even more important topic in the foreseeable future. FPP will make a significant contribution to advancing and automating the production of aerospace parts.” Furthermore, David Li, CTMO of ChunHua, underlines the second important application area of FPP: “Hydrogen is a big topic in China. Electrification of vehicles is already well advanced, and the upcoming national regulation for Type 4 composite tanks will pave the way for economic fuel-cell vehicles. Cevotec’s industrial solution to reinforce H2 tank dome areas will be of great importance to Chinese manufacturers in order to successfully compete also in international markets”.

Both sales representatives bring an established customer base, relevant experience and deep market know-how to the partnership. HACO distributes tooling machinery, service and spare-parts to customers in the aerospace and aero-engine industry and is also representing Cevotec’s partner GFM in China. With a history going back to 1777, HACO operates offices in Beijing, China, Seoul, Korea and further locations. Its main business is the marketing and sales of tooling machines for the aviation industry in China and packing machines for the pharmaceutical industry in Korea.

Founded in 2003, ChunHua has evolved from an automotive model building company to a full-service technology company that provides engineering services along the entire design, development and prototyping process. More than 100 employees also offer technical consulting and market high-tech foreign machinery to their customer base in automotive, aerospace and general industry. “With HACO and ChunHua, we’re working now with two best-in-class partners in China that serve complementary markets and regions”, confirms Thorsten Groene. “Both companies combine the necessary expertise, experience and market knowledge to successfully bring FPP to the forefront of the Chinese composite industry. We are looking forward to a successful partnership!”

128737JEC Group
Slack & Parr showcases high-precision metering capability at JEC World 2023 Thu, 30 Mar 2023 10:06:11 +0000 Read more]]> Slack & Parr is a world’s leading supplier of metering pumps for the production of PAN precursor used to manufacture carbon fibre. The company will be exhibiting on the Composites UK stand where it will highlight how its technologies are also being used to accurately manage the flow of resins and polymers in a number of composites manufacturing processes including coating, prepreg, filament winding and spraying, as well as in extruder-based processes most commonly used in the manufacture of thermoplastic composites.

Specific applications include the metering of two-part epoxy resins where Slack & Parr’s gear pumps are used to control precise amounts of the resin’s constituent parts to achieve a matrix with the exact characteristics required, while adapting to variations in pressure, speed and resin viscosity to achieve consistent flow throughout the process.

Slack & Parr’s metering pumps are built around hardened steel involute gears which are machined to precise tolerances of one or two microns. This results in extremely small, controlled clearances – measuring significantlyless than a human hair – between the gear and mating components, ensuring almost no internal slip even at high pressures. This level of precision means the pump is able to control or meter the flow with extreme accuracy and repeatability.

“The ability to accurately control the flow of resins and polymers is fundamental to the success of composite manufacturing,” says Slack & Parr’s Industrial Director Neil Anderton.

“Our pump solutions are relevant to every area of the composites industry where the need to precisely determine the fibre-to-resin ratio is key to the manufacture of high-quality composite materials and parts.

“We’re excited to share our metering technologies with more of the composites industry at this year’s JEC World and look forward to discussing how our solutions can deliver accuracy, consistency and repeatability into the manufacturing process.”

Meet Slack & Parr at JEC World 2023, Composites UK stand, Hall 6, Stand S52.

128720JEC Group
sensXPERT presents continuous process optimization through sensor-based machine, tool, and material data in real-time at JEC World 2023 – by means of an AR Experience Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Managing Director Dr. Alexander Chaloupka and his sensXPERTs will demonstrate their data-supported manufacturing solution at the joint stand of Bayern Innovativ. The sensor technology provides processing companies in the plastics industry with significant productivity and quality advantages. And not only the technology solution but also its form of presentation is innovative and for hands-on experience: On the one hand, visitors can get an impression of the edge device, which is integrated into the production process and sends data from there to the cloud and AI system (artificial intelligence).

On the other hand, visitors go on a journey themselves in a so-called AR Experience (Augmented Reality) using their smartphones or tablets provided: How does the data-driven production solution really work? How can sensXPERT enrich my own plastics processing? How user-friendly and easy to implement is the technology in my production? In which ways does sensXPERT support me fulfilling governmental sustainability goals, such as Green Deal Law or EU Taxonomy? The AR Experience and the sensXPERTs will answer precisely these questions from 25 to 27 April in Paris.

The sensXPERT technology was also selected as 2023 JEC Composites Innovation Awards Finalists in the category Digital, AI & Data.

sensXPERT is an end-to-end, integrated equipment as a service solution for the plastics manufacturing industry solving challenges around consistent process stability while ensuring cost efficiency.

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Meet sensXPERT at JEC World 2023, Hall 6, booth R32.

128171JEC Group
Machina Labs awarded U.S. Air Force contract for robotic composites manufacturing Tue, 28 Mar 2023 10:24:00 +0000 Read more]]> Higher vehicle production rates in comparison to current rates is anticipated as experts project that the airline industry will need to triple its fleet to about 60,000 airplanes over the next 20 years. With respect to military applications, there is a similar drive towards balancing mission agility, sustainment, and vehicle cost; giving rise to emerging air vehicle concepts like the Low-Cost Autonomous Collaborative Platforms (ACP) program where there is a higher tolerance over limited life and loss of vehicles during operations.

In addition, Advanced/Urban Air Mobility (AAM/UAM) vehicles have received considerable commercial traction in recent years. These highly automated, on-demand passenger and air cargo vehicles are anticipated to have production rates in the tens to hundreds of thousands per year. Lightweight, high-strength composite structures are a key enabler for achieving these goals. As such, the factory throughputs of advanced composite structures have to be increased and their production cost lowered.

Machina Labs’ AFWERX Tactical Funding Increase (TACFI) contract will be focused on metal tooling for a fast-cure, out-of-autoclave (OOA) composite processing route. Through its previous contract with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Machina Labs has validated that its tools have vacuum integrity, are dimensionally stable once thermally stabilized, and are thermally more responsive than conventional metal tools.

Composite tooling, depending on the materials selected and the tool size, could cost more than $1 million per tool and require 8-10 months of lead time. These costs and lead times for composite tooling do not support referenced increased manufacturing goals.

“Machina Labs has demonstrated that its large-envelope, two-robot, incremental sheet metal forming technology can be used for manufacturing of metal tooling for composites resulting in dramatically reduced tool costs and time-to-market of composite parts,” according to Craig Neslen, Manufacturing Lead for the ACP Program at AFRL. “At the same time, given that no part-specific hardware is necessary for manufacturing of the sheet metal tools, it is possible to not only fabricate the tools expeditiously, but to quickly accommodate design changes when necessary.”

Machina Labs uses robots the way a blacksmith uses a hammer to creatively manufacture different designs and material, introducing unseen flexibility and agility to the manufacturing industry. The company’s manufacturing platform combines the latest advances in robotics and AI so great ideas can quickly and affordably turn to reality and businesses can benefit from rapid iteration to bring more innovative products to market, faster.

“We are pleased to advance our work with USAF in order to advance composite tooling for a wide variety of applications,” according to Babak Raeisinia, Co-Founder and Head of Applications & Partnerships at Machina Labs. “Keeping inventory of tooling is expensive. I believe technology will free up capital and allow organizations such as USAF to transition to an on-demand tooling model.”

Machina Labs combines the latest advances in AI and robotics to deliver finished metal products in days – not months or years – and gives customers unprecedented time to market and competitive advantage. Robotic sheet forming is the first process enabled by Machina’s patented manufacturing platform. Using material- and geometry-agnost

128291JEC Group
Additive functionalisation & local stiffening using fibre-reinforced 3D printing in the EmpowerAX demo part exhibited at JEC World 2023 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:33:52 +0000 Read more]]> DLR Innovation Lab EmpowerAX strengthens accessibility to the industrial process chain
Various process modules are needed to implement additive functionalisation. In addition to the design and simulation, the preparation also includes the material selection and the definition of the CAM interface through the path planning for printing. The next step is the additive functionalisation itself, e.g. by printing stiffening ribs. This is followed by quality testing using suitable measuring methods and non-desctructive testing (NDT). Established suppliers of the process chain are ready to implement additive functionalisation on the market.

The team behind the DLR Innovation Lab EmpowerAX has set itself the task of making this process chain and the associated technologies accessible to the wider industry. To this end, the team identifies use cases for fibre-reinforced 3D printing in so-called Use Case Challenges and carries out a preliminary feasibility assessment.

EmpowerAX Demo Part for JEC World 2023 – Printing of local stiffening ribs

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

But how can the barriers to entry to the technology itself and the associated infrastructure for industrial application be lowered?

The Innovation Lab team discussed this with the partner network behind EmpowerAX at the EmpowerAX Days on 4 and 5 October 2022. The result of this collaborative discussion process: The EmpowerAX demo part on the topic “Additive Functionalization: Demonstration of an industrial process chain for local reinforcement”, which will be exhibited at the JEC World 2023 in Paris, Hall 6, booth S28.

The EmpowerAX demo component – Additive functionalisation of a multi-curved shell
The EmpowerAX demo component is a collaborative project between DLR and ten players in the industrial process chain for additive functionalisation. It consists of a multi-curved base structure with a functionalised cover bead, which was classically laid and manufactured using an infusion process. The basic structure is derived from an aviation application. A landing at a speed of around 360 km/h per hour with simultaneous front and side winds was therefore taken as the load case as the design requirement.

EmpowerAX demo part: Multi-curved basic structure
EmpowerAX demo part: Multi-curved basic structure

In order for this multi-curved shell to withstand the demands of its final application, local stiffening is necessary. This is done with the help of a rib structure designed for the load case, which is subsequently applied using robotic 3D printing with short-fibre reinforced high-performance thermoplastic (SFRP). This is then stiffened again at certain points with a continuous fibre-reinforced high-performance thermoplastic (CFRP). EmpowerAX partners along the entire process chain of additive functionalisation are involved in the implementation.

Industry partners’ contributions to the EmpowerAX Additive Functionalisation Demo Component for JEC 2023

DLR realises the printing of the stiffening ribs in a co-working process at Weber, whereby the short-fibre reinforced ribs were printed on using robotic 3D printing in less than an hour. In the next step, the rib structure of the EmpowerAX demo part will be selectively reinforced using high-precision CNC robotics at DLR. This will be followed by non-destructive testing by FILL and the printing of supports and fixtures to attach the demo component to the presentation stand using fibre-reinforced materials by FIBERTHREE.

Meet the EmpowerAX team and examine their EmpowerAX demo part at the JEC World 2023, in Hall 6, Stand S28. In addition to the EmpowerAX demo part, the DLR Fused Bonding Demonstrator on the topic of “Reliable bonding due to reactive surfaces” will be also exhibited at their booth.

This article has been written by Xenia Stumpf, on DLR Website.

128599JEC Group
SiemensGamesa and Airborne develop an Automatic Preforming Robot System Tue, 28 Mar 2023 08:07:00 +0000 Read more]]> The system will lay-up the preform plies automatically, to replace the current manual process. It will decrease the time that the large, expensive moulds are occupied and it will improve the quality of the blade. 

This project strengthens the collaboration between Airborne and SiemensGamesa, that started in 2022 with the project to build and supply a large, automated system for the manufacturing of offshore blades.  The ALMA project is aimed to further accelerate the technology, adding new functionality, advanced sensor systems and digital twinning. 

The APRS is combined with three key hardware components: a fabric material dispensing system, an end-effector and a robot on a (movable) gantry. The system is coupled with state-of-the-art system inspection software, that combined can utilize preforming tech-nology in the lay-up process for accurate detection of wrinkles and placement of plies during operation. The whole process will be simulated in order to pave the way for a digital twin that enables testing and validation of production cycles before the actual blade production. The product is to be integrated into Siemens Gamesa (SGRE) wind turbine factories. This will enable SGRE to transition towards an automated blade manufacturing process, increasing blade output, while reducing production costs. The ALMA project and proposed solution will thus be an enabler of preform technology at SGRE production sites.

This project strengthens the collaboration between Airborne and SiemensGamesa, that started in 2022 with the project to build and supply a large, automated system for the manufacturing of offshore blades.  The ALMA project is aimed to further accelerate the technology, adding new functionality, advanced sensor systems and digital twinning. 

CTO of Airborne Marcus Kremers : ”This programme is a great extension of our collaboration with SiemensGamesa, one of the leading companies in the wind energy sector. It fits nicely within the strong trend that we see in wind and the wider composites industry, which is to automate the layup process with the requirement to stay with the current fabric materials which are affordable and qualified. And that is what we solve with our Automated Ply Placement technology, which allows for easy, fast and flexible automation without the need to change material, it can process the wide variety of materials that are used in industry today.”

128581JEC Group
JEC World 2023 : le Cetim dévoile ses innovations pour le développement de la filière composite Fri, 24 Mar 2023 16:43:00 +0000 Read more]]> Les matériaux plastiques et composites offrent de nombreuses possibilités : légèreté, durabilité, nouveau design, recyclabilité. Leur utilisation est devenue incontournable dans de nombreux secteurs d’activité industrielle tels que le transport, l’automobile, l’aéronautique, le ferroviaire et le maritime, mais aussi dans les secteurs de la chimie, du pétrole et du gaz, des loisirs et des énergies renouvelables.

Du 25 au 27 avril 2023, sur le salon JEC World 2023, le Cetim présentera ses services et solutions sur l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur des composites pour une intégration réussie de ces matériaux dans les applications industrielles. De la conception, à la mise en œuvre, en passant par le recyclage et la formation, les experts pluridisciplinaires du Cetim accompagnent les industriels dans le déploiement des composites et l’amélioration des performances de leurs produits, pour une industrie compétitive, plus verte et durable :

  • Etude de faisabilité technico-économique de concepts innovants
  • Design-to-cost, dimensionnement de pièces, simulation de procédé
  • Développement et industrialisation de procédés de fabrication innovants : Procédé de thermoformage haute cadence QSP® et Procédé laser d’enroulement de tape Spide TP
  • Assemblage multi matériaux : du choix de la technologie à la validation
  • Bancs d’essais sur mesure, essais multiphysiques, simulation
  • Caractérisation et qualification de structures et de composants
  • Contrôles non destructifs, suivi de production (essais)
  • Analyses de défaillance, expertises de pièces et de peintures
  • Technologies innovantes de recyclage des composites TP
  • Près de 30 formations Cetim Academy dédiés aux Composites pour assurer leur bonne intégration au sein de l’entreprise.

Exposition de nombreux démonstrateurs dont le Krueger Flap, lauréat des JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2023
Le Cetim exposera de nombreux démonstrateurs sur son stand qui répondent aux enjeux d’allègement, de recyclabilité, d’optimisation de performances, … dont le Krueger Flap fabriqué en composites TP avec le procédé SPIDE TP du Cetim, lauréat des JEC Composites Innovations Awards 2023 dans la catégorie “Aerospace/Process”.

JEC Awards 2023 : le Projet SWING industrialise un procédé inédit au service de l’aviation du futur

Découvrez plus de vidéos sur la JEC Composites Web TV.

Les travaux de R&D du Cetim sur les composites et l’implication de toutes ses équipes ingénieurs, techniciens en matériaux, calcul, conception… dans le développement de la filière depuis maintenant plus de 40 ans ont été récompensés à plusieurs reprises par des JEC Composites Innovation Awards :

  • en 2015 pour le procédé de thermoformage « Quilted Stratum Process » (QSP®),
  • en 2016 pour la machine de pelage rapide,
  • en 2018 pour la ligne de recyclage innovante de déchets plastiques et composites thermoplastiques (ThermoPRIME® et Thermosaïc®).
  • en 2023 pour le procédé SPIDE TP

Animation d’une conférence sur l’hydrogène
Les experts du Cetim animeront la conférence sur les “Défis des matériaux pour l’hydrogène dans la mobilité terrestre” le mercredi 26, à partir de 11h30 dans l’Agora 6.

L’occasion de dévoiler les derniers investissements du Centre dans le cadre de son programme HyMEET, (Hydrogen Materials and Equipments Engineering and Testing) ; un programme qui permet de proposer à la filière mécanique française des moyens, des compétences et des services dédiés pour assurer la maîtrise technologique des changements qu’impose l’utilisation de l’hydrogène sous ses formes gazeuses et liquides.

Rencontrez le CETIM sur JEC World, Hall 6, stand L50.

128139JEC Group
Heraeus Noblelight to highlight humm3® at JEC 2023 Fri, 24 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> As this technology is powerful, safe, and highly controllable – it’s perfect for Automated Fibre Placement, Automated Tape Layup and Filament Winding applications. In 2022 the product range was expanded, introducing humm3® enterprise, which is intended for industrial work, complementing the already popular humm3® discovery product.

“We are very proud that humm3® has become an invaluable tool in advancing composites research and manufacturing. With the most recent system set to ship to a partner in Korea, we are delighted to have humm3® technology at prestigious locations all around the world. Today humm3® is in use across Europe in multiple locations in the USA and Asia, the humm3® community is truly global.” said Abby Littlechild, Head of Sales, Flash Components & Systems.

The University of South Carolina’s McNair Centre has championed humm3® technology since launch. The centre focusses on aerospace-related education and research. Brandon Seay, Associate Engineer and Jessie Pandher, Researcher were asked which main research challenge humm3® has helped them with and answered: “humm3® has helped to solve thermoplastic AFP material processing. In both the ability to reach temperature for laydown and tack of material, increase deposition rate, safety, and ease of process parameter development for layup.”

Heraeus Noblelight will be exhibiting as part of the Composites UK pavilion at JEC World 2023, Paris between April 25th-27th, 2023. Hall 6, booth S52.

128179JEC Group
TARTLER to highlight MDM series at JEC World 2023 with a new top-of-the-range model for resin processing Thu, 23 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> You can call it the big brother of the MDM systems or the little sister of the Nodopur systems, whichever you prefer. But of much greater relevance is the fact that with the new MDM plus, TARTLER is now offering a compact system solution for processing small quantities of synthetic resins that is up to par with the large dosing, mixing and application systems of the well-known Nodopur series. That means concretely: Firstly, the new premium model sets itself apart from the smaller table-top and rack-mounted units of the MDM family with a higher output rate of up to 6.5 kg/min, a separate drive for each component, the option of integrated volume flow control and a 7-inch touch panel. At the same time, the MDM plus is extremely space-saving and available at a significantly lower price than a Nodopur system.

“The new plant is the optimum choice for synthetic resin processors who process medium quantities and have little floor space available, but still want to benefit from the advantages of cutting-edge process technology in the form of a high-performance compact solution,” says company boss Udo Tartler.

With the new MDM plus, TARTLER offers a compact system solution for processing small quantities of synthetic resins, which with its special technical equipment catches up with the large metering, mixing and application systems of the widely known Nodopur series.

Visually, the new MDM plus stands out by its mobile basic structure with collecting tray, which was primarily reserved for the larger plants of the TARTLER portfolio. In the standard version, the user can choose between tanks with a capacity of 3 to 60 liters. In addition, the plant has a fill level indicator for both components and is equipped with the LC5/3 mixing head from the company’s portfolio. This high-quality mixing head can be fitted with disposable rotating plastic mixers – eliminating the need to use liquid rinsing agents. Other important performance features of the new compact solution from TARTLER are the choice between electric and pneumatic agitators for the components as well as the silica gel filter for the B-component (e.g. hardener).

What’s more, the MDM plus allows users to carry out small circulations of the components. Here, the unmixed material is moved in metering pauses from the tanks through the pumps and – if present – the volume flow meter and back into the tank. This allows the required temperature to be maintained and adjustments to the machine to be made without loss of material. In addition, fillers are prevented from settling in the metering hose due to the material coming to a standstill. Before dispensing, the circulation system is switched off.

The new MDM plus from TARTLER is equipped with the LC5/3 mixing head. It can be equipped with rotating disposable plastic mixers – eliminating the need to use liquid rinsing agents.

Young talent in the compact segment
“The new MDM plus bridges the gap between our portable systems for small-volume processing and our large Nodopur systems, which meter and mix up to 50 liters of resin per minute. At the same time, it enriches the MDM family with another attractive compact solution,” says Udo Tartler.

Small-volume processors can now choose from a total of five models. The entry-level MDM 3 system has electrically driven metering pumps and container ports for connecting the original barrels of the material suppliers. It dispenses up to 0.7 liters of material per minute at a mixing ratio of 100:100 (the specific output quantity always depends on the viscosities, mixing ratios and hose lengths). The tabletop unit is operated with 220 V and without external compressed air.

The MDM 4 tabletop unit from TARTLER allows the transition to mechanical dosing and mixing systems. It can be configured to output quantities of 0.5 to 0.8 l/min through various pump constellations, depending on the mixing ratio and viscosity of the components. This allows dosing ratios of 100:10 to 10:100 to be realized. The mixing head used is an LC 0/2, whose disposable mixer is rotated by a frequency-controlled electric motor via a flexible shaft. As for the tanks, users can choose between containers with volumes from 0.5 to 100 l. The MDM 4 also requires only 220 V mains power for operation.

The MDM 5 is the choice for resin processors who need variable output rates from 0.05 to 1.5 l/min and more functionality. The machines, which can be used stationary or mobile, allows liquid PU and epoxy resins to be poured, sprayed or foamed. The Siemens control offers features such as shot time preselection and potlife timer. The MDM 5 can be fitted with different TARTLER mixing heads and equipped with different containers, agitators and heaters for tanks, hoses and mixing head. It works with 220 volts and compressed air (6-8 bar).

Designed for outputs of up to 3.5 l/min, the MDM 6 from TARTLER is also suitable for pouring, spraying and foaming. Among other functions, its control system enables users to perform small and large circulations of the components. in the large circulation process, the material also flows through the mixing head and the machine is ready to shoot in seconds. The MDM 6 can be operated with tank volumes ranging from 3.0 l to 100 l. Its position as TARTLER’s previous top-of-the-range compact solution has now been passed on to the new MDM plus, which is on par with the large machines of the Nodopur series, thanks to its significantly higher output and extended equipment package.

The company’s modularity system means that all TARTLER MDM systems can be customized with numerous components – such as chassis, refill kits, heating and degassing systems. “In addition, we support each user through every advanced step to the next level of machine and automated resin processing,” stresses Udo Tartler.

Meet TARTLER at JEC World 2023, Hall 5, booth D65.

128166JEC Group
NASA awardees to develop sustainable aviation composite tech Wed, 22 Mar 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The awards are from NASA’s Hi-Rate Composite Aircraft Manufacturing (HiCAM) project, which seeks to reduce the cost and increase the production rate of composite structures made in the U.S. With more lightweight, composite airframes in service, airlines will save fuel and reduce emissions, making commercial aviation more sustainable. Sustainability, cost, and aircraft production rate drive U.S. competitiveness in the commercial aircraft industry.

“HiCAM will bring the value of composite technology to the high-volume single-aisle fleet and accelerate aviation towards meeting its goal of net-zero carbon emissions,” said Dr. Richard Wahls, mission integration manager for the Sustainable Flight National Partnership at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

For its contribution to the Sustainable Flight National Partnership, HiCAM works with a public-private partnership, the Advanced Composites Consortium, which allows  partners to take advantage of each other’s expertise and increase the likelihood of the U.S. aviation industry adopting results. Organizations within the consortium that received funding through these latest awards will match NASA’s funding.

“By working together as a team, rather than as competitors, NASA and our partners will accelerate the development of technologies and the transition of those technologies onto the next generation of transport aircraft,” said Dr. Richard Young, HiCAM project manager at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. 

When NASA launched HiCAM, the project considered multiple materials and manufacturing techniques. HiCAM established three manufacturing concepts: next-generation thermosets, resin-infused composites, and thermoplastic composites. The new awards will support the evaluation and development of these concepts at small scales, including experiments in material processing, assembly techniques, inspection, and structural performance. 

The Advanced Composites Consortium member organizations that received NASA funding through these latest awards are:

  • Advanced Thermoplastic Composites of Post Falls, Idaho
  • Boeing of St. Louis
  • CGTech of Irvine, California
  • Collier Aerospace of Newport News, Virginia
  • Collins Aerospace of Chula Vista, California
  • Electroimpact of Mukilteo, Washington
  • Hexcel, of Stamford, Connecticut
  • Lockheed Martin of Palmdale, California
  • Northrop Grumman of Clearfield, Utah
  • Solvay of Alpharetta, Georgia
  • Spirit AeroSystems of Wichita, Kansas
  • Toray Advanced Composites of Morgan Hill, California
  • University of South Carolina of Columbia, South Carolina
  • Wichita State University National Institute for Aviation Research

The additional members of the consortium are:

  • NASA Langley
  • Aurora Flight Sciences of Manassas, Virginia
  • Convergent Manufacturing Technologies US of Seattle
  • The Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center at the Atlantic City International Airport in New Jersey
  • GE Aviation of Evandale, Ohio,
  • Mississippi State University

At the conclusion of this phase of the project, HiCAM will select the most promising concepts for further development, after which will follow a full-scale demonstration of fuselage or wing components by 2028. 

In total, NASA plans to invest $184 million in HiCAM while partner organizations are expected to contribute $136 million, resulting in a total operating budget of $320 million.

HiCAM’s support for public-private partnerships in high-rate composite aircraft manufacturing is a key contributor to the Sustainable Flight National Partnership’s ability to accelerate U.S. progress toward an environmentally and economically sustainable aviation future.

128243JEC Group
CompoTech will showcase a new automated carbon fibre winding machine with integrated robot arm at JEC World 2023 Mon, 20 Mar 2023 13:54:07 +0000 Read more]]> The automated production machine on show includes an integrated robot arm and specially designed ‘end of arm’ fibre delivery head tooling; the robot arm also provides fully automated tool changes, and part loading and unloading.  The new machine has been programmed to manufacture a new type of carbon fibre (CF) epoxy composite pallet, which can be seen in operation during the JEC show. The new design lightweight, high strength, carbon epoxy pallet was also developed by CompoTech.

The CF pallet design and machine build project was commissioned by a leading logistics company as part sustainability improving investments being made; the new CF composite pallets will replace existing, much heavier, metal pallets, to significantly reduce transportation costs and the carbon footprint of future deliveries. 

The design of the CF epoxy pallets includes CompoTech’s proprietary axial fibre winding technology and its integrated loop technology (ILT) which produces fixture free joints; both technologies have been successfully demonstrated on an off-road bike frame, shortlisted for a JEC World 2023 Innovation award, which is being showcased during the show in the JEC World ‘Industry’ Innovation Plant.  

A key advantage for composite manufacturers looking at automated fibre winding production options is that CompoTech includes both of these unique, proprietary continuous fibre winding technologies as part of its automated machine system’s functionality.  CompoTech’s automated production system also includes in-house developed ‘SNEG’ fibre placement and winding software that controls the robot arm and winding mandrel; the SNEG software converts a design specification into a production programme to precision manufacture CF epoxy composite components.   

The company has recently expanded its business, with more resources now focused on designing and supplying ‘turnkey’ automated fibre winding machines with full system service and support.  During JEC World 2023, CompoTech is looking to meet with companies interested in discussing their specific requirements for custom designed CF epoxy components and automated production machines.

JEC World 2023 visitors to the CompoTech stand will also be able to find out about ongoing development projects to produce components and machines for OEMs and Tier 1 specialist producers looking to manufacture next generation ‘linerless’ hydrogen tanks for applications such as energy storage, aviation,  HGVs, and mass transportation.

CompoTech is an established global supplier of innovative carbon epoxy component designs and automated carbon fibre placement solutions.  The knowledge and expertise gained from successful process development projects and the production of high precision, dynamic automation manufacturing systems is transferrable across a wide cross-section of industries including: aerospace, agriculture, defence, automotive, transport, bicycles and leisure marine.

Meet CompoTech at JEC World 2023, Hall 6, booth G71.

128107JEC Group
EXPO-NET will showcase a new infusion processing guide and bioplastic flow meshes at JEC World 2023 Mon, 20 Mar 2023 13:43:59 +0000 Read more]]> The range of 100% recyclable, extruded thermoplastic resin flow mesh products developed and produced by EXPO-NET are extensively used in composite manufacturing as essential vacuum infusion processing aids; up to four different custom made resin flow mesh grades can be used in specific areas of an infused part to increase productivity and to avoid premature resin hardening and air voids.

Two of EXPO-NET’s latest technical developments are being showcased during JEC World 2023.

  • New vacuum infusion resin flow mesh comparative data

Visitor to the EXPO-NET stand at JEC World this year will be able to see and discuss the new ‘Vacuum Infusion Resin Flow Mesh Technical Processing Guide’. The guide provides comparative data on the different types of EXPO-NET flow mesh grades available – Quick, Medium or Slow. The new processing guide has been developed to better understand the rheological impact of specific flow mesh grade types to match the specific resin grade, laminate design and shape of the FRP part being infused. The data helps customers select the right combination of mesh products in different areas of a mould to optimize vacuum infusion resin flow control, improve process predictability and ensure part quality.

  • New Bio-attributed plastic netting products

EXPO-NET’s R&D team is investigating possible bio-attributed thermoplastic polymer formulations that can be extruded to provide netting and flow mesh products with properties which match the specifications of currently used PE and PP polymer raw materials.  The renewable ‘mass balance’ resource feedstocks being evaluated can be produced from tall oil extracted from kraft pulped Nordic softwoods.   The aim is to develop a new range of sustainable products of equivalent performance that are not only 100% recyclable, but also have a significantly lower carbon footprint.

During JEC World 2023, the EXPO-NET business development team is hoping to meet with companies interested in discussing a possible collaboration to develop bio-attributed resin flow mesh products for their specific market and application needs.

Meet EXPO-NET at JEC World 2023, Hall 5, booth Q56.

128103JEC Group
Advanced prosthetics made accessible: How PSYONIC developed a bionic hand using additive manufacturing Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> One company trying to upend the market is PSYONIC, creator of the Ability Hand. Designed and manufactured in-house with hybrid manufacturing methods, including 3D printing, injection and silicone molding, and CNC machines, the Ability Hand is promising to restore their life, and mobility, back to what it was.

What was PSYONIC able to accomplish with Formlabs SLA 3D printers ?
• Create an FDA-registered, Medicare-covered, industry-defining upper-limb prosthesis from scratch.
• Collect customer feedback and rapidly prototype in-house to improve the Ability Hand’s design and functionality.
• Deploy a true hybrid manufacturing production method to deliver the Ability Hand at an affordable price.
• Help patients return to their normal lives, including Sergeant Garrett Anderson.
• Increase affordability and access from 10% to 75% of patients
• Utilize new durable and impact-resistant 3D printing materials to create long-lasting end-use parts

In this news, CEO Aadeel Akhtar, PhD and lead Mechanical Engineer James Austin to learn how they built the Ability Hand, why this market is so underserved, and how 3D printing was a vital part of their go-to-market strategy. We’ll also meet Sergeant Garrett Anderson, one of the first power-users of the Ability Hand.

Advanced Prosthetics: How PSYONIC Developed a Bionic Hand Using 3D Printing

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

The need for a better upper-limb solution
In 2005, while deployed in Iraq, Sergeant Garrett Anderson’s vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. Later diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries and a broken jaw, Anderson had to have his right arm removed below the elbow. Upon returning home, much of his life returned to normal, but he still faced challenges; he enrolled in Illinois State University, obtained an undergraduate and Master’s degree, and had two children.

The current market for artificial limbs is antiquated, with hooks sometimes still being used for basic functionality. Despite rapid advancements made in other prominent medical fields over the years, prosthetics remain stuck in the past.  

Anderson eventually came in contact with a young PhD student named Aadeel Akhtar. Like Anderson, Akhtar was not satisfied with the current state of prosthetics. “This is something that I’ve wanted to do my entire life, ever since I was seven years old. My parents are from Pakistan. I was visiting and that’s the first time I met someone with a limb difference. She was my age missing her right leg and using a tree branch as a crutch. And that’s what inspired me to want to go into this field and build the most advanced bionic devices, and make them accessible to everyone.”

CEO Aadeel Akhtar, PhD, holds the most recent version of the Ability Hand.

But getting an industry-defining new prosthesis product to market was no easy task. “Over the last seven years, we’ve gone through nine different prototypes of the Ability Hand, which is now available nationwide in the United States, FDA registered, and covered by Medicare,” Akhtar said.

What modern hybrid manufacturing looks like

Increasingly, both large and small firms have turned to in-house 3D printing to help prototype and bring new products to market. In spaces with high upfront R&D costs, such as medical device manufacturing, 3D printing has become a vital tool in the engineering team’s toolbox.

A truly next-generation prosthesis needs to be fast to respond to user inputs, tough and durable so as to not break during daily tasks, lightweight so as to not tire the user and cramp their arm, and deliver real, sensory feedback. No small feat!

What has changed in device manufacturing to allow a small company like PSYONIC to upend the market for traditional prostheses?
• 3D printing has been ubiquitous in prototyping and product development for decades. Now this maturing technology, specifically selective laser sintering (SLS) and stereolithography (SLA) printing, is entering widespread use in manufacturing.
• Improved technology for high-throughput and high-quality printing of final end-use parts, and a variety of improved materials, make 3D printing practical for creating new medical devices.
• In addition to fabricating end-use parts directly, 3D printing offers compelling advantages in “hybrid production,” as an intermediate process alongside conventional processes, for instance in fabricating molds, tools, patterns, fixtures, and jigs. This is known as rapid tooling and manufacturing aids.

Austin told us that “mixing and matching manufacturing methods is extremely important, I think, to startups in general, but especially to PSYONIC. There’s no way we could have competed with other prosthetics companies at our size if we had to abide by purely traditional manufacturing. Things like CNC machining, and injection molding, the initial costs, especially for trying to prototype things with multiple iterations, would’ve just been far too astronomical for us to do. But with the advent of 3D printing and various kinds of 3D printing, we’ve been able to prototype rapidly, change our iterations and produce things at low scale and low cost. 3D printing, especially the Formlabs 3D printers, has come in absolutely critical for that development process for a startup our size.”

Let’s take a look at some of the ways PSYONIC uses in-house 3D printing to build the Ability Hand.

In-house carbon fiber molds

In-house carbon fiber molding helped PSYONIC improve the design of the Ability Hand.

Carbon fiber is a powerful material to build with, as it increases the overall durability and rigidity of the Ability Hand while reducing weight. However, traditional molds are expensive, making it prohibited to iterate and create the right number of molds for small-batch production. But today, companies don’t have to choose between additive manufacturing and traditional CNC machines, they can simply do both.

Austin explained to us, “in the early iterations of the carbon fiber mold, SLA 3D printing was actually quite important. We didn’t have the resources to produce molds for the carbon fiber, for example, by machining. So what we did instead was we would produce molds using High Temp Resin. This was fragile, but heat resistant, which allowed us to press the carbon fiber sheets into the exact shape we wanted, put them in an oven for high temperature to cure them, and then adhere them to our hand.”

3D printed molds for manufacturing carbon fiber parts can reduce costs and lower lead times. Engineers can directly print the mold at low costs and within a few hours without having to hand carve it or deal with CNC equipment. With High Temp Resin and Rigid 10K Resin, growing medical device firms such as PSYONIC can achieve complicated mold shapes with fine details that would be difficult to manufacture with traditional methods.

Austin deployed High Temp Resin to create multiple molds, affordably testing his design as he went. He told us that, “if we didn’t like the shape, we just changed it in CAD, put it on the 3D printer again, had another High Temp Resin block come out and we were good to iterate. For long-term sustainability, we eventually switched over to machining molds, but for that early prototyping, short-term tests, the High Temp Resin on the Form 3 printers was really useful.” High Temp Resin has a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 238°C @ 0.45 MPa and is able to sustain the heat and pressure of an autoclave.

128042JEC Group
3D printed satellite, how CRP USA and Windform LX 3.0 composite helped PSAS’s OreSat0 CubeSat get to orbit Fri, 17 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “3D printed satellite” is a term increasingly used in texts describing aerospace experiences, especially when depicted space missions involving small satellites. In fact, more and more often we come across phrases like: “The small satellite or “nanosatellite” revolution is here”.

Kilogram-class satellites, like CubeSats, now have functionality that were only available in larger 100 to 1,000 kg class satellites. Recently, 3D printing has helped speed up this revolution, especially in universities. CubeSats have been launched by dozens of countries, universities and companies all around the world.

And the state of Oregon joined them recently thanks to the Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) that built OreSat0, their very own artisanally hand-crafted CubeSat system, currently in low Earth orbit. This achievement in the field of 3D printed satellite was possible thanks to their use of Windform LX 3.0 composite material and industrial 3D printing in their most critical subsystems. Windform LX 3.0 and 3D printing were supplied by CRP USA.

OreSat0 showing off the internal card cage and the stowed tri-band turnstile antenna. The turnstile antenna assembly on top, the star tracker camera in the middle, and the battery assembly at the bottom are all printed out of CRP’s Windform LX 3.0 composite material. Courtesy PSAS

The OreSat bus project
The Portland State Aerospace Society is an open source, interdisciplinary student aerospace project at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, with collaborators at most other Oregon universities. They make sophisticated amateur rockets, small liquid fuel rocket engines, and CubeSat nanosatellites.

They currently have three satellite missions in the works. All rely on the fully open source OreSat bus which they are offering as an inexpensive (for a satellite) “DIY” platform for designing and building 1U through 3U CubeSats, paving the way for a solution to the “COTS vs DIY” dilemma.

“OreSat is our fully open source, modular, and re-usable CubeSat system designed for educational teams”, said PSAS members. “OreSat uses a card cage system, which allows cards to be reused on different missions from 1U to 3U CubeSats. Cards include everything you would expect aboard a CubeSat: an on-board computer with multi-band radios, a battery pack, a star tracker, a GPS receiver, and the beginnings of an attitude determination and control system (ADCS). Solar modules are mounted on the outside of the Aluminum frame, along with deployable omnidirectional antennas.”

OreSat0 was deployed into low earth orbit on March 15th, 2021 and has been successfully operating since then. OreSat0.5 is being readied for flight in October 2023, and OreSat1 is scheduled for a deployment off of the international space station in early 2024.

-Z face of OreSat0, Oregon’s first satellite, at Spaceflight integration facilities in Kent, WA. Courtesy PSAS
Z face of OreSat0, Oregon’s first satellite, at Spaceflight integration facilities in Kent, WA. Courtesy PSAS

The project
The Portland State Aerospace Society is determined to develop better students through hands-on interdisciplinary systems engineering projects. Everything is designed, built, and tested by interdisciplinary student teams: mechanical engineers work on the structure, thermals, and CAD, Electrical engineers design the cards made of PCBs (standard two and four layers boards), and computer science students program the Linux boxes and microcontrollers that run the CubeSat.

PSAS members added, “There are very few open source satellites in the world, and ours is probably the most fully featured. We are currently collaborating with four other universities who are building satellites and ground stations based on our projects.”

Using industrial 3D Printing and Windform
Before employing Selective Laser Sintering and Windform LX 3.0 for manufacturing subsystems on  OreSat0, PSAS members used other technologies. We designed and manufactured the parts locally using extremely inexpensive FDM machines until we prototyped a design that worked. We then switched to SLS 3D printing, which worked extremely well. But we couldn’t find SLS parts that could stand the temperature extremes and that were vacuum rated to NASA and ESA outgassing standards.

We were absolutely thrilled to find CRP Technology’s Windform LX 3.0 composite material and CRP USA as technology supplier. With Windform LX 3.0, we could design the parts for 3D printing, run quick turns to prototype on local printers, and then print our final engineering and flight units out of Windform.

It absolutely changed the way we design all parts of our satellite thanks to its characteristics: Windform LX 3.0 can be used in space; it has extremely good material properties; it is extremely easy to work with; it is far superior to other 3D printing materials, including the other FDM, SLA, and SLS technologies that we’ve used.”

3D printed parts in Windform LX 3.0, OreSat0’s critical subsystems
The 3D printed parts that CRP USA manufactured for PSAS’s OreSat0 are three critical subsystems. The material chosen was Windform LX 3.0, a glass fiber reinforced material from the Windform TOP-LINE range of composite materials for Powder Bed Fusion 3D printing process (Selective Laser Sintering).

Deployer for the tri-band turnstile antenna
Windform LX 3.0 allowed the PSAS team to use 3D printing processes on their critical subsystems, including their extremely reliable deployer for their tri-band turnstile antenna. The antenna has three separate antennas (UHF at 436.5 MHz, L band at 1.265 GHz, and L1 at 1.575 GHz) each with 4 elements; all 12 of these elements are deployed using nylon monofilament lines and only a single melt resistor.

According to the team, “There was no way we would have been able to get the packing density of three bands with four elements each in anything other than a 3D printed, non-conductive process. We don’t know of any other satellite with this kind of antenna density.”

Star Tracker Lens and Sensor Assembly

Star tracker with Windform LX 3.0 used in the camera lens and sensor assembly (the lower left part of the card) used for final development and integration testing. Courtesy PSAS
Star tracker with Windform LX 3.0 used in the camera lens and sensor assembly (the lower left part of the card) used for final development and integration testing. Courtesy PSAS

Using CRP’s Windform LX 3.0, PSAS members were able to mount their star tracker sensor and lens  on a small daughterboard that kept the entire assembly to a single 10 mm tall card form factor.

Battery Pack

OreSat0’s 3D printed battery pack before being mounted to a card, printed in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS
OreSat0’s 3D printed battery pack before being mounted to a card, printed in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS

The battery pack needed to reliably hold 18650 cells through vibration testing while also providing thermal and electrical insulation from the rest of the satellite. Windform LX 3.0 allowed PSAS to make an extremely compact battery assembly that was still  extremely rugged.

Testing performed on Windform parts
Before integration into the launch vehicle, OreSat0 (with 3D printed parts in Windform LX 3.0) was subjected to the following testing: Three axis 14 g random vibration, -40 to +80 °C thermal cycling, and vacuum cycling. Windform performed flawlessly for all of these tests.

“A satellite in orbit is exposed to some of the most harsh conditions a system can endure: 14 g of random vibration during launch, the vacuum of space which causes most plastic materials to outgas, and an extreme temperature range from -40 °C (or colder!) to +100 °C (or hotter!).” add PSAS members.

Advantages in using Windform LX 3.0
The PSAS team recognized three crucial advantages by the use of Windform LX 3.0 and industrial 3D printing technology/ Selective Laser Sintering process:

  • The SLS process provides robust parts that can take environmental testing, including 14 g of random vibration in all three axes and thermal vacuum cycling from -40 to +80 C.
  • The Windform LX 3.0 provides us critical outgassing compliance that’s not available with any other SLS process
  • Windform LX 3.0 provides a non-conductive assembly that can be safely used next to electrical components, such as PCBs, batteries, and antennas

According to the students: “Working with nanosatellites means extremely limited volume for all systems, so the ability to evolve and maximize the use of our space has been very beneficial. We pack a lot into a small space, and we can plan to use nearly every cubic millimeter when we can use 3D printed parts.

Committing to the “final” design is always a tricky step – have we thought everything through?? Once we have the part in hand, it is much more difficult to make changes. Luckily, 3D printing is the fastest way to revise parts if something goes wrong.”

Future OreSat Uses For Windform LX 3.0
Windform LX 3.0 is being used to manufacture future OreSat subsystems, including:

Monopole Antenna Deployer

CAD design of the detail of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS
CAD design of the detail of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS

A modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile deployer that use two monopole elements (L band and UHF band) instead of a turnstile antenna. The deployer also provides structural support to the Cirrus Flux Camera lens, a short wave infrared camera mounted next to the deployer.

Helical Antenna Deployer

CAD design of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS
CAD design of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS

After the satellite is in orbit, the burn wire allows the door to open and the spring deploys out and into place. Light blue structures are Windform LX 3.0.

“Windform LX 3.0 was a game changer for us and is far superior to other 3D printing materials, including the other FDM, SLA, and SLS technologies that we’ve used: it allowed us to use 3D printing to innovate, rapidly iterate, and minimize the volume and mass of our subsystems while being fully functional when in its final environment: space!” said the Portland State Aerospace Society satellite team.

127953JEC Group
Caracol closes €10.6 million Series A and launches internationalization Thu, 16 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This round culminates the swift growth Caracol experienced in the past years, tripling its turnover in 2022. It affirms both the company’s leading role and the relevance of its technological solution Heron AM, the large format additive manufacturing platform, setting the grounds for an international expansion. The deal was completed successfully thanks to the support and coordination provided by the financial advisor Growth Capital, together with law firms Fieldfisher, HiLex, Almasta, and Linklaters.

The funds will propel Caracol towards a global future, supporting its ability to accomplish the demanding objectives set in its strategic plan.

“This round is the crowning achievement in our journey of tremendous growth, that has led prominent companies in sectors such as Aerospace and Marine to validate our technology. Thanks to the trust bestowed by major Italian funds and the great support received by our advisors, coordinated by Growth Capital, we’ll now have the possibility to accelerate the presence of our solutions in global markets, continuing to develop and consolidate the technology that will accelerate a more efficient and sustainable future for the manufacturing world” comments Caracol’s CEO and Co-founder, Francesco De Stefano.

Caracol will expand the presence of its technology, Heron AM, on an international scale. Following the product’s launch in September last year, the objective is to equip manufacturing companies with a cutting-edge machine that can help overcome existing limits in traditional production processes in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and flexibility. The funding round will support the company’s further development of its partners network both for the technical progress and for the commercialization of Heron AM in key European and global markets. Additionally, to consolidate its presence in key regions, Caracol will be opening two new hubs in North America and in the Middle East, with dedicated local teams. This operation will lead the company’s team to triple in around two years, to about 120 employees in 2024.

This expansion will be backed by investments in Research & Development, that account for 40% of revenues, on which the company built its technological leadership through the years. The aim is to continue developing the turnkey large format solution Heron AM, both in terms of hardware and software, expanding the range of materials processed, broadening potential applications produced, and improving the technical performance of the offered solution.

“We are very happy to support Caracol’s growth” comments Enrico Filì, Head of the Industry Tech division for the fund Corporate Partners I of CDP Venture Capital, “This is a further operation for IndustryTech division, launched together with large industrial groups like Adler Group, Camozzi, Bolton and Marcegaglia. This investment represents a great example of Italian technology that intercepts the needs of the manufacturing sector, central strategy for our fund, and rewards a first-rate team with ambitious objectives in terms of growth in international markets”.

“Neva SGR continues investing in Italy and does so in a sector that has always been central for the country’s economy, that of manufacturing Industry 4.0. The investment in Caracol, in its technology and in its care for sustainability and circular economy, go in the direction of recognizing an example of Italian excellence, ready to grow in international markets” – states Mario Costantini, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Neva SGR.

Matteo Cascinari, General Partner of Primo Space Fund: “In a very short time, Caracol has been capable of affirming its solutions in different sectors and particularly in space, notoriously a very complex and technologically advanced market, also with an eye to sustainability. Together with other qualified investors we’ll finance the continued growth and international expansion of the company, confident that its founders and all its team will be able to meet the challenge with skill and resolve.”

Stefano Peroncini, CEO EUREKA! Venture SGR, “Thanks to this new important investment round we renew Eureka!’s trust in Caracol and its brilliant team, that has proved its ability in effectively implementing an ambitious technological and entrepreneurial plan, integrating and enhancing robotics and additive manufacturing, with a distinctive approach to circularity and sustainability.” 

127949JEC Group
Machine learning solution allows process optimisation and economic benefits Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Netzsch Process Intelligence has created a smart manufacturing solution called sensXPERT, that allows process control in real-time. Via cloud computing and fully integrated mould sensors, data from different production lines, from everywhere in the world and from any device, can be evaluated and adjusted in real-time.

Processes in composites manufacturing are strictly predetermined and comparable to the extremely regulated standardisation in the manufacturing industry. On the other hand, legislative and public pressure with regards to sustainability goals such as material recycling, reduction of energy and scrap, and optimisation of production processes is steadily increasing. Those considerations were the starting point for two experts in materials science and sensor technology to develop a manufacturing control solution to allow the industry to detect deviations within the production process and to obtain concrete clues on how to adjust those.

JEC Composites Magazine discussed the challenges of the manufacturing industry with Dr. Alexander Chaloupka, Managing Director and CTO at sensXPERT, a brand of Netzsch Process Intelligence GmbH, and Ingo Schwarz, Managing Director, Schwarz Plastic Solutions GmbH, who started their collaboration two years ago. The result is sensXPERT, a data-driven smart manufacturing solution designed to improve productivity, cost and quality control. There are provable effects on sustainability with regards to dynamic cycle times, energy savings and scrap reduction.

JEC Composites Magazine: Could you demonstrate to our readers why predetermined processes are no longer acceptable?
Alexander Chaloupka: “Cost pressure is a growing issue. We experienced during Corona pandemic and the recent Ukraine war that moulders need more flexibility in material sourcing. To rely on one single material sheet for a longer production process is no longer standard practice in manufacturing. Too many parameters play a decisive role in maintaining the material quality, such as transport conditions, air pressure, temperature or humidity. A deviation from the standard may cause the process to get out of control. Our monitoring technology supports various production processes such as reactive injection moulding, resin transfer moulding, compression moulding and vacuum infusion, with a high focus on thermoset materials. We combine the domain knowledge of plant and processing technology with materials science to optimally steer the entire manufacturing process.”

Advantages of sensXPERT technology at a glance. (Image © sensXPERT)

What is the USP of your technology?
Alexander Chaloupka: “From a technological perspective, we offer a solution combining materials science and an in-mould material evaluation system that provides real-time answers. The know-how, complex and sophisticated sensor technology comes with broad domain knowledge. In addition to creating complete transparency in the manufacturing process of plastic parts, sensXPERT openly welcomes ecosystem partners who understand that stand-alone solutions will not be sufficient to meet tomorrow’s customer needs in addressing increasing production challenges.
We consider ourselves thought leaders and collaborators, true to the motto: Better together! In the long run, we all benefit from a more profound understanding between machine, process, and inline material behaviour, which becomes more measurable through collaborations.”

How does the interaction between sensXPERT and the customer work?
Alexander Chaloupka: “Once the decision to integrate the sensXPERT solution is made, the client’s tool makers can start to incorporate the sensors, which build the work foundation. The edge device acts as a real-time data evaluator and communicator and is close to the customer’s machine. The hardware installation is easily done, and the Corona pandemic was the stress test that even Australian customers like Carbon Revolution were served from afar without a hitch. The ongoing communication and part data evaluation lie in the hands of our data scientists and cloud experts. They are the specialists behind the always-on technology. sensXPERT continuously learns and retrains its machine learning models and AI. It is hand in hand work with our customer’s part production. The more parts produced, the more intelligent our technology gets, thus securing process stability and production efficiency. This was the case with Carbon Revolution, since they are producing large quantities of high-performance carbon wheels, tens of thousands per year in a highly automated production process. Carbon Revolution confirmed that they significantly progressed with our technology in their manufacturing process, since defective moulding processes can be detected at a very early stage, thus reducing the risk of quality losses.”

The sensXPERT technology was also selected as 2023 JEC Composites Innovation Awards Finalists in the category Digital, AI & Data.

sensXPERT is an end-to-end, integrated equipment as a service solution for the plastics manufacturing industry solving challenges around consistent process stability while ensuring cost efficiency.

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“The sensXPERT technology is designed for efficiency; so is our communication. Our customers operate worldwide and we can remotely serve them from anywhere. The client’s wish is our demand. The offered EaaS (Equipment as a Service) solution comes with various side services, such as characterising material properties, creating customised kinetic models, pre-installation consulting services, and providing economic data via profound ROI calculation, supporting the technological feasibility.”

What are the significant future challenges in manufacturing, and particularly for the plastics industry, and how does the sensXPERT technology cope with those?
Ingo Schwarz: “From a political point of view as far as the new regulations coming from Brussels are concerned and considering the public opinion towards plastics, we observe a growing pressure for the plastics industry. However, most plastics stakeholders still ignore the clear signals. Unfortunately, many topics and aspects get mixed up when…”

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JEC Composites Magazine

127817JEC Group
Discover the latest JEC Composites Magazine focused on JEC World 2023 Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Turning challenges into new opportunities!

JEC World 2023 is approaching but, at present, bouncing back is all what the composites sector can wish for in a period where the level of uncertainty for 2023 and beyond remains high. After an economic rebound in 2021, following the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the global economy experienced a global slowdown in 2022 (from 5.7% in 2021 to 2.9% in 2022). Our annual barometer JEC Observer 2022-2027, which will be published mid-March, will offer plenty food for thought in this regard. More than ever before, our industry is facing challenges in multiple domains such as sustainability, production efficiency or innovation. As they are sought after for their unmatched properties by major players in aerospace, marine, construction, energy and transportation sectors, opportunities for the composites sector are as numerous as are the corresponding challenges.

For instance, the necessity to alleviate the impact of leisure boating on fauna and flora gave birth to zero-emission hydrogen-powered boats making it possible to significantly decarbonise this activity sector. Our interview of Chloé Zaied, general manager of Ephyra, will allow you to learn more about it. Wind energy also counts among the growth drivers of the composites industry. In collaboration with a bunch of partners, Saertex GmbH & Co KG, which is a supplier of NCFs and SAERfoam reinforced foam, has come up with an interesting solution to use reinforced foam core materials in the manufacture of rotor blades for wind energy applications.

To elaborate new solutions for a more sustainable future, companies in the composites industry equally need to think out of the box and to fully master new technologies and approaches like new modes of human-machine interaction, huge quantities of data and enhanced connectivity, as the Indian firm Saviant Consulting points it out in its article. State-of-the-art technologies such as additive manufacturing technology help creating parts at a competitive cost, with fast turnaround, high-performance and a repeatable, consistent production process. But efficiency is nothing without reliable innovation. As usual, true partnerships are what is needed to allow innovation to flourish and thrive. In India, non-destructive testing (NDT) benefited of the collaboration between government research laboratories, suppliers of solutions for ultrasonics such as the Vivace Sonics company (see our interview of its managing director V. G. Kulkarnim) and a number of organisations like National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL), Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL), Hindustan Aeronautics Laboratory (HAL), Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and others.

This issue also includes a preview of our annual show as well as an extensive innovation report which will give you a hint of what you will be able to discover at JEC World 2023. We hope you will enjoy reading this issue and look forward to seeing you all in April in Paris!

Read the latest JEC Composites Magazine:
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127880JEC Group
JEC Composites Startup Booster 2023: le plus grand concours de startups dans le domaine des composites annonce ses finalistes Tue, 14 Mar 2023 16:07:57 +0000 Read more]]> Lancé en 2017, JEC Composites Startup Booster représente une opportunité unique de mise en relation, et offre en même temps une excellente fenêtre de visibilité sur l’avenir de l’industrie des composites. Organisé dans trois régions différentes (Europe, États-Unis et Asie), JEC Composites Booster a déjà favorisé l’émergence de plus de 700 projets innovants originaires de plus de 60 pays, devenant ainsi un tremplin incontournable pour tout participant en quête d’opportunités à l’échelle internationale !

Le concours de cette année est parrainé par Airbus, Mercedes-Benz et Owens Corning en tant que principaux partenaires de l’innovation, ainsi que par le groupe Mitsubishi Chemical en tant que partenaire d’innovation.

Le jury est composé de représentants des principaux fabricants et investisseurs :
Jelle BLOEMHOF, Head of Manufacturing Technologies, Airbus
Karl-Heinz FUELLER, Manager Future Exterior & Materials, Mercedes-Benz
Raphael SALAPETE, R&T Plan Manager, Ariane Group
Christer LARSSON, Founding Partner, The Impact Fellowship
Tim RADEMACKER, Director Sales Composites EMEA, Mitsubishi Chemical Group
Chris SKINNER, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Owens Corning


Deux sessions de pitch de 10 présentations chacune se tiendront sur la scène de l’Agora (Hall 6), le mardi 25 avril, à 10 heures pour la catégorie Produits & Matériaux et à 16h30 pour la catégorie Processus, Fabrication et Équipement. Trois vainqueurs seront désignés par le jury, ainsi qu’un gagnant sur la dimension durable du projet. La cérémonie de remise des prix aura lieu le mercredi 26 avril à 15 heures.

Découvrez les 20 finalistes répartis en deux catégories: “Produits et matériaux” et “Processus, fabrication et équipement”.

Catégorie “Produits et matériaux”

Agrona (Egypte)
Obtenir du bois sans abattre un seul arbre.
Deux milliards d’arbres sont abattus chaque année pour fournir du bois à l’industrie du meuble et de la construction, faisant de la déforestation la deuxième cause de changement climatique. Agrona fabrique les premiers panneaux de bois 100 % écologiques au monde à partir de déchets agricoles et de résines bio-sourcées… sans abattre un seul arbre. Pour chaque tonne de panneaux produite par Agrona, trois arbres sont sauvés et 500 mètres cubes d’émissions de CO2 sont évités. Agrona vise à étendre ses activités en Europe au cours des deux prochaines années.
Plus d’information :

ALD Technical Solutions (USA)
Renforcer le réseau et les énergies renouvelables grâce à des matériaux et solutions composites avancés.
ALD Technical Solutions, entreprise de la cleantech détenue par une femme, commercialise les technologies brevetées Composite WiRe WrapTM et GridWrapTM qui augmentent la résistance et l’intégrité de l’infrastructure réseau, tout en doublant la capacité de transmission d’énergie – sans temps d’arrêt. Il s’agit d’une exigence clé pour atteindre des objectifs d’énergie renouvelable sûrs, rentables, résilients et fiables à 100 %.
Plus d’information :

Algreen (Royaume-Uni)
Algreen propose les alternatives les plus durables aux polyuréthanes à base de pétrole, qui représentent 8% des plastiques dans le monde.
La mousse de polyuréthane, les adhésifs et les revêtements sont largement utilisés dans les industries automobiles, cosmétiques, d’emballage et de la mode. Les polyuréthanes conventionnels proviennent de raffineries de pétrole intensives en carbone et finissent leur vie dans les décharges, générant ainsi d’importants gaz à effet de serre. Algreen invente des polyuréthanes 100% d’origine biologique et biodégradables, éliminant ainsi les polyuréthanes à base de pétrole. Le marché mondial du polyuréthane atteindra 29,2 millions de tonnes d’ici 2029. En remplaçant 1% de polyuréthane à base de pétrole, Algreen élimine chaque année 88 milliards de kg CO2eq.
Plus d’information :

Cobratex (France)
Permettre à l’industrie d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement en introduisant le bambou dans les matériaux composites.
Cobratex fabrique des renforts en bambou innovants grâce à sa technologie brevetée qui permet d’extraire des bandes de bambou, qui sont ensuite soudées ensemble pour obtenir un ruban continu et unique de fibres unidirectionnelles. Ce ruban est très différent des rovings standards. C’est en soi une structure composite puisqu’elle est composée de faisceaux de fibres et de structures fermées en forme de nid d’abeille, offrant une alternative durable avec de nombreux avantages techniques. Cobratex fournit la gamme complète de renforts :
• Tissus secs : UD et tissés
• Tissus pré-imprégnés : thermoplastiques et thermodurcissables
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Grafren (Suède)
Des matériaux composites multifonctionnels et écologiques grâce à un revêtement de graphène à l’échelle nanométrique.
Grafren AB s’appuie sur une technologie exclusive pour la fabrication de matériaux de graphène de haute qualité et pour le revêtement de substrats à base de fibres. L’enduction, qui est effectuée à la surface des fibres — à l’échelle nanométrique via un mode couche par couche — s’avère à la fois extrêmement uniforme, fine et légère. Le graphène étant conducteur électrique et thermique, résistant au feu et mécaniquement résistant, une enduction de seulement 4 à 5 grammes de graphène par mètre carré de fibres ouvre de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour les composites, favorisant ainsi leur commercialisation.
Plus d’information :

Green Gen Technologies (France)
Développons ensemble vos contenants éco-responsables.
Green Gen Technologies est une start-up française fondée en 2017 qui ambitionne de révolutionner l’industrie du packaging. Nos contenants sont fabriqués en France à partir de matériaux biosourcés, renouvelables et biodégradables.
Plus d’information :

Hycco (France)
HYCCO développe des plaques bipolaires en fibre de carbone pour la prochaine génération de piles à combustible à hydrogène.
HYCCO a développé un nouveau concept de plaques bipolaires, un composant clé des piles à combustible à hydrogène, qui représentent 75% de leur poids pour 30% de leur coût. Les matériaux utilisés augmentent simultanément la durée de vie des piles à combustible (x4) et réduisent leur poids (-50% à -90%), sans compromettre leur compacité. Avec une ligne de production de prototype déjà en place, HYCCO® vise à déployer, d’ici 2024, une ligne de production pilote de plaques bipolaires en fibre de carbone pour les piles à combustible à hydrogène.
Plus d’information :

INCA Renewable Technologies (Canada)
Développement de bio-composites plus solides, plus légers, mais aussi plus durables et compétitifs en termes de coûts, pour les industries automobiles, marines, éoliennes, de camping-cars, et des plastiques consommables.
INCA innove et fabrique des substituts de composites durables, performants et compétitifs en termes de coûts pour les plastiques à base de pétrole, le contreplaqué issu de la forêt tropicale et le bois de balsa. Notre équipe, qui est la première à utiliser des fibres naturelles pour l’industrie automobile, a aussi créé la prochaine génération de préimprégnés brevetés pour Toyota. Nous avons également développé des solutions de composites en fibres naturelles pour Winnebago, Gurit et d’autres clients. Nous nous approvisionnons en fibres de chanvre industriel cultivé dans les Prairies canadiennes pour obtenir des protéines et nous les raffinons selon les normes automobiles en vigueur dans l’Alberta, au Canada.
Plus d’information :

Mushroom Material (Singapour)
Emballage durable.
Nous avons développé une alternative au polystyrène (Styrofoam) à base de champignons en associant des déchets agricoles à la structure radiculaire des champignons, mieux connue sous le nom de “mycélium”. Totalement durable et 100 % biodégradable, notre matériau possède les mêmes propriétés protectrices que le polystyrène et se dégrade naturellement dans votre jardin ou dans une décharge.
Plus d’information :

Mussel Polymers Mussel Polymers (USA)
Développement de revêtements spéciaux qui adhèrent aux surfaces humides et à faible énergie et améliorent la fonctionnalité des surfaces, avec des applications dans le renforcement des composites.
Mussel Polymers fabrique et propose une version biomimétique de la colle utilisée par les moules pour adhérer aux roches. Le poly(catéchol-styrène) se lie aux surfaces humides et à faible énergie et confère une fonctionnalisation de surface précieuse. MPI collabore avec des entreprises pour développer de nouvelles solutions pour leurs clients. Les produits actuels ou en développement comprennent une colle innovante pour les coraux destinée à être utilisée dans les aquariums et la restauration des récifs, une colle sous-marine (US Navy), des apprêts anticorrosion, des adhésifs dentaires et des agents de reminéralisation, ainsi qu’un renforcement de composites avec un enrobage pour les fibres de carbone.
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Catégorie “Processus, fabrication et équipement”

Addyx (Italie)
Libérer le plein potentiel des matériaux composites avancés grâce à l’optimisation topologique et à des solutions de fabrication innovantes.
Addyx révolutionne la conception et la fabrication de composites haute performance creux et de forme complexe grâce à des techniques innovantes de fabrication additive et à une optimisation avancée de la topologie. Notre mandrin gonflable hydrosoluble breveté, associé à la technologie brevetée de l’exosquelette en carbone, offre une plus grande liberté de conception, ainsi qu’une réduction des coûts de fabrication, pour des pièces composites plus légères et plus résistantes. Rejoignez-nous pour franchir de nouvelles frontières avec l’industrie des composites.
Plus d’information :

Catack-H (Corée)
Recyclage du CFRTP par un procédé de solvolyse écologique et durable.
Catack-H est une entreprise de recyclage innovante qui utilise une technologie 100 % écologique pour récupérer des fibres de carbone recyclées de haute qualité à partir de déchets de plastiques renforcés de fibres de carbone (PRFC); des matériaux qui, autrement, finiraient à la décharge ou seraient incinérés.
Plus d’information :

Composite Recycling (Suisse)
Boucler la boucle des matériaux composites.
Composite Recycling a mis au point un processus durable et à haut rendement énergétique pour séparer la résine des fibres. En collaboration avec l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, l’équipe a conçu un post-traitement pour nettoyer les fibres et les rendre réutilisables dans de nouveaux composites, refermant ainsi la boucle des composites.
Plus d’information :

Lineat Composites (Royaume-Uni)
Façonner l’avenir des composites durables à haute performance
Lineat Composites est une start-up spécialisée dans les technologies propres de pointe, et basée à Bristol (Royaume-Uni). Elle applique sa technologie brevetée de fibres formables alignées (AFFTTM) pour produire la prochaine génération de composites avancés à base de fibres de carbone, en résolvant des problèmes clés liés au coût, à la productivité et à la durabilité. Le processus transforme les fibres hachées, de faible valeur, en un nouveau matériau à fibres hautement harmonisées qui peut rivaliser avec les performances des fibres continues, en bouclant la boucle de la réutilisation technique des fibres de carbone et en apportant des avantages uniques en matière de mise en forme, permettant ainsi une fabrication plus rapide et plus complexe des pièces.
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Microwave Solutions (Suisse)
Imaginer des composites circulaires
Solution agile et modulaire pour les composites circulaires : Dé-polymérisation sélective de la matrice en monomères, oligomères et produits hydrocarbonés de valeur ; récupération de fibres de verre, de fibres de carbone et de charges de haute qualité et conversion du carbone en nanomatériaux.
Plus d’information :

Nova Carbon (France)
Produits semi-finis en fibre de carbone durable à haute performance
La mission de Nova Carbon ? Démocratiser l’utilisation de la fibre de carbone en développant une gamme de produits semi-finis de haute performance fabriqués à partir de déchets de fibre de carbone. Notre approche disruptive est basée sur le Long Fiber Realignment, technologie brevetée par l’Université de Bordeaux qui maintient la haute performance de la fibre de carbone. Les produits semi-finis de Nova Carbon sont destinés à l’industrie des composites.
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Plyable (Royaume-Uni)
Automatisation de la conception et de la fabrication d’outils en matériaux composites.
Plyable est une solution unique en son genre. Nous utilisons les dernières technologies d’IA et de machine learning pour créer un logiciel propriétaire qui automatise la conception et la fabrication d’outils composites. Il suffit à l’utilisateur de glisser-déposer les données CAO des composants dans Plyable. Le portail Plyable peut alors automatiquement générer un design d’outil, fournir des prix instantanés pour la fabrication dans une variété de matériaux différents et faire livrer le tout. Plyable a transformé un processus qui prenait plusieurs semaines pour le condenser en quelques secondes !
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Synthesites (Belgique)
Monitoring intelligent des processus de fabrication pour les composites : Un traitement plus rapide et de meilleure qualité
Synthesites vise à automatiser le processus de polymérisation des composites, afin de gagner jusqu’à 100% de temps de polymérisation supplémentaire. Depuis 2015, Synthesites a développé le logiciel Online Resin State qui fournit instantanément et avec précision la température de transition vitreuse d’un thermodurcissable en cours de polymérisation. Après avoir testé avec succès une grande variété de résines liquides, pré-imprégnées ou adhésives, Synthesites travaille avec les principaux OEMs de l’aérospatiale et de l’énergie éolienne pour appliquer cette technologie à la production en série.
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TerraWaste (Pays-Bas)
Entreprise spécialisée dans les matériaux avancés de nouvelle génération qui transforme les déchets en nouveaux matériaux circulaires.
TerraWaste développe une plateforme technologique qui se concentre sur le recyclage des plastiques, des déchets secs, humides et mixtes par le biais d’un processus avancé de recyclage chimique non polluant qui génère des produits chimiques, de l’huile et du biochar, de grande valeur. La technologie utilisée pour ce processus repose sur un système de liquéfaction hydrothermique (HTL) à haute pression/haute température dont la conception permet une utilisation très efficace de l’énergie, de l’eau et des catalyseurs, aboutissant à une absence totale de déchets tout en convertissant les déchets plastiques en valeur.
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Thermolysis (Taïwan)
La fibre de carbone recyclée renforce à la fois la durabilité environnementale tout en offrant une résistance exceptionnelle.
Quand on fait le choix de la résistance et de la durabilité environnementale, la fibre de carbone recyclée de Thermolysis se révèle être un excellent choix. Ce matériau est fabriqué à partir de fibres de carbone recyclées, permettant ainsi de réduire les déchets et de soutenir les efforts de développement durable. De plus, sa résistance et sa durabilité, qui s’avèrent exceptionnelles, sont très appréciées dans les secteurs de l’automobile, de l’aérospatiale et de la construction. Résultat, si le choix de la fibre de carbone recyclée est bénéfique pour l’environnement, il offre également des performances de très haut niveau.
Plus d’information :

JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023

127972JEC Group
JEC Composites Startup Booster 2023: Tailored to find and assess the best startups in the composites industry Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:30:32 +0000 Read more]]> Launched in 2017, the JEC Composites Startup Booster is a unique opportunity to network and shine a light on what will be the future of the composites industry. It has been organized in three different regions (Europe, USA and Asia) and has already fostered the emergence of 700+ innovative projects from 60+ countries, making it an irrefutable springboard for any participant internationally!

This year’s competition is sponsored by Airbus, Mercedes-Benz and Owens Corning as Main Innovation Partners, and Mitsubishi Chemical Group as Innovation Partner.

The jury includes representatives from major manufacturers and investors:
Jelle BLOEMHOF, Head of Manufacturing Technologies, Airbus
Karl-Heinz FUELLER, Manager Future Exterior & Materials, Mercedes-Benz
Raphael SALAPETE, R&T Plan Manager, Ariane Group
Christer LARSSON, Founding Partner, The Impact Fellowship
Tim RADEMACKER, Director Sales Composites EMEA, Mitsubishi Chemical Group
Chris SKINNER, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Owens Corning


Two pitching sessions of 10 presentations each will be held in the Agora stage (Hall 6), on Tuesday, April 25th, at 10 am for the category Products & Materials and at 4.30 pm for the category: Process, Manufacturing & Equipment. Three winners will be chosen by the jury and one winner for the sustainable aspects of the project. The awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, April, 26th at 3 pm.

Discover here the 20 finalists divided into two categories: “Process, Manufacturing & Equipment” and “Products & Materials”.

Category “Products & Materials”

Agrona (Egypt)
Making wood without cutting a single tree
Two Billion trees are cut down every year just to supply wood to the furniture and the construction industry making deforestation the second leading cause of climate change. Agrona manufactures the first 100% eco-friendly wood panels in the world out of agri waste and bio-based resins without cutting a single tree. For every ton of panels produced by Agrona that helps to save three trees and avoid five hundred cubic meters of CO2 emissions. Agrona’s aims to expand it is operations to Europe in the next 2 years.
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ALD Technical Solutions (USA)
Empowering the grid and renewable energies through advanced composite materials and solutions
ALD Technical Solutions, a cleantech woman-owned enterprise, is commercializing patented Composite WiRe WrapTM and GridWrapTM technologies that increase grid infrastructural strength and integrity while doubling power transmission capacity — with no downtime. This is a key requirement for achieving safe, cost-effective, resilient, and reliable 100% renewable energy goals.
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Algreen (UK)
Algreen provides the most sustainable solutions to petrol-based polyurethanes, which represent 8% of world plastics
Algreen provides the most sustainable solutions to petrol-based polyurethanes, which represent 8% of world plastics. Polyurethane foam, adhesive and coating are widely used in automotive, cosmetic, packaging, and fashion industries. Conventional polyurethanes come from carbon intensive petrol refineries and end their life in landfill generating significant Greenhouse Gases. Algreen invents fully biobased and biodegradable polyurethanes eliminating petrol-based polyurethanes. The global polyurethane market will be 29.2 million tons (2029). By replacing 1% of petrol-based polyurethane, Algreen eliminates 88bn kgCO2eq annually.
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Cobratex (France)
Enabling Industry to have a positive impact on the environment by bringing bamboo in composite materials
COBRATEX manufactures innovative bamboo reinforcements using its patented technology to extract bamboo strips that are then welded together to obtain a unique continuous ribbon of unidirectional fibres. This ribbon is very different to the standard rovings. It is a composite structure by itself as it is composed of fibre bundles and closed honeycomb-like structures, offering a sustainable alternative with many technical advantages. COBRATEX provides the full range of reinforcements:
• Dry Fabrics: UD and woven
• Prepreg Fabrics: thermoplastic and thermoset
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Grafren (Sweden)
Enabling multifunctional and green composite materials by graphene nanoscale coating
Grafren AB has a proprietary technology on manufacturing the high quality graphene materials and coating of the fibers-based substrates. Coating occurs on the fibers surface – nanoscale level via layer-by-layer mode, and is therefore extremely uniform, thin and lightweight. Since graphene is electrically and thermally conductive and fire and mechanically resistant, coating only 4-5 grammes of graphene per square meter of the fibres is enabling the new functionalities to the composites, favouring their way to the market.
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Green Gen Technologies (France)
Let’s develop together your eco-designed containers
Green Gen Technologies is a French start-up founded in 2017 that aims to revolutionise the packaging industry. These containers are made in France from bio-based, renewable and biodegradable materials.
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Hycco (France)
HYCCO develops carbon fiber bipolar plates for the next generation of hydrogen fuel cells
HYCCO has developed a new concept of bipolar plates, a key component of hydrogen fuel cells, which represents 75% of their weight for 30% of their cost. The materials used simultaneously increase the lifetime of the fuel cells (x4) and reduce their weight (-50% to -90%), without compromising their compactness. With a prototype production line in place, HYCCO® aims to deploy a pilot production line of carbon fiber bipolar plates for hydrogen fuel cells by 2024.
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INCA Renewable Technologies (Canada)
Developing stronger, lighter, cost competitive, sustainable bio-composites for the automotive, RV, marine, wind and consumer plastics industries.
INCA innovates and manufactures high performance, cost competitive, and sustainable composite substitutes for petroleum-based plastics, rainforest plywood and balsa wood.  Our team pioneered use of natural fibre for the automotive industry and have now created the next generation of patented prepreg for Toyota.  We have also developed natural fibre composite solutions for Winnebago, Gurit and others.  We are acquiring fibre from industrial hemp grown on the Canadian Prairie for protein and will refine it to automotive standards in Alberta, Canada.
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Mushroom Material (Singapore)
Sustainable packaging
We’ve developed a mushroom-based alternative to polystyrene (Styrofoam) by combining agricultural waste with the root structure of mushrooms, better known as “mycelium”. Our material is completely sustainable and 100% biodegradable. It has the same protective properties as polystyrene and naturally degrades in your garden or landfill.
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Mussel Polymers Mussel Polymers (USA)
Developing specialty coatings that adhere to wet and low energy surfaces and enhance surface functionality with applications in composite strengthening.
Mussel Polymers manufactures and sells a biomimetic version of the glue that mussels use to stick to rocks. Poly (catechol-styrene) binds to wet and low energy surfaces and confers valuable surface functionalization.  MPI partners with companies to develop new solutions for their customers.  Current products or those in development include an innovative coral adhesive for use in aquariums and reef restoration, an underwater adhesive (US Navy), anti-corrosion primers, dental adhesives and remineralization agents, and a composite-strengthening sizing for carbon fibers.
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Category “Process, Manufacturing & Equipment”

Addyx (Italy)
Unlock the full potential of advanced composite materials with topological optimization and innovative manufacturing solutions.
Addyx is revolutionizing the design and manufacturing of complex-shaped hollow high-performance composites through innovative additive manufacturing techniques and advanced topology optimization. Our patented water-soluble inflatable mandrel, together with the patented Carbon exoskeleton technology, enables greater design freedom, reduced manufacturing costs, and lighter and stronger composite components. Join us in opening new frontiers for the composites industry.
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Catack-H (Korea)
CFRTP recycling via an eco-friendly and sustainable solvolysis process.
Catack-H is an innovative recycling company that uses a 100% eco-friendly technology to recover high-quality recycled carbon fibers from waste carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), materials that would otherwise go to the landfill or get incinerated.
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Composite Recycling (Switzerland)
Closing the loop on composite materials.
Composite Recycling has developed a highly energy efficient and sustainable process to separate the resin from the fibres. With the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the team has designed a post-treatment to clean the fibres and make them reusable in new composites, closing the loop.
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Lineat Composites (UK)
Forming the future of high-performance sustainable composites.
Lineat Composites is an advanced cleantech manufacturing start-up based in Bristol (UK). It uses its patented Aligned Formable Fibre Technology (AFFTTM) to produce next generation advanced carbon fibre composites, solving key problems related to cost, productivity and sustainability. The process turns low value chopped fibres into a new highly aligned fibre material that can compete with continuous fibre performance, closing the loop for technical carbon fibre re-use and bringing unique forming advantages for faster and more complex part manufacturing.
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Microwave Solutions (Switzerland)
Imagineering circular composites.

Agile and modular circular composites solution: Selective de-polymerization of the matrix into valuable monomers, oligomers, and hydrocarbon products; recovery of high quality glass fibres, carbon fibres and fillers and carbon conversion to nanomaterials.
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Nova Carbon (France)
High-performance sustainable carbon fiber semi-finished products.
Nova Carbon’s mission is to democratise the use of carbon fibre by developing a range of high performance semi-finished products made from carbon fiber waste. Our disruptive approach is based on Long Fiber Realignment, a technology patented by the University of Bordeaux that maintains the high performance of carbon fiber. Nova Carbon semi-finished products are designed for the composites industry.
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Plyable (UK)
Automating the design and manufacture of composite tooling.
Plyable is a first-of-its-kind solution. We use the latest in AI and machine learning technology to create a proprietary software that automates the design and manufacture of composite tooling. All the user needs to do is drag and drop component CAD data into Plyable. The Plyable portal can then automatically generate a tool design, provide instantaneous prices for manufacture in a variety of different materials and deliver to your door. Plyable has taken a multi week process and condensed it down to seconds!
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Synthesites (Belgium)
Intelligent process monitoring for composites: cure it faster and better.
Synthesites is aiming in automating the curing process of composites, in order to save up to 100% extra curing time. Since 2015, Synthesites developed the Online Resin State software that provides on the spot and accurately the glass transition temperature of a thermoset under curing. After tested successfully in a wide variety of liquid resins, prepregs or adhesives, Synthesites is working with the leading OEMS in aerospace and wind energy to apply this technology in serial production.
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TerraWaste (Netherlands)
Next-generation advanced material company that is turning waste into new, circular materials.
TerraWaste is developing a platform technology which focuses on recycling plastics, dry, wet and mixed waste through an advanced chemical recycling pollution-free process resulting in high-value chemicals, oil and biochar. The technology used for this process is a high-pressure/high-temperature Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) system whose design includes highly efficient use of energy, water and catalysts producing zero waste whilst converting waste plastics into value.  
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Thermolysis (Taiwan)
Recycled carbon fiber boosts both environmental sustainability and remarkable strength.
The Thermolysis’s recycled carbon fiber is an excellent choice for those who prioritize environmental sustainability and strength. This material is made from recycled carbon fibers, which reduces waste and supports sustainability efforts. Additionally, it has remarkable strength and durability, making it a popular choice in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and construction. Choosing recycled carbon fiber not only benefits the environment but also provides top-notch performance.
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JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023

127964JEC Group
JETCAM to showcase composite potential with innovative automation technology at JEC World 2023 Tue, 14 Mar 2023 10:46:52 +0000 Read more]]> JEC World presents a prime opportunity to experience the array of software that JETCAM provides to composite manufacturers, including nesting, material location/life/consumption tracking, and automation software. JETCAM Expert is a world-class, award-winning nesting and automation software. CrossTrack runs alongside J

ETCAM Expert and is designed to be fully interactive within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and other shop floor technologies such as automated freezers or kitting robots for ‘turn-key’ automation. Its latest option includes Ultra Performance Nesting: a feature which allows for progressive nesting of pattern quantity and material efficiency. This comes in three forms:
• Fully Dynamic Nests – Plies are automatically nested to reduce material waste
• Fully Progressive Nests – Plies are grouped and separated into kits for easier cutter unloading
• Hybrid Progressive Nests – Grouped plies can be spread within a distance from their kit

Using interpenetration part distancing, plies from each kit can be grouped together and kept within a pre-specified threshold, reducing the physical distance once needed to traverse plies for grouping. This provides a balance between nesting efficiency and quicker kitting at the cutter.

The exhibition will host the company’s unique software functionalities for composite manufacture tracking and traceability. With CrossTrack’s Composite Manufacturing Station (CMS) location tracking, integrated nesting, and cut scheduling are included alongside the ability to trace full material life down to ply level.

An ideal companion to JETCAM Expert for companies looking to only automate the nesting process; JETCAM Orders Controller (JOC) will exhibit full automation towards the creation of dynamic and highly optimized nests. At JEC World, JETCAM will be offering a 60-day free trial of JOC for its existing customers and offering new users the experience of unparalleled automation and third-party system integration for composite manufacturing.

JETCAM will also be offering prospective customers a free nesting benchmark comparison. Companies are invited to bring a USB stick containing their plies, along with a DXF of their best nest. JETCAM will then provide a comparison using its new Ultra Performance Nesting, allowing companies to calculate a real-world return on investment, based on the percentage of composite material saved.

JETCAM is the latest member to join the Composites UK trade association. At JEC World, JETCAM will join the leading UK group in expanding market potential and exhibiting its solutions for composite manufacturing efficiency.

Martin Bailey, General Manager of JETCAM, said: “JEC World has always been an important event for us to showcase our latest software releases, and this year is no exception. Now in our 37th year, JETCAM continues to expand its reach – both geographically and on the shop floor, with tighter integration with more hardware and software than ever before. Our popular nesting benchmark comparison is an ideal way for companies to visualize the savings they can make in material alone – and that’s even before they see the benefits of automation and integration.”

Meet JETCAM on JEC World 2023, Hall 6, Stand S52.

127892JEC Group
Le projet Swing récompensé par un JEC Composites Innovation Award 2023 Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:57:00 +0000 Read more]]> Le Cetim est lauréat des JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2023, dans la catégorie « Aerospace – Process » pour la fabrication d’un « Krueger Flap » avec le procédé automatisé Spide TP.  Cette pièce est conçue en composite thermoplastique par le Cetim, en partenariat avec Loiretech, AFPT GmbH, Etim et Sonaca SA, dans le cadre du projet de R&D européen Swing (ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d’innovation Cleanaviation, dans le cadre du programme Horizon Europe, sous la subvention n ° 864453), qui fait partie du programme européen Clean Sky 2, pour des ailes plus efficaces et des avions plus efficients.

Fabriqué à l’aide de Spide TP, procédé de consolidation thermoplastique in-situ, ce dispositif présente une forme complexe. Il surpasse les solutions existantes en termes de performances industrielles, permettant d’envisager des cadences de production plus élevées, avec une meilleure stabilité du process, un produit de qualité améliorée et recyclable en fin de vie.

Fabriquée avec des matières premières PAEK/FC, la pièce regroupe plusieurs composants : 3 cellules pour des corps creux résistants et une peau pour fixer l’ensemble des composants et obtenir le profil aérodynamique souhaité. Le procédé laser d’enroulement de bandes du Cetim, basé sur la technologie AFPT et utilisant des outils chauffants innovants de Loiretech, répond aux défis mécaniques et de masse requis par SONACA, leader technique du projet, tout en garantissant la répétabilité et la fiabilité du process, la réduction des coûts de production, une qualité produit optimisée avec notamment une meilleure résistance à l’impact et la recyclabilité de la pièces, construite en composite thermoplastique.

« Nous sommes ravis de recevoir ce prix qui récompense nos travaux en R&D sur les composites et l’implication de toutes nos équipes ingénieurs, techniciens en matériaux, calcul, conception… dans le développement de la filière depuis maintenant plus de 40 ans ! C’est aussi une belle reconnaissance pour ce projet européen dont l’objectif principal est en phase avec notre mission de tous les jours, celle de contribuer au développement de solutions concrètes pour une industrie compétitive, plus verte et durable,» déclare Clément Callens, responsable du département polymères et composites au Cetim.

Le Cetim avait déjà remporté un JEC Composites Innovation Award en 2015 pour son procédé de thermoformage « Quilted Stratum Process » (QSP), en 2016 pour sa machine de pelage rapide et en 2018 pour sa ligne de recyclage innovante de déchets plastiques et composites thermoplastiques (ThermoPRIME et Thermosaïc).

L’aile Krueger sera exposée sur l’espace « Innovation Planet » du salon JEC World, du 25 au 27 avril 2023 à Paris-Nord Villepinte. Le Cetim expose sur son stand L50, Hall 6 – de nombreux démonstrateurs en lien avec ses savoir-faire sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des composites.

Découvrez l’intégralité des gagnants JEC Composites innovations Awards dans le communiqué officiel: JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2023: les onze gagnants révélés

127845JEC Group
Loop Technology bring automation into wing boxes with new robotic arm Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:28:34 +0000 Read more]]> Assembly inside confined spaces such as wing boxes is a major challenge for aerostructure manufacturers. These processes have remained a manual task due to the gap in the market for an automated solution with a high degree of accuracy, a relatively high payload, and suitable reach in order to replace the use of hand tools.

Robotic arm for high accuracy automation inside aircraft wingboxes

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Loop Technology has developed a seven-axis, robotically-controlled, articulated positioner called Bravura to address this gap. It can be used with an industrial robot to automate sub-assembly operations including sealing and inspection inside wing boxes, and has the potential for other applications such as nut-running and swaging. The system has a reach of 1100mm and can manipulate tooling end effectors up to 5kg in weight.

“Bravura extends the possibilities of end of arm tooling by adding six degrees of freedom in a compact form factor with high torque motors, continuous rotation, and a unique path planning solution” says Ross Horrigan, Technical Director at Loop Technology. “Although Bravura is an articulated robot in its own right, it is typically deployed as end of arm tooling for a larger robot. To insert Bravura smoothly and accurately into a wing box, we use the kinematic coupling capabilities of the Bravura controller to move all thirteen axes simultaneously.”

The primary project, OptiComp (Optimised Composite Wings and Aerostructures), was led by Spirit’s Belfast facility to ensure the UK aerospace industry is positioned as a global leader in the design, development, and production of large complex aerostructures (particularly wings).

Similar technology to target this application has been developed in the past such as snake-arm robots. However, unlike snake-arm robots that can be disadvantaged by low stiffness and compromised accuracy due to being cable-driven, Bravura uses frameless servo motors paired with high ratio harmonic gearboxes for high power density drive units to operate with high precision.

In addition to the end of arm positioner, Loop Technology has also developed a complementary toolkit of end of arm tooling with built-in vision for use in space restricted areas.

127769JEC Group
CompPair’s healable technology adapted to Liquid Composites Moulding processes: the Swiss company has manufactured a wind turbine blade section Thu, 09 Mar 2023 09:53:00 +0000 Read more]]> Following the successful market implementation of HealTechTM, CompPair’s first product family, currently sold as prepregs primarily in the sports and space sectors, the development potential of the infusion technology was recognized. The company decided to initiate the project, supported by Innosuisse, and collaborating with EPFL-LPAC, Tissa Textiles AG, and KATZ, experts in composites and polymers.

Specifically tailored to maintain CompPair’s unique selling point, the new system enables composite structures made by infusion to be repaired in a few minutes while maintaining the structure and recovering all mechanical properties following the repair. The company’s new infusion range plans to reach new markets, including the marine and wind energy sectors.

Typical damage events of a wind turbine blade are caused by the environment in which they operate, such as hail, gust, and lightning, but also include fatigue, which both lead to crack propagation and the failure of a composite part.1 These are major causes of downtime and maintenance costs, bringing sustainability and financial issues. This project aimed to produce a large-scale manufacturing demonstrator for the wind energy industry, to demonstrate the value of CompPair’s smart system. The wind blade was manufactured with a mould used by Agile Wind Power to produce their wind turbine blades. The healable infusion premiere wind demonstrator will be displayed at JEC World 2023 at the company’s stand (D29).

The healing efficiency of composites made with this new process was measured using the flexural modulus as the parameter. Two sets of samples were impacted and one set was healed following
the impacts. The flexural modulus of the two sets (damaged and impacted) was compared against
virgin CompPair samples. The evaluated healing gave positive results, demonstrating the healed samples recovered 98% of the initial mechanical properties.

CompPair’s smart system is compatible with existing manufacturing, at comparable performances with commercial composites, while allowing in-situ damage repair. These benefits along with improving sustainability are the opportunities CompPair can provide to the composites industry.

More specifically, extending the lifetime of composite parts is a key strategy to prevent waste in the industry. Companies can reduce their maintenance costs and drastically reduce their CO2 emissions by reducing composite waste.

CompPair’s healable infusion project for tomorrow’s sustainable composite products is a big milestone for the company. Now, CompPair seeks partners wishing to improve their composite structures made with LCM processes. The future of the Swiss company is to continuously expand its resin systems and processes, globally tackling the composites industry and answering problems of durability and sustainability.

About CompPair Technologies Ltd.:
CompPair is a world-class composite expert, providing the first healable and sustainable composite material, a ground-breaking innovation in the field of self-healing composites. Made with CompPair’s material, their first product family being HealTechTM, composite structures can heal damage on site in 1 minute and be better recycled. CompPair provides manufacturers with cuttingedge materials compatible with standard production processes. HealTechTM’s value proposition is a 99% repair time reduction and significantly lower CO2 emissions CompPair tackles composite limitations and leads a paradigm change for the industry.

About the partners:
Innosuisse is the Swiss Innovation Agency. They promote the partnership between academia and the market with innovation projects, networking, training, and coaching, laying the groundwork for successful Swiss startups, products, and services. Their financial support allowed CompPair to go ahead with the development of the infusion process.

EPFL-LPAC (Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites) is the laboratory from which CompPair’s innovation originates, the result of thorough research during 12 years in the field of self-healing composites. Led by Véronique Michaud, self-healing composites expert, and cofounder of CompPair, she has built a laboratory experimenting with the latest composites findings and experimentations.

KATZ (Kunststofftechnologie für die Zukunftare) are experts in composites and polymers. They support and advise companies and universities in innovative technology and applied research and development projects. Their excellent infrastructure made the healable infusion project possible. Agile Wind Power develops and sells the first large, scalable, and economic vertical-axis wind turbines.

Tissa Textiles AG processes technical yarns of Glass, Carbon, Aramid, Basalt Polyester, Polypropylene, Dyneema, or Zylon into special-purpose fabrics customized to their customers’needs.

1 Wang, Xue , He and Zhao, (2022). Review of the Typical Damage and Damage-Detection Methods of Large Wind Turbine Blades

127672JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2023: les onze gagnants révélés Thu, 09 Mar 2023 09:37:04 +0000 Read more]]> La cérémonie, qui s’est déroulée le 2 mars à Paris, a été marquée par la présence des membres du jury, des finalistes et des gagnants, mais aussi et surtout — du fait d’une diffusion en livestream — par le rassemblement d’un public très nombreux, dans le monde entier, pour suivre les résultats tant attendus.

C’est la deuxième fois de l’Histoire que la cérémonie de remise des Innovation Awards a lieu avant JEC World, suscitant dans son sillage un grand élan d’enthousiasme et d’empressement : pas de doute, la communauté des composites a hâte de se réunir, pour trouver de nouvelles sources d’inspiration et nouer des contacts professionnels prometteurs.

Ne manquez pas l’opportunité de rencontrer les lauréats et d’en savoir plus sur leurs projets et leurs attentes pour le futur, en participant à JEC World 2023 du 25 au 27 avril et en vous joignant à la session d’ouverture le 25 avril à 9h30 à l’Agora 5.

JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023
Retrouvez les projets des finalistes et des gagnants dans l’espace dédié – H6M93

JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Découvrez ci-dessous les gagnants dans chaque catégorie:

Catégorie Aérospatiale – Pièces détachées

Structure de siège hybride

Société : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partenaire(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : La structure de siège d’avion hybride a été conçue et testée selon des critères de durabilité, à partir de matériaux composites légers et faciles à recycler, et produite à l’aide de procédés automatisés efficaces.
Les sièges d’avions commerciaux sont constitués de différents matériaux et pièces individuelles, principalement un mélange de polymères et de métaux, ce qui rend leur recyclage très complexe. Les sièges doivent également être légers afin d’améliorer l’efficacité globale de l’avion. Pour atteindre ces deux objectifs (légèreté et facilité de recyclage), une série de sièges d’avion a été développée sur la base des critères de durabilité suivants :
– Facilité de recyclage grâce un seul type de polymère utilisé pour toutes les pièces en polymère pour lesquelles un processus de recyclage existe
– Réduction du poids et du nombre de composants du siège grâce à une conception légère avec fonctionnalités intégrées
– Production efficace des composants en plastique grâce à des procédés adaptés à la production en série
– Suppression des apprêts d’accrochage toxiques pour l’adhésion entre inserts métalliques et polymères.
Principaux avantages:
٠ PRFC léger à base de PU durable pour réduire les émissions de CO2 et les déchets
٠ Réduction radicale du nombre de pièces du siège pour une maintenance réduite
٠ Technologies de production automatisée à haut volume (SMC/WCM) pour réduire les coûts
٠ Réduction du coût économique des sièges d’avion en fibre de carbone
٠ Design attrayant en fibre de carbone
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Catégorie Aérospatiale – Procédés

Fabrication d’un Krueger flap en composite thermoplastique

Société : CETIM (France)
Partenaire(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Fabrication d’un Krueger flap innovant in-situ grâce au procédé automatisé thermoplastique SPIDE TP. La nouvelle conception d’un Krueger flap, produit dans le cadre de ce projet* multi-partenaires et fabriqué à l’aide d’un procédé de consolidation thermoplastique in-situ, présente une forme large et complexe. Il surpasse les solutions existantes en termes de performances structurelles et industrielles, avec une cadence de production plus élevée, une meilleure stabilité du process et une qualité produit améliorée (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Consolidation in-situ avec un process entièrement automatisé (enroulement filamentaire laser – SPIDE TP)
٠ Recyclabilité (composite thermoplastique)
٠ Répétabilité et fiabilité du process
٠ Réduction des coûts de production
٠ Réduction de la masse des grandes pièces
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Catégorie Automobile et transport routier – Design de pièces

Premier arceau de sécurité en carbone au monde pour les voitures de série

Société : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partenaire(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Arceaux de sécurité en carbone extrêmement léger, destiné à être installé sur une voiture de série homologuée pour une utilisation sur route, grâce à une géométrie unique.
La conception métallique initiale résiste à des élongations extrêmes. Par conséquent, l’utilisation de fibres de carbone a représenté un défi majeur pour cette application en raison de son faible allongement de rupture. L’innovation technique du projet consiste en un nouveau process d’optimisation structurelle en trois étapes qui permet d’obtenir une conception spécifique adaptée aux PRFC prenant en compte l’espace de conception extrêmement limité ainsi que les multiples cas de charge et de choc listés par la FIA (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Forte réduction de poids par rapport à l’acier et même au titane
٠ Topologie optimisée, conception bionique unique
٠ Approche innovante en matière de calcul – lien automatisé entre la CAO et les éléments finis.
٠ Procédé de fabrication innovant – pièce creuse structurelle en production de série
٠ Répond aux standards sur les charges de la FIA
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Catégorie Automobile et transport routier – Procédés

Plaque de protection de la batterie des BEV de conception composite

Société : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partenaire(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Le plus grand, le plus innovant et le plus durable des protecteurs anti-encastrement pour véhicules électriques avec batterie, en structure sandwich thermoplastique de conception légère avec fabrication one-shot extrêmement efficace pour la nouvelle Audi Q8 e-tron.
Cette pièce composite innovante se caractérise par sa conception en structure sandwich légère, mais extrêmement robuste sur le plan mécanique, ainsi que par ses grandes dimensions d’environ 2100 mm x 1400 mm, et un poids total d’environ 23 kg, dont environ 13 kg de bandes de carbone UD. En raison de la grande taille de la pièce, la production avec moulage par injection n’était pas envisageable techniquement… il a donc fallu développer un nouveau process de fabrication one-shot.
Sa conception globale offre un excellent compromis en termes de potentiel de légèreté, d’adaptation à une production rentable en grande série, de robustesse mécanique et de durabilité (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Potentiel de légèreté élevé pour les protections anti-encastrement des BEV, en remplacement de la conception en aluminium
٠ Réduction significative de l’empreinte CO2 par rapport au modèle en aluminium
٠ Nouveau procédé de pressage pour la production en grand volume de pièces sandwiches complexes
٠ Conception adaptée au recyclage
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Catégorie Infrastructure et génie civil

Un toit en matériau composite pour le stade du Real Madrid

Société : Nanotures (Spain)
Partenaire(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Trois éléments sont assemblés mécaniquement pour obtenir des poutres d’une portée de 75 m. Le process de fabrication consiste en une infusion VAP avec double membrane, qui permet d’éviter deux incovénients : le fait de pratiquer des trous dans le noyau et l’excès de polymère.
La linéarité des fibres et les jointures centrales — paramètres essentiels — ont été contrôlées en production afin d’obtenir des éléments présentant une résistance élevée à la compression. Stratégiquement, différents renforts ont été utilisés dans la conception pour répondre au cas de charge et aider à l’assemblage avec les éléments métalliques. Enfin, les poutres composites légères permettent de simplifier les opérations d’assemblage sur site ainsi que la simplification et la réduction du poids et de l’énergie des moteurs de déplacement et d’élévation.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Réduction du poids et simplification de l’installation sur site
٠ Excellentes propriétés mécaniques
٠ Avantages environnementaux et énergétiques
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Catégorie Circularité et recyclage

Filé en fibre de carbone 100% recyclé et produits appliqués

Société : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partenaire(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : Filé en CF 100% recyclé compatible avec le procédé de pultrusion. Mise en place d’un système global de circulation de la fibre de carbone, du recyclage à l’application du produit.
Les qualité PRFC du filé en rCF atteignent environ 70 % de résistance à la traction et 90 % de module d’élasticité par rapport au PRFC vierge. Il n’y a aucune limitation au processus et à la matrice, et nous sommes le premier fabricant au monde à utiliser avec succès le rCF dans le moulage par pultrusion avec résine époxy. En raison du développement du marché de l’énergie éolienne, nous prévoyons des applications futures du filé en fibre de carbone recyclée pour répondre à la demande de production neutre en carbone, pour les pales des éoliennes. Nous avons également mis en place un système global de recyclage des CF, de la récupération à la reproduction (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ CF recyclable applicable au moulage par pultrusion avec matrice époxy
٠ PRFC recyclé hautement compatible avec les performances du PRFC vierge
٠ Un système complet de recyclage des CF de grande valeur
٠ Haute compatibilité avec le process et la matrice de résine existants
٠ Faible impact sur l’environnement
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Catégorie Numérique, données et IA

Système d’inspection de fabrication AFP en cours de production

Société : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : Système d’inspection de fabrication AFP en cours de production (IAMIS) pour une tête de placement automatisé des fibres (AFP) permettant de détecter les défauts de fabrication avec module intuitif de visualisation en réalité augmentée.
IAMIS détecte les défauts de fabrication qui sont en dehors de la base de certification (ou inacceptables) en utilisant des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique (ML), permettant ainsi de réduire les processes d’inspection manuelle, longs et dépendants de l’opérateur, qui nécessitent d’interrompre considérablement le process de fabrication.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Augmenter l’utilisation des systèmes de fabrication automatisés (efficacité opérationnelle)
٠ Éliminer les inspections manuelles à forte intensité de main-d’oeuvre et améliorer la qualité
٠ Éliminer les erreurs humaines liées au niveau d’expérience des opérateurs
٠ Visualisation en réalité augmentée pour la réparation et l’assurance qualité
٠ Créer un enregistrement numérique des défauts pour faciliter la certification et la maintenance
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Catégorie Equipements, machines et industries lourdes

Tour en fibre de carbone Isotruss®

Société : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partenaire(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : Les tours IsoTruss® en fibre de carbone sont jusqu’à douze fois plus résistantes que l’acier pour un poids donné ou ne pèsent qu’un douzième pour une charge donnée, selon leur conception, le site et les spécifications.
L’IsoTruss a été inventée à l’origine pour des applications aérospatiales et convient parfaitement aux structures porteuses de charges dans tous les cas où la légèreté et la rigidité s’avèrent essentielles. Dans l’ensemble, l’IsoTruss® combine des matériaux composites polymères renforcés de fibres continues très performantes (telles que le carbone, le verre, l’aramide, etc.) avec une géométrie très efficace afin que ces éléments supporte la charge sans aucune difficulté, ce qui permet d’obtenir un poids extrêmement léger et des performances de très haut niveau.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Avantages du matériau : haute résistance/ haute rigidité/ haute durabilité/
٠ Isotrope transverse/transparent aux fréquences radio/résistant à la corrosion
٠ Avantages structurels : Résiste au déformage de la coque/poids plus léger/faible traînée/
٠ Tolérance aux défaillances/esthétique/écologique/résistant à la corrosion
٠ Moins de CF à fabriquer/sa légèreté diminue les coûts d’expédition et d’installation et réduit les émissions de CO2 de 70%
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Catégorie Transport maritime et construction navale

Mât Solid Sail

Société : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partenaire(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialisation de la fabrication de très grands mâts afin de s’adapter au prix et au délai du marché de l’industrie maritime.
La fabrication du mât SOLID SAIL MAST est basée sur des pièces en carbone préformées en autoclave. Nous avons coupé le mât en sections pouvant entrer dans le plus grand autoclave (24m x 6m) dont nous disposions, pour développer une méthode d’assemblage utilisant des manchons fabriqués par AFP pour assembler les sections de 24m de long, de manière rapide et efficace.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Un standard de qualité plus élevé grâce à un laminage automatique de haute précision
٠ Productivité accrue grâce à des process de fabrication plus rapides ou moins nombreux
٠ Réduction des coûts de production grâce à la réduction des process
٠ Réduction des déchets et des risques de fabrication
٠ Une plus grande régularité dans la fabrication en série des pièces
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Catégorie Energies renouvelables

De nouveaux adhésifs acryliques pour un monde meilleur

Société : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partenaire(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : Nouvelle technologie d’adhésifs acryliques structuraux ininflammables, à faible odeur et sans apprêt, présentant un profil de santé et de sécurité favorable et offrant des performances de collage exceptionnelles sur de multiples substrats.
L’innovation consiste en une nouvelle technologie d’adhésifs acryliques qui durcit rapidement, crée des liens à haute résistance et à haute élongation, une résistance exceptionnelle aux contraintes et aux impacts, et qui offre une solution efficace à de multiples défis liés à la durabilité, sans sacrifier la performance, contrairement à de nombreux adhésifs structurels (classification ininflammable, profil favorable à la santé et à la sécurité, faible odeur et préparation de surface limitée) (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Sécurité, bien-être et productivité
٠ Réduction des émissions de CO2 (transport)
٠ Economies financières (stockage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrats et collage de composites
٠ Modèles de matériaux disponibles pour la simulation
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Catégorie Sports et loisirs

Vélo en composite thermodurci recyclable CFRP

Société : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partenaire(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Le vélo en PRFC thermodurci a été fabriqué à partir du pré-imprégné recyclable EzCiclo. Les pièces composites peuvent être recyclées par le liquide CleaVER pour récupérer la résine et les fibres, ce qui permet un recyclage en boucle fermée des composites thermodurcissables.
Swancor présente la résine thermodurcissable recyclable “EzCiclo” et le liquide de dégradation “CleaVER”. EzCiclo est une résine époxy recyclable. Des préimprégnés thermofusibles en EzCiclo RB-564 avec différents poids moyens des fibres (FAW) sont utilisés pour produire des pièces composites de bicyclette, notamment le cadre, le guidon, la fourche avant et les jantes. Les pièces composites en fin de vie fabriquées à partir d’EzCiclo peuvent être dégradées par le liquide CleaVER à 130°C-150°C pendant 4 heures, permettant la séparation complète de la matrice et des fibres. La matrice réticulée est dissoute dans CleaVER et peut être réutilisée. La fibre récupérée présente des propriétés comparables à celles de la fibre vierge (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Pièces de bicyclette en composite thermodurcissable 100% recyclable aux propriétés prometteuses
٠ Un système de résine innovant permet le recyclage en boucle fermée du composite thermodurcissable
٠ Facilité d’adoption avec les installations et process de fabrication existants
٠ Recyclage à faible émission de carbone et absence de déchets
٠ Valeur plus élevée de la résine et de la fibre recyclées
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127752JEC Group
The JEC Composites Innovation Awards winners revealed Fri, 03 Mar 2023 08:36:36 +0000 Read more]]> The ceremony took place on March 2nd in Paris, highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

It is the second time the Innovation Awards ceremony is held prior to JEC World, raising great enthusiasm and showing the composites community’s eagerness to get together, get inspired and build strong business connections.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet with the winners and learn more about their projects and expectations for the future at JEC World 2023 from April 25th to 27th and join them for the Opening session on April 25th at 9:30 in Agora 5.

JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023
Discover all the finalists and winners on the Innovation Area, M93

JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Discover here the winners in each category.

Category Aerospace – Parts

Hybrid seating structure

Company : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partner(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : Aircraft hybrid seating structure designed and demonstrated under sustainability criteria, based on easy to recycle light weight composite material and produced with efficient automated processes. Commercial aircraft seats consist of many materials and individual parts, mostly a mix of polymers and metals, so very complex to recycle. The seats must also be lightweight to increase the overall efficiency of the aircraft. To achieve both goals (lightweight and recyclability), an aircraft seat series was developed based on the following sustainability criteria:
– Ease of recycling using one polymer type for all polymer parts for which recycling process is available.
– Reduction of number of seat components and weight through function-integrated lightweight design.
– Effective production of the plastic components through processes suitable for series production
– Elimination of toxic primers to improve the adhesion of metal inserts to the polymers (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fuel Sustainable PU based light weight CFRP to reduce CO2 emissions and waste
٠ Radically reduction of numbers of seat parts for low maintenance
٠ Automated high volume production technologies (SMC/WCM) to reduce costs
٠ Reduce the economic cost for carbon fiber aircraft seats
٠ Carbon Fiber attractive design
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Category Aerospace – Process

Manufacture a Krueger wing flap in thermoplastic.

Company : CETIM (France)
Partner(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Innovative Krueger Flap produced In-situ with an automated thermoplastic process. The innovative Krueger flap, produced through this multi-partner project, has a large and complex shape and was manufactured using an in-situ thermoplastic consolidation process. It outperforms existing processes in terms of structural and industrial performance with higher production, better process stability and improved composite quality (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-situ consolidation with full automated process (laser filament winding)
٠ Recyclability (thermoplastic part)
٠ Repeatability and reliability of the process
٠ Reduction of production costs
٠ Mass reduction of large parts
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Automotive & Road Transportation – Design Part

World’s first carbon roll cage for production cars

Company : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partners(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Extreme lightweight carbon roll cage, to be road legally fitted into a production car, enabled by engineering a unique geometry. The initial metal design withstands extreme elongations. Thus, the use of carbon fibers, presented a major challenge for this application due to the low elongations at break. The Engineering innovation of the project is a new 3 step structural optimization process providing a specific design suitable for CFRP under full consideration of an extremely limited design space as well as multiple crash and FIA load cases (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High weight reduction compared to steel and even titanium
٠ Topology optimized, unique bionic design
٠ Innovative calculation approach – automated link between CAD an FE
٠ Innovative manufacturing process – structural hollow part in serial production
٠ Fulfills FIA load collective
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

BEV battery protection plate in composite design 

Company : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partner(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Largest, innovative, sustainable BEV underride guard in thermoplastic sandwich lightweight design with highly efficient one-shot manufacturability for the new Audi Q8 e-tron. The innovative composite part is characterized by its mechanically extremely robust light-weight sandwich design as well as its large dimensions of about 2100 mm x 1400 mm and a total weight of app. 23 kg, of which about 13 kg are UD-tapes. Due to the large size of the component, production using injection molding is technically not feasible, thus a novel one-shot process had to be developed. The overall design is an excellent trade-off in terms of lightweight potential, design suitability for cost-efficient high-volume production, mechanical robustness and sustainability (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High light-weight potential for BEV underride guards, replacing Al-design
٠ Significant reduction of CO2-footprint compared to aluminum design
٠ Novel press-process for high-volume production of complex sandwich parts
٠ Design for recycling
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

A composite roof for the stadium of Real Madrid

Company : Nanotures (Spain)
Partner(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Three elements are mechanically joined to reach beams with a span of 75 m. The manufacturing process was infusion with double VAP membrane, avoiding the use of holes in the core and excess polymer. Critical parameters such as fiber linearity and core joints have been controlled in production to obtain elements with high compression resistance. Strategically, different reinforcements have been utilized in the design to meet the load case and assist in joining to the metallic elements. Finally, the lightweight composite beams allow simplification in the assembly operations on site as well as the simplification, weight and energy reduction of the displacement and elevation motors.
Key benefits :
٠ Weight reduction and simplification on site installation
٠ Excellent mechanical properties
٠ Environmental and energy benefit
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Category Circularity & Recycling

100% recycled CF spun yarn and applied products

Company : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partner(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : 100% recycled CF spun yarn compatible to pultrusion process. Establishment of comprehensive CF circulation system from recycling to product application. CFRP properties of rCF spun yarn achieve about 70% tensile strength and 90% elastic modulus compared to virgin CFRP. There is no limitation to the process and matrix, and we are the world’s first manufacturer that successfully utilizes rCF in pultrusion molding with epoxy resin. Due to wind energy market growth, we expect future rCF spun yarn application to the demand for carbon neutral production for wind power generation blades. Furthermore, we established a comprehensive CF recycling system from CF recovery to reproduction (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Applicable recycle CF to pultrusion molding using epoxy matrix
٠ Recycled CFRP highly compatible with virgin CFRP performance
٠ A comprehensive high value CF recycling system
٠ High compatibility for existing process and resin matrix
٠ Low environmental impact
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Category Digital, AI & Data

In-process AFP manufacturing inspection system

Company : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : In-process AFP Manufacturing Inspection System (IAMIS) for automated fiber placement (AFP) head to detect manufacturing defects and a user-friendly augmented reality visualization module. IAMIS detects manufacturing defects that are above the certification basis (or unacceptable) using machine-learning (ML) algorithms for reducing time-consuming and operator-dependent manual inspection processes that require significantly interrupting the manufacturing process.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase automated manufacturing system utilization (operational efficiency)
٠ Eliminate labor-intensive manual inspections and improve quality
٠ Eliminate human error associated with operator experience levels
٠ Augmented reality visualization for repair and quality assurance
٠ Create a digital record of defects for certification and sustainment support
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Isotruss® carbon fiber tower

Company : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partners(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : IsoTruss® Carbon Fiber Towers are up to twelve times stronger than steel for a given weight, or as little as one-twelfth the weight for a given load, depending on the design, site and specifications. IsoTruss was originally invented for aerospace applications and is ideally suited in load bearing structures anywhere low weight and stiffness are critical. Overall, the IsoTruss® combines high performing continuous fiber (such as carbon, glass, aramid, etc.) reinforced polymer composite materials with a very efficient geometry to allow those elements to carry the load efficiently, allowing extremely lightweight and extremely high performance.
Key benefits :
٠ Material Advantages: High Strength/High Stiffness/High Durability/Transversely Isotropic/Radio Frequency Transparent/Corrosion Resistant
٠ Structural Advantages: Resists Shell Buckling/Lighter Weight/Low Drag/Damage Tolerant/Aesthetics/Eco-Friendly/Corrosion Resistant/Less CF to mfg/lightweight lowers shipping/install costs-reduces CO2 70%.
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding

Solid sail mast

Company : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partners(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialization of the fabrication of very large mast to fit to price and delay of marine industry market. SOLID SAIL MAST fabrication is based on carbon preg pieces made in autoclave. We cut the mast in sections able to enter the largest autoclave (24m x 6m) we had and develop an assembly method using AFP fabricated sleeves to assembly the 24m long sections together in a quick and efficient way.
Key benefits :
٠ Higher quality standard through precisely automated lamination
٠ Higher productivity from faster/fewer manufacturing processes
٠ Lower production cost from reduction of processes
٠ Reduced waste and reduced manufacturing hazard
٠ Higher consistency in the mass manufacturing of parts
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Category Renewable Energies

New acrylic adhesives for a better world

Company : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : New technology of non-flammable, low-odor, and primer-free structural acrylate adhesives with a favorable health and safety profile, providing exceptional bonding performance on multiple substrates. The innovation is a new acrylic adhesives technology that cures fast, creates high strength and high elongation bonds, outstanding stress and impact resistance, and importantly, unlike many structural adhesives, provides an effective solution to multiple sustainability-related challenges, without compromising performance (Non-flammable classification, favorable health and safety profile, low odor and limited surface preparation) (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Safety, wellbeing, and productivity
٠ Reduced CO2 emissions (transport)
٠ Financial savings (storage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrates, and composites bonding
٠ Material models available for simulation
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Recyclable thermoset CFRP composite bike

Company : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partners(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Thermoset CFRP bicycle was made from recyclable EzCiclo prepreg. Composite parts can be recycled by CleaVER liquid to reclaim resin and fiber enabling closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite. Swancor presents recyclable thermosetting resin “EzCiclo” and degradation liquid “CleaVER”. EzCiclo is a recyclable epoxy resin. Hot melt prepregs made of EzCiclo RB-564 with different Fiber Average Weight (FAW) are used to produce composite bicycle parts including frame, handlebar, front fork and rims. The End-of-life composite parts made from EzCiclo can be degraded by CleaVER liquid at 130°C-150°C for 4 hours, enabling complete separation of matrix and fiber. The crosslinked matrix is dissolved in CleaVER and can be reused. The reclaimed fiber shows comparable properties compared to virgin fiber (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 100% recyclable thermoset composite bicycle parts with promising properties
٠ Innovative resin system enables closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite
٠ Ease of adoption with existing manufacturing facilities and processes
٠ Lower carbon emission recycling and generate no waste
٠ Higher value of recycled resin and fiber
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127564JEC Group
Continuous Composites unveils commercial CF3D Enterprise™ at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Fri, 03 Mar 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> The ribbon-cutting ceremony of the CF3D Enterprise™ system at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Department of Aerospace Engineering is a milestone event showcasing the power of collaboration and innovation. The technical symposium featured presentations from academic and industry experts, highlighting the potential of Continuous Fiber 3D technology (CF3D®) and the exciting opportunities for the future of manufacturing. Attendees were able to see firsthand the CF3D Enterprise™ system and gain a deeper understanding of its potential impact on their respective industries.

“The CF3D® technology has the potential to revolutionize the composites industry, and we are excited to take our partnership with Continuous Composites to the next level,” said Dr. Jeffrey Baur, Founder Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. “The CF3D Enterprise™ machine is a platform ripe for innovation and will enable us to advance our research and education programs and create new opportunities for our students, faculty, and industry.”

Dr. Jeffrey Baur has been a long-standing partner of Continuous Composites during his service at the United States Air Force Research Lab, conducting research and development in the field of composite materials and manufacturing. The purchase of the CF3D Enterprise™ machine marks a significant milestone in their partnership and paves the way for exciting new opportunities.

“We are thrilled to partner with Dr. Jeff Baur and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to help them unlock the full potential of our CF3D® technology,” said Tyler Alvarado, CEO of Continuous Composites. “The CF3D Enterprise™ machine is the perfect tool for researchers and manufacturers alike, enabling them to push the boundaries of composites manufacturing and accelerate the research and development of new products and applications.”

The CF3D Enterprise™ system is the result of a collaborative effort between Continuous Composites and its technology partners, including Arkema, Hexcel, Siemens, and Comau Robotics. These companies have each contributed their respective expertise and cutting-edge technology towards the development of the CF3D Enterprise™ machine, making it a reality.

Continuous Composites is proud to be at the forefront of revolutionizing the composites manufacturing industry and looks forward to continuing its partnership with the university and its technology partners to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Photo: Ribbon cutting ceremony for the commercialization of Continuous Composites CF3D Enterprise™ system at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Department of Aerospace Engineering. (Photo: Business Wire)

127573JEC Group
A lighter and cleaner winch for low-emission superyachts Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:42:49 +0000 Read more]]> Lightweight carbon fibre composites have been part of the impressive performance gains seen in grand prix yacht racing for several decades now. Carbon fibre materials are also typically the first choice for superyacht rig specialist Rondal, with ever larger and more performance-focused sailing superyachts chasing the weight reduction that composites deliver. Over the last 25 years, the company has evolved into a carbon fibre specialist, manufacturing some of the world’s largest composite masts and booms along with additional composite components such as winches, windbreaks, hatches, and doors that combine superior craftsmanship with engineering excellence.

Since 1989, Solico Engineering has developed to be Benelux’s largest composite engineering company. With more than 30 years of experience in maritime, defence and industrial composites, the company is completely independent and has no ties to any specific materials or production methods. Always focused on elegant, simple and durable solutions, Solico has been a partner of Rondal’s for many years.

Lightweight carbon composite sail handling systems
While Rondal is perhaps best known for its most visible products – carbon fibre masts and booms for some of the world’s largest and most prestigious sailing superyachts – the company’s sail handling winch packages, which remain discretely hidden away below decks, have become a go-to solution for naval architects, designers and engineers. Rondal has been supplying aluminium winch packages for more than 20 years, with standard sized units available with electric or hydraulic power for line loads of 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 24 tons.
The company’s winch systems have become even more indispensable components of a safe and durable sail handling system as rigs have grown ever larger. With owners and sailing superyacht designers continuing to create not just larger, but also more efficient and performance-orientated yachts, Rondal conceived a carbon fibre version of their existing technology that would take full advantage of the weight-saving benefits enabled by composites.
Around 22% lighter than the previous versions, the new carbon fibre winch series delivers an impressive weight reduction. Considering a typical 60 m sailing superyacht with a multiple winch sail handling system, a 2-ton reduction in overall displacement is an attractive option when performance is the goal.

Rondal’s carbon fibre winch series removes the need for a heavy metallic base plate, integrating the winch loads into the yacht structure

A powerful design and engineering collaboration
The two companies have already established a close working relationship across a wide range of projects, with Solico providing composite engineering support for rig components, radar masts, hatches and rudders, even validating the handling and transport solution for a massive carbon fibre superstructure element. For the new carbon winches, Rondal’s in-house engineering department designed the winches, working with Solico on the laminate properties of the composite parts. Solico was also involved from an early development stage, discussing, and brainstorming with Rondal about the best design options.

For the carbon winch project, Solico engineered the winch frame and performed structural engineering and verification for the drum in coordination with Rondal. Some of the major challenges included solving critical strength issues while respecting the dimensional packaging of the winches and satisfying the demanding calculations for the drum itself. Detailed modelling with layered solid elements was used to optimize the drum structure and thickness while keeping material usage to a minimum.
One of the additional challenges regarding the winch design was how to define the boundary conditions and integrate the winches into the deck structure so that the deck and winch could work as one component, each benefiting from the strength of the other. This load sharing concept enabled the partners to verify a much lighter design than previously designed, with no need for the new winches to incorporate a heavy base plate.
Solico’s primary output was the structural verification report with finite element (FE) analysis results. This report confirmed the final laminate details for each part and key points of attention for the production team at Rondal.

Solico verifi cation and optimization of the winch frame enables maximum weight saving whist minimizing material usage

Optimising the materials and manufacturing process
The main carbon fibre components of the new winch series are a filament-wound drum and an autoclave-moulded prepreg winch frame. The winch drums are manufactured using a standard-modulus fibre for the winding process and liquid epoxy resins. The drums are wound on metallic mandrels, postcured, before machining to final dimensions and then sealing of the drum surface with a protective clear coat.

Using plotter cut plies of Lloyd’s-approved carbon fibre unidirectional (UD), 0-90˚ woven and +/-45˚ stitched biaxial prepregs, the winch frame parts consist of prepreg plies laid up by hand and vacuum bagged. An autoclave cure at 120°C for 12 hours produces the best possible mechanical and thermal properties.
The materials and processes can be easily scaled if winches larger than those in the current range are required for future vessels. Indeed, Rondal is working on an even larger 32-ton winch model for an upcoming build.

Carbon composite components lightweight Rondal’s precision engineered winch systems

Benefits and advantages of composite construction
٠ Carbon construction massively reduces weight (by over 20%)
٠ No corrosion of aluminium parts when exposed to salt water-soaked lines
٠ Electric versions result in lighter weight systems as (unlike hydraulic systems) they do not need to be specified to offer peak power at all times
٠ Suitable technology for zero-emission yachts
٠ Composite winch elements can share load with the yacht’s composite structure

A rigourous testing regime a rigorous testing regime
The latest carbon winches are not yet in the scope of the typical class societies that certify sailing superyachts, and so there is no specific third-party standard for assessment of the units. To ensure ultimate quality and reliability, Rondal conducts its own stringent test programme in-house. Every winch is evaluated on the test bench in the company’s shop, with tests including loading to 1.5 times the designated maximum line load, providing clients with complete assurance that the winch system can withstand everything the wind and ocean can throw at it.

As part of the carbon winch development and testing programme, Rondal also utilised…

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126898JEC Group
CEAD studies mechanical properties affected by temperature and nozzle diameter for LFAM process Fri, 24 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> When new materials are released to the market, they jump on the opportunity to test and research them extensively. Hereby they aim at the best printing settings using their extruder and various applications. In order to help companies kickstart their additive manufacturing process, they provide Flexbot and robot extruder users with the datasheets produced by material tests.

Measuring mechanical properties
This study focused on the best print temperature and extruder settings. Thermoplastic pellets enter the top of the extruder and exit through the nozzle at the bottom as beads with high viscosity. Inside the extruder’s barrel, a screw is responsible for the downwards movement of the pellets.

However, the extruder configurations affect the mechanical properties of the printed object differently. Examples of these settings are: the temperature of the extruder, the diameter of the nozzle, layer time, number of rotations of the screw per minute (RPM) and torque (the force delivered unto the pellets in the barrel by the screw).

Research into mechanical properties affected by temperature and nozzle diameter | CEAD Group

Central in this research was a large scale application, thus two larger nozzles (9 and 12mm) were used in the material test. These nozzle sizes provided beads from 18 to 22mm wide. Furthermore, printing temperature varied as well. RPM, torque and layer time however were kept stable.

The focus thus lay on settings concerning temperature of the E25 extruder, nozzle diameters and their influence on the mechanical properties of prints.

High-end thermoplastic material
The high quality materials tested were ABS, PEI, PC. All materials were reinforced with 20% carbon fiber. These materials are applicable in various applications and are thus of great interest for research.

CEAD is always looking for high quality materials. In this case, the material was sponsored by Airtech Advanced Materials Group. Andrew was in close contact with Airtech during the research period. Sharing knowledge in both supplier and client directions creates a sustainable cooperation between all the stakeholders. These materials provided very promising research results, which allows the CEAD to inform future customers well about these Airtech materials.

Results of the material research
Frequent printing with all three materials allowed them to identify the behavior of the materials specifically for CEAD’s E25 extruder. Tests, conform to ASTM standards (D-638, D-790), were conducted in order to validate the tensile and flexural strength. Two of these tests can be seen in the video on this page.

What then became clear is that each material showed a different behavior. This demonstrates the importance of having their own process guideline for each material. The results ensure that CEAD and Airtech are able to advise customers on the best use of these high quality materials, focused on their application.

127336JEC Group
ATC & Boeing sign expanded long-term agreement for thermoplastic composite parts Tue, 21 Feb 2023 10:43:15 +0000 Read more]]> In recent years ATC Manufacturing has expanded its capabilities, including thermoforming of plastic tubes, insulation and electronic assembly, part painting, dimensional inspection, non-destructive inspection, flammability testing and more. ATC has been twice nominated as a Boeing Supplier of the Year and is a Boeing Premier Bidder.

“We are very proud to remain the chosen supplier of thermoplastic composite components to Boeing. Our commitment to quality and our expertise in pioneering industry-leading manufacturing technologies for these materials continues to pay-off in sustainable, cost-effective, and weight-saving parts and structures. As we look to the future, we are excited to grow in our ability to supply these innovative parts to Boeing and the industry as a whole,” says Jason Kindred, CEO of ATC Manufacturing.

ATC Manufacturing produces over 1,000,000 thermoplastic components per year in their ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D and NADCAP certified facility.

About ATC Manufacturing:
Since 2004, ATC has pioneered the adoption of thermoplastic composites technology to produce high-quality, lighter, and stronger parts & structures. ATC is committed to retaining American manufacturing jobs by providing low-cost solutions for lean part production at their purpose-built facility in Post Falls, Idaho. ATC is one of the few remaining independent thermoplastic composite suppliers, and maintains both ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D and NADCAP certifications.

127181JEC Group
The JEC Composites Innovation Awards: 2023 official finalists line up Tue, 21 Feb 2023 09:47:00 +0000 Read more]]> The competition is open to any company or R&D Center with a strong collaborative innovation or concept to present. The success of each competitor is closely linked to the partnerships and collective intelligence involved.

More than just a ceremony, these awards are an opportunity to bring possibly undisclosed projects in the limelight as well as a source of inspiration and stimulation to an expert audience always eager to reach out towards new horizons.

After pre-selection of the 30 finalists, one winner will be selected in each of the 11 categories. The awards ceremony will take place in Paris on March 2nd, 2023.

Discover here the finalists in each category.

Category Aerospace – Parts

Hybrid seating structure

Company : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partner(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : Aircraft hybrid seating structure designed and demonstrated under sustainability criteria, based on easy to recycle light weight composite material and produced with efficient automated processes. Commercial aircraft seats consist of many materials and individual parts, mostly a mix of polymers and metals, so very complex to recycle. The seats must also be lightweight to increase the overall efficiency of the aircraft. To achieve both goals (lightweight and recyclability), an aircraft seat series was developed based on the following sustainability criteria:
– Ease of recycling using one polymer type for all polymer parts for which recycling process is available.
– Reduction of number of seat components and weight through function-integrated lightweight design.
– Effective production of the plastic components through processes suitable for series production
– Elimination of toxic primers to improve the adhesion of metal inserts to the polymers (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fuel Sustainable PU based light weight CFRP to reduce CO2 emissions and waste
٠ Radically reduction of numbers of seat parts for low maintenance
٠ Automated high volume production technologies (SMC/WCM) to reduce costs
٠ Reduce the economic cost for carbon fiber aircraft seats
٠ Carbon Fiber attractive design
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Integrally stiffened TP primary structure

Company : Nikkiso (Japan)
Partner(s) : A&P Technology, United States – Solvay Japan, Japan
Description : Development of a high-rate molding process using aerospace qualified thermoplastic materials for parts with complex geometries enabling the replacement of heavier metallic components with composites.Nikkiso, Solvay and A&P have been working in partnership during the last two years to address industry your composite innovation needs for high rate, sustainable, complex geometry components targeting primary and secondary structures for aerospace and AAM (Advanced Air Mobility) market for small to mid-size applications. This innovation consists of the development of Nikkiso’s design of the integrated stiffening component allowing a one-shot processing technology which eliminates multiple fabrication processes. Total process time is reduced from 7 hours to 1 hour (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Unique design as integrated stiffened panels made with continuous fiber
٠ A&P’s ability to tailor the material width/real weight eliminates material waste
٠ Solvay’s sustainable thermoplastic tape allows ease of processing and reforming
٠ High quality one-shot fabrication without large trim and auxiliary materials
٠ Highly drapable with aerospace performance
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Lunar Lander with carbon monocoque structure

Company : Toray Carbon Magic Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Partner(s) : ispace, inc., Japan
Description : Lightweight structure by committing completely to the pursuit of specific strength and stiffness. Encouragement of the airframe structure as close to a one-piece composite structure. On December 11, 2022, ispace launched a lunar lander on a SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket which now continues to maintain a stable attitude and power supply. The precedents to be set by ispace, which is expected to land on the moon in April 2023, could strongly influence future directions in the concepts for lander form and structure. Understanding that weight reduction of the structure for Luner Lander is a critical factor that impacts the efficiency of its business, ispace and Toray Carbon Magic planned a lightweight structure that is optimal in principle by committing completely to the pursuit of specific strength and stiffness in materials, structure, and fabrication methods (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Carbon Composite Monocoque Structure
٠ Sandwich-Structured Composites
٠ Mandrel-Molded Process with Cost-Effective
٠ Integrated Composite Structure
٠ Speedy Development & Production in Composite Parts
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Category Aerospace – Process

Manufacture a Krueger wing flap in thermoplastic.

Company : CETIM (France)
Partner(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Innovative Krueger Flap produced In-situ with an automated thermoplastic process. The innovative Krueger flap, produced through this multi-partner project, has a large and complex shape and was manufactured using an in-situ thermoplastic consolidation process. It outperforms existing processes in terms of structural and industrial performance with higher production, better process stability and improved composite quality (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-situ consolidation with full automated process (laser filament winding)
٠ Recyclability (thermoplastic part)
٠ Repeatability and reliability of the process
٠ Reduction of production costs
٠ Mass reduction of large parts
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Self-cure of CFRP for aerospace applications

Company : The AMRC with Boeing, Wallis Way, Catcliffe (UK)
Partner(s) : Embraer RT Europe, Portugal
Description : Self-Cure is joule heating of CFRP to cure temperature, significantly increasing the energy efficiency of the curing process, reducing cure time and increasing the quality of cured components. Self-cure utilizes the Joule effect to heat conductive carbon fibers in composite components up to their cure temperature. This was developed in the H2020 project MASTRO, from small lab scale panels, up to 2-metre-long aerospace inspired components. Using self-cure, it was possible to cure pre-preg and VARTM components using less than 1% of energy compared to oven-cured components (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Low energy curing of CFRP
٠ Low capital expenditure
٠ Higher quality laminates
٠ Almost limitless size constraints
٠ Path to more multifunctional composites
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Hydrostatic membrane press technology for composites

Company : CTC GmbH (Germany)
Partner(s) : Airbus, Germany
Description : The metal membrane press concept allows for the production of high-temperature thermoplastic composites using a flexible metal tooling side to achieve high laminate quality and production rates. The idea of the technology is the use of a thin, flexible steel membrane for pressure application in composite manufacturing processes. With this technology, the disadvantages and tolerance issues of using hard-hard tooling are mitigated. The flexibility of the membrane compensates all thickness tolerances in the laminate, creating a perfect consolidation. This technology also enables the consolidation of a skin structure while integrating stiffening elements such as stringers in a single process (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Hydrostatic pressure yielding a perfect processing pressure
٠ One-Shot consolidation and integration for high production rates
٠ No auxiliary materials necessary, which greatly contrasts autoclave or oven
٠ Cycle times of 1h for high-temperature thermoplastics lead to lower energy use
٠ High versatility, as the same upper tooling can be used for multiple parts
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Automotive & Road Transportation – Design Part

2022 Toyota Tundra™ composite seatback design

Company : L&L Products (United States)
Partner(s): BASF Corporation, United States – Toyota, United States
Description : Taking an all-steel assembly that contained 60 stamped and welded parts and integrating it into 4 composite parts reducing weight by 20% while passing all relevant crash test requirements. L&L Products CCS™ (Continuous Composite Systems) CCS™ are continuous fiber-reinforced composite materials that can be used as a carrier when combined with our highly engineered sealants and/or structural adhesives. This two-dimensional part is designed to provide strength, stiffness, and rigidity to a lightweight structure. This is the first interior application to use L&L Products Continuous Composite Systems (CCS) technology with BASF’s polyurethane pultrusion system Elastocoat 74850 (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-house engineering expertise
٠ Advanced CAE capabilities
٠ Ultra-high strength to weight ratio
٠ Competitive pricing
٠ Seamless integration of adhesives/sealants
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World’s first carbon roll cage for production cars

Company : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partners(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Extreme lightweight carbon roll cage, to be road legally fitted into a production car, enabled by engineering a unique geometry. The initial metal design withstands extreme elongations. Thus, the use of carbon fibers, presented a major challenge for this application due to the low elongations at break. The Engineering innovation of the project is a new 3 step structural optimization process providing a specific design suitable for CFRP under full consideration of an extremely limited design space as well as multiple crash and FIA load cases (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High weight reduction compared to steel and even titanium
٠ Topology optimized, unique bionic design
٠ Innovative calculation approach – automated link between CAD an FE
٠ Innovative manufacturing process – structural hollow part in serial production
٠ Fulfills FIA load collective
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Company : Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Bamberg (Germany)
Partner(s) : 1 A Autenrieth Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany – Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft, Germany – Fraunhofer IGCV, Germany – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – WAFIOS AG, Germany
Description : Wire-shaped inserts for load-oriented fiber reinforcement of injection-molded thermoplastic components. Implemented on two full-scale industrial demonstrators within the automotive sector, the DRIFT-Technology features a combination of thermoplastic pultrusion, wire bending technique and injection molding technology. This new technology combines large-scale production capability, cost efficiency, design freedom and sustainability to an unmatched degree (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Topology-optimised load-adapted 3D-design-freedom
٠ Disruptive structural/functional property profiles
٠ Large-scale production capability
٠ Significantly enhanced cost-cfficiency & material-utilization
٠ Distinct integration of sustainability concept
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

KORIDION – Active core molding

Company : Alia Mentis SRL (Italy)
Partner(s) : Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Italy – FERRARI Spa, Italy – FILIPPI Boats Srl, Italy – GEVEN Spa, Italy – MFC Hawaii, United States, SABELT Spa, Italy – SCUDERIA ALPHATAURI Spa, Italy – SUM Srl, Italy
Description : Active core molding. The new process that cancel all current limits on CFRP Transformation. KORIDION is the first active core for the self-forming of CFRP to its final shape. No more autoclaves, No more bags. Its ultralight structure expands by heat, applying equalized pressure to every detail of the CFRP structure within the mold. The viscous behavior absorbs overlaps and all the overall interference involved in the component forming. The Koridion core allows previously impossible forms, is completely fire-proof, is soluble, permits the reduction of CFRP materials guaranteeing ultralight compositions and is easy to use (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Design freedom + impossible shapes + self-forming structures + monolithic
٠ Equalized pressure up to 12bar + ultralight+ fireproof + shockproof + soluble
٠ No autoclaves + no bags + simple process
٠ + 40% CFRP saving + 50% labor saving.
٠ 50% green-house-gas reduction
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BEV battery protection plate in composite design 

Company : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partner(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Largest, innovative, sustainable BEV underride guard in thermoplastic sandwich lightweight design with highly efficient one-shot manufacturability for the new Audi Q8 e-tron. The innovative composite part is characterized by its mechanically extremely robust light-weight sandwich design as well as its large dimensions of about 2100 mm x 1400 mm and a total weight of app. 23 kg, of which about 13 kg are UD-tapes. Due to the large size of the component, production using injection molding is technically not feasible, thus a novel one-shot process had to be developed. The overall design is an excellent trade-off in terms of lightweight potential, design suitability for cost-efficient high-volume production, mechanical robustness and sustainability (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High light-weight potential for BEV underride guards, replacing Al-design
٠ Significant reduction of CO2-footprint compared to aluminum design
٠ Novel press-process for high-volume production of complex sandwich parts
٠ Design for recycling
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Graphene from waste tire for lightweight vehicles

Company : Nanografen (Türkiye)
Partner(s) : Farplas Otomotiv A. S., Türkiye – Oyak Renault, Türkiye – Ravago Petrokimya Üretim A.Ş., Türkiye
Description : Nanografen produces graphene from waste tires in pilot scale used as a co-reinforcement in compounding process for cost-effective and lightweight automotive composites without changing the mould. Nanografen scaled up the upcycling sustainable graphene manufacturing technology by using the recycled carbon black obtained from the pyrolysis of waste tires. In this process, the conversion of waste tires to carbon black is 35% and the reaction is occurred under nitrogen environment at 450°C by using catalytic bed process (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Sustainable graphene manufacturing from end-of-life tires in pilot plant scale
٠ Lightweight design by reducing main reinforcement and integrating graphene
٠ Ease thermoplastic processing with graphene requiring no additional treatment.
٠ Lowering cost of graphene by using end-of-life tires compared to prime graphene
٠ Large volume production capacity and easily scalable process
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

CFRP cable-net glass façade 

Company : CARBO-LINK AG (Switzerland)
Partner(s) : seele, Germany
Description : An innovative and novel CFRP cable-net structure for glass façades providing maximum transparency with no visible supporting structure, enabling a clear design language for building envelopes. The CFRP cable-net innovation is an evolution of seele’s steel glass design façades integrated into some of the world’s most recognizable architecture. Combining seele’s innovative glass panels and engineering experience with Carbo-Link’s CFRP tension members has led to a new structural solution for large-scale glass façades (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High tensile strength capacity = increasing ability to carry structural load
٠ Super lightweight = less superstructure demand at more extensive project scale
٠ No relaxation over lifespan = high level of pretension maintained over the life
٠ No service demands = increased active lifespan, reduced cost of ownership
٠ Small cross-section = hidden structural components for increased transparency
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Sheephouse wood bat mitigation structure 

Company : Asset International structures (United Kingdom)
Partner(s) : COWI UK, United Kingdom
Description : Provide a safe structure, ensuring the protection of a rare species of the bat using offsite modular construction, minimizing embodied carbon, and maximizing safety using our FRP and concrete units. Our use of innovative FRP composites for the mesh panels was driven by the design scope. Part of the original requirement was for a minimal maintenance structure to reduce future maintenance costs for the stakeholders which we reviewed and proposed the current adopted design. Using FRP allowed us to create a system that met all the design loadings, 60% open porosity for aerodynamic loads, met smoke and toxicity requirements, created small enough apertures that the bat species cannot enter the structure and allowed for minimal maintenance over the lifespan of the structure (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Showcasing FRP In Major Infrastructure Projects such as underground projects
٠ Protecting the habitat & 13 species of bats including the rare Bechstein’s bat
٠ Reduced long term maintenance offering low life costs
٠ Construction time reduced minimizing the effect on local population & wildlife
٠ Reduces the construction time thus the overall construction cost
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A composite roof for the stadium of Real Madrid

Company : Nanotures (Spain)
Partner(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Three elements are mechanically joined to reach beams with a span of 75 m. The manufacturing process was infusion with double VAP membrane, avoiding the use of holes in the core and excess polymer. Critical parameters such as fiber linearity and core joints have been controlled in production to obtain elements with high compression resistance. Strategically, different reinforcements have been utilized in the design to meet the load case and assist in joining to the metallic elements. Finally, the lightweight composite beams allow simplification in the assembly operations on site as well as the simplification, weight and energy reduction of the displacement and elevation motors.
Key benefits :
٠ Weight reduction and simplification on site installation
٠ Excellent mechanical properties
٠ Environmental and energy benefit
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Category Circularity & Recycling

Circular welding process for thermoset composites

Company : University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwerstern Switzerland (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Huntsman Advanced Materials Switzerland GmbH, Switzerland
Description : A super-fast, reusable welding process that creates high-performance joints between fast-curing epoxy composites involving a co-bonded thermoplastic interlayer that enables the design for circularity. To achieve this, a thermoplastic coupling layer is created by co- bonding with the thermoset resin. This leads to a weldable surface that can be processed with thermoplastic welding methods such as ultrasonic welding. The thermoplastic coupling layer (phenoxy resin) is utilized as a thin film, compatible with the fast-curing epoxy system Araldite® LY3585/Aradur® 3475 in the sense that it can partially diffuse in a controlled way into the thermoset resin during the 1 min curing time at 140°C (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Design for circularity
٠ Fast welding of thermoset composites
٠ Lightweight joint design
٠ CO2 reduction by disassembly and reuse
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100% recycled CF spun yarn and applied products

Company : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partner(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : 100% recycled CF spun yarn compatible to pultrusion process. Establishment of comprehensive CF circulation system from recycling to product application. CFRP properties of rCF spun yarn achieve about 70% tensile strength and 90% elastic modulus compared to virgin CFRP. There is no limitation to the process and matrix, and we are the world’s first manufacturer that successfully utilizes rCF in pultrusion molding with epoxy resin. Due to wind energy market growth, we expect future rCF spun yarn application to the demand for carbon neutral production for wind power generation blades. Furthermore, we established a comprehensive CF recycling system from CF recovery to reproduction (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Applicable recycle CF to pultrusion molding using epoxy matrix
٠ Recycled CFRP highly compatible with virgin CFRP performance
٠ A comprehensive high value CF recycling system
٠ High compatibility for existing process and resin matrix
٠ Low environmental impact
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True bio-based thermoset resin

Company : Evonik Operations GmbH (Germany)
Partner(s) : Kemijski Institut,Slovenia
Description : We developed a new, low viscosity thermosetting resin based on lignin. Designed to work with established processes, i.e. VARI, it reduces the carbon footprint of composites significantly. Vanillin methacrylate, derived from lignin, a waste product from the paper and pulp industry, is the backbone of our new bio-based thermoset resin. Our innovation converts this solid material into a liquid suitable for commercial peroxide hardeners. We made composite panels using flax fiber fabric and VARI (vacuum-assisted resin infusion) equipment. Testing with benchmark materials (epoxy and vinyl ester resins) showed a comparable performance of the laminate. By optimizing the hardener package the performance can be enhanced further.
Key benefits :
٠ 75 % carbon footprint reduction
٠ Bio-based from waste material of the paper and pulp industry
٠ Easy to use, low viscosity
٠ Excellent performance, especially in combination with flax
٠ Drop-in thermoset resin
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Category Digital, AI & Data

Auto-teaching algorithm for thermography

Company : Twin Robotics (France)
Description : Thermography is a fast way to robotically inspect a composite part. The innovation lies in an auto-teaching algorithm that automatically defines the optimal path(s) for inspection. Currently, industrial robots automate repetitive tasks (e.g. automotive ind), Industry 4.0, however, demands more flexible, easier to program, and smarter robots that are capable of performing tasks on a small series or parts or even single parts. This flexibility requires being able to define the tasks that the robot must do in a simple way. The programming of a robot must be able to be done in a few minutes by a person with no knowledge of robotics. With our software – AppRob – we offer a digital twin of the robotic inspection machine that reduces programming time to a few hours for experts in NDT and not in robotics (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Automatic Off-Line Programming (OLP)
٠ Full simulation of Thermographic Machine
٠ No knowledge in Robotics needed
٠ Design a complete Digital Twin for the robot system
٠ Shrink the OLP time to the minimal possible
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AI-powered, cloud-based real-time process control

Company : Netzsch Process Intelligence GmbH (Germany)
Partners(s) : Carbon Revolution LTD., Australia – German Aerospace Center and the CosiMo Project, Germany – Netzsch Group, Germany – Schwarz Plastic Solutions GmbH, Germany
Description : sensXPERT is an end-to-end, integrated equipment as a service solution for the plastics manufacturing industry solving challenges around consistent process stability while ensuring cost efficiency. Dielectric sensors are the heart of the system, favorably positioned at or close to the main gate, while the second one sits best at the end of the flow—regardless of part size. Data collected by the sensors are transferred to the sensXPERT edge device, which is placed machine near. The edge device acts as an industrial PC with the main task of evaluating and communicating the data received to the Cloud via secured servers maintained by Amazon Web Services.
Key benefits :
٠ Real-time process cycle optimization
٠ In-mold process control
٠ Full tracking/traceability for every part produced
٠ Up to 50 % scrap reduction & 23 % energy cost savings
٠ Optimized use of human-based resources
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In-process AFP manufacturing inspection system

Company : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : In-process AFP Manufacturing Inspection System (IAMIS) for automated fiber placement (AFP) head to detect manufacturing defects and a user-friendly augmented reality visualization module. IAMIS detects manufacturing defects that are above the certification basis (or unacceptable) using machine-learning (ML) algorithms for reducing time-consuming and operator-dependent manual inspection processes that require significantly interrupting the manufacturing process.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase automated manufacturing system utilization (operational efficiency)
٠ Eliminate labor-intensive manual inspections and improve quality
٠ Eliminate human error associated with operator experience levels
٠ Augmented reality visualization for repair and quality assurance
٠ Create a digital record of defects for certification and sustainment support
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Composite high-speed railway car body

Company : Talgo (Spain)
Partners(s) : Aernnova, Spain – FIDAMC, Spain, TECNALIA, Spain
Description : The development is a hybrid composite car body structure for Very High-Speed train made of CFRP composite and Aluminum with a 25% weight reduction. The demonstrator is a whole carbody of an intermediate coach of Talgo 350 at TRL 6/7 1:1 scale. Talgo 350 is a High-Speed Train running in Spain since 15 years and Talgo HHR, a variation of it, running in Saudi Arabia since 5 years. The car body is divided in two main parts that are integrated at the end of the assembly process: – End walls, made on aluminum and – CFRP main tube (roof, lateral panels, and floor/main frame) made using monolithic, sandwich and pultrusion profiles. The technologies used to manufacture the composite components (apart from pultrusion profiles) are based on hand and semi-automatic lay-up CFRP semi-prepreg compliant with the Fire-Smoke-Toxicity standards for the railway. This way, we are removing completely the use of welding on steel and/or aluminum in the manufacturing of the main tube.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase of capacity due to weight reductions
٠ Decrease of energy consumption
٠ Simplified assembly process
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Isotruss® carbon fiber tower

Company : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partners(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : IsoTruss® Carbon Fiber Towers are up to twelve times stronger than steel for a given weight, or as little as one-twelfth the weight for a given load, depending on the design, site and specifications. IsoTruss was originally invented for aerospace applications and is ideally suited in load bearing structures anywhere low weight and stiffness are critical. Overall, the IsoTruss® combines high performing continuous fiber (such as carbon, glass, aramid, etc.) reinforced polymer composite materials with a very efficient geometry to allow those elements to carry the load efficiently, allowing extremely lightweight and extremely high performance.
Key benefits :
٠ Material Advantages: High Strength/High Stiffness/High Durability/Transversely Isotropic/Radio Frequency Transparent/Corrosion Resistant
٠ Structural Advantages: Resists Shell Buckling/Lighter Weight/Low Drag/Damage Tolerant/Aesthetics/Eco-Friendly/Corrosion Resistant/Less CF to mfg/lightweight lowers shipping/install costs-reduces CO2 70%.
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Lightweight booms for agricultural sprayers

Company : BK COMPONENTS S.A. (Argentina)
Partners(s) : BCK ID SRL, Argentina – CAIMAN SRL, Argentina – KOHLENIA SRL, Argentina
Description : A modular concept of sprayer boom with intelligent use of composites and manufacturing processes, to provide a scalable, cost efficient and environmentally friendly solution for agriculture. The composite materials and their manufacturing processes used for the boom are specially selected and developed, aiming for a scalable, cost efficient and environmentally friendly product. The carbon fiber tubes are made by wet filament winding for a high level of automation, the maximum integration in the value chain, and to avoid the higher costs and drawbacks associated to the logistics of prepregs. The compression-molded composite part is 80% cheaper than its aluminum counterpart and there is a reduction of 66% of the industrial waste (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Longer working span boosts productivity
٠ Reduced weight and better dynamic response of the spraying booms
٠ Reduced environmental impact (less fuel/scrap recycling/spot spraying systems)
٠ Easy repairability thanks to adhesive bonding of the repair kit
٠ Vertical integration and high automatization of production processes
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding

Automated, mouldless composite wing sail for yacht

Company : Rondal (Netherlands)
Partners(s) : Artemis Technologies, United Kingdom – Curve Works, Netherlands
Description : Rondal, Curve Works and Artemis Technologies present a fully customizable, automated, composite solid wing sail assembled from load bearing carbon fiber skin panels manufactured on adaptive tooling. Rondal, Curve Works and Artemis Technologies are seeking to increase the market share of wind propelled yachts and have created a highly efficient, automated, composite solid wing sail technology that can be “ready-to-sail” in seconds, further increasing the amount of time vessels rely solely on clean, renewable wind propulsion (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fully automated composite wing sail technology for lower emission yachts
٠ 100% sustainable wind propulsion with lowest possible manufacturing footprint
٠ Innovative structural assembly created from multiple prepreg carbon panels
٠ Modeless, scalable, customizable manufacturing process with integrated heating
٠ Maximizes sailing time and comfort, ready to sail in only 10 seconds
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Solid sail mast

Company : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partners(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialization of the fabrication of very large mast to fit to price and delay of marine industry market. SOLID SAIL MAST fabrication is based on carbon preg pieces made in autoclave. We cut the mast in sections able to enter the largest autoclave (24m x 6m) we had and develop an assembly method using AFP fabricated sleeves to assembly the 24m long sections together in a quick and efficient way.
Key benefits :
٠ Higher quality standard through precisely automated lamination
٠ Higher productivity from faster/fewer manufacturing processes
٠ Lower production cost from reduction of processes
٠ Reduced waste and reduced manufacturing hazard
٠ Higher consistency in the mass manufacturing of parts
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Serial use of hemp for small parts in boating

Company : Groupe Beneteau (France)
Partners(s) : Chomarat, France
Description : Development and integration of a glass-hemp complex in the industrial production of composite parts in closed mold process for boatbuilding applications. In boat industry activities, to date, there is no mass production integrating natural fibers. The BENETEAU Group manufactures more than 30,000 composite parts per year to equip its boat decks. The solution developed by CHOMARAT allows a compromise between the industrial constraints of the small parts production process and customer expectations, all within a sustainable development framework (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Small parts in boat industry.
٠ Sustainability Improvement
٠ Serial production marine with Hemp fibers
٠ Development of local industry
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Category Renewable Energies

New acrylic adhesives for a better world

Company : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : New technology of non-flammable, low-odor, and primer-free structural acrylate adhesives with a favorable health and safety profile, providing exceptional bonding performance on multiple substrates. The innovation is a new acrylic adhesives technology that cures fast, creates high strength and high elongation bonds, outstanding stress and impact resistance, and importantly, unlike many structural adhesives, provides an effective solution to multiple sustainability-related challenges, without compromising performance (Non-flammable classification, favorable health and safety profile, low odor and limited surface preparation) (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Safety, wellbeing, and productivity
٠ Reduced CO2 emissions (transport)
٠ Financial savings (storage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrates, and composites bonding
٠ Material models available for simulation
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Opticore design platform for blade lightweighting

Company : Gurit UK Ltd (United Kingdom)
Description : OptiCore is a software enabling more efficient core kits for wind blades – considering mechanical properties, geometrical fit, blade weight, resin uptake, manufacturing cost, health, permeability. Thanks to this new OptiCore software solution, product design parameters can be considered. Design parameters are often interdependent and impact each other. The software mitigates this complexity by considering these interdependencies reliably and quickly (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Reduced cost of wind energy
٠ Faster product development time
٠ Explore multiple designs quickly
٠ Improved wind blade mechanical properties
٠ Cost and weight saving
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Corpower WEC – Clean electricity from ocean waves

Company : Corpower Ocean AB (Sweden)
Partners(s) : Corpower Ocean Portugal Lda, Portugal
Description : Industrial-scale wave energy converter enabled by an innovative mobile filament winding factory for composite hull manufacturing at scale. The WEC hull has been designed with a low-cost sandwich structure made of filament-wound composite skins for the inner and outer layer separated by a core material. The inner skin combines glass fiber roving and specially developed 141-millimeter-wide bands of fabric – a layer of Diab (Helsingborg, Sweden) Divinycell H structural PVC foam core designed for strength and to adapt to the curvature of the hull – and an outer skin also comprising filament-wound roving and fabric. Composite hulls can be built rapidly on customer sites thanks to a “mobile factory” concept, with additive manufacturing dramatically reducing lead times, cost, and CO2 footprint by eliminating transportation of the finished product (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 20-30% increase in annual energy production (AEP) yield vs. steel
٠ 70% reduction in end-to-end hull production costs vs. steel
٠ 15-20% improvement in levelized cost of energy (LCOE) vs. steel
٠ Increased reliability, robustness and durability in harsh oceans
٠ Highly scalable onsite WEC hull production via mobile winding factory concept
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Recyclable thermoset CFRP composite bike

Company : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partners(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Thermoset CFRP bicycle was made from recyclable EzCiclo prepreg. Composite parts can be recycled by CleaVER liquid to reclaim resin and fiber enabling closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite. Swancor presents recyclable thermosetting resin “EzCiclo” and degradation liquid “CleaVER”. EzCiclo is a recyclable epoxy resin. Hot melt prepregs made of EzCiclo RB-564 with different Fiber Average Weight (FAW) are used to produce composite bicycle parts including frame, handlebar, front fork and rims. The End-of-life composite parts made from EzCiclo can be degraded by CleaVER liquid at 130°C-150°C for 4 hours, enabling complete separation of matrix and fiber. The crosslinked matrix is dissolved in CleaVER and can be reused. The reclaimed fiber shows comparable properties compared to virgin fiber (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 100% recyclable thermoset composite bicycle parts with promising properties
٠ Innovative resin system enables closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite
٠ Ease of adoption with existing manufacturing facilities and processes
٠ Lower carbon emission recycling and generate no waste
٠ Higher value of recycled resin and fiber
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Integrated loop technology bicycle frame

Company : COMPO TECH PLUS SPOL, s r.o. (Czech Republic)
Partners(s) : Czech Technical University in Prague., Czech Republic
Description : A bicycle frame produced by an automated fiber winding process, incorporating continuous fibre tube joining development “integrated loop technology” (ILT). The proprietary fiber winding and integrated loop process technologies have been used here to manufacture the interconnected frame sub-assembly parts, namely the bottom bracket shell, chainstays and the top, head, down and seat tubular sections of a mountain bike frame. CompoTech’s ILT production processes can manufacture a single large hollow integrated loop end joint or multiple individual loops to acommodate specific fixings and fastener systems.
Key benefits :
٠ More productive than comparative hand built assembled frame
٠ Stronger joints and efficient material use, eliminating over laminated joints
٠ Reduced machining – connection designed into the ILT AFL process
٠ Reduced labour time – higher productivity, lower part cost achievable
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Modular suitcase made from rCFRP

Company : PITAKA (China)
Partners(s) : a-Motion Advanced Materials & Technology Co. Ltd., China – Expliseat, France – Roctool, France
Description : Application of rCFRP and of Natural flax fibers with Roctool TP technology. Recycle & Reusing from Expliseat. Modular design makes it possible to recycle the composite parts from the products. Innovation is based on dual axis:
٠ New Materials: Develop a variety of materials which accommodate one unique goal which is sturdy industries to show and demonstrate that recycled composite materials can be used to manufacture premium products.
٠ Modular Design: Our most important strategic goal for innovation is to achieve product recyclability. With our approach any consumer can easily disassemble their suitcase & recycle the composites. We can then encourage the end-users to take real action to reduce waste and protect the environment.
Key benefits :
٠ Modular design and easy repair
٠ Composites’ sustainability in leisure industry
٠ Highly customized
٠ Lightweighted, durable and greener
٠ Fashionable travel
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126512JEC Group
Wickert Maschinenbau unveils the fastest heating-cooling press at JEC World 2023 Fri, 17 Feb 2023 15:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Their main application is the processing of high-performance thermoplastics in the aerospace industry, but they are also used to manufacture membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) for fuel cells.

High-temperature presses are just one of the products offered by Wickert Maschinenbau. As a full-range supplier, the family-owned business provides manufacturing solutions from a single source for the entire composites value chain. The heating-cooling press presented there is a laboratory system for research.

A customer-specific version of the fast heating-cooling press with temperature control rates of 35 K/min, which Wickert is currently manufacturing for Chemnitz Technical University, is also designed for scientific applications. It features a pressing force of 3000 kN, built up in less than 1 s. The maximum heating plate temperature is 420 °C. The press is scheduled for installation at the customer’s site in April and will be used for innovative research projects.

Temperature control at record speed thanks to inductive heating system
Wickert integrates a temperature control system with two separate circuits in the presses ensuring that the short heating and cooling rates are achieved. Inductor coils in the heating plates cause the mold halves to heat up quickly, while integrated channels with cooling water ensure that they cool down rapidly. The company guarantees a homogeneous temperature with a maximum deviation of ± 5 ºC over the entire temperature range up to 500 ºC and the entire plate surface.

Machining of thermally fast-acting particle foams
Thanks to the rapid temperature control of the molds, the presses play a tangible role in cutting cycle times in high-temperature processing while speeding up production. When working with thermally fast-acting particle foams, the rapid heating and cooling rates are a prerequisite for economically efficient processing.

About Wickert Maschinenbau GmbH
Wickert Maschinenbau GmbH is a medium-sized, family-owned company based in Landau in der Pfalz. It develops and produces complex, fully automated systems that are then integrated in its hydraulic presses. All machines and systems have a modular structure and feature pressing forces of between 20 and 100,000 kN, with a customer-specific layout in each case. The provided systems are used to process elastomers, composites, plastics and powder materials. The presses are used in the production of pharmaceutical sealing plugs, as well as the production of safety parts in automotive brake systems and bi-polar plates for fuel cells. Other applications for Wickert presses include e-mobility, laboratories and research facilities.

Stephanie Wickert and Stefan Herzinger act as partners and managing directors of the family-owned company, founded in 1901, which is supported by an Advisory Board chaired by Hans-Joachim Wickert. Wickert manufactures exclusively in Germany’s Landau/Pfalz region, from where it supplies customers in Europe, America and Asia. In 2022, 201 employees generated a turnover of around € 46 million.

Meet Wickert Maschinenbau GmbH at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth M64.

127130JEC Group
Cetim proud to be part of the 2023 JEC Composites Innovation Awards Finalists Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:25:05 +0000 Read more]]> After the exceptional 2022 edition, JEC World, the leading international trade show dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets, will take place in Paris from April 25-27, 2023. As each year, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. The 2023 winners will be announced on March 2nd during a dedicated ceremony, and JEC World will offer attendees three days to meet the winning companies and their partners.

Cetim nominated within the “Aerospace – Process” category with an Innovative Krueger Flap in thermoplastic composite
This part has been manufactured by Cetim within the SWING European R&D project, part of the Clean Sky 2 European program, for more efficient wings & sustainable aircrafts. Cetim’ s challenges was to develop an innovative in-situ consolidation process to outperform existing solutions on the industrialization & recyclability side.

The Krueger Flap has been manufactured with SPIDE TP, Cetim automated in-situ Thermoplastic consolidation process which outperforms existing ones in terms of structural & industrial performances: lightness, higher production, better process stability, repeatability, improved parts quality & recyclability.

The part made with PAEK/FC raw materials is designed in several components: 3 cells for resistant hollow bodies & a skin to fix the whole components. SPIDE TP, Cetim laser filament winding process, is based on AFPT technology, using innovative heated tools form Loiretech. The TP composites Krueger Flap meets mechanical & weight challenges as requested by Sonaca (topic manager).

Key benefits of this innovative process
• In-situ consolidation with full automated process (laser filament winding)
• Recyclability (thermoplastic part)
• Repeatability and reliability of the process
• Reduction of production costs
• Mass reduction of large parts

Read the full JEC press release with access to all the finalists details.

Meet the Cetim on JEC World 2023, Hall 5, booth L50.

127043JEC Group
PlyMatch, AR solution for manufacturing complex composite parts Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:05:07 +0000 Read more]]> PlyMatch™ uses augmented reality to show the live combined images of actual and target ply outlines and fibre orientation details on a monitor, so that the two can be matched by the operator. PlyMatch is used for the accurate placement of plies in hand lay-up manufacture of composite parts, as well as for monitoring and validation of automated methods. It is particularly useful in case of complex geometries, with high curvature or enclosed spaces. PlyMatch is used by manufacturers in aerospace, automotive, bicycle and transport sectors at this stage.

Anaglyph composites software products
Laminate Tools is a stand-alone Windows application, interfacing with most industry standards. It addresses the entire Design-Analysis-Check-Manufacture group process of structural design, but focusing on the composite material features. It complements your existing CAD systems and/or FEA environments. Laminate Tools has native interfaces to Solidworks, Rhino, Nastran, HyperMesh, Ansys and Abaqus. It helps optimize and manufacture exactly what is being designed and saves valuable team time.
CoDA (Composite Component Design Analysis) is used for preliminary analysis sub-components with Plate, Beam, Joint, Flange or Laminate geometries.

PlyMatch™ uses augmented reality to show the live combined images of actual and target ply outlines and fibre orientation details on a monitor, so that the two can be matched by the operator.

Based on Classical Laminate Theory, LAP (Laminate Analysis Program) is used to analyse any type of composite laminate subjected to in-plane loads and moments. The flat laminate is no fixed size, apart from its thickness, so that the analysis can be applied to any composite component where loadings and deformations are known.

Anaglyph has been offering solutions for composites design and manufacturing for over 20 years, keeping close relationships with their customers.

Meet Anaglyph on JEC World 2023, Hall 6 Stand R40.

127038JEC Group
New Flex option for Dieffenbacher’s Fibercon consolidation system Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:14:00 +0000 Read more]]> A new Flex option for the Dieffenbacher Fibercon system expands customers’ application possibilities by making consolidation possible independent of the tape layup geometry and layup thickness. This option is available as a retrofit or as part of a new Fibercon system.

The Dieffenbacher Fibercon system consolidates tape layups into near-net-shape laminates with excellent quality and porosity of less than 1%. Fibercon achieves exceptionally good material properties for high-quality components, making it ideal for large-scale production of individual component-specific tape layups. It’s even possible to process high-performance thermoplastics without further adaptation.

Vacuum consolidation of the tape layups in the standard Fibercon version takes place between two frames with transparent glass inserts. In the new Flex version, the upper frame comes with a flexible sheet that automatically adapts to the contour of the tape layup.

Many applications, especially in the sports and leisure and automotive industries, can benefit from the new Flex option, explains Marco Hahn, Director Sales of the Forming Business Unit at Dieffenbacher. “In manufacturing bicycle frames and rims with high component diversity, for example—for which the Fibercon is extremely well suited—the new Flex option simplifies production.” Variable layup thicknesses and geometries of up to 4 mm can be consolidated with very high quality but without component-specific tools.

With a temperature range of up to 250°C, the Fibercon Flex option is the ideal consolidation system for all PP and PA6 applications, regardless of the type of fiber used. Compared to conventional laminating presses, the Fibercon delivers significantly higher product quality, as thickness variations in the component are preserved, and neither squeeze flow nor fiber ondulations occur. Unlike permanently heated laminating presses, the Fibercon heats the product directly, without any peripherals and only during actual consolidation. In this way, pause and set-up times are bridged without energy input or long heating processes. This makes the Fibercon consolidation system many times more energy-efficient and resource-saving.

“Each Fibercon is equipped with three pairs of frames as standard. With the new Flex option, each customer can choose how many of these frame pairs to equip with the standard glass insert and how many with the new flexible sheet. This ensures maximum flexibility,” says Hahn. “Existing installations can also be retrofitted with the Flex option at any time and with minimal effort.”

126971JEC Group
Application of basalt rock-based materials in the automotive industry Wed, 15 Feb 2023 09:12:34 +0000 Read more]]> At the present stage of the automotive industry’s development, there is a strong demand for durable, lightweight and non-corroding structural materials and composites, protective coatings, and heat and sound insulation materials. Currently, low-cost glass fibres are the most commonly used in this sector. Carbon fibres are used in a limited number of applications, only where it is economically feasible.

Due to their specific technical characteristics and cost performance, materials made from basalt fibres (BF) have good prospects and can be widely used in the automotive industry. Considerable experience has already been gained in the use of materials and parts made from basalt continuous fibre (BCF) in the automotive industry and other sectors such as aviation, shipbuilding and railway carriage engineering. BCF and BCF-based materials have a number of high technical and operational characteristics.

First, they have a high durability due to the relatively high specific breaking strength of the fibres, significantly exceeding the values for metal (2-2.5 times) and E-glass fibre (1.4-1.5 times). Table 1 presents specific tensile strength data for basalt continuous fibres. These materials also offer a high resistance to external environmental factors and aggressive environments. Basalt fibres are suitable for structures operated in contact with moisture, salt solutions, chemical media, and are not subject to corrosion. Due to their high thermal resistance, basalt fibres can be used to produce non-combustible, high-temperature materials.

The range of temperatures for long-term use of BF is -200°С ~+600°С, and thermal insulation products made from andesite-basalt fibres can be used at temperatures up to 800°С. Basalt materials have good thermal and sound-insulating characteristics and have been widely used in aviation and shipbuilding for a long time. Thermal conductivity data for super-thin basalt fibre materials with a filament diameter of 1 to 3 microns is presented in Table 2.

Table 3 presents the soundproofing characteristics of materials based on super-thin basalt fibre with an elementary fibre diameter of 1 to 3 microns. The hygroscopicity of basalt fibres is 6-8 times lower than that of glass fibre.

Therefore, only basalt-based thermal and sound insulation materials are traditionally used in aircraft and shipbuilding, where a low hygroscopicity is very important. Basalt fibre-based materials also offer a high resistance and durability to vibrations and alternating loads.

BCF shows a high compatibility with other materials (metals, plastics, and adhesives) during the production process. This opens up huge perspectives for the production of a whole range of new composites such as metal-composite materials, honeycomb structures, fibre-reinforced plastics, protective coatings, etc. The high operational qualities of basalt fibre materials and products include high strength and low weight, impact resistance, stability to environmental and aggressive environments, aesthetic appearance and good maintainability and durability.

BCF-based composite part for the automotive sector

They are compatible with various processing technologies such as moulding, cold stamping, spraying, drawing and other technologies that do not involve significant energy costs, the so-called “cold technologies”. Positive experience has been accumulated in the application of BCF materials in the automotive industry and a number of related sectors such as aviation, shipbuilding, and car building.

The comparative characteristics of different continuous fibres (glass, carbon, aramid and basalt) used in the production of composite materials are presented in Table 4. The issues related to the use of basalt-based composite, reinforcing, thermal and sound insulating materials, materials for special applications, and protective anticorrosion coatings in the automotive industry are presented below.

BCF-based composite materials and parts
Composite materials are reinforced with 70-80% fibres. Their strength characteristics are mainly determined by the reinforcing fibres, in the form of rovings, chopped strand mats or fabrics. Composites are used for many different car parts such as external parts (bumpers, underbody, hood, fairings, and spoilers), electric drive car bodies, interior decoration elements (such as decorative panels) and body protection elements.

BCF chopped strand mats and basalt fabrics impregnated with binders are used to mass produce complex-shape composite parts such as bumpers and car bodies by vacuum moulding.
For a long time, a number of cars with glass fibre-based composite bodies were mass-produced. But these cars were produced in limited series. BCF offers several advantages over glass fibre, including low hygroscopicity and higher chemical resistance, tensile strength and impact strength.

BCF-based CNG cylinders for automotive use manufactured in Austria

This is important in the manufacture of car parts with specific safety requirements in the event of collisions and accidents. BCF composites withstand many years of operation in contact with natural factors such as moisture, salt solutions, alkalis and acids.
Composite car bodies made of BCF materials are particularly suitable for electric vehicles as they are more durable, not susceptible to corrosion, electrically insulating, durable in use, and 2.5-3 times lighter than metal. Lightweight composite car bodies make it possible to install additional batteries and to increase the range of electric vehicles. Leading companies such as Volkswagen and BMW have developed BCF-based composite car bodies.

High-pressure cylinders for compressed natural gas
The conversion of car engines from gasoline to compressed natural gas requires the production of high-pressure cylinders for pressures up to 250 bar (kg/cm2).
The test pressure for cylinders is 500 bar. Due to its high breaking strength and resistance to alternating loads, BCF is most suitable for the production of…

This article has been published in the JEC Composites Magazine N°148.

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126910JEC Group
Liebherr breaks ground for new hydraulic cylinder plant in Oberopfingen Wed, 15 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> With a ground-breaking ceremony hold on 13 December, Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH has officially commenced construction work for a new plant in Oberopfingen (Germany). The new building will be available from 2024 and will be housing the mechanical production of hydraulic cylinders, which is currently located in Kirchdorf an der Iller. Also, the production-related administrative areas will be moved to Oberopfingen, where the main plant for the production of hydraulic cylinders and other hydraulic components, as well as administration, assembly, painting and logistics have already been located since 2018. The new plant will have a ground area of approximately 46,000 m2.

“The consolidation of the entire hydraulic cylinder production into one location is the basis for Liebherr to continue to grow and further drive the economic efficiency of our site,” says Christian Zenner, Managing Director of Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH.

With the expansion of the components location, a total of three new halls will be built. One hall houses a logistics area, including a high-bay warehouse, the quality control, the customer service, as well as a modern production for fibre composite components. The other two halls will house a modernised mechanical production. In addition to this, two adjoining administrative buildings will complement the halls. Construction is planned to span 1.5 years, aiming for overall conclusion, including all relocation work, by spring of 2025.

Preparations for the construction of a new building at the Liebherr-Components site in Oberopfingen are in full swing.

Combined component power
Thanks to the local bundling of production, internal processes and production sequences will be optimised, on the one hand. On the other, opportunities are being created to improve and fully redesign production conditions: “For example, we are expanding the capacity of fibre composite production and investing in new machinery and equipment. In order to implement the overall processes in the best way possible in the future, areas from the older plant in Oberopfingen will also be moved into the new building,” explains project manager Thomas Angielsky from Liebherr-Components Kirchdorf GmbH.

“We will not only join forces again as one team in one place, but also exploit potentials for the future – as an attractive employer and a reliable partner,” explains Christian Zenner. “The construction project is an essential step towards fulfilling our customers’ needs, as well as towards positioning ourselves as one of the leading hydraulic cylinder manufacturers worldwide,” he adds.

Photo: On 13 December 2022, construction work started with a ground-breaking ceremony.

126951JEC Group
Mitsui Chemicals and Microwave Chemical establish an innovative eco-friendly carbon fiber manufacturing basic technology using microwave Tue, 14 Feb 2023 15:05:08 +0000 Read more]]> Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. and Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. have decided to set up a new demonstration facility within Mitsui Chemicals’ Nagoya Works. The facility will demonstrate basic technology relating to the manufacture of eco-friendly carbon fiber.

Microwave Chemical has created an innovative carbon fiber production technology that combines the oxidation process – the most energy-intensive part of carbon fiber production – with the carbonization process. This has made for an integrated heating process based on the power of microwaves. And now, Microwave Chemical has given this technology the name Carbon-MX™.

Microwave Chemical will contribute to the installation of the demonstration facility by providing Mitsui Chemicals with all of the necessary equipment for a heating line based on Carbon-MX™ technology. Meanwhile, Mitsui Chemicals will set up the entire process, including the elements of the process involving this technology. Once construction of the demonstration facility is complete, the companies intend to take a joint look at establishing technology for mass production.

By leveraging the ability of microwaves to heat a target substance from the inside, the technology here will enable an innovative process that minimizes unnecessary heat generation. When compared to existing methods, this will significantly reduce the time spent on heat treatment, resulting in a shorter heating process line and thus more compact facilities. Further, since the equipment itself does not reach high temperatures, the technology is expected to provide benefits with regard to equipment costs, energy costs and safety.

Full render of the demonstration facility’s line

Mitsui Chemicals and Microwave Chemical have projected that this approach will cut energy consumption by some 50 percent. What is more, if the source of the power used to generate the microwaves is switched to renewable energy in future, CO2 emissions are expected to be reduced by over 90 percent.

Going forward, both Mitsui Chemicals and Microwave Chemical will employ life cycle assessments as they look to minimize the presence of carbon throughout their value chains. The companies will endeavor here to meet the rising need for carbon neutrality in industries where carbon fiber is slated for use, including the mobility sector.

126946JEC Group
Rondal selected as 2023 JEC Composites Innovation Awards Finalists for automated carbon composite wing sail Mon, 13 Feb 2023 13:09:00 +0000 Read more]]> Developed with project partners Curve Works and Artemis Technologies, the new wing sail concept aims to significantly increase the market share of wind-propelled yachts by creating a highly efficient, automated, composite solid wing sail technology that can be “ready-to-sail” in seconds, maximising the time vessels rely solely on clean, renewable wind propulsion. The wing sail created is also the world’s first large structural composite wing produced using a single adaptive mould with integrated heating to manufacture individual curved wing skin panels from pre-preg materials which were then bonded together to assemble the final wing structure.

Rondal and Artemis Technologies employed the latest in simulation technologies to evaluate their wing design before the build of their 9 metre tall sailing prototype. An intensive sailing test program also allowed the project team to validate real-world handling characteristics of the wing versus its predicted performance, and provided key data for the next stage optimisation of the wing control systems.

The construction process for the new wing sail also represents a step-change in manufacturing sustainability for such large wing structures, with Curve Works integrating a new mould heating system within their adaptive tooling system. As the Rondal innovation also offers fully customizable wing planforms that can match both the performance and styling requirements of each unique yacht design, utilizing this single mould tool corresponds to a massive reduction in landfill waste resulting traditional composite tooling.

The JEC Composites Innovation Awards – organized by the JEC Group – are recognized as the composite industry’s most prestigious awards. The 2023 award winners will be announced at a ceremony in Paris on the 2nd of March, with Rondal, Curve Works and Artemis Technologies also displaying the wing as part of the Industrial Planets at JEC World 2023.

“We are thrilled to be nominated as finalists for the 2023 JEC Composites Innovation Awards and are absolutely delighted that the awards committee has recognized the potential of our new wing concept. Rondal’s passion for innovation, along with the design, simulation and manufacturing support of our partners Curve Works and Artemis Technologies has created an extremely exciting new sailing solution. We can’t wait to continue leading the way in enabling a new generation of clean, silent and highly efficient yachts powered solely by the wind,” comments Hermen de Jong, Innovation Manager, Rondal.

126855JEC Group
Toray develops high-speed thermal welding technology for carbon fiber reinforced plastics Thu, 02 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Global aircraft demand should recover through 2025 after stagnating amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Demand for next-generation aircraft with 120 to 240 seats should be heavy from 2030. Thermosetting CFRP is the primary structural material for aircraft main frames because of its long use and high reliability. The downside is that complicated adhesive bonding and bolt fastening processes of CFRP have become assembly bottlenecks. CFRP production times greatly lag those for aluminum alloy airframes. High-rate production and weight savings that help enhance fuel efficiency to will be important to capture prospectively large demand.

Toray developed a thermal welding technology that swiftly and robustly joins thermosetting CFRP components for aircraft like conventional welding would do.

This simple bonding approach employs Toray’s technology to form a thermally weldable layer on the surface of thermosetting CFRP, instantaneously heating part surfaces to bond them. This technology enables high-speed assembly of thermosetting CFRP parts or thermosetting and thermoplastic CFRP parts without the need for adhesive bonding and bolt fastening.

Using this technology to thermosetting CFRP with thermally weldable layers offers the same mechanical properties as CFRP for current aircraft models. Toray demonstrated that the joint strength of thermally welded structures is equivalent to that of co-cured CFRP structures for current aircraft models, ensuring the reliability of bonding technology for practical application studies. The company assembled a demonstrator simulating the elemental structure of an aircraft at high-speed using thermally weldable thermosetting CFRP parts. Thereby, its elemental technology concept was confirmed. Toray’s technology should achieve a high-rate production that matches or surpasses that for aluminum alloy airframes.

A CFRP airframe using Toray’s technology should reduce carbon dioxide emissions across the life cycle compared with those for an aluminum alloy airframe. Cutting the weight of bolt fasteners should lighten airframes, and further reducing these emissions.

Toray has partnered with Boeing to promote a number of technological development projects in the fields of aircraft manufacturing and materials technology.

Some of Toray’s progress through this development effort is based on results obtained from a project, “Development of New Innovative Composite Materials and Forming Technologies,” supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

Under the Toray Group Sustainability Vision, the company committed itself to helping resolve environmental, resources, and energy issues through business. In keeping with its corporate philosophy of contributing to social progress by delivering new value, the company will keep creating advanced materials and innovative technologies that contribute to a carbon-neutral economy.

126348JEC Group
A successful kick off meeting for the SUSPENS project Thu, 02 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The newly started SUSPENS project, which kick-off meeting took place in the Jules Verne Institute in Nantes, addresses the challenge of reducing the environmental footprint of sandwich and hollow composite structures for the automotive, leisure boat and aerospace industries. The project consortium will take the mechanical performance of bio-based ingredients such as epoxy and polyester resins combined with natural and recycled fibers to an industry standard. The project will also focus on reducing the energy needed for the recycling of complex sandwich/hollow structures.

The SUSPENS project will develop over 95% bio-sourced epoxy and polyesters resins, with new formulations leading to high performance in a short cycle. These resins will be combined with sustainable reinforcements made with natural fibres (cellulose), lignin-based carbon fibre and recycled carbon and glass fibre to make sandwich and hollow parts for surface transport and aerospace industries.

Recycling solutions for such structures will also be developed in the project to cover the entire life cycle of the target applications. An innovative approach for a matrix pyrolysis will use the high temperature waste stream released by the carbon fibre transformation process to reduce drastically the energy consumption. In the meantime, a specific solvolysis will be developed to separate the biobased resins from the fibres. The valorisation of oil and organic components generated will be studied to transform them into by-products.

The general project approach will be demonstrated through the manufacturing and reclaiming of representative parts such as a car battery pack, a leisure boat deck and hull and an aircraft winglet.

A holistic life cycle analysis will support the demonstration by measuring the gains obtained on the environmental impact on the cradle-to-cradle cycle for all three applications.

Megara Resins is a specialty chemical company focused on the creation of novel processes for the cost advantaged production of chemicals from renewable feedstocks and important building blocks for a wide range of functional materials. The company’s goal is to produce the same chemicals that are currently produced from petroleum, but to do so from renewable feedstocks, at lower cost, by employing sustainable, low carbon footprint, environmentally friendly process technologies. The project fits perfectly with the company’s strategy to continuously targeting new markets and developing novel products as it transforms into a renewable materials company for the cost advantaged production of chemicals from renewable feedstocks.

The implementation of SUSPENS will accelerate some of the developments Megara Resins is working on and will provide a solid platform to move further in building a portfolio of sustainable bio-based solutions for its customers. The company’s objective is in line with European Commission’s bioeconomy policy that significant growth is expected to arise from sustainable primary production and industrial biotechnology and biorefineries, which lead to new bio-based industries, transform existing ones, and open new markets for bio-based products.

The role of Megara Resins is the synthesis and characterisation of bio-based unsaturated polyester resins (UPRs) for composites. The monomers for polyester synthesis will be chosen carefully, focusing on sustainability of the raw materials and their commercial availability. The aim will be to replace fossil-based reactive diluents and reactants commonly used for UPR synthesis. The possibility of substituting styrene, which usually acts as a reactive diluent, with a greener and safer alternative during the crosslinking of UPRs, will also be explored. Various potentially bio-based materials will be evaluated as styrene replacement in UPRs with sustainable non-harmful materials. The synthesized UPRs will be characterised in terms of their thermal, mechanical and physical properties. The suitability of the materials to be used for composites for automotive and building applications will be assessed in order to establish the potential for replacement of the conventional unsaturated polyester resins from petroleum sources. Life cycle assessment will be performed on selected UPRs, and comparison with a reference fossil-based UPR resin in terms of the calculated category indicator results will confirm the lower environmental impact of the newly prepared bio-based polyesters.

The SUSPENS project, co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, will last 42 months from January 1st 2023. SUSPENS brings together a consortium of 13 partners from 7 EU countries and is coordinated by IRT Jules Verne (France).

Project key figures

Total budget: 4.9 M€
Duration: 42 months
Partners: 13 partners from 7 EU countries (project coordinator: IRT Jules Verne, France)

Project partners

Project Partners - SUSPENS
126323JEC Group
Autoneum future-proofs production with Dieffenbacher’s Evoris digitalization platform Wed, 01 Feb 2023 17:02:00 +0000 Read more]]> The modernized GMT/LFT-D line introduces a new line control system, including the safety PLC and three 6-axis robots. In addition, various motion sequences of the loading and unloading robots were optimized. Reis robots were retired during the modernization; however, Autoneum was able to map its processes and comply with all safety requirements with the new robots despite the tight space conditions. “We can now use our GMT/LFT-D system in a cycle-time-optimized manner,” said Christoph Bless, Head Operational Maintenance & Repair at Autoneum. “The availability of the plant components is guaranteed.”

To further optimize production, Autoneum decided to implement the Evoris digitalization platform. EVORIS uses artificial intelligence to make plants faster and more efficient. “Our goal is to operate our systems with high availability and as sustainably as possible while ensuring the right component quality. EVORIS gives us much better insights into our production and better possibilities to influence it,” emphasized Bless. “Digitalization with Evoris is a key to sustainability, energy savings and profitability at Autoneum,” added Autoneum Legal Unit Head and Plant Manager Mario-Martin Kolar.

Bless called Dieffenbacher’s expertise the decisive factor in moving forward with the digitalization project. “Dieffenbacher’s approach stands out from the crowd. They offer the complete package, everything from the platform to sensor technology and plant know-how to technologist knowledge for the entire production line. In addition, DieffenbacherR coordinated the entire integration, and we look forward to their further development of Evoris,” he concluded.

Autoneum uses Anomaly Detection, Curve Analysis and Component History apps on the Evoris platform, which collects all plant data at a central point. As a result, Autoneum gains deep insights into its production processes via powerful trending and condition monitoring tools and various reporting possibilities. The company uses this transparency across the entire plant to accelerate decision-making, improve processes, increase machine availability, boost energy efficiency and optimize maintenance. Autoneum achieves higher production capacity while manufacturing components of the highest quality.

About Autoneum:
Autoneum is globally leading in acoustic and thermal management for vehicles. The Company develops and produces multifunctional, lightweight components and systems for interior floor and engine bay as well as the underbody. Customers include almost all automobile manufacturers in Europe, North & South America, Asia and Africa. Autoneum operates 53 production facilities and employs around 11,720 people in 24 countries. The Company with its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (ticker symbol AUTN).

126298JEC Group