Applications – JEC Connecting the World with Composites Thu, 27 Apr 2023 14:28:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Applications - JEC 32 32 191959199 Northern Light Composites ecofoiler Thu, 27 Apr 2023 08:50:56 +0000 Read more]]> Northern Light’s Composite structure replaces traditional glass fibre with ampliTex™ natural fibre reinforcements for a more sustainable construction. However, it is not only more sustainable from cradle to gate but thanks to a special resin system, the entire hull can be recycled at the end of the foiling dinghy’s life. At the same time, the additively manufactured mould can also be recycled and turned into a new one.

The ecofoiler foiling dinghy will allow sailors – from beginners to professionals – to experience the magic of foiling on a truly sustainable boat. Thanks to Breton SpA’s additive manufacturing technology, the mould can be created in a short time and is fully recyclable at the end of its life. The natural fibre composite solution with Bcomp’s ampliTex™ and a thermoplastic resin makes the ecofoiler the first fully recyclable foiler.

Meet Bcomp at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth A45.

130187JEC Group
Hypetex presents the world’s first coloured carbon fibre bike wheels Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Hypetex is sustainable colouring technology for advanced materials, such as carbon fibre. Born out of Formula 1 racing, its patented paint-replacing process is a key step in advancing the lightweight revolution.

Combining water-based eco-resins with a sustainable curing process, Hypetex materials are made with bold, colourful aesthetics as well as technical and cost-saving benefits – a perfect fit for any quality brand in need of lightweight and high-performance products.

Parcours is a leading wheel brand that offers high-performance, premium wheelsets that employs the latest advancements in aerodynamic technology. The Parcours X Hypetex gold wheels were featured at The Cycle Show in London on a bespoke Handsling A1R0evo, which was nominated for the Jaw Droppers trophy – a competition for the industry’s most striking designs. The Hampshire-based carbon bike frame manufacturer supplies to multiple professional cycling teams around the world.

Only 10 sets of the Parcours X Hypetex limited edition wheels will be available, with prices ranging from £1,799 to £2,499. Featuring the Hypetex gold, the premium sets will also include custom hubs in gunmetal grey, custom lasered detailing and ceramic bearings.

Marc Cohen, Hypetex CEO said: “The Parcours X Hypetex wheels are a work of art, not just aesthetically but also technically. Coloured carbon fibre has endless possibilities with applications in almost every sector. We’re extremely excited to be working with a leading brand in its sector such as Parcours.”

Dov Tate, Parcours Founder said: “We’re very excited to be working with Hypetex in this partnership. They have brought innovation and world-leading engineering to the materials industry which we think could be game changing for use of coloured carbon in the cycling industry. We can’t wait to bring coloured wheels to customers.”

Meet Hypetex at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth S52.

130153JEC Group
Fairmat et Decathlon s’associent pour révolutionner le monde du sport avec des équipements écologiques et ultra-performants Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:38:50 +0000 Read more]]> Cette collaboration initie la transformation de l’industrie composite des équipements sportifs en proposant des produits plus respectueux de l’environnement, tout en conservant des performances exceptionnelles. Leur collaboration s’appuie sur une ligne de production vertueuse, intégrant des composites carbone recyclés.

Le matériau Fairmat, performant et à faible impact environnemental, permet la production de raquettes de padel légères, robustes et éco-responsables. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans la volonté de Decathlon et Fairmat de promouvoir une économie circulaire et de s’adapter aux enjeux actuels de la raréfaction des matières premières.

Au-delà des raquettes de padel, la collaboration entre Fairmat et Decathlon vise à explorer d’autres applications du sport. Ensemble, ils entendent réduire l’empreinte environnementale des équipements sportifs et répondre aux nouvelles attentes des consommateurs.

Ce rapprochement positionne Fairmat comme un acteur clé de la transition vers des équipements sportifs performants et à faible impact environnemental. L’association avec Décathlon, reconnu pour son engagement en faveur de l’environnement et de l’innovation, renforce l’impact de cette collaboration

« Nous sommes très heureux de cette collaboration avec Decathlon, qui est un leader mondial de l’industrie du sport. Chez Fairmat, nous avons à coeur de développer des équipements sportifs durables et de haute qualité, en utilisant des matériaux composites performants et respectueux de l’environnement. Cette collaboration avec Decathlon nous permettra de mettre en commun notre expertise pour créer des équipements répondant aux attentes des sportifs d’aujourd’hui, tout en étant plus écologiques et plus résistants.» a déclaré Benjamin Saada, fondateur de Fairmat.

Fairmat : Pionnier des matériaux composites durables Made In France pour un avenir plus vert
L’entreprise se distingue par sa technologie brevetée de production d’un nouveau matériau plus durable issu de composite de fibres de carbone. Ces matériaux innovants intègrent des matériaux composites recyclés et des résines biosourcées, offrant ainsi une solution éco-responsable pour les fabricants d’équipements sportifs.

Fairmat met l’accent sur la recherche et le développement pour créer des matériaux aux propriétés mécaniques exceptionnelles. L’équipe d’experts de Fairmat travaille en étroite collaboration avec des chercheurs et des partenaires industriels pour concevoir des solutions adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de chaque sport.

L’entreprise s’engage également à réduire l’empreinte environnementale de ses propres activités. Elle a mis en place une chaine de production vertueuse avec une usine proche de Nantes, pour minimiser l’impact environnemental de ses processus de production et de distribution.

La vision de Fairmat va au-delà de l’industrie du sport. L’entreprise explore activement d’autres secteurs où ses matériaux composites durables pourraient contribuer à une Économie plus verte et circulaire. Parmi ces secteurs, on trouve notamment la mobilité, les objets connectés, l’automobile, les technologies High-Tech, la construction et le design.

Grâce à sa démarche innovante et éco responsable, Fairmat s’impose comme un acteur incontournable de la transition vers des solutions en composites plus respectueuses de l’environnement et adaptées aux équipements sportifs.

« Nous sommes ravis de travailler avec Fairmat pour développer nos équipements sportifs de demain. Chez Decathlon, nous sommes engagés dans une forte démarche de réduction de l’impact environnemental de nos produits. FAIRMAT partage nos valeurs et nos ambitions, rendant possible des solutions en réponse à nos défis technologiques. Nous sommes convaincus que le matériau développé par Fairmat nous permettra de créer des équipements sportifs innovants, performants et respectueux de l’environnement. Nous avons hâte de mettre en commun nos savoir-faire respectifs pour offrir à nos clients des produits de haute qualité.» annonce Guillaume LENCLEN, Manager de la BU Composite chez Decathlon.

Rencontrez Fairmat à JEC World 2023, Hall 5, stand E22.

130172JEC Group
Fairmat and Decathlon join forces to revolutionize the world of sports with environmentally friendly, high-performance equipment Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:28:59 +0000 Read more]]> This collaboration marks the beginning of the transformation of the composite sports equipment industry, by proposing products that are more respectful of the environment, while maintaining exceptional performance. Their partnership is based on a virtuous production line, integrating recycled carbon composites.

The Fairmat material, with its high performance and low carbon impact, enables production of light, robust and eco-responsible padel rackets. This initiative is in line with Decathlon and Fairmat’s desire to promote a circular economy and to adapt to the current challenges of the scarcity of raw materials.

Beyond padel rackets, the partnership between Fairmat and Decathlon will explore other sporting applications. Together, the companies intend to reduce the environmental footprint of sports equipment and meet the new expectations of consumers.

This collaboration positions Fairmat as a key player in the transition to high-performance, low-carbon sports equipment. The association with Decathlon, recognized for its commitment to the environment and innovation, reinforces the impact of this partnership.

“We are very pleased with this partnership with Decathlon, a world leader in the sports industry. At Fairmat, we are committed to developing high-quality, sustainable sports equipment using high-performance, environmentally friendly composite materials. Partnering with Decathlon will allow us to pool our expertise to create equipment that meets the expectations of today’s athletes, while being more environmentally friendly and durable,” said Benjamin Saada, founder of Fairmat.

Fairmat: Pioneer of French-made, sustainable composite materials, for a greener future
The company is noted for its patented technology for the production of a new, more sustainable material made from carbon fiber composites. These innovative materials integrate recycled composite materials and biosourced resins, offering an eco-responsible solution for sports equipment manufacturers.

Fairmat focuses on research and development to create materials with exceptional mechanical properties. Fairmat’s team of experts works closely with researchers and industry partners to develop solutions tailored to the specific needs of each sport.

The company is also committed to reducing the environmental footprint of its own activities. It has set up a virtuous production chain with a factory near Nantes, France, to minimize the environmental impact of its production and distribution processes.

Fairmat’s vision goes beyond the sports industry. The company is actively exploring other sectors where its sustainable composite materials could contribute to a greener, circular Economy. These sectors include mobility, connected objects, automotive, high-tech, construction and design.

Thanks to its innovative and eco-responsible approach, Fairmat is establishing itself as a key player in the transition to more environmentally friendly composite solutions for sports equipment.

Guillaume LENCLEN, Manager of the Composite BU at Decathlon spoke about the partnership: “We are delighted to be working with Fairmat to develop the sports equipment of tomorrow. At Decathlon, we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our products. We are constantly looking for partners who share our values and ambitions, making solutions to our technological challenges possible. We are convinced that the material developed by Fairmat will enable us to create innovative, high-performance and environmentally friendly sports equipment. We are looking forward to pooling our respective know-how to offer our customers high-quality products”.

Meet Fairmat at JEC World 2023, Hall 5, booth E22.

130166JEC Group
“What is the giant pipe?” This JEC World, Graphene Flagship partner Avanzare is on a roll Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:51:35 +0000 Read more]]> Avanzare, a Graphene Flagship partner, is presenting one branch of their work by displaying a giant graphene-coated pipe at JEC World 2023. The pipe is striking, being wider than most trees and (hypothetically) heavy enough to flatten anyone unfortunate enough to get in its way, were it to rumble down an incline – although rest assured that it is presently very much immobile and resting on a flat surface.

Yet there is more to this pipe than meets the eye. Feeling curious, the Graphene Flagship decided to speak with representatives of Avanzare to learn more. Here is what they shared.

Tell us a little about Avanzare.
“We’d be happy to! Avanzare is a Spanish company specialising in the development, production, and commercialisation of advanced functional materials for both emerging and alternative applications to traditional materials.

To date, we have focused on producing additives. However, moving forward, we intend to focus more on the research and development space. We also act as a sort of consultant company for other companies that require advanced materials and need advice on which kind of materials will meet their needs best.”

Why the pipe?
“We chose to exhibit the pipe primarily because it’s a showcase of rather complex and very useful technology. It draws people’s attention through its sheer scale – and it keeps their attention once they begin to realise that it’s actually quite sophisticated.

The pipe is made of glass fibre, with a graphene coating forming part of the resin. Graphene renders the material fire-resistant, which is incredibly important given pipes like this one are designed to be used to transport flammable substances such as oil and gas.

The pipe also has a sensing component thanks to graphene’s conductive qualities. The pipe can effectively monitor its own condition, monitoring its surface’s electrical resistance in order to determine whether it is damaged. This sophisticated technology therefore embodies a sort of safety application – because if a pipe breaks while transporting substances like oil or gas, the environmental impact can be extremely severe. If all pipes could be like this one and be capable of monitoring their own condition, there might be fewer environmental and biohazardous disasters.”

This sounds really useful! Could this technology have further applications?
“Absolutely. Another obvious use for the technology presented in the pipe demo is to use it in chemical tanks. The graphene coating would render the surface of the tank chemically resistant, which would be excellent given such tanks are typically used for organic solvents: they need to be resistant and non-porous. Indeed, graphene is an ideal material for reinforcing pipes, tanks, and similar structures in this way.”

Thank you for sharing all of these explanations. One last question: what is next for Avanzare?
“At Avanzare, we are excited about the future! Currently, as well as continuing with our existing manufacturing and project work, we are planning to move further into research and development. We are also aiming to collaborate more with various innovative companies in order to take our technologies firmly into application areas. We are looking forward to what the future holds.”

Meet Avanzare at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth M75.

130144JEC Group
Eurecat develops compositronics’ potential for large, functional lightweight structures Wed, 26 Apr 2023 09:57:43 +0000 Read more]]> This week at JEC World, the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing an aircraft window which includes LED lights embedded during the manufacturing process using compositronics, a technology which makes it possible to develop functional lightweight structural components with composite materials.

“The lightness of composites and printed electronics means that with compositronics we can significantly reduce the weight of components and large structures and also cut costs in assembly processes by introducing sensors during composite manufacturing,” says Maria Eugenia Rodríguez, head of Technological Development in the Industrial Area at Eurecat.

Specifically, the prototype “consists of a high-performance polymer composite structure which has LEDs inside it to furnish ambient lighting to the cabin while maintaining the structural properties of the composite,” adds Iker Arroyo, head of the In-Mould Electronics Line in the Functional Printing and Embedded Devices Unit at Eurecat.

Composites R&D for sustainability and weight reduction
The aeronautical industry “has taken a keen interest in compositronics in recent years to make aircraft operations more sustainable due to the considerable weight reduction this technology delivers,” he adds.

At JEC World Eurecat is also displaying innovations in sustainability and circular economy, weight reduction and Industry 4.0. They include biocomposites from linen fabrics and bio-based resins for developing sustainable and lightweight parts with applications in sectors such as mobility and sports since they enable a significant reduction in carbon footprints.

These biocomposites “have been developed using a range of manufacturing techniques, steering clear of autoclave and thus reducing high energy usage and shortening manufacturing lead times,” points out Mª Eugenia Rodríguez.

Projects in recycling include developing new composites from recycled carbon fibre and other types of composite waste with thermoplastic and thermosetting matrices.

The technology centre is also presenting at the event demonstrators of thermoplastic and thermosetting composite aerostructures developed with out-of-autoclave technologies, specifically by thermocompression and RTM (resin transfer moulding), in which it has led the integrated development of the process and where sensorised moulds have been designed to monitor the process and determine the optimum manufacturing parameters.

Meet Eurecat at JEC World 2023, Hall 6, booth G86.

130117JEC Group
Umbrosa fabrique des parapluies et des parasols en matériaux composites Wed, 26 Apr 2023 09:41:03 +0000 Read more]]> Les parapluies et parasols sont exposés aux éléments pendant des périodes prolongées et doivent résister à des vents persistants. Par conséquent, ils doivent être à la fois résistants et rigides, équilibrés avec ce qu’il faut de flexibilité pour ne pas s’abîmer. Mais ce n’est pas tout, la proximité de la mer, par exemple, ajoute un niveau de difficulté avec de forts niveaux d’UV et des embruns, deux facteurs aggravants de la corrosion. Par conséquent, il est important que tout produit conçu pour l’utilisation à long terme dans ces environnements intègre des mesures de résistance à la corrosion.

Et c’est ici que les matériaux composites jouent un rôle clé. Umbrosa a choisi d’utiliser des baleines composites dans la plupart de ses parasols. Ces baleines en fibre de verre sont fabriquées par pultrusion, car le niveau élevé d’alignement et la densité des fibres garantissent la cohérence structurelle de ces éléments.

Umbrosa privilégie la qualité et veut proposer des produits capables de rester fonctionnels et intacts pendant très longtemps. Pour cela, tous les composants de ses produits ont été revus pour garantir le meilleur niveau de qualité possible.

« Chez Umbrosa nos produits sont fabriqués selon trois valeurs : identité, durabilité et esthétique. Ces valeurs sont réellement importantes, car nous voulons créer des produits qui durent pour toujours ”, explique Christophe Haemers, PDG et fondateur d’Umbrosa.

Sur cette base, il était évident pour Umbrosa que les matériaux composites permettraient de répondre à tous ses critères de conception, par conséquent cette société a fait appel à Exel Composites pour l’aider à concevoir une solution.

« Nous avons opté pour les composites en raison de leur flexibilité et de leur résistance au vent, car c’est le principal défi pour nos parapluies », précise Pieter Willemyns, responsable du développement de produits chez Umbrosa. « Les matériaux composites donnent à la structure une chance de résister au vent. Ensuite, leur rigidité est très importante, car les baleines tiennent le parapluie ouvert pendant des périodes prolongées. Les matériaux composites offrent un excellent compromis entre la flexibilité et la rigidité. »

« Exel Composites fournit à Umbrosa différentes tiges en fibre de verre qui sont résistantes à la corrosion, à la décomposition, à la rouille, aux UV et qui présentent également un faible coefficient d’expansion thermique, ce qui les rend idéales pour l’utilisation prolongée en extérieur. » ajoute Erwin Diepvens, Responsable commercial régional chez Exel Composites.

Depuis la rencontre initiale, Umbrosa a de nombreux contacts avec l’équipe R&D d’Exel, ce qui signifie que lorsque de nouveaux modèles sont envisagés, Umbrosa peut consulter l’équipe Exel en amont et optimiser tous les aspects.

« Notre collaboration avec Exel a démontré que nous pouvions compter sur l’expertise technique de notre fournisseur. Cette expertise et ses conseils d’intégration optimale des matériaux composites, font d’Exel un véritable co-concepteur pour certains de nos produits », conclut Pieter Willemyns.

Exel Composites allie la fabrication localisée et une expertise internationalement reconnue pour assurer une assistance commerciale et un service de conseils techniques efficace et toujours accessible. Nous intervenons dans plus de 50 pays et puisons dans cette expérience pour enrichir la création de solutions composites qui répondent à tous vos challenges opérationnels et assurent des résultats sur le long terme.

Rencontrez Exel Composites à JEC World 2023, hall 6, stand D55.

130112JEC Group
JEC World Preview and Innovation report Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Highlighting excellence and innovation

JEC World will be the place to promote the composites sector’s most innovative projects. More than 600 product launches are expected to be announced over the three days of the show, evidences a solidly dynamic sector led by high-performance and environmentally friendly innovations. Among which 79 product launches listed in the 2023 Innovation Report: from Raw materials, Intermediates and Ancillary, R&D to Production and Equipment, including composite Applications. The JEC World Preview including the Innovation report is available here for download:

Competitions and awards ceremonies

Two competitions, the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the famous JEC Composites Innovation Award, will also put the spotlights on the most innovative solutions and products this year.
The JEC Composites Startup Booster has a line-up of 20 finalists who will pitch during two live sessions in the Agora stage (Hall 6), on Tuesday, April 25th, at 10 am for the category Products & Materials and at 4.30 pm for the category: Process, Manufacturing & Equipment. Three winners will be chosen by the jury and one winner for the sustainable aspects of the project. The awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, April, 26th at 3 pm.
The JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. These composites champions are awarded based on multiple criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, complexity, or commercial potential of the project. As last year, the Innovation Awards ceremony was held prior to JEC World, raising great enthusiasm and showing the composites community’s eagerness to get together, get inspired and build strong business connections. Do not miss the opportunity to meet with the winners and learn more about their projects and expectations for the future at JEC World 2023 from April 25th to 27th and join them for the Opening session on April 25th at 9:30am in Agora 5.

128199JEC Group
Natural fibre Super Formula bodywork makes European debut at JEC World 2023 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 07:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> This year, an impressive range of motorsport and automotive components made using ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ will be displayed, including the aforementioned Super Formula bodywork, BMW diffusers, a JEC Innovation Award winning KTM racing motorcycle brake cover and an all-new prototype car seat from Sabelt. Additionally, Bcomp will be highlighting what is possible with its high-performance technologies across the sports and leisure industry. This will include a set of K2 skis and an Adidas padel racket all utilising the distinct advantages and sustainability of ampliTex™.

As well as at the Bcomp stand, products and parts developed using ampliTexTM and powerRibsTM technologies will be on display as part of the JEC World ‘Planet’ exhibitions. The Industry Planet for example will feature an ecoFoiler – the first recyclable foiling sailing dinghy on the market – developed by Northern Light Composites.

Harnessing the properties of flax fibres, Bcomp’s sustainable composites can be used to produce parts with similar stiffness and weight to carbon fibre while cutting CO2 emissions by up to 85% depending on the application. The technologies also offer significantly better vibration damping and ductile failure modes – rather than the shattering and splintering of carbon fibre – to deliver important safety benefits, particularly in motorsport.

Christian Fischer, CEO and Co-Founder at Bcomp, commented: “We are very excited to display a great number of parts that are in production with leading brands, at this year’s event. Especially, the first European display of the bodywork that will be used in Japan’s Super Formula race series this year. It shows the exceptional performance potential of our sustainable lightweighting solutions. As the world looks to develop circular economies and find carbon-neutral materials, our natural fibre technologies offer a compelling alternative to traditional performance composites. We have achieved the IATF and ISO 14001 certifications, both required for the large-scale automotive serial production which we are entering this year. We welcome everyone attending JEC World 2023 to visit us at the Bcomp stand and see the potential of ampliTexTM and powerRibsTM first-hand.”

JEC World is a leading global gathering for the composites industry, attracting more than 33,000 professionals from over 112 countries. Uniting major companies, startups, and experts, it covers the entire value chain, providing inspiration across sectors like aerospace, marine, construction, and automotive. With more than 1,200 exhibitors and 26 pavilions, the event facilitates over 5,400 business meetings, fostering connections within the industry.

Meet Bcomp at JEC World 2023, in the Natural Fibre Village, hall 5, booth A45.

129929JEC Group
Addyx to highlight the carbon exoskeleton at JEC World 2023 Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:04:44 +0000 Read more]]> Obtained by the aid of Addyx’s WSM-170, that ensures a total freedom in the design, the carbon exoskeleton push steps forward the concept of topology optimization in the composites structures improving their mechanical performance in terms of:

  • Stiffness – to – weight ratio
  • Strength – to – weight ratio
  • Impact resistance – to – weight ratio

Addyx aims to change the paradigm for topological optimization of composites to make it more efficient in terms of mechanical performance, design and manufacturing.

Addyx to highlight the carbon exoskeleton at JEC World 2023

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

WSM-170 water soluble expanding mandrel
The WSM-170 Is the Addyx water-soluble expanding mandrel that opens new frontiers in the design and production of hollow, tubular composite components with complex geometry.

Made by Additive Manufacturing technology using a patented material with very low environmental footprint. Ideal for autoclave, OoA and RTM curing cycles, with an external counter-mould.

MAIN ADVANTAGES on the final composite component:

  • Up to 40% reduction in manufacturing time.
  • Up to 15% reduction in scrap rate.
  • Up to 20% weight reduction.
  • High quality surface finish on both external and internal side.
  • Washing out the mandrel using tab water.

Meet Addyx at JEC World 2023, at the JEC Startup Booster Village, hall 6, booth H4.

129900JEC Group
Classic Citroën vans reimagined using AOC resins Mon, 24 Apr 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Citroën Type H, created by influential Italian designer Flaminio Bertoni, enjoyed a long production run. More than 470,000 units were manufactured from its introduction in 1947 until it was succeeded by the C25 in 1981. Corrugated metal body panels were a key feature of the van’s distinctive ‘industrial’ design. The simple, economically priced commercial vehicle proved successful in a variety of applications – food truck conversions, in particular, became a familiar sight. 

An original Type H in good condition is difficult to find today. But Caselani Srl has a solution for those attracted to the retro look of the classic van but needing the performance, comfort and reliability of a modern vehicle. The Italian company is modifying vehicles in the Citroën Jumper range into retro style ‘Type H’ vans using glass fiber reinforced polymer (GRP) composite body panels manufactured using AOC resins.

An appreciation of retro style
The Caselani Type H project is a collaboration between the company’s CEO Fabrizio Caselani and designer David Obendorfer, who share a passion for classic vehicles. Caselani has worked in the marine industry for many years as a supplier of composite materials and accessories for luxury yacht brands, and he collects vintage Citroën cars. Obendorfer, a yacht designer, has created a series of modern reinterpretations of iconic car models.

The idea for the ‘new’ van came about when Caselani planned to tour Europe with his family in an original Type H, but found that there was not enough space. He decided to create a camper van in Type H style based on an existing Citroën vehicle. While travelling around Europe he posted a video of his retro van online, which immediately went viral. Citroën were also very enthusiastic about the initiative and ordered 100 vans for a limited-edition series to celebrate the Type H’s 70th anniversary. 

Response to this anniversary edition greatly exceeded expectations and demand from customers grew. Caselani started retrofitting vans with the body kits in 2018, and the business subsequently expanded into manufacturing kits to sell to remodeling fanatics. 

Manufactured under license from Citroën, Caselani now ships custom-made vans and kits around the world. Variants with different deck lengths, roof heights and colors are available, for applications ranging from panel van, minibus, camper van and tow truck, to the ever-popular food truck. Caselani also offers conversions and kits for the Type H’s ‘little brother’ the HG, which went into production in 2019.

Classic Citroën vans reimagined using AOC resins

Hand crafted with composites
Caselani carries out all the work at its plant in Sospiro, Italy. The company manages all stages of the project, from design and prototyping to creation of molds, manufacture of the composite parts, and painting. Skilled employees guarantee high-quality, detailed work, enabling customers to customize their vehicle to their precise requirements.

In the conversion process some of the original parts are removed, others added, and some remodeled. A complete kit consists of about 20 different composite parts. These are glued onto the original bodywork using special polyurethanes glue mixtures. Then they are sealed to prevent the entry of air and/ or water. Other components, such as the front end, are completely replaced.

AOC has been a long-standing supplier to Caselani and collaborates closely with the company to optimize its processes and enable the manufacture of parts which meet its exacting quality standards. One challenge which AOC helped Caselani to overcome concerned body panels painted in dark brown and black. These need to have a high heat resistance so they can survive the hot summers in Southern Europe without deformation.

“We appreciate AOC’s great technical support and the high-quality resins supplied,” states Fabrizio Caselani. “AOC’s resins are providing ease of processing and predictable, high performance of the final parts.”

The composite body panels are mostly manufactured using hand lay-up processes using AOC’s Synolite™ 8388-I-1 and Atlac® E-Nova MA 6325 resins. Synolite™ 8388-I-1 is a versatile DCPD resin for hand lay-up and spray-up processes with low styrene emission. The low shrinkage of this resin allows the manufacture of components with excellent surface quality. Atlac® E-Nova MA 6325 is a low styrene unsaturated polyester resin, used in particular for the dark colors, providing excellent strength and dimensional stability at elevated temperatures.

Moving forward
Fabrizio Caselani sees a bright future ahead. The company is now converting approximately 400 vans per year, and there are several new models in the pipeline. AOC is offering its technical support and advice to help the company further increase manufacturing output, with AOC experts having many years of experience in developing resins specifically for the customer processes. With AOC’s support, Caselani can be confident that even more customers will be enjoying the experience of driving a Type H soon.

More information through

Meet AOC at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth N40.

129607JEC Group
Airbus Atlantic showcases two demonstrators for the aircraft of the future at JEC World 2023 Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Airbus Atlantic is an expert in design, production and integration of complex composite and hybrid aerostructures. At JEC World 2023, Airbus Atlantic will showcase two demonstrators for the aircraft of the future:

  • A new generation of composite rear fuselage panels for the A220: manufactured in their Salaunes site, these new-generation panels made of high-performance carbon fibre and thermoset prepreg resin enable significant weight reduction, better resistance to corrosion and increase the interval between inspections.
  • An innovative radome manufactured by an automated process: radomes are exclusively made of non-metallic materials, to meet dielectric and radiofrequency constraints. Developed in their Nantes site, this very first mock-up of a radome manufactured thanks to an automated composite fibre lay-up process, involves a change in design and significantly improves industrial performance.

About Airbus Atlantic:
In their composites facilities in Méaulte, Nantes and Salaunes (France), they manufacture a wide range of thermoset and thermoplastic aircraft fuselage parts and aerospace equipment, using cutting-edge composite technologies:

  • Equipped aircraft sections and work-packages (nose fuselage section and centre wing box for the A350, aft fuselage panels for the A220, equipped wings for ATR)
  • Large complex parts for all type of aircraft (radomes, air inlets, wing flaps, keel beams, seat shells…) as well as elementary parts (stringers, struts…)
  • Cockpit furnishing (for A320, A400M)
  • Cabin furnishing: window panels, bins, lavatories, ceiling, partitions… (ATR 42 / 72)
  • Premium passenger seat shells (for all types of aircraft)

They use various technologies such as Automated Fibre Placement (AFP), Automated Tape Laying (ATL), Infusion / Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM), compression moulding, filament winding, hand lay-up, Out of Autoclave process (OoA), robotized fibre placement, dry fibre.

In their three research centres (Airbus Atlantic Technocentre in Nantes, Atlantic Lab in Méaulte and Stelia Composites Expertise Centre in Salaunes), their engineers develop large, one-part, fastener free, 3D primary structures, manufactured by infusion or by non-autoclave welding and thermoplastic technologies. They also investigate innovative assembly processes based on advanced robotic solutions.

Meet Airbus Atlantic at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth G65.

129787JEC Group
Graphene Flagship composite materials innovations to be exhibited at JEC World 2023 Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:48:00 +0000 Read more]]> Graphene composites have plenty to offer industry. As well as being the world’s strongest known material, graphene is highly flexible, conductive and transparent. When incorporated into composite materials, it is capable of reinforcing these composites with its own attributes.

The Graphene Flagship, which is dedicated to taking graphene innovation out of labs and into commercial applications, will highlight its partners’ latest innovations in graphene composites at JEC World. Between 25 April and 27 April 2023, this event – which will take place in Paris-Nord Villepinte – will bring together professionals from research, business and government within the context of the composite materials industry.

Composite materials – such as graphene composites – offer benefits and opportunities to markets and sectors as varied as aerospace, electronics, defence, medical, infrastructure, sports and renewable energy.
The Graphene Flagship has long recognised the immense potential present in graphene composites. At JEC World 2023, they look forward to introducing individuals and organisations to a selection of exiting products and prototypes developed by their partners, which showcase graphene composites’ many possibilities. These demos include:

  • Nanografen’s Front End Carrier (FEC) – an automotive part. Turkish nanotechnology R&D Nanografen produces high-quality graphene and develops graphene-based applications. It also provides technical consultancy regarding the development of graphene-based composites. The FEC is the structural panel which closes the engine compartment and supports the fixed components inside a vehicle. Graphene obtained from pyrolyzed waste tire is used as a reinforcing and nucleating agent to reduce glass fiber content in the serial part without any additional process. This innovation reduces the panel’s weight and improves it mechanically.
  • The Graphene Flagship’s GICE spearhead project, led by Graphene Flagship partner Airbus, is developing an ice protection system for aircraft that benefits from graphene’s unique thermoelectric properties – it generates heat with little power input, all while being easily incorporated into flexible plastic composites.
  • Spearhead project AeroGRaFT, led by Lufthansa, is working on new filter units that will improve the air quality of aircraft and spacecraft. In this case, graphene enables self-cleaning functionalities, as well as additional sensing and monitoring of environmental conditions during operation.
  • Led by partner Medica, the GRAPHIL spearhead project is developing compact water filters based on graphene. The addition of graphene can remove emerging contaminants like antibiotics, pesticides, heavy metals, drugs and many different compounds from water.

Meet Graphene Flagship at JEC World 2023, hall 5, booth M75.

128876JEC Group
China’s Tianyi Technology installs a 40-meter large radome Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The radome is 30 meters high and is composed of nearly a thousand triangular unit blocks. It adopts a truncated spherical metal space frame and a sandwich structure composite materials cover wall. The autoclave process is used to form unit blocks, which combines the advantages of metal skeleton’s wave transmission in the high frequency range and the strength of composite sandwich plates. The unit loss is reduced to 0.3 db.

The 40-meter large-scale radome has the advantages of high wave penetration, high strength, and low high-frequency loss, reaching the domestic leading level, which marks that Tianyi Technology has made a breakthrough in the large-scale radome market and has taken a significant step. In the future, Tianyi Technology will continue to increase scientific research and tackle key problems, and enter the ultra-large radome market.

129404JEC Group
111.5 meters:  the longest wind power blade delivered by China’s Times New Materials Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> With a length of 111.5 meters and a blade root circle of 4.8 meters, the blade is huge and difficult to produce.

The liquid pouring during the layup process was the first test faced by both the project team and production team. The root thickening layer of this blade type needs no less than 130 layers, and the perfusion time of the first blade is as long as 15 hours. The amount of resin consumption soars. Long-term high temperature can easily lead to air leakage, and the production team can only sprinkle water frequently to reduce the temperature. In order to fundamentally solve the problem, the process team optimized the perfusion system after several experiments and adjustments, and the blade perfusion time was gradually shortened.

The first laying of the 4.8-meter-circle cavity is also a huge challenge. Although the working hours were extended by more than one hour, the production team of the Sheyang factory relied on mature production skills to complete the application of more than 100 layers and solved the wrinkle problem, meeting the quality standard requirements.

Overweight is the biggest obstacle of huge-size blades. In order to “control weight”, the project team led the production team to rack their brains so as to avoid missing any “slimming” details. Finally, by adjusting dozens of processes such as material type, material consumption, and overlapping methods, the weight was successfully reduced by about 1 ton, and finally met the customer’s requirements.

The production team of this blade type is composed of more than 200 people. This team has never produced this type of perforated airfoils before. With zero production experience, it has achieved the shortest molding cycle of 52 hours, and has gradually reduced it to 48 hours.

This project is the first cooperation between Times New Materials and its customer the Chinese wind turbine manufacturer Mingyang.

129283JEC Group
EconCore and Solarge will launch at JEC World 2023 a new lightweight, fully circular solar panel to reduce the weight of roof installations by up to two thirds Tue, 11 Apr 2023 09:23:50 +0000 Read more]]> Since early 2018 EconCore and Solarge have intensively collaborated to develop the next generation solar panel, removing weight by replacing heavy glass with lightweight honeycomb materials. The result is a fully recyclable alternative to more traditional non-sustainable materials. A panel measuring just over 2.66m2 weighs 14.5kg, compared to over 28kg with the old glass type model.

The companies are looking at how to replace glass traditionally used in solar panels with a composite, honeycomb structure and a polymer frontside. Honeycomb has fantastic mechanical properties, being very strong and very rigid for a given weight or density. Glass panels also need an aluminium frame, and again honeycomb strips this away, removing yet more weight.

Rigidity and impact resistance are both important properties for solar panels; as bending and impact, for example of hail stones, can result in breakages or decreased efficiency. The honeycomb panels can handle these stresses in different ways, not just through being more rigid.

The new Solarge circular panels enable improved resistance against UV radiation and has much better heat conductivity than glass panels. Solar panels are less efficient as temperature increases and honeycomb delivers a more effective means of controlling temperature.

The current range of panels is very difficult to recycle, whereas EconCore has recently developed a honeycomb core made from recycled materials.  One of the possible designs focuses on a monomaterial solution where only the solar cells and the encapsulant would be a different material. And with the encapsulant material being thermoplastic, this would allow the splitting and sorting of the different constituents.

This development builds on Solarge’s traditional strength in sustainability with:

  • Ultra-low carbon solar footprint: 25% better than conventional modules (in new factory);
  • Reduction of material resources need to deliver the mechanical performance;
  • 100% recyclability;
  • Elimination of toxic materials such as PFAS.

Tomasz Czarnecki, Chief Operations Officer at EconCore, said: “Solar power is an important mechanism to strip carbon out of energy production. It’s a simple equation – the more solar panels we can deploy, the more solar energy we can harness, the greater the protection against climate change.”

“Making photo voltaics lighter, cheaper, and more efficient means many more buildings will be able to be harnessed to produce solar energy, and every roof that is limited by weight will be able to take more panels. And these panels are sustainable – this has huge potential in the battle against climate change.”

Huib van den Heuvel, CCO at Solarge adds: “We see a huge potential in rooftop application in the commercial & industrial building segment and the agricultural sector for lightweight solar panels, all over the world. Compared to glass based solar panels the production of this composite product is very easily scalable. We value the collaboration with ThermHex Waben as a manufacturing partner that supports our ambitious growth plans.”

Meet EconCore and ThermHex Waben at JEC World 2023, hall 6, stand Q85. The solar panel will be on display.

129291JEC Group
Cevotec will showcase a sneak preview of its new Fiber Patch Placement production system at JEC World 2023 Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Despite the rise of hydrogen-powered electric vehicles, in particular for long-haul transport, the industry is facing the challenge to efficiently and safely store hydrogen (H2) in the vehicle. Hydrogen is typically stored in type IV composite pressure vessels; however, the high operating pressure requires a significant amount of carbon fiber for the vessel. With up to 700 bar nominal pressure, one tank consumes up to 10 kg of carbon fiber for every 1 kg of hydrogen stored. The carbon fibers of a high-pressure vessel typically represent more than 50% of the total cost of such storage system.

Dome reinforcements for composite tanks with FPP technology

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Cevotec has developed an industrial solution to reduce the amount of carbon fibers by locally reinforcing the dome areas of the pressure vessel. Fiber Patch Placement is the first technology to lay-up dome reinforcements directly onto the liner using a fully automated, industrial process which can be combined with established wet or tow winding equipment. This approach reduces net fiber consumption by approx. 15%, depending on the vessel type, which translates into considerable material cost savings while maintaining equivalent mechanical properties. Due to the material reduction, the reinforced tanks have more storage volume available at the same built space. In short: Using FPP results in a better product with a significant lower CO2 footprint and a very positive business case for manufacturers.

Cevotec is currently developing and assembling a dedicated FPP production system for dome reinforcements in their lab in Unterhaching near Munich. This SAMBA Pro PV system will be available for commercial prototyping and development with customers in autumn 2023. “We are pleased about the high interest of tank manufacturers worldwide in our solution, and I’m really looking forward to the commissioning of the first SAMBA Pro PV in our lab this year.”, says Thorsten Groene, CEO and Co-founder at Cevotec. “At JEC World in May, we will showcase a sneak preview of that new FPP production system.”

For the first time, Cevotec share a booth with their partner GFM GmbH. Michael Kralowetz, President & CEO of GFM, comments: “We are pleased to have a joint booth with Cevotec at this important trade show for composites, and I am confident that we can inspire our customers and visitors with new solutions that our partnership brings along.”

Photo : Composite tank dome reinforcements with Fiber Patch Placement

At JEC World 2023 interested parties are invited to watch a sneak preview at the joint booth of Cevotec and GFM, hall 5, booth N71.

128342JEC Group
Oris s’est associé à 9T Labs pour la fabrication du boîtier de la ProPilot Altimeter Fri, 07 Apr 2023 15:37:00 +0000 Read more]]> Giovanni Cavolina, cofondateur et directeur commercial de 9T Labs, une entreprise suisse de haute technologie située à Zurich raconte: “Nous avons fondé l’entreprise en 2018 et nous avons maintenant plus de 60 employés et des bureaux en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. 9T Labs se concentre sur ce que nous appelons la “mobilité climatiquement neutre du futur”, ce qui signifie l’introduction de la nouvelle norme de conception et de fabrication de pièces plus solides et plus légères, à moindre coût, et sans déchets.”

Oris: Introducing the ProPilot Altimeter (2023)

Découvrez plus de vidéos sur la JEC Composites Web TV.

Pourquoi la maison Oris a-t-elle fait appel à 9T Labs ?
Giovanni Cavolina: “Oris voulait une montre fabriquée à partir de matériaux légers et extrêmement résistants, mais d’une manière innovante. 9T Labs a été chargé d’utiliser les composites en fibres de carbone d’une manière inédite : en utilisant des processus durables et un design unique, avec un motif artistique et naturel. L’effet d’anneaux de croissance des arbres a constitué un défi inhabituel pour ce matériau. Nous avons collaboré avec l’équipe de conception d’Oris pour obtenir ce résultat et ce fut très satisfaisant.”

« Le composite de carbone est deux tiers plus léger que le titane. Le résultat est une montre aux performances améliorées qui est également 1 mm plus fine que le modèle précédent et 70 grammes plus légère” a déclaré Richard Siegrist, Ingénieur Développement Produits chez Oris.

Comment le boîtier de la ProPilot Altimeter est-il fabriqué ?
Giovanni Cavolina: “9T Labs a développé une solution de fabrication unique, tout-en-un, fondée sur la “fabrication additive et le moulage”. C’est différent de l’impression 3D normale, qui est principalement destinée au prototypage. Nous pouvons industrialiser la fabrication et utiliser la technologie pour produire des pièces structurelles d’utilisation finale à des volumes élevés. Il s’agit d’une véritable avancée.”

Quels sont les avantages de ce matériau ?
Giovanni Cavolina: “Il s’agit d’un composite de fibres de carbone et d’un polymère appelé PEKK qui présente une résistance mécanique, thermique et chimique élevée. Ensemble, ils forment un matériau qui est aussi léger que le plastique et qui peut être plus résistant que les métaux. Il est donc à la fois léger, très rigide et très résistant.”

Le boîtier de la ProPilot Altimeter est produit à l’aide d’un processus unique de fabrication et moulage additif développé par 9T Labs.

Rencontrez 9T Labs à JEC World 2023, hall 5, stand Q88.

128673JEC Group
Tri-Mack to highlight thin, lightweight TPC enclosures at JEC World 2023 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Tri-Mack Plastics Manufacturing Corporation, a leading high-performance thermoplastics parts manufacturer, announces their latest product-development achievement: very lightweight, high-strength enclosures made from just eight plies of unidirectional carbon-fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite (TPC) tape and only forty thousandths of an inch thick (.040”).

The new enclosures demonstrate Tri-Mack’s expertise in the production of large, thin covers with deep draws using unidirectional tape. Visitors to the Tri-Mack booth R49a at JEC 2023 will be able to view a range of cover sizes and materials, made using Tri-Mack’s proven production process: automated tape laying, consolidation and stamp forming. Tri-Mack’s thermoplastic composite process produces parts in minutes, rather than the hours typically required for thermosets.

Rhode Island-based Tri-Mack has been developing proprietary methodologies for the automated layup and molding of lightweight thermoplastic composites for over a decade.

Tri-Mack stamp forms TPC Enclosures in minutes using tooling designed and made in-house. Enclosure shown mounted on shuttle after stamp forming in mold.

“We see these new TPC covers meeting rising demand for strong, lightweight enclosures that can shield functional components in aircraft, drones and a variety of other industrial uses,” says Tom Kneath, Vice President for Sales and Marketing. “Where strength and durability are priorities in addition to the lightest weight, continuous-fiber TPCs are the material of choice. It is less brittle than thermosets, delivers ten times the strength of injection-molded parts and, with our enclosure, provides a 30% weight reduction versus 6061 aluminum.”

The new enclosures are not limited to carbon fiber; they can be produced using glass fiber, and with different base resins as well, including PAEK, PEEK and PEI, providing a variety of customizable properties and solutions.

Another benefit of the new enclosure’s manufacturing process is that it allows for added functionality, creating “smart composites” by embedding EMI shielding, or adding localized reinforcement through tailored layups. “We can add electrically conductive layers into our process to enable EMI shielding performance at a fraction of the weight of metal,” says Sales Engineer Max McCabe.

“This also eliminates the plating and painting process steps of typical EMI solutions used on composite parts.” Electrical conductivity and shielding effectiveness can be tailored to end-use using a wide variety of durable composite materials, McCabe notes, further broadening potential applications across aerospace, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), undersea applications, and electric vehicles (EVs).

Tri-Mack’s Process Engineering Manager Ben Lamm, leader of the new enclosure project, says that it was a definite technical challenge to form the large, deep covers out of TPC. “With unidirectional materials you’re stacking plies that are oriented in different directions throughout the part,” he says. “Making complex shapes this way requires individual plies to slip against each other as you are forming. Getting them to move the way you want to produce a consistent, wrinkle-free part requires strategic layup and tool design, as well as subtleties in material handling during processing.”

Note the range of depths that can be achieved with Tri-Mack’s lightweight TPC Enclosures.

This level of manufacturing expertise comes naturally to the 48-year-old company. “Tri-Mack has been working in the lightweight composites space for decades and has comprehensive, in-house capabilities,” says Kneath. “We make injection-molded housings that require EMI shielding and thin-wall TPC enclosures that replace metal using assembled pieces and fasteners. Our goal was to build this functionality into a single part and show the industry how lightweighting can improve product performance through fuel efficiency, battery range, or increased payload.”

Meet Tri-Mack Plastics Manufacturing Corp. at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth R49.

128540JEC Group
Swancor applies its EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin technology to a large-scale Mingyang Smart Energy blade Wed, 29 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The blade features a composite of recyclable epoxy pultruded plate and recyclable sandwich core material, utilizing Swancor’s EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin infusion molding technology. The blade has become an important step in the application of EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin to large wind power blades.

EzCiclo, a recyclable thermosetting epoxy resin, has now obtained ISO 14021 certification. The composite materials made of EzCiclo series products can have a recyclability rate of ≥95%. This certification demonstrates the feasibility of sustainable recycling of EzCiclo.

The successful application of Swancor’s EzCiclo in the trial production of this first large-scale blade of Mingyang Smar Energy is a major milestone for both parties to jointly promote circular economy. In the future, the two parties will continue to leverage their respective advantages in the industry to carry out in-depth and comprehensive development cooperation under the premise of resource sharing and win-win cooperation, and work together to promote the green circular economy and find recyclable solutions.

128643JEC Group
Oris partnered with 9T Labs for the ProPilot Altimeter’s case Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:32:29 +0000 Read more]]> Giovanni Cavolina, co-founder and chief commercial officer at 9T Labs, a Swiss hightech firm based in Zurich said: “We founded the company in 2018 and now have more than 60 employees and offices in Europe and North America. 9T Lab’s focus is on what we call the “climate neutral mobility of the future”, which means introducing the new design and manufacturing standard for stronger, lighter parts at lower cost and zero waste.”

Oris again worked with 9T Labs to produce carbon fiber composite ProPilot Altimeter cases using its Red Series® Additive Fusion Technology (AFT) (2023)

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Why did Oris approach 9T Labs?
Giovanni Cavolina: “Oris wanted a watch made of lightweight, extremely strong materials, but in a new, innovative way. Watches produced using carbon fibre composite are two-a-penny, now. It’s become a bit boring, and the materials are not sustainable. 9T Labs was commissioned to use carbon fibre composites in a way never seen before: using sustainable processes and a unique design, with an artistic, natural pattern. The tree-ring effect provided an unusual challenge for this material; normally the challenges are based on where loads are applied. We collaborated with Oris’s design team to get the result. It worked out really well.”

“The carbon composite is two thirds lighter than titanium. The result is a watch with improved performance that’s also 1mm slimmer than the previous model and 70 grammes lighter.” said Richard Siegrist, Oris product development engineer.

How is the ProPilot Altimeter case made?
Giovanni Cavolina: “9T Labs developed a unique, all-in-one manufacturing solution based on “additive manufacturing and moulding”. This is different to normal 3D-printing, which is mainly for prototyping. We can industrialise manufacturing and use the technology to produce structural end-use parts at high volumes. This is a real breakthrough.”

What benefits does the material deliver?
Giovanni Cavolina: “It’s a composite of carbon fibre and a polymer called PEKK that has high mechanical, heat and chemical resistance. Together, they form a material that’s as light as plastic and that can be stronger than metals. So it’s low weight, high stiffness and high strength.”

The ProPilot Altimeter’s case is produced using a unique “additive manufacturing and moulding” process developed by 9T Labs

Unique series production solution
9T Labs’ Red Series AFT platform uses specialized software, hardware and sustainable processes to minimize waste and accelerate production compared to traditional composite manufacturing methods like prepreg lamination and wet layup.  

The AFT solution uses a high-performance thermoplastic, such as polyether ketone ketone (PEKK) or polyether ether ketone (PEEK) as the composite matrix, which is reinforced with up to 60 percent carbon, glass or basalt fiber. For the ProPilot Altimeter watch case, Oris specified a composite based on PEKK polymer, which features high mechanical performance, high density and excellent heat and chemical resistance. It is reinforced with 60 percent continuous carbon fiber. This composite delivers lightweight, high stiffness and tensile strength and consistent quality across all produced watch cases. 

“9T Labs is establishing the new composite production standard to deliver stronger, lighter parts with exceptional performance, lower costs and minimal waste,” said Giovanni Cavolina, chief commercial officer and co-founder, 9T Labs. “We are deeply gratified that Oris shares this vision and has used 9T Labs’ technology for the series production of carbon fiber composite cases for two of its prestigious watches. We look forward to continuing this successful collaboration and to demonstrating to other industries the measurable advantages of our unique, all-in-one manufacturing solution.” 

9T Labs will feature the watch case as well as both the Coulson and the ProPilot Altimeter watches as part of its exhibit at JEC World 2023 in Paris, April 25-27, hall 5, booth Q88. Visitors will be also able to watch a live demonstration of the AFT Build and Fusion modules.

128663JEC Group
Carbon Mobile and SABIC collaborates to unlock and scale advanced carbon composites in connected devices Tue, 28 Mar 2023 07:42:58 +0000 Read more]]> The partnership, which was put in place by SABIC Ventures, will allow Carbon Mobile to leverage SABIC’s strong polymers portfolio, advanced research and development (R&D), testing, and production facilities to deploy, at scale, new advanced materials, powered by Carbon Mobile’s HyRECM technology, that are in high demand among consumer electronics and automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

This new partnership aims to develop a new joint material portfolio that is sustainable and future-proof by leveraging SABIC’s existing materials and expertise in producing certified PIR (Post-Industrial Recycled), PCR (Post-Consumer-Recycled) and certified renewable feedstock.

“The Consumer Electronic Industry is under a constant trend of miniaturization such as low weight or low thickness of devices with high screen. Current material solutions are sometimes limited in mechanical performance.  At SABIC, we are looking to new material solutions based on engineering thermoplastics systems. Working together with Carbon Mobile on composites and hybrid designs based on those materials will enable us to achieve current unmet needs for miniaturization. Additionally, using our SABIC TRUCIRCLE ™ solutions in those consumer electronic applications will help the industry to reduce its CO2 footprint,” said Lina Prada, Director, Polymer Application Development & Industry Solutions of SABIC.

Advanced carbon composites have long been sought after as lighter, thinner, stronger and more sustainable alternatives to materials currently used in connected devices. However, for over a decade, industry leaders have been trying to solve the electrical and wireless connectivity issues, which block carbon composites from being used in electronics and connected devices. Carbon Mobile’s patented HyRECM technology stabilizes the electrical and wireless connectivity properties of Carbon Fiber without compromising on other superior properties of the material or the production process. This includes embedded electrostatic discharge (ESD) isolation, electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and antenna noise-cancelation and allows for radio frequency (RF) signal permeation for low and high frequency bands in a single carbon composite monocoque structure inside connected devices. The result is new design latitudes for the next generation of connected devices, unlocking new form factors, reducing the number of parts and complex assembly and eventually cost reduction.

“We believe Carbon Mobile will enable the next generation of thinner, lighter, and more sustainable connected devices,” said Mahari Tjahjadi, Business Leader Electrical & Electronics of SABIC. “Carbon Mobile is set to disrupt the lightweight electronics industry through its HyRECM material enabling technology. With SABIC’s support, we expect to open up multiple sectors from wearables to automotive sectors and offer OEMs the sustainable and high-performing solutions they demand.”

In March 2021, Carbon Mobile launched the Carbon 1 MK II, the world’s first carbon fiber smartphone, which demonstrated its patented HyRECM technology is feasible and mass production scalable. The new technology produces a robust carbon fiber composite monocoque housing structure that allows the smartphone to be incredibly thin and light, and also have the least amount of material. To further boost the device’s connectivity, a unique conductive ink trace is integrated into the carbon fiber structure to stabilize the electrical and wireless properties. It weighed just 125g, making it 33 percent lighter than the average competitor. Presented to the industry as the future standard of connected devices, the Carbon 1 garnered prestigious industry acclaim picking up both a Red Dot and JEC Design award. Now, Carbon is ready to bring its tech to all products in the consumer electronics and automotive industries.

The demand from OEMs in consumer electronics and mobility sectors is impressive. Manufacturers are looking for lightweight materials that offer improved stiffness, increased battery capacity, and more mileage, while also allowing for new form factors. Carbon Mobile has already signed and working with tier OEMs to develop devices for product launches in 2023 and 2024.

“The tech industry has always strived for miniaturization but also are becoming aware of the need for more sustainable material alternatives to achieve it,” said Firas Khalifeh, CEO of Carbon Mobile. “Our partnership with SABIC is born out of a common goal to help the planet, and so we’re excited that our OEM partners share our vision for a greener future with HyRECM technology as the enabler.”

128576JEC Group
ALUULA Composites collaborates with Black Diamond in the development of a next generation climbing helmet Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:44:46 +0000 Read more]]> ALUULA has collaborated with Black Diamond to develop a custom penetration shield for the next generation of this sleek, ultra-light helmet. ALUULA material has a 44% higher strength to weight ratio than previously used Kevlar® (ARAMID) and reduced the weight of the penetration shield by 40%.

“This collaboration with Black Diamond represents yet another area where the enhanced properties of ALUULA Composite materials combined with our unique expertise not only satisfy very technical objectives, but have the potential to supersede conventional materials.” Said ALUULA Composites COO, John Zimmerman.

ALUULA Composites uses a patented fusion technology to bond films to a UHMWPE core, resulting in a new generation of performance composite fabrics that deliver unique and superior performance results. This “process, rather than a product” perspective allows for a wide range of iterations to meet a broad range of applications.

The new version of the Vapor weights in at 155g in total (compared to the previous model at 186g), enabling climbers to never compromise performance (or style) for safety.
128558JEC Group
Composites Evolution selected as material supplier for the ‘67 by Charge Cars Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:48:47 +0000 Read more]]> Driven by achieving visual perfection, Charge Cars teamed up with Composites Evolution to utilise their Evopreg® EPC300 range of component prepregs. This resulted in Evopreg® EPC300 with carbon fibre becoming the material of choice for the ‘67’s bodywork, due to its ease of lay up and excellent surface finish achieved straight from the mould.

In addition, the complex requirements of the ‘67’s floor-mounted structural carbon battery box required an entirely new composite prepreg system to be developed by Composites Evolution and qualified by Charge Cars. The battery box needed to be structural, complex in shape, fully fire retardant to ECE R100 regulations, have an excellent ‘double A side’ surface finish and be electrically non-conductive.

Unveiling the ’67 by ChargeCars

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

To meet these challenging demands, the team at Composites Evolution developed a novel fire-retardant, visual quality, structural epoxy prepreg, and, working closely with Charge Cars engineers, tested the material against all aspects of the customer specification. A series of prototypes were manufactured successfully, with the new prepreg system proving to have excellent processability.

Charge Cars said: “Composites Evolution have been fantastic support for the ‘67 by Charge Cars. Offering us a range of knowledge and materials to support all aspects of our vehicle builds.”

Rochelle and Mike, Sales Team at Composites Evolution added: “It has been a pleasure working with the Charge Cars team, and we look forward to what the future holds as we support them on the journey of revolutionising vintage vehicles.”

Driven by achieving visual perfection, Charge Cars teamed up with Composites Evolution to utilise their Evopreg® EPC300 range of component prepregs.

Composites Evolution has now officially launched the innovative material as Evopreg® EPC312FR, adding it to its popular Evopreg® range of epoxy component prepregs.

Evopreg® EPC312FR is a medium temperature curing, flame retardant, toughened epoxy resin system, formulated specifically for fire retardant performance up to UL94V0, high visual quality and high mechanical properties. It can be supplied with a range of reinforcement fibres and fabrics, including carbon, glass, aramid and hybrids. The prepregs can be consolidated by autoclave or press moulding and are designed for a range of applications including automotive, motorsport and general industrial.

Rochelle Helliwell and Mike Harrison will be at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth S52, to discuss Composites Evolutions range of Evopreg component, tooling, and fire-resistant prepregs.

128492JEC Group
Saertex supplies non-crimp fabrics materials for Real Madrid’s new stadium roof Thu, 23 Mar 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Construction work has been in progress since 2019 on the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu, the home stadium of 14-time European Cup and Champions League winners Real Madrid. The project’s aim is to transform the football stadium situated in the heart of the Spanish capital and which was built back in 1947, into a multi-functional arena with a 360° video screen, a new external façade and a retractable sliding roof over the pitch.

During the course of February 2023, the 36 lightweight beams of this innovative sliding roof structure were installed in the stadium. These mobile roof structure support members were manufactured by Spanish composite specialist Nanotures using carbon and glass fiber materials supplied by Saertex from Saerbeck, Germany. Opening and closing the roof structure – including the membranes that are still to be installed between the lightweight beams – protects the entire arena against the effects of wind and weather.

A new composite roof for the stadium of Real Madrid

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

“The Santiago Bernabeu Stadium is an absolutely iconic venue in world football. And we are very proud that our material has contributed to this gigantic innovation project,” says Daniel Stumpp, Head of Global Marketing at Saertex.

The retractable roof structure above the playing field complements the stadium’s covered seating area, which has also been fully renovated. The 36 lightweight beams of the retractable roof structure each measure 25 meters in length. In each case, 3 beams are connected to form main beams that are 75 meters long. Being part of the movable roof means they must be lightweight and energy-efficient. So the components were manufactured from carbon and glass fiber reinforcements – so called non-crimp fabrics – balsa wood and an epoxy resin, using the vacuum infusion process.

This year’s prestigious JEC Composites Innovation Awards, one of the most important innovation prizes in the composites industry, were presented in Paris on March 2, 2023. Winning projects in eleven different fields received awards. In the category “Building & Civil Engineering” the award went to Nanotures, Saertex and other partnering companies for the “A Composite Roof for the Stadium of Real Madrid” project.

Three elements are mechanically joined to reach beams with a span of 75 m. The manufacturing process was infusion with double VAP membrane, avoiding the use of holes in the core and excess polymer. Critical parameters such as fiber linearity and core joints have been controlled in production to obtain elements with high compression resistance. Strategically, different reinforcements have been utilized in the design to meet the load case and assist in joining to the metallic elements. Finally, the lightweight composite beams allow simplification in the assembly operations on site as well as the simplification, weight and energy reduction of the displacement and elevation motors.

“A fascinating project! But to also win the most important innovation award in our industry for this is something very special,” says Christoph Geyer CEO at Saertex. “Congratulations to Nanotures and thanks to our many partners. And I would also like to personally thank the many Saertex colleagues who were involved in this project.”

This is the third time in the 25-year tradition of the competition that Saertex has been one of the winners. Following 2014, with the MAPRETEC project in the “Renewable Energy” category, and 2017 with Brødrene Aa for the “Vision of the Fjords” in the “Marine” category – this is the first time Saertex has won the JEC Composites Innovation Award in the “Building & Civil Engineering” category.

Discover the JEC Composites Innovation Awards winners in each category: The JEC Composites Innovation Awards winners revealed

128252JEC Group
TECHART unveils the GTstreet R Flyweight and introduces its own brand for performance-oriented individualization Wed, 22 Mar 2023 11:16:44 +0000 Read more]]> Derived from professional sports, Flyweight designates athletes in the lightest and most technically-savvy weight classes, who are characterized in particular by their precision, speed and agility as well as endurance in the ring. The same values are essential factors in the development of all TECHART Flyweight programs and products.

“Our goal with the GTstreet R Flyweight was to create a true track machine, ” says Tobias Beyer, managing director of TECHART Automobildesign GmbH. “Through consistent weight reduction, advanced racing technology and TECHART performance enhancement combined with a refined Flyweight clubsport interior, we have created a unique package. We can’t wait for our customers to experience it for themselves – both on the world’s most demanding race tracks and on the road.”

Racing as inspiration. Advanced aerodynamics.
The TECHART GTstreet R Flyweight’s new technical solutions in the areas of aerodynamics, lightweight construction and chassis are particularly striking. During development, the TECHART engineers had a clear focus on optimizing the performance of the individualized super sports car for race track use while keeping its suitability for everyday use.

Aerodynamic highlights of the limited edition TECHART GTstreet R Flyweight program include the distinctive, fixed carbon fiber front splitter, which splits the incoming air and generates additional downforce. Side air fins with integrated canards and a molded carbon fiber underbody complete the front splitter. With the aid of digital air flow simulations, among other things, it was possible to significantly increase the downforce and optimize the aero balance. To protect the front splitter during use on the race track, it is equipped with integrated skid plates.

The new TECHART carbon fiber front fender with wheel arch extensions features even more efficient and prominent air outlets. An essential aero element: the iconic carbon GTstreet R Flyweight rear wing consisting of a newly developed and weight-optimized carbon fiber base body with fixed wing, side air intakes, reshaped wing end plates and a manually adjustable wing profile. The angle of the upper wing profile can be adjusted in three levels, allowing the aero balance to be optimized depending on the track layout.

Weight optimization as a maxim. The standard hood locks of the lid and the rear air intake panel are replaced by quick-release fasteners integrated in the new TECHART carbon fiber front hood as well as the carbon rear air intake panel. The lightweight polycarbonate rear window, specially developed by TECHART, is recognizable by its characteristic Flyweight trademark and is put in place of the standard rear window.

Luxurious. Puristic. The TECHART Flyweight clubsport interior.
The large number of functional lightweight components characterize the Flyweight concept in both the exterior and the interior. The signature TECHART Flyweight DNA continues from the racing-style decor on the exterior to a meticulously individualized handcrafted interior. Exclusive finishes include accurate stitching in contrasting color and the hexagonal pattern of the Flyweight DNA, as well as the Flyweight symbol alternately embossed and flawlessly crafted embroidery in a matching hue on the door trim, seats, dashboard and center armrest.

Eye-catcher in the interior: for an intense and controlled driving experience with perfect support even on the limit, TECHART works closely with RECARO Automotive, the seat specialist for track day oriented drivers and racers. Every GTstreet R Flyweight is equipped with TECHART individualized RECARO Podium CF performance seats as part of the clubsport interior. Weighing just 4.9 kilograms per seat shell, it is not only ultralight, but also refined by the TECHART Manufactory with hand-painted elements and Flyweight-specific embroidery and embossing.

A novelty are the seat pads, which were developed together with OECHSLER, one of the innovation leaders in additive manufacturing. The 3D-printed seat pads on selected areas between the driver and the seat shell allow an even higher level of customization – precisely tailored to performance-oriented pilots and their personal GTstreet R Flyweight. Another advantage: the 3D-manufactured seat pads provide even better passive ventilation and damping, while at the same time resulting in additional weight savings.

The TECHART Flyweight Clubsport package consisting of TECHART roll bar, TECHART 6-point racing harness with FIA homologation and hand-held fire extinguisher ensures maximum safety. The elimination of the rear seats, an optimized rear shelf with carbon insert as well as lightweight carpet for reduced noise insulation contribute to further weight optimization and intensification of the driving experience in the cockpit. The GTstreet R Flyweight is designed for use with head-and-neck support systems. The TECHART interior of the TECHART GTstreet R Flyweight is completed by a custom-finished steering wheel with a straight ahead marker and painted trim.

The TECHART GTstreet R Flyweight enters the ring with a weight saving of around 60 kilograms compared to a series model equipped with similar options. Despite the additional safety features and without giving up comfort in everyday life. Every customer has the choice between visible carbon parts in matt or high-gloss finish, complete paint jobs in matt, gloss, special or effect colors and, together with the TECHART Design Team, can create a personal vehicle decor. Thanks to the craftsmanship of the TECHART Manufactory, there are no limits to the personalization of the interior.

Athletic performance in the ring: maximum power and agility.
Unleashed: TECHART gives the GTstreet R Flyweight based on the Porsche 911 Turbo S a special power treatment in the form of the TECHART Powerkit TA092/T2.1. The upgrade package consists of optimized TECHART turbochargers, sports air filters, reinforced overrun air valves in conjunction with specially fine-tuned software for engine and transmission.

With spectacular 588 kW (800 hp) and 950 Nm total output, the ring hero accelerates with significantly improved responsiveness compared with the production vehicle. The sprint to 100 km/h takes just 2.5 seconds and to 200 km/h in an impressive 7.5 seconds and only ends at a top speed of over 350 km/h.

Perfect traction and precise handling through every apex with technology partner Öhlins. The coilover suspension with a specific TECHART Flyweight setup is adjustable in height as well as rebound and compression damping and enables a tight handling suitable for the race track.

An optimized wishbone suspension on the front axle provides more precise and direct wheel control. This exploits the full potential of the high-grip Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 R tires.

Weight discipline also applies to the wheels: the newly developed Formula VI Race Flyweight forged wheels feature even slimmer spokes and an additional weight saving in the hub area. The dimensions of the new rims: 9.5 x 20 inches OT 25 on the front axle and 12 x 21 inches OT 68 on the rear axle. The weight per rim is 9.8 kilograms at the front and 11.2 kilograms at the rear. This means a reduction in unsprung mass of 2.6 kilograms on the front axle and 2.2 kilograms on the rear axle compared to the Formula VI Race.

Emotionally fascinating and powerful soundtrack to a perfect handling: the hand-welded GTstreet R sports exhaust system with adjustable valve control. Compared to the exhaust system of the base model, a further 2.8 kilograms are saved.

The TECHART GTstreet R Flyweight package is limited to 19 units.

128232JEC Group
Lotus develops a new track bike for Team GB riders for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games Wed, 22 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The new bike’s development is the focus of the final chapter of the Lotus Engineering: The Innovators series, which turns the spotlight on the fourth of its core portfolio pillars – the Technical Services it offers to clients. These include intelligent design, product concept, attribute development and advanced materials, all of which are integral to the British Cycling project.

Mark Stringer, Commercial Director, Lotus Engineering, explained: “Technical Services is about what we can supply throughout the entire product development process. We take the core principals we have gained from automotive development, where we have a global pedigree, to develop solutions across the wider mass transportation and personal mobility sectors.”

The partnership with British Cycling is just one example of Lotus Engineering’s collaborations, most of which remain confidential at clients’ request. The consultancy’s involvement with two-wheelers has already included co-development of the track bike for the Tokyo Olympics 2020, which eventually took place in 2021 due to Covid-19. However, it stretches back to the early Nineties and the Lotus Type 108 – the LotusSport Pursuit Bicycle – a revolutionary concept that showcased a ground-breaking monocoque design, advanced carbon composite construction, and, with its aerofoil cross-section, a pioneering approach to aerodynamics.

Just like cars, bikes can benefit from the application of mechanical efficiency and the Type 108 helped British rider Chris Boardman rewrite the track cycling history books and win gold at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. Its success sparked the genesis of the Lotus Type 110, a time trial bike boasting many of the same innovations. Again, the cycling world had seen nothing like it and Boardman won the Prologue time trial in the 1994 Tour de France.

Lotus Type 108

Then, as now, development work is focused on core Lotus values – a pioneering approach to light-weighting, advanced materials and optimised aerodynamics. So what has changed in the three decades since the Type 108? Certainly not the physics, but the understanding of the science had moved on. As Richard Hill, Chief Aerodynamicist for Lotus, commented: “Back then, it was simply about developing an aerodynamic bike that would go fast. But really there are two separate elements – the bike and the rider – which come together as one to move through the air. That was the approach we took with the Tokyo bike and is continuing for Paris 2024.”

Beyond the technical, Lotus Engineering regularly calls on the Lotus Design team as an integral part of its service offering. The latter – based at Hethel, Norfolk, since it was established in 1985 – has developed several other two-wheeled projects including motorcycles and scooters.

Barney Hatt, Head of Advance and Consultancy Design, who has previously worked on client programmes such as the Tesla Roadster, commented: “Our objective is to design compelling and commercially successful world-class products that are beautiful, visually innovative and that reflect the client’s core values, meet the budget targets and satisfy the end user’s functional requirements.”

During more than three decades of work, Russell Carr, Director of Design at Lotus, has been involved in numerous consultancy projects: He added: “We’re able to apply the experience we have gained in automotive to other forms of mobility. Whilst aesthetics is crucial to the success of a product, we are co-located with our renowned engineering team, meaning we work hand-in-glove to strike the perfect balance of form and function which is integral to product design with engineering integrity.”

Lotus Type 110

The design studio at Hethel is a contemporary and purpose-built facility which, like other areas on site, has received considerable investment in recent years. The Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR) suite and 3D printing equipment is state-of-the-art, as is the milling studio, which has been upgraded to a 12-metre bed plate, plus 2 x five-axis milling capability with Kolb Studioline M masts and bespoke extraction system. Photometric scanning fully supports the design process with large format and portable optical scanners.

Hethel is also home to three secure studios with integrated surface plates and workspace for designers, digital modellers and studio engineers. A secure presentation room with a four-metre screen is also part of the facilities.

Russell explained: “The implementation of these upgrades at Hethel has fundamentally changed how we work and how we communicate with clients. The VR/AR suite and online data reviews give us an increased global reach, offering the client the opportunity to review 3D digital models from anywhere in the world, either on screen or through immersive headsets.”

While the artisan skill of manually sculpting designs in clay is still very much within Lotus Design’s capability and process, it is enhanced by the automated milling of models and 3D printing of components using the very same data that is reviewed in the virtual world.

“This seamless interaction of multiple mediums allows for more iterations and more life-like representations, which gives greater reassurance to the client and ultimately facilitates the best possible outcome.” 

Photo: The Hope / Lotus track bike created for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games

128209JEC Group
McLaren P1 : l’hypercar hybride pionnière annoncée comme la « meilleure voiture au monde sur route et sur piste » fête son 10ème anniversaire Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:17:00 +0000 Read more]]> Créée pour être « la meilleure voiture au monde sur route et sur circuit », la McLaren P1™ présente une conception et des caractéristiques techniques constituant la base idéale pour concrétiser cette ambition. La valeur de la voiture a été immédiatement confirmée par une série d’essais et de développements au cours de l’année 2013, notamment le tour de la célèbre Nordschleife au Nürburgring.

Un moteur V8 M838TQ biturbo de 3,8 litres développant 737 ch a été associé à un moteur électrique ultraléger développant 179 ch pour offrir un total de 916 ch. Ces performances étaient – et restent – étonnantes : accélération de 0 à 100 km/h en 2,8 secondes, de 0 à 200 km/h en 6,8 secondes et de 0 à 300 km/h en 16,5 secondes, soit cinq secondes de moins que la légendaire McLaren F1. Une vitesse maximale de 350 km/h a contribué à renforcer l’attrait et la réputation de la McLaren P1™, mais c’est la réponse instantanée de l’accélérateur et le couple moteur qui ont prouvé de manière concluante que l’électrification pouvait vraiment améliorer les groupes motopropulseurs turbo modernes.

En plus d’un excellent groupe motopropulseur hybride essence-électrique, cette hypercar de la catégorie Ultimate s’appuyait sur deux points forts de la marque McLaren : le faible poids du véhicule et l’excellence aérodynamique.

McLaren P1™

La monocoque en fibre de carbone MonoCage avec toit, au cœur de la McLaren P1™, était un développement de la structure MonoCell utilisée dans la supercar McLaren 12C et la clé pour optimiser la masse d’un véhicule dont le poids à sec était à peine de 1 395 kg. Le poids en ordre de marche DIN était de 1 490 kg.

La recherche incessante de la légèreté reste encore aujourd’hui une priorité pour McLaren et, en 2023, la nouvelle Artura, qui se veut une hybride haute performance, mais c’est une supercar de série généreusement équipée plutôt qu’une hypercar extrême en édition limitée, a un poids en ordre de marche DIN de 1 498 kg.

Les panneaux de carrosserie en fibre de carbone de la McLaren P1™ se composent d’une grande coque, de panneaux avant et arrière mono-moule fixés à la MonoCage centrale, de deux petites trappes d’accès à l’arrière, d’un capot avant et des deux portes. Pesant au total seulement 90 kg, les panneaux sont extraordinairement minces mais, en même temps, très résistants. La batterie hybride, montée en position basse à l’intérieur de la structure MonoCage en fibre de carbone, ne pèse que 96 kg. Encore une fois, cette philosophie de réduction au minimum du poids est encore évidente de nos jours, avec des stratégies similaires appliquées à l’Artura.

La McLaren P1™ n’a pas de tapis de sol – jugé inutilement lourd – ni d’insonorisation. Les vitres ont été repensés pour réduire le poids : le verre ultraléger du toit est trempé chimiquement et n’a que 2,4 mm d’épaisseur. Le pare-brise ne fait que 3,2 mm d’épaisseur, y compris une couche en plastique, ce qui permettait à l’époque d’économiser 3,5 kg par rapport au pare-brise de 4,2 mm d’épaisseur de la 12C.

Le grand aileron arrière de la McLaren P1™ optimise l’aérodynamisme en s’ajustant automatiquement. Il peut s’étendre vers l’arrière jusqu’à 300 mm sur piste et 120 mm sur route. Il avait été développé à l’aide du même logiciel et de la même méthodologie utilisés par l’équipe de Formule 1 McLaren. Un système de réduction de la traînée (DRS – Drag Reduction System) avait été intégré lors de la conception de la McLaren P1™ pour réduire l’appui aérodynamique et augmenter la vitesse en ligne droite, un résultat obtenu grâce à l’inclinaison de l’aileron arrière, plutôt que à l’aide d’un volet amovible.

Le recours aux modèles computationnels de dynamique des fluides (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics) ainsi que les nombreuses heures passées dans une soufflerie à se concentrer sur les performances aérodynamiques ont permis d’obtenir un appui de 600 kg à une vitesse bien inférieure à la vitesse maximale.

Extrêmement exclusive et très convoitée dès son lancement, la McLaren P1™ s’est bien vendue dans les mois qui ont suivi sa sortie et, au mois de novembre, les 375 exemplaires étaient déjà tous affectés. La construction de la première des 375 McLaren P1™ de série – avec finition de peinture Ice Silver – s’est achevée en septembre 2013. Et, à ce moment-là, elle s’était déjà fermement imposée comme une icône en termes de performance. La dernière voiture commandée par un client a été achevée en décembre 2015. Elle était peinte dans un étonnant orange nacré, une couleur obtenue moyennant un processus de teinte exclusif qui est, par la suite, devenu disponible sur d’autres modèles McLaren sous le nom de Volcano Orange.

Dix ans après sa première apparition au Salon de l’Automobile de Genève – et l’année où McLaren fête également les 60 ans de la création de l’entreprise par Bruce McLaren – la McLaren P1™ reste une voiture passionnante aux performances dynamiquement accomplies, sur route comme sur piste.

L’héritage de la P1TM va au-delà de son statut d’icône dans la lignée des voitures McLaren technologiquement avancées et axées sur le conducteur. En tant que précurseur de l’électrification comme moyen d’intensifier le plaisir de conduite, elle a changé la perception de la technologie, inspirant une voiture révolutionnaire comme l’Artura. Une supercar qui allie des performances et une dynamique palpitantes à la conduite électrique : une combinaison gagnante inaugurée par la McLaren P1TM.

McLaren P1™ – dix faits d’une hypercar emblématique qui font la différence.

  • La McLaren P1™ accélère de l’arrêt à 300 km/h en 16,5 secondes, soit 5,5 secondes de moins que la légendaire McLaren F1.
  • La McLaren P1™ peut rouler en mode électrique zéro émission en conduite urbaine sur de courtes distances.
  • En mode Race, la McLaren P1™ s’abaisse de 50 mm et les ressorts se raidissent de 300 %, ce qui permet à la voiture de prendre des virages à plus de 2 g.
  • L’aileron arrière réglable de la McLaren P1™ s’étend de la carrosserie jusqu’à 120 mm sur route et jusqu’à 300 mm sur piste.
  • Les disques carbone céramique recouverts de carbure de silicium amènent la McLaren P1™ de 100 km / h à l’arrêt au bout de 30,2 mètres.
  • L’échappement en Inconel de type Formule 1 suit le chemin le plus direct entre le moteur et l’arrière de la McLaren P1™ et ne pèse que 17 kg.
  • Le diamètre du volant de la McLaren P1™ est aussi précis, d’un point de vue technique, que les volants utilisés par les pilotes de course McLaren : les poignées des champions du monde de Formule 1 McLaren ont été modélisées par CAO pendant le développement et balayées afin de produire une réplique exacte.
  • Chaque McLaren P1™ a été construite sur mesure par une équipe de 82 techniciens au cours d’un processus d’assemblage en quatre étapes. La construction de chaque voiture, du début à la fin, a pris 17 jours.
  • Pendant son programme de développement, la McLaren P1™ a parcouru plus de 620 000 kilomètres d’essais, soit l’équivalent de plus de 15 fois le tour du monde.
  • Le nom vient de l’univers des Grands Prix, « P1 » signifiant la première place sur la grille, mais il y a aussi un héritage dans ce nom : la McLaren F1 était initialement connue sous le nom de Project 1, ou P1.
127938JEC Group
Bugatti Carbone Limited Edition: the first carbon fiber smartwatch Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:48:17 +0000 Read more]]> In the modern era of Bugatti, carbon fiber is a crucial material. Extremely lightweight, strong and dense, it is used both in the monocoque and in the body of every Bugatti. Without its innate strength, the record-breaking performance of models like the Chiron Super Sport 300+ would simply not be possible. The revolutionary material is applied here to the Carbone Limited Edition smartwatch, immediately creating a link with Bugatti’s range of hyper sports cars.

Finished with highlights of blue, a French racing color forever associated with the brand, the carbon fiber elements are milled precisely from a solid block.

Wiebke Ståhl, Managing Director at Bugatti International, points out: “At Bugatti the use of innovative technologies and materials is just as important as appearance, usability and reliability. The Carbone Limited Edition smartwatch incorporates it all, not just through its use of carbon fiber but also with regards to beauty, rarity and technology.”

Compared to the first model, the Bugatti Ceramique Edition One smartwatch, the battery capacity has been increased by 22% to 540 mAh, meanwhile the overall weight has reduced by 13% despite the larger battery, thanks to its new lightweight materials. In normal use, without the GPS services, the battery lasts up to 15 days. In always-on mode, a battery life of two to three days can be expected.

Only 2,500 pieces will ever be created, with the first 500 delivered in December 2023.

In both materials and design, the Carbone Limited Edition mimics the Bugatti line-up, and also in its innovative use of technologies. Much like the Bugatti Ceramique Edition One smartwatch range, it features a GPS sensor especially developed for this range of watches, housed among 1,000 intricately packaged components, which provides an entirely new level of accuracy. Wearers taking it to the racetrack can have their lap times and acceleration data recorded automatically by the watch.

A dual-sensor measures both heart rate and heart rate variability to report detailed health data to the wearer, which can be logged on more than 90 different sports. Cardiovascular recovery, training recommendations, biological age and stress level measurements are each generated and supported. More basic functions like step counting and sleep monitoring are also included.

The Carbone Limited Edition is the first to be constructed with a full carbon fiber housing.

The Bugatti Carbone Limited Edition is waterproof to 100 m or 10 ATM, and comes with a 390*390px AMOLED Sapphire glass touch screen with 16.7 million colors. Owners of the watch have the choice of wearing it with a gray silicone/nylon strap or a black silicone strap – both included in the box.

As a testament to the quality of every Bugatti smartwatch, a five-year warranty is provided – a new standard for smartwatches offered only by Bugatti. Only 2,500 pieces will ever be created, with the first 500 delivered in December 2023. Each watch costs 2,590 Euros.

128120JEC Group
Lamborghini introduces new monofuselage carbon fiber monocoque concept Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:19:53 +0000 Read more]]> For 60 years, Automobili Lamborghini has been synonymous with cutting-edge innovation. Just a few weeks ahead of launching the first hybrid plug-in V12 High Performance Electrified Vehicle (HPEV), the Sant’Agata Bolognese brand unveils a technical solution that is unique in today’s automotive landscape.

The LB744 is based on a new aeronautics-inspired chassis, the ‘monofuselage’. As well as a monocoque made entirely of multi-technology carbon fiber, it features a front structure in Forged Composites; a special material made of short carbon fibers soaked in resin. This technology was patented and used by Lamborghini in its first structural applications as far back as 2008.

Lamborghini LB744 – The Strength of Lightness.

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

The monofuselage represents a significant step forward from the Aventador in terms of torsional stiffness, lightweight qualities and driving dynamics. What’s more, the LB744 is the first super sports car to be fitted with a 100% carbon fiber front structure: carbon fiber is also used for the front cone structures to ensure a level of energy absorption that is significantly higher when compared to a traditional metal structure – double that of the Aventador Ultimae*’s aluminium front frame – combined with a substantial reduction in weight.

In fact, the LB744 monofuselage is 10% lighter than the Aventador chassis, and the front frame is 20% lighter than its aluminum predecessor. The torsional stiffness has also been improved with a value of 40,000 Nm/°, up +25% compared to the Aventador and guaranteeing best-in-class dynamic capabilities.

The design concept underlying the development of the new monofuselage is based on the maximum integration between components. This is optimized thanks to the introduction of extensive Forged Composites technology, as well as the development of the monolithic rocker ring. This use of carbon fiber makes the LB744 unique in the super sports car arena: the single- element ring-shaped component is made of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) and forms the supporting structure of the car. The rocker ring encloses and connects the Forged Composites elements such as the tub, the front firewall and A pillar.

The production of Forged Composites components also optimizes efficiency and increases sustainability during the manufacturing process by reducing the energy consumption of cooling equipment and quantity of waste materials.

The LB744 monofuselage is 10% lighter than the Aventador chassis, and the front frame is 20% lighter than its aluminum predecessor.

The more traditional, but no less efficient, technology of autoclave composite production with pre-impregnated material was retained for the roof construction. The autoclaved carbon fiber meets high technical, aesthetic and quality requirements, complemented by craftsmanship in the highly specialized hand lay-up process, which results from years of quality-driven in-house production of composite material components. It is a manufacturing decision that also gives the customer maximum versatility in roof customization.

The rear chassis is made of high-strength aluminum alloys and features two important hollow castings in the rear dome area: these integrate the rear suspension’s shock towers and powertrain suspension into a single component with closed inertia profile, guaranteeing a significant reduction in weight, an increase in rigidity and a substantial reduction in welding lines.

The LB744 represents a new “year zero” in relation to the use of carbon fiber in car production, summed up in the acronym AIM (Automation, Integration, Modularity). ‘Automation’ refers to the introduction of automated and digitalized processes into material transformation, while preserving traditional Lamborghini manufacturing, such as in the discipline of composites.

‘Integration’ relates to the integration of several functions into a single component through the development of compression molding. This process uses preheated polymers to enable the production of components with a wide range of lengths, thicknesses and complexity, ensuring optimum integration between components to guarantee high torsional stiffness. Finally, ‘Modularity’ refers to making the applied technologies modular and therefore more flexible and efficient to respond to all the product requirements and characteristics.

* Fuel consumption and emission values of Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae – Fuel consumption combined: 18.0 l/100 km; CO2-emissions combined: 442 g/km (WLTP)

128114JEC Group
Advanced prosthetics made accessible: How PSYONIC developed a bionic hand using additive manufacturing Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> One company trying to upend the market is PSYONIC, creator of the Ability Hand. Designed and manufactured in-house with hybrid manufacturing methods, including 3D printing, injection and silicone molding, and CNC machines, the Ability Hand is promising to restore their life, and mobility, back to what it was.

What was PSYONIC able to accomplish with Formlabs SLA 3D printers ?
• Create an FDA-registered, Medicare-covered, industry-defining upper-limb prosthesis from scratch.
• Collect customer feedback and rapidly prototype in-house to improve the Ability Hand’s design and functionality.
• Deploy a true hybrid manufacturing production method to deliver the Ability Hand at an affordable price.
• Help patients return to their normal lives, including Sergeant Garrett Anderson.
• Increase affordability and access from 10% to 75% of patients
• Utilize new durable and impact-resistant 3D printing materials to create long-lasting end-use parts

In this news, CEO Aadeel Akhtar, PhD and lead Mechanical Engineer James Austin to learn how they built the Ability Hand, why this market is so underserved, and how 3D printing was a vital part of their go-to-market strategy. We’ll also meet Sergeant Garrett Anderson, one of the first power-users of the Ability Hand.

Advanced Prosthetics: How PSYONIC Developed a Bionic Hand Using 3D Printing

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

The need for a better upper-limb solution
In 2005, while deployed in Iraq, Sergeant Garrett Anderson’s vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. Later diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries and a broken jaw, Anderson had to have his right arm removed below the elbow. Upon returning home, much of his life returned to normal, but he still faced challenges; he enrolled in Illinois State University, obtained an undergraduate and Master’s degree, and had two children.

The current market for artificial limbs is antiquated, with hooks sometimes still being used for basic functionality. Despite rapid advancements made in other prominent medical fields over the years, prosthetics remain stuck in the past.  

Anderson eventually came in contact with a young PhD student named Aadeel Akhtar. Like Anderson, Akhtar was not satisfied with the current state of prosthetics. “This is something that I’ve wanted to do my entire life, ever since I was seven years old. My parents are from Pakistan. I was visiting and that’s the first time I met someone with a limb difference. She was my age missing her right leg and using a tree branch as a crutch. And that’s what inspired me to want to go into this field and build the most advanced bionic devices, and make them accessible to everyone.”

CEO Aadeel Akhtar, PhD, holds the most recent version of the Ability Hand.

But getting an industry-defining new prosthesis product to market was no easy task. “Over the last seven years, we’ve gone through nine different prototypes of the Ability Hand, which is now available nationwide in the United States, FDA registered, and covered by Medicare,” Akhtar said.

What modern hybrid manufacturing looks like

Increasingly, both large and small firms have turned to in-house 3D printing to help prototype and bring new products to market. In spaces with high upfront R&D costs, such as medical device manufacturing, 3D printing has become a vital tool in the engineering team’s toolbox.

A truly next-generation prosthesis needs to be fast to respond to user inputs, tough and durable so as to not break during daily tasks, lightweight so as to not tire the user and cramp their arm, and deliver real, sensory feedback. No small feat!

What has changed in device manufacturing to allow a small company like PSYONIC to upend the market for traditional prostheses?
• 3D printing has been ubiquitous in prototyping and product development for decades. Now this maturing technology, specifically selective laser sintering (SLS) and stereolithography (SLA) printing, is entering widespread use in manufacturing.
• Improved technology for high-throughput and high-quality printing of final end-use parts, and a variety of improved materials, make 3D printing practical for creating new medical devices.
• In addition to fabricating end-use parts directly, 3D printing offers compelling advantages in “hybrid production,” as an intermediate process alongside conventional processes, for instance in fabricating molds, tools, patterns, fixtures, and jigs. This is known as rapid tooling and manufacturing aids.

Austin told us that “mixing and matching manufacturing methods is extremely important, I think, to startups in general, but especially to PSYONIC. There’s no way we could have competed with other prosthetics companies at our size if we had to abide by purely traditional manufacturing. Things like CNC machining, and injection molding, the initial costs, especially for trying to prototype things with multiple iterations, would’ve just been far too astronomical for us to do. But with the advent of 3D printing and various kinds of 3D printing, we’ve been able to prototype rapidly, change our iterations and produce things at low scale and low cost. 3D printing, especially the Formlabs 3D printers, has come in absolutely critical for that development process for a startup our size.”

Let’s take a look at some of the ways PSYONIC uses in-house 3D printing to build the Ability Hand.

In-house carbon fiber molds

In-house carbon fiber molding helped PSYONIC improve the design of the Ability Hand.

Carbon fiber is a powerful material to build with, as it increases the overall durability and rigidity of the Ability Hand while reducing weight. However, traditional molds are expensive, making it prohibited to iterate and create the right number of molds for small-batch production. But today, companies don’t have to choose between additive manufacturing and traditional CNC machines, they can simply do both.

Austin explained to us, “in the early iterations of the carbon fiber mold, SLA 3D printing was actually quite important. We didn’t have the resources to produce molds for the carbon fiber, for example, by machining. So what we did instead was we would produce molds using High Temp Resin. This was fragile, but heat resistant, which allowed us to press the carbon fiber sheets into the exact shape we wanted, put them in an oven for high temperature to cure them, and then adhere them to our hand.”

3D printed molds for manufacturing carbon fiber parts can reduce costs and lower lead times. Engineers can directly print the mold at low costs and within a few hours without having to hand carve it or deal with CNC equipment. With High Temp Resin and Rigid 10K Resin, growing medical device firms such as PSYONIC can achieve complicated mold shapes with fine details that would be difficult to manufacture with traditional methods.

Austin deployed High Temp Resin to create multiple molds, affordably testing his design as he went. He told us that, “if we didn’t like the shape, we just changed it in CAD, put it on the 3D printer again, had another High Temp Resin block come out and we were good to iterate. For long-term sustainability, we eventually switched over to machining molds, but for that early prototyping, short-term tests, the High Temp Resin on the Form 3 printers was really useful.” High Temp Resin has a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 238°C @ 0.45 MPa and is able to sustain the heat and pressure of an autoclave.

128042JEC Group
3D printed satellite, how CRP USA and Windform LX 3.0 composite helped PSAS’s OreSat0 CubeSat get to orbit Fri, 17 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “3D printed satellite” is a term increasingly used in texts describing aerospace experiences, especially when depicted space missions involving small satellites. In fact, more and more often we come across phrases like: “The small satellite or “nanosatellite” revolution is here”.

Kilogram-class satellites, like CubeSats, now have functionality that were only available in larger 100 to 1,000 kg class satellites. Recently, 3D printing has helped speed up this revolution, especially in universities. CubeSats have been launched by dozens of countries, universities and companies all around the world.

And the state of Oregon joined them recently thanks to the Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) that built OreSat0, their very own artisanally hand-crafted CubeSat system, currently in low Earth orbit. This achievement in the field of 3D printed satellite was possible thanks to their use of Windform LX 3.0 composite material and industrial 3D printing in their most critical subsystems. Windform LX 3.0 and 3D printing were supplied by CRP USA.

OreSat0 showing off the internal card cage and the stowed tri-band turnstile antenna. The turnstile antenna assembly on top, the star tracker camera in the middle, and the battery assembly at the bottom are all printed out of CRP’s Windform LX 3.0 composite material. Courtesy PSAS

The OreSat bus project
The Portland State Aerospace Society is an open source, interdisciplinary student aerospace project at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, with collaborators at most other Oregon universities. They make sophisticated amateur rockets, small liquid fuel rocket engines, and CubeSat nanosatellites.

They currently have three satellite missions in the works. All rely on the fully open source OreSat bus which they are offering as an inexpensive (for a satellite) “DIY” platform for designing and building 1U through 3U CubeSats, paving the way for a solution to the “COTS vs DIY” dilemma.

“OreSat is our fully open source, modular, and re-usable CubeSat system designed for educational teams”, said PSAS members. “OreSat uses a card cage system, which allows cards to be reused on different missions from 1U to 3U CubeSats. Cards include everything you would expect aboard a CubeSat: an on-board computer with multi-band radios, a battery pack, a star tracker, a GPS receiver, and the beginnings of an attitude determination and control system (ADCS). Solar modules are mounted on the outside of the Aluminum frame, along with deployable omnidirectional antennas.”

OreSat0 was deployed into low earth orbit on March 15th, 2021 and has been successfully operating since then. OreSat0.5 is being readied for flight in October 2023, and OreSat1 is scheduled for a deployment off of the international space station in early 2024.

-Z face of OreSat0, Oregon’s first satellite, at Spaceflight integration facilities in Kent, WA. Courtesy PSAS
Z face of OreSat0, Oregon’s first satellite, at Spaceflight integration facilities in Kent, WA. Courtesy PSAS

The project
The Portland State Aerospace Society is determined to develop better students through hands-on interdisciplinary systems engineering projects. Everything is designed, built, and tested by interdisciplinary student teams: mechanical engineers work on the structure, thermals, and CAD, Electrical engineers design the cards made of PCBs (standard two and four layers boards), and computer science students program the Linux boxes and microcontrollers that run the CubeSat.

PSAS members added, “There are very few open source satellites in the world, and ours is probably the most fully featured. We are currently collaborating with four other universities who are building satellites and ground stations based on our projects.”

Using industrial 3D Printing and Windform
Before employing Selective Laser Sintering and Windform LX 3.0 for manufacturing subsystems on  OreSat0, PSAS members used other technologies. We designed and manufactured the parts locally using extremely inexpensive FDM machines until we prototyped a design that worked. We then switched to SLS 3D printing, which worked extremely well. But we couldn’t find SLS parts that could stand the temperature extremes and that were vacuum rated to NASA and ESA outgassing standards.

We were absolutely thrilled to find CRP Technology’s Windform LX 3.0 composite material and CRP USA as technology supplier. With Windform LX 3.0, we could design the parts for 3D printing, run quick turns to prototype on local printers, and then print our final engineering and flight units out of Windform.

It absolutely changed the way we design all parts of our satellite thanks to its characteristics: Windform LX 3.0 can be used in space; it has extremely good material properties; it is extremely easy to work with; it is far superior to other 3D printing materials, including the other FDM, SLA, and SLS technologies that we’ve used.”

3D printed parts in Windform LX 3.0, OreSat0’s critical subsystems
The 3D printed parts that CRP USA manufactured for PSAS’s OreSat0 are three critical subsystems. The material chosen was Windform LX 3.0, a glass fiber reinforced material from the Windform TOP-LINE range of composite materials for Powder Bed Fusion 3D printing process (Selective Laser Sintering).

Deployer for the tri-band turnstile antenna
Windform LX 3.0 allowed the PSAS team to use 3D printing processes on their critical subsystems, including their extremely reliable deployer for their tri-band turnstile antenna. The antenna has three separate antennas (UHF at 436.5 MHz, L band at 1.265 GHz, and L1 at 1.575 GHz) each with 4 elements; all 12 of these elements are deployed using nylon monofilament lines and only a single melt resistor.

According to the team, “There was no way we would have been able to get the packing density of three bands with four elements each in anything other than a 3D printed, non-conductive process. We don’t know of any other satellite with this kind of antenna density.”

Star Tracker Lens and Sensor Assembly

Star tracker with Windform LX 3.0 used in the camera lens and sensor assembly (the lower left part of the card) used for final development and integration testing. Courtesy PSAS
Star tracker with Windform LX 3.0 used in the camera lens and sensor assembly (the lower left part of the card) used for final development and integration testing. Courtesy PSAS

Using CRP’s Windform LX 3.0, PSAS members were able to mount their star tracker sensor and lens  on a small daughterboard that kept the entire assembly to a single 10 mm tall card form factor.

Battery Pack

OreSat0’s 3D printed battery pack before being mounted to a card, printed in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS
OreSat0’s 3D printed battery pack before being mounted to a card, printed in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS

The battery pack needed to reliably hold 18650 cells through vibration testing while also providing thermal and electrical insulation from the rest of the satellite. Windform LX 3.0 allowed PSAS to make an extremely compact battery assembly that was still  extremely rugged.

Testing performed on Windform parts
Before integration into the launch vehicle, OreSat0 (with 3D printed parts in Windform LX 3.0) was subjected to the following testing: Three axis 14 g random vibration, -40 to +80 °C thermal cycling, and vacuum cycling. Windform performed flawlessly for all of these tests.

“A satellite in orbit is exposed to some of the most harsh conditions a system can endure: 14 g of random vibration during launch, the vacuum of space which causes most plastic materials to outgas, and an extreme temperature range from -40 °C (or colder!) to +100 °C (or hotter!).” add PSAS members.

Advantages in using Windform LX 3.0
The PSAS team recognized three crucial advantages by the use of Windform LX 3.0 and industrial 3D printing technology/ Selective Laser Sintering process:

  • The SLS process provides robust parts that can take environmental testing, including 14 g of random vibration in all three axes and thermal vacuum cycling from -40 to +80 C.
  • The Windform LX 3.0 provides us critical outgassing compliance that’s not available with any other SLS process
  • Windform LX 3.0 provides a non-conductive assembly that can be safely used next to electrical components, such as PCBs, batteries, and antennas

According to the students: “Working with nanosatellites means extremely limited volume for all systems, so the ability to evolve and maximize the use of our space has been very beneficial. We pack a lot into a small space, and we can plan to use nearly every cubic millimeter when we can use 3D printed parts.

Committing to the “final” design is always a tricky step – have we thought everything through?? Once we have the part in hand, it is much more difficult to make changes. Luckily, 3D printing is the fastest way to revise parts if something goes wrong.”

Future OreSat Uses For Windform LX 3.0
Windform LX 3.0 is being used to manufacture future OreSat subsystems, including:

Monopole Antenna Deployer

CAD design of the detail of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS
CAD design of the detail of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS

A modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile deployer that use two monopole elements (L band and UHF band) instead of a turnstile antenna. The deployer also provides structural support to the Cirrus Flux Camera lens, a short wave infrared camera mounted next to the deployer.

Helical Antenna Deployer

CAD design of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS
CAD design of the modified version of OreSat0’s turnstile antenna. The light gray parts are in Windform LX 3.0. Courtesy PSAS

After the satellite is in orbit, the burn wire allows the door to open and the spring deploys out and into place. Light blue structures are Windform LX 3.0.

“Windform LX 3.0 was a game changer for us and is far superior to other 3D printing materials, including the other FDM, SLA, and SLS technologies that we’ve used: it allowed us to use 3D printing to innovate, rapidly iterate, and minimize the volume and mass of our subsystems while being fully functional when in its final environment: space!” said the Portland State Aerospace Society satellite team.

127953JEC Group
Solid Sail remporte un JEC Composites Innovɑtion Awɑrd dɑns lɑ cɑtégorie Transport maritime et construction navale Wed, 15 Mar 2023 16:37:00 +0000 Read more]]> Le projet SolidSail consiste en l’industrialisation de la fabrication de très grands mâts afin de s’adapter au prix et au délai du marché de l’industrie maritime.

La fabrication du mât est basée sur des pièces en carbone préformées en autoclave. Ils ont coupé le mât en sections pouvant entrer dans le plus grand autoclave (24m x 6m) dont ils disposent, pour développer une méthode d’assemblage utilisant des manchons fabriqués par AFP pour assembler les sections de 24m de long, de manière rapide et efficace.

Principaux avantages:
٠ Un standard de qualité plus élevé grâce à un laminage automatique de haute précision
٠ Productivité accrue grâce à des process de fabrication plus rapides ou moins nombreux
٠ Réduction des coûts de production grâce à la réduction des process
٠ Réduction des déchets et des risques de fabrication
٠ Une plus grande régularité dans la fabrication en série des pièces

Découvrez tous les gagnants dans notre communiqué: JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2023: les onze gagnants révélés

127758JEC Group
Setting sail in outer space Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> As a result of many technological factors, space exploration has accelerated by leaps and bounds over the last few years. Component miniaturisation has been key to drastically reducing dimensions and weight, leading to the development of satellites like CubeSats. With the view to continual improvement of these devices, NASA is offering a new approach to in-space mobility that harnesses solar radiation. By developing a solar sail system, the American space agency is revolutionising the concept of propulsion. It’s a disruptive innovation that comes with a number of advantages.

A solar sail to generate thrust
When launching spacecraft, the total weight of the object loaded into the launch vehicle is a deciding financial factor. The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) programme has been coordinated by NASA’s Langley Research Center and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft – und Raumfahrt, its German counterpart, since August 2018. It has effectively resolved this issue by eliminating the need to carry fuel or include an electric propulsion system to propel a vessel or device through outer space. The system, which reached the final stage of its development in May 2022, aims to validate a nanosatellite (such as CubeSat) propulsion concept, which relies on a simple concept.

Deployable Composite Boom Technology Advances In Space Construction

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It uses an outer solar sail that is deployed and supported using a boom made from composites. Once the Cube-Sat is in orbit, the four composite booms onboard unspool from the spacecraft, forming an X. This x-shaped frame serves to support the four sail segments that deploy next. As the booms are seven metres in length, the sail measures nine metres on each side, for a total area of 81 square meters. The sail’s reflective membrane material is crucial to harnessing solar radiation and developing enough thrust to move the satellite. The sail’s considerable size is an absolute must, since solar radiation pressure is relatively small. This means that a large surface area is required in order to efficiently generate thrust.

Booms that are as light as a feather
The ACS3 booms are made out of a polymer material reinforced with carbon fibre that has resulted from the advances made on thin ply composites in the past ten years. Engineers working for DLR were able to produce booms out of an ultra-thin composite material reinforced by multi-directional fibres. This makes it possible to create a flexible structure that can be folded or wound onto a spool. The spools are placed at all four corners of the CubeSat, and activate to deploy the booms – each of which weighs a mere 900 g, or just shy of two pounds.

Booms in rolled up and extended positions ©DLR

Compared to Project Apollo, where all parts were made out of metal, these new booms represent a weight savings of around 75% overall. What’s more, they are 100 times more resistant to thermal distortion in outer space. In addition, they take up less room onboard because they can be rolled for compact stowage. The sail itself weighs a mere 0.5 g for an overall surface area of 81 square meters. As a point of comparison, a peanut kernel weighs about 1 g! The ACS3 programme therefore provides unprecedented means for optimising weight and dimensions.

Soft mobility that’s virtually infinite
Admittedly, this means of propulsion can only travel but so fast. On the other hand, unlike traditional methods for propulsion that rely on accelerations, the advantage of this method is that it can operate continuously. Since the system uses solar energy, its purpose is not to compete with current thrusters in terms of performance and speed, but rather on range. As long as the sail is exposed to solar emissions, it supplies a controllable level of thrust that allows the CubeSat to navigate through outer space just like a ship does at sea, but instead of using wind, it relies on the sun’s rays. In contrast to the wind, solar power in our system is therefore a reliable source of energy for easily another billion years, because it will not run out as long as the sun exists.

The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) 12-unit CubeSat spacecraft bus undergoing assembly and testing. The complete ACS3 spacecraft measures approximately 9x9x13 inches (23x23x34 cm), or about the size of a small microwave oven.
Credits: AST&Defense LLC

The limits to the efficacy of this solution, however, reside mainly in the sail’s durability. It may be exposed to impacts from solid materials floating around in space, which could compromise its ability to produce thrust if a hole were to be develop as a result.

A forthcoming maiden voyage and future applications
The launch of the first 12U model CubeSat (23x23x34 cm) fitted with an ACS3 solar sail propulsion system is scheduled for the beginning of 2023. This maiden voyage will allow boom and sail deployment to be validated in low Earth orbit. The efficacy of sail design and shape will also be analysed, with a view to developing…

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127828JEC Group
McLaren P1: Celebrating 10 years of the pioneering hybrid hypercar Tue, 14 Mar 2023 13:11:13 +0000 Read more]]> Created with the intention of being ‘the best driver’s car in the world on both road and track’, the design and technical specifications of the McLaren P1™ provided the ideal foundation to deliver on this ambition. A series of testing and development achievements during 2013 – including lapping the famous Nürburgring Nordschleife – immediately cemented the car’s credentials.

A 3.8-litre, twin-turbocharged M838TQ V8 engine developing 737PS (727 bhp) combined with a lightweight electric motor producing 179PS (176 bhp) to give a total of 916PS (903bhp). This delivered levels of performance that were – and indeed remain – astonishing: acceleration from 0-100km/h (62mph) in 2.8 seconds; 0-200km/h (124mph) in 6.8 seconds and 0-300km/h (186mph) in 16.5 seconds – a full five seconds quicker than the legendary McLaren F1. A maximum speed of 350km/h (217mph) added to the appeal and reputation of the McLaren P1™, but it was the instant throttle response and torque infill that conclusively proved that electrification could truly enhance modern turbocharged powertrains.

McLaren P1™

Alongside a benchmark hybridised, petrol-electric powertrain, the Ultimate hypercar was underpinned by two of McLaren’s trademark strengths – low vehicle weight and aerodynamic excellence.

The MonoCage carbon fibre monocoque with roof at the core of the McLaren P1™ was a development of the MonoCell structure used in McLaren’s 12C supercar and key to optimising mass in a vehicle with a dry lightest weight of just 1,395kg (3,075lbs). DIN weight was 1,490kg (3,285lbs).

The relentless pursuit of light weight remains a priority for McLaren and in 2023 the new Artura –also a high-performance hybrid, but a generously equipped series-production supercar rather than an extreme, limited-edition hypercar – has a DIN weight of 1,498kg (3,303lbs).

The carbon fibre body panels of the McLaren P1™ comprise a large clamshell; single-moulded front and rear panels attached to the central MonoCage; two small access flaps in the rear; a front bonnet and the two doors. Weighing a total of only 90kg, the panels are extraordinarily thin but also very strong. The hybrid battery, which is mounted low inside the carbon fibre MonoCage, weighs just 96kg. Again, this philosophy of minimising weight is evident in the present day, with similar attention strategies applied in the Artura.

The McLaren P1™ had no floor carpet – it was deemed unnecessarily heavy – and no sound deadening. The glass was re-engineered to reduce weight – the super lightweight roof glass is chemically toughened, and only 2.4mm thick. The windscreen is just 3.2mm thick, including a plastic interlayer, saving at the time 3.5kg over the 4.2mm-thick screen of the 12C.

The large rear wing of the McLaren P1™ optimises aerodynamics by adjusting automatically. It can extend rearwards by up to 300mm on track and 120mm on road. This was developed using the same software and methodology as the McLaren Formula 1 team. A DRS (Drag Reduction System) was integrated into the design of the McLaren P1™ to reduce downforce and increase straight-line speed, achieved through the pitch of the rear wing, rather than by using a removable flap.

A combination of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) aerodynamic modelling and many hours spent in a wind tunnel focusing on aerodynamic performance, resulted in downforce of 600kg at well below maximum speed.

Extremely exclusive and highly desirable from the moment it was revealed, the McLaren P1™ sold out within mere months of reveal and by November all 375 cars were allocated. Build of the first of the 375 McLaren P1™ production models – finished in Ice Silver paintwork – finished in September 2013 – by which time it had become firmly established as a performance icon. The final customer-ordered car was completed in December 2015; it was painted in a stunning pearlescent orange, a colour achieved through a unique tinting process that became available in other McLaren models as Volcano Orange.

Ten years after its Geneva Motor Show appearance – and in the year that McLaren also celebrates the 60-year anniversary of Bruce McLaren founding the company – the McLaren P1™ remains an incredibly exciting and dynamically accomplished performer on both road and track.

The enduring legacy of the P1TM extends beyond its iconic status in McLaren’s lineage of technologically advanced, driver-focused cars. As a precursor of electrification as an enhancement to driving engagement it changed perceptions of the technology, inspiring the ground-breaking Artura; a supercar that blends thrilling performance and driving dynamics with EV driving capability – a winning combination pioneered by the McLaren P1TM.

McLaren P1™ – ten facts that distinguish an iconic hypercar

  • The McLaren P1™ accelerates from standstill to 300km/h (186mph) in 16.5 seconds – a full 5.5 seconds quicker than the legendary McLaren F1
  • The McLaren P1™ can run in full electric zero-emissions mode for short-distance town driving
  • In Race mode, the McLaren P1™ lowers by 50mm and the spring rates stiffen by 300 per cent, allowing the car to corner at more than 2g
  • The adjustable rear wing of the McLaren P1™ extends from the bodywork by up to 120mm on the road and up to 300mm on a track
  • Carbon ceramic discs coated in silicon carbide bring the McLaren P1™ to standstill from 100km/h (62mph) in just 30.2 metres
  • The Formula 1-style Inconel exhaust follows the most direct route from the engine to the back of the McLaren P1™ and weighs just 17kg
  • The steering wheel diameter of a McLaren P1™ is as technically precise as a wheel used by McLaren racing drivers: the hand grips of McLaren Formula 1 World Champions were modelled on a CAD system during development and scanned to produce an exact replica
  • Each McLaren P1™ was custom-built by a team of 82 technicians in a four-stage assembly process. From start to finish, the build of each car took 17 days
  • During its development programme, the McLaren P1™ covered in excess of 620,000 kilometres (385,250 miles) of testing, equivalent to more than 15 times around the world.
  • The name comes from Grand Prix racing, ‘P1’ signalling first place on the grid, but there is also heritage in the name: the McLaren F1 was initially known as Project 1, or P1.
127933JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2023: les onze gagnants révélés Thu, 09 Mar 2023 09:37:04 +0000 Read more]]> La cérémonie, qui s’est déroulée le 2 mars à Paris, a été marquée par la présence des membres du jury, des finalistes et des gagnants, mais aussi et surtout — du fait d’une diffusion en livestream — par le rassemblement d’un public très nombreux, dans le monde entier, pour suivre les résultats tant attendus.

C’est la deuxième fois de l’Histoire que la cérémonie de remise des Innovation Awards a lieu avant JEC World, suscitant dans son sillage un grand élan d’enthousiasme et d’empressement : pas de doute, la communauté des composites a hâte de se réunir, pour trouver de nouvelles sources d’inspiration et nouer des contacts professionnels prometteurs.

Ne manquez pas l’opportunité de rencontrer les lauréats et d’en savoir plus sur leurs projets et leurs attentes pour le futur, en participant à JEC World 2023 du 25 au 27 avril et en vous joignant à la session d’ouverture le 25 avril à 9h30 à l’Agora 5.

JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023
Retrouvez les projets des finalistes et des gagnants dans l’espace dédié – H6M93

JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Découvrez ci-dessous les gagnants dans chaque catégorie:

Catégorie Aérospatiale – Pièces détachées

Structure de siège hybride

Société : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partenaire(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : La structure de siège d’avion hybride a été conçue et testée selon des critères de durabilité, à partir de matériaux composites légers et faciles à recycler, et produite à l’aide de procédés automatisés efficaces.
Les sièges d’avions commerciaux sont constitués de différents matériaux et pièces individuelles, principalement un mélange de polymères et de métaux, ce qui rend leur recyclage très complexe. Les sièges doivent également être légers afin d’améliorer l’efficacité globale de l’avion. Pour atteindre ces deux objectifs (légèreté et facilité de recyclage), une série de sièges d’avion a été développée sur la base des critères de durabilité suivants :
– Facilité de recyclage grâce un seul type de polymère utilisé pour toutes les pièces en polymère pour lesquelles un processus de recyclage existe
– Réduction du poids et du nombre de composants du siège grâce à une conception légère avec fonctionnalités intégrées
– Production efficace des composants en plastique grâce à des procédés adaptés à la production en série
– Suppression des apprêts d’accrochage toxiques pour l’adhésion entre inserts métalliques et polymères.
Principaux avantages:
٠ PRFC léger à base de PU durable pour réduire les émissions de CO2 et les déchets
٠ Réduction radicale du nombre de pièces du siège pour une maintenance réduite
٠ Technologies de production automatisée à haut volume (SMC/WCM) pour réduire les coûts
٠ Réduction du coût économique des sièges d’avion en fibre de carbone
٠ Design attrayant en fibre de carbone
Plus d’information :

Catégorie Aérospatiale – Procédés

Fabrication d’un Krueger flap en composite thermoplastique

Société : CETIM (France)
Partenaire(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Fabrication d’un Krueger flap innovant in-situ grâce au procédé automatisé thermoplastique SPIDE TP. La nouvelle conception d’un Krueger flap, produit dans le cadre de ce projet* multi-partenaires et fabriqué à l’aide d’un procédé de consolidation thermoplastique in-situ, présente une forme large et complexe. Il surpasse les solutions existantes en termes de performances structurelles et industrielles, avec une cadence de production plus élevée, une meilleure stabilité du process et une qualité produit améliorée (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Consolidation in-situ avec un process entièrement automatisé (enroulement filamentaire laser – SPIDE TP)
٠ Recyclabilité (composite thermoplastique)
٠ Répétabilité et fiabilité du process
٠ Réduction des coûts de production
٠ Réduction de la masse des grandes pièces
Plus d’information :

Catégorie Automobile et transport routier – Design de pièces

Premier arceau de sécurité en carbone au monde pour les voitures de série

Société : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partenaire(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Arceaux de sécurité en carbone extrêmement léger, destiné à être installé sur une voiture de série homologuée pour une utilisation sur route, grâce à une géométrie unique.
La conception métallique initiale résiste à des élongations extrêmes. Par conséquent, l’utilisation de fibres de carbone a représenté un défi majeur pour cette application en raison de son faible allongement de rupture. L’innovation technique du projet consiste en un nouveau process d’optimisation structurelle en trois étapes qui permet d’obtenir une conception spécifique adaptée aux PRFC prenant en compte l’espace de conception extrêmement limité ainsi que les multiples cas de charge et de choc listés par la FIA (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Forte réduction de poids par rapport à l’acier et même au titane
٠ Topologie optimisée, conception bionique unique
٠ Approche innovante en matière de calcul – lien automatisé entre la CAO et les éléments finis.
٠ Procédé de fabrication innovant – pièce creuse structurelle en production de série
٠ Répond aux standards sur les charges de la FIA
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Catégorie Automobile et transport routier – Procédés

Plaque de protection de la batterie des BEV de conception composite

Société : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partenaire(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Le plus grand, le plus innovant et le plus durable des protecteurs anti-encastrement pour véhicules électriques avec batterie, en structure sandwich thermoplastique de conception légère avec fabrication one-shot extrêmement efficace pour la nouvelle Audi Q8 e-tron.
Cette pièce composite innovante se caractérise par sa conception en structure sandwich légère, mais extrêmement robuste sur le plan mécanique, ainsi que par ses grandes dimensions d’environ 2100 mm x 1400 mm, et un poids total d’environ 23 kg, dont environ 13 kg de bandes de carbone UD. En raison de la grande taille de la pièce, la production avec moulage par injection n’était pas envisageable techniquement… il a donc fallu développer un nouveau process de fabrication one-shot.
Sa conception globale offre un excellent compromis en termes de potentiel de légèreté, d’adaptation à une production rentable en grande série, de robustesse mécanique et de durabilité (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Potentiel de légèreté élevé pour les protections anti-encastrement des BEV, en remplacement de la conception en aluminium
٠ Réduction significative de l’empreinte CO2 par rapport au modèle en aluminium
٠ Nouveau procédé de pressage pour la production en grand volume de pièces sandwiches complexes
٠ Conception adaptée au recyclage
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Catégorie Infrastructure et génie civil

Un toit en matériau composite pour le stade du Real Madrid

Société : Nanotures (Spain)
Partenaire(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Trois éléments sont assemblés mécaniquement pour obtenir des poutres d’une portée de 75 m. Le process de fabrication consiste en une infusion VAP avec double membrane, qui permet d’éviter deux incovénients : le fait de pratiquer des trous dans le noyau et l’excès de polymère.
La linéarité des fibres et les jointures centrales — paramètres essentiels — ont été contrôlées en production afin d’obtenir des éléments présentant une résistance élevée à la compression. Stratégiquement, différents renforts ont été utilisés dans la conception pour répondre au cas de charge et aider à l’assemblage avec les éléments métalliques. Enfin, les poutres composites légères permettent de simplifier les opérations d’assemblage sur site ainsi que la simplification et la réduction du poids et de l’énergie des moteurs de déplacement et d’élévation.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Réduction du poids et simplification de l’installation sur site
٠ Excellentes propriétés mécaniques
٠ Avantages environnementaux et énergétiques
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Catégorie Circularité et recyclage

Filé en fibre de carbone 100% recyclé et produits appliqués

Société : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partenaire(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : Filé en CF 100% recyclé compatible avec le procédé de pultrusion. Mise en place d’un système global de circulation de la fibre de carbone, du recyclage à l’application du produit.
Les qualité PRFC du filé en rCF atteignent environ 70 % de résistance à la traction et 90 % de module d’élasticité par rapport au PRFC vierge. Il n’y a aucune limitation au processus et à la matrice, et nous sommes le premier fabricant au monde à utiliser avec succès le rCF dans le moulage par pultrusion avec résine époxy. En raison du développement du marché de l’énergie éolienne, nous prévoyons des applications futures du filé en fibre de carbone recyclée pour répondre à la demande de production neutre en carbone, pour les pales des éoliennes. Nous avons également mis en place un système global de recyclage des CF, de la récupération à la reproduction (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ CF recyclable applicable au moulage par pultrusion avec matrice époxy
٠ PRFC recyclé hautement compatible avec les performances du PRFC vierge
٠ Un système complet de recyclage des CF de grande valeur
٠ Haute compatibilité avec le process et la matrice de résine existants
٠ Faible impact sur l’environnement
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Catégorie Numérique, données et IA

Système d’inspection de fabrication AFP en cours de production

Société : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : Système d’inspection de fabrication AFP en cours de production (IAMIS) pour une tête de placement automatisé des fibres (AFP) permettant de détecter les défauts de fabrication avec module intuitif de visualisation en réalité augmentée.
IAMIS détecte les défauts de fabrication qui sont en dehors de la base de certification (ou inacceptables) en utilisant des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique (ML), permettant ainsi de réduire les processes d’inspection manuelle, longs et dépendants de l’opérateur, qui nécessitent d’interrompre considérablement le process de fabrication.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Augmenter l’utilisation des systèmes de fabrication automatisés (efficacité opérationnelle)
٠ Éliminer les inspections manuelles à forte intensité de main-d’oeuvre et améliorer la qualité
٠ Éliminer les erreurs humaines liées au niveau d’expérience des opérateurs
٠ Visualisation en réalité augmentée pour la réparation et l’assurance qualité
٠ Créer un enregistrement numérique des défauts pour faciliter la certification et la maintenance
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Catégorie Equipements, machines et industries lourdes

Tour en fibre de carbone Isotruss®

Société : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partenaire(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : Les tours IsoTruss® en fibre de carbone sont jusqu’à douze fois plus résistantes que l’acier pour un poids donné ou ne pèsent qu’un douzième pour une charge donnée, selon leur conception, le site et les spécifications.
L’IsoTruss a été inventée à l’origine pour des applications aérospatiales et convient parfaitement aux structures porteuses de charges dans tous les cas où la légèreté et la rigidité s’avèrent essentielles. Dans l’ensemble, l’IsoTruss® combine des matériaux composites polymères renforcés de fibres continues très performantes (telles que le carbone, le verre, l’aramide, etc.) avec une géométrie très efficace afin que ces éléments supporte la charge sans aucune difficulté, ce qui permet d’obtenir un poids extrêmement léger et des performances de très haut niveau.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Avantages du matériau : haute résistance/ haute rigidité/ haute durabilité/
٠ Isotrope transverse/transparent aux fréquences radio/résistant à la corrosion
٠ Avantages structurels : Résiste au déformage de la coque/poids plus léger/faible traînée/
٠ Tolérance aux défaillances/esthétique/écologique/résistant à la corrosion
٠ Moins de CF à fabriquer/sa légèreté diminue les coûts d’expédition et d’installation et réduit les émissions de CO2 de 70%
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Catégorie Transport maritime et construction navale

Mât Solid Sail

Société : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partenaire(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialisation de la fabrication de très grands mâts afin de s’adapter au prix et au délai du marché de l’industrie maritime.
La fabrication du mât SOLID SAIL MAST est basée sur des pièces en carbone préformées en autoclave. Nous avons coupé le mât en sections pouvant entrer dans le plus grand autoclave (24m x 6m) dont nous disposions, pour développer une méthode d’assemblage utilisant des manchons fabriqués par AFP pour assembler les sections de 24m de long, de manière rapide et efficace.
Principaux avantages:
٠ Un standard de qualité plus élevé grâce à un laminage automatique de haute précision
٠ Productivité accrue grâce à des process de fabrication plus rapides ou moins nombreux
٠ Réduction des coûts de production grâce à la réduction des process
٠ Réduction des déchets et des risques de fabrication
٠ Une plus grande régularité dans la fabrication en série des pièces
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Catégorie Energies renouvelables

De nouveaux adhésifs acryliques pour un monde meilleur

Société : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partenaire(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : Nouvelle technologie d’adhésifs acryliques structuraux ininflammables, à faible odeur et sans apprêt, présentant un profil de santé et de sécurité favorable et offrant des performances de collage exceptionnelles sur de multiples substrats.
L’innovation consiste en une nouvelle technologie d’adhésifs acryliques qui durcit rapidement, crée des liens à haute résistance et à haute élongation, une résistance exceptionnelle aux contraintes et aux impacts, et qui offre une solution efficace à de multiples défis liés à la durabilité, sans sacrifier la performance, contrairement à de nombreux adhésifs structurels (classification ininflammable, profil favorable à la santé et à la sécurité, faible odeur et préparation de surface limitée) (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Sécurité, bien-être et productivité
٠ Réduction des émissions de CO2 (transport)
٠ Economies financières (stockage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrats et collage de composites
٠ Modèles de matériaux disponibles pour la simulation
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Catégorie Sports et loisirs

Vélo en composite thermodurci recyclable CFRP

Société : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partenaire(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Le vélo en PRFC thermodurci a été fabriqué à partir du pré-imprégné recyclable EzCiclo. Les pièces composites peuvent être recyclées par le liquide CleaVER pour récupérer la résine et les fibres, ce qui permet un recyclage en boucle fermée des composites thermodurcissables.
Swancor présente la résine thermodurcissable recyclable “EzCiclo” et le liquide de dégradation “CleaVER”. EzCiclo est une résine époxy recyclable. Des préimprégnés thermofusibles en EzCiclo RB-564 avec différents poids moyens des fibres (FAW) sont utilisés pour produire des pièces composites de bicyclette, notamment le cadre, le guidon, la fourche avant et les jantes. Les pièces composites en fin de vie fabriquées à partir d’EzCiclo peuvent être dégradées par le liquide CleaVER à 130°C-150°C pendant 4 heures, permettant la séparation complète de la matrice et des fibres. La matrice réticulée est dissoute dans CleaVER et peut être réutilisée. La fibre récupérée présente des propriétés comparables à celles de la fibre vierge (…).
Principaux avantages:
٠ Pièces de bicyclette en composite thermodurcissable 100% recyclable aux propriétés prometteuses
٠ Un système de résine innovant permet le recyclage en boucle fermée du composite thermodurcissable
٠ Facilité d’adoption avec les installations et process de fabrication existants
٠ Recyclage à faible émission de carbone et absence de déchets
٠ Valeur plus élevée de la résine et de la fibre recyclées
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127752JEC Group
Hi-DEN: High Density Energy Network Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:00:36 +0000 Read more]]> Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) are a key tool in the decarbonisation of both land and air transport vehicles and require high pressure Hydrogen storage systems. Carbon ThreeSixty’s Hi-DEN (high density energy network) system, based on volumetrically efficient arrays of “micro” hydrogen vessels enables huge increases in storage capacity, efficiency and vehicle range. The Hi-DEN system greatly improves volumetric efficiency, filling wasted space around conventional cylindrical pressure vessels. Storage volume increases by up to 50% for irregularly shaped spaces, such as those typically used for vehicle petrol or diesel tanks.

The system also offers improved gravimetric efficiency (kg H2 / kg structure), hence additional capacity and vehicle range do not come with a corresponding weight penalty. For volume manufacture the cost of hydrogen storage vessels is dominated by carbon fibre cost and “balance of plant”  components. Improved material usage efficiency therefore enables cost savings in material as well as space utilisation.

Carbon ThreeSixty leads the project and completes the design and development of the vessel, Antich & Sons are responsible for developing 3D woven preforms which enable the design concept and Viritech will develop the tank and fill control system as well as integrating / demonstrating the system in Viritech’s FCEV powertrains and providing a route to market.

The Hi-DEN project will build and test a fully functional prototype Hydrogen storage vessel to demonstrate these benefits for Viritech’s range of FCEV vehicles. 

Andy Smith, R&D Director at Carbon ThreeSixty said “We’re excited to be leveraging our composite expertise to bring innovation to the gaseous Hydrogen storage space and to be able to improve the capability, range and ultimately commercial viability of FCEV vehicles”

The project collaborative research and development activities have been supported through grant funding provided by Innovate UK, delivered by the Niche Vehicle Network (NVN). NVN is a free to join networking and support organisation focused on enabling UK low volume vehicle manufacturers and design and engineering companies to research and develop innovative zero emission vehicle technologies

127701JEC Group
IsoTruss® carbon fiber tower named winner of JEC Composites Innovation Awards Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:29:30 +0000 Read more]]> Nathan D. Rich, Founder and CEO, IsoTruss, Inc., said, “We are honored to receive the 2023 Innovation Award from JEC Composites for our IsoTruss® carbon fiber tower. I’m grateful to our entire team for its hard work and dedication as we pioneer a new chapter in sustainability. We value and appreciate the validation IsoTruss has received not only from JEC, but from our customers, clients, partners, and investors around the world as we implement our mission to build for tomorrow with sustainable, durable solutions in infrastructure and construction.”

IsoTruss® carbon fiber towers reduce material usage by twelve times on a weight basis, resulting in 70% reduction in carbon emissions over the life of the tower. IsoTruss® tower solutions are well-suited to high wind, snow and ice environments in mountain settings and hurricane/typhoon-prone regions. This is mostly due to the corrosion-resistance of the composite material and the superior wind resistance of the IsoTruss® lattice geometry, which extends product lifetimes by five times over steel solutions.

IsoTruss Engineering and R&D – Build for Tomorrow

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Each year, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. These composites champions are awarded based on multiple criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, complexity or commercial potential of the project.

The original IsoTruss® grid design, based on isosceles triangles, was invented by IsoTruss, Inc. Chief Technical Adviser and Brigham Young University Professor Emeritus David W. Jensen, Ph.D. in conjunction with NASA.

He said, “It is indeed an incredible honor for IsoTruss to receive this prestigious international recognition from JEC. The advanced composite lattice structure that we know today as IsoTruss® is the culmination of the tireless, creative effort by an evolving team of dedicated students, engineers, business leaders, employees, investors, government agencies, co-inventors, and more.

“The real joy for me personally has been in the nearly three-decade-long journey–serving in the various roles of engineer, mentor, consultant, and adviser, while rubbing shoulders with so many brilliant and hard-working individuals who have put their hearts and souls into overcoming the continuous barrage of technical, financial, and business challenges along the way to achieve the design and implementation of a variety of useful products that benefit from the unique structural characteristics of the IsoTruss.”

Each IsoTruss® carbon fiber tower is designed and manufactured to meet the firm’s own rigorous design and production standards, various local, state and federal regulations, and Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA®) and AASHTO standards.

With a global portfolio of more than thirty patented and patent-pending structural and composite material designs that protect not only the configurations but also the manufacturing processes, IsoTruss, Inc., is committed to building the sustainable infrastructure of the future through innovative solutions in engineering, design, manufacturing and construction.

JEC Group is the world’s leading company dedicated entirely to the development of information and business connections channels and platforms supporting the growth and promotion of the composite materials industry.

Additional 2023 JEC Composites Innovation Award Winners include:
Automotive & Road Transportation – Process: AUDI AG (Germany): BEV battery protection plate in composite design; Building & Civil Engineering: Nanotures (Spain): A Composite Roof for The Stadium of Real Madrid; Circularity & Recycling: TOYOTA INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (Japan): 100% Recycled Cf Spun Yarn and Applied Products; Digital, AI & Data: NIAR WSU (United States): In-Process Afp Manufacturing Inspection System; Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding: CHANTIERS DE L’ATLANTIQUE (France): Solid Sail Mast; Renewable Energies: HUNTSMAN Advanced Materials (Switzerland): New Acrylic Adhesives for A Better World, and in Sports, Leisure & Recreation: SWANCOR HOLDING CO., LTD (Taiwan): Recyclable Thermoset Cfrp Composite Bike.

JEC World 2023, the world’s leading international composites trade show taking place April 25-27 in Paris, France, will display the IsoTruss Carbon Fiber Tower in its prestigious Innovation Planets exhibition.

IsoTruss executives will attend the trade show in conjunction with the Utah Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Initiative (UAMMI), and the Utah World Trade Center located in the U.S. Pavilion.

IsoTruss, Inc. is an active member of the Institute of Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IAMCI), a Manufacturing USA institute established by the U.S. Department of Energy. IACMI’s mission is to accelerate advanced composite design, manufacturing, technical innovation and workforce solutions to enable a cleaner and more sustainable, more secure, and more competitive U.S. economy.

127663JEC Group
Reinforcing rubber with graphene nanotubes: new technology increases durability and conductivity of NBR Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:10:00 +0000 Read more]]> With its high oil and fuel resistance plus stability at high temperatures, nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) is commonly used in the automotive, aerospace, and oil and gas industries to make fuel hoses, O-rings, and industrial rollers, as well as cable jacketing and other molded parts. These applications are always in need of more high-performance materials that can meet both the demand for improved resistance in extreme conditions and sustainability goals.

Graphene nanotubes from Luxembourg-based OCSiAl have proven to be an innovative reinforcing and conductive material for a wide range of polymers. Their performance is based on creating an additional 3D network embedded into the material matrix. Even ultralow loadings have the effect of toughening the polymer, improving fatigue properties, reducing aging losses, and adding electrical conductivity. The latest solutions have expanded the company’s portfolio of products for high-performance rubbers, offering excellent improvements to NBR composites.

The addition of 0.3% graphene nanotubes through an industry-friendly concentrate to carbon black-based NBR compounds gives an increase in modulus (M50–200) of up to 53% and tear strength of up to 42% without significant influence on elasticity, rubber processing, or other mechanical properties. Combining these significant mechanical improvements with a volume resistivity level below 50 Ω∙cm results in higher durability for rubber parts used in e-mobility and makes them an ideal choice for withstanding harsh conditions in the oil and gas and aerospace sectors.

The addition of 0.3% graphene nanotubes through an industry-friendly concentrate to carbon black-based NBR compounds gives an increase in modulus (M50–200) of up to 53% and tear strength of up to 42% without significant influence on elasticity, rubber processing, or other mechanical properties.

Another promising development is introducing graphene nanotubes into silica-based NBR formulations, which makes it possible to reach an anti-static performance of 10^7 Ω∙cm in compliance with electrostatic discharge (ESD) standards, improve tear strength by up to 35%, improve the modulus (M50–M300) by up to 50%, produce colored final parts, and eliminate the risk of carbon release to the material’s surface. In contrast, all previous solutions for imparting electrical conductivity caused dramatic degradation of mechanical properties, affected coloration, and raised compounding issues due to the high loadings of conductive fillers required. The new combination of properties unlocked by nanotubes has expanded the range of conductive NBR applications. Advanced rubbers are used for automated systems elements in factories equipped with sensors where color and electroconductivity are required for identification of parts by robots.

Graphene nanotube concentrates contain industry-friendly components that make it possible to get the proper dispersion without disturbing the rubber formulation. The paste form guarantees a non-dusty process that does not require separate production units or specific equipment but can be introduced during the normal compounding process. Currently, further testing of the use of graphene nanotube-enhanced NBR parts in harsh environments for various applications is underway.

NBR has supplemented a range of high-performance rubbers such as EPDM, NR, BR, and FKM where graphene nanotubes show significant improvements in mechanical and electrical properties at low concentrations. High durability and long-term conductivity enable the industry to produce more efficient goods, save costs in transportation and replacement of defective parts, and as a result to reduce the consumption of raw materials.

127480JEC Group
The JEC Composites Innovation Awards winners revealed Fri, 03 Mar 2023 08:36:36 +0000 Read more]]> The ceremony took place on March 2nd in Paris, highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

It is the second time the Innovation Awards ceremony is held prior to JEC World, raising great enthusiasm and showing the composites community’s eagerness to get together, get inspired and build strong business connections.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet with the winners and learn more about their projects and expectations for the future at JEC World 2023 from April 25th to 27th and join them for the Opening session on April 25th at 9:30 in Agora 5.

JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023
Discover all the finalists and winners on the Innovation Area, M93

JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Discover here the winners in each category.

Category Aerospace – Parts

Hybrid seating structure

Company : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partner(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : Aircraft hybrid seating structure designed and demonstrated under sustainability criteria, based on easy to recycle light weight composite material and produced with efficient automated processes. Commercial aircraft seats consist of many materials and individual parts, mostly a mix of polymers and metals, so very complex to recycle. The seats must also be lightweight to increase the overall efficiency of the aircraft. To achieve both goals (lightweight and recyclability), an aircraft seat series was developed based on the following sustainability criteria:
– Ease of recycling using one polymer type for all polymer parts for which recycling process is available.
– Reduction of number of seat components and weight through function-integrated lightweight design.
– Effective production of the plastic components through processes suitable for series production
– Elimination of toxic primers to improve the adhesion of metal inserts to the polymers (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fuel Sustainable PU based light weight CFRP to reduce CO2 emissions and waste
٠ Radically reduction of numbers of seat parts for low maintenance
٠ Automated high volume production technologies (SMC/WCM) to reduce costs
٠ Reduce the economic cost for carbon fiber aircraft seats
٠ Carbon Fiber attractive design
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Category Aerospace – Process

Manufacture a Krueger wing flap in thermoplastic.

Company : CETIM (France)
Partner(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Innovative Krueger Flap produced In-situ with an automated thermoplastic process. The innovative Krueger flap, produced through this multi-partner project, has a large and complex shape and was manufactured using an in-situ thermoplastic consolidation process. It outperforms existing processes in terms of structural and industrial performance with higher production, better process stability and improved composite quality (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-situ consolidation with full automated process (laser filament winding)
٠ Recyclability (thermoplastic part)
٠ Repeatability and reliability of the process
٠ Reduction of production costs
٠ Mass reduction of large parts
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Automotive & Road Transportation – Design Part

World’s first carbon roll cage for production cars

Company : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partners(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Extreme lightweight carbon roll cage, to be road legally fitted into a production car, enabled by engineering a unique geometry. The initial metal design withstands extreme elongations. Thus, the use of carbon fibers, presented a major challenge for this application due to the low elongations at break. The Engineering innovation of the project is a new 3 step structural optimization process providing a specific design suitable for CFRP under full consideration of an extremely limited design space as well as multiple crash and FIA load cases (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High weight reduction compared to steel and even titanium
٠ Topology optimized, unique bionic design
٠ Innovative calculation approach – automated link between CAD an FE
٠ Innovative manufacturing process – structural hollow part in serial production
٠ Fulfills FIA load collective
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

BEV battery protection plate in composite design 

Company : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partner(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Largest, innovative, sustainable BEV underride guard in thermoplastic sandwich lightweight design with highly efficient one-shot manufacturability for the new Audi Q8 e-tron. The innovative composite part is characterized by its mechanically extremely robust light-weight sandwich design as well as its large dimensions of about 2100 mm x 1400 mm and a total weight of app. 23 kg, of which about 13 kg are UD-tapes. Due to the large size of the component, production using injection molding is technically not feasible, thus a novel one-shot process had to be developed. The overall design is an excellent trade-off in terms of lightweight potential, design suitability for cost-efficient high-volume production, mechanical robustness and sustainability (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High light-weight potential for BEV underride guards, replacing Al-design
٠ Significant reduction of CO2-footprint compared to aluminum design
٠ Novel press-process for high-volume production of complex sandwich parts
٠ Design for recycling
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

A composite roof for the stadium of Real Madrid

Company : Nanotures (Spain)
Partner(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Three elements are mechanically joined to reach beams with a span of 75 m. The manufacturing process was infusion with double VAP membrane, avoiding the use of holes in the core and excess polymer. Critical parameters such as fiber linearity and core joints have been controlled in production to obtain elements with high compression resistance. Strategically, different reinforcements have been utilized in the design to meet the load case and assist in joining to the metallic elements. Finally, the lightweight composite beams allow simplification in the assembly operations on site as well as the simplification, weight and energy reduction of the displacement and elevation motors.
Key benefits :
٠ Weight reduction and simplification on site installation
٠ Excellent mechanical properties
٠ Environmental and energy benefit
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Category Circularity & Recycling

100% recycled CF spun yarn and applied products

Company : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partner(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : 100% recycled CF spun yarn compatible to pultrusion process. Establishment of comprehensive CF circulation system from recycling to product application. CFRP properties of rCF spun yarn achieve about 70% tensile strength and 90% elastic modulus compared to virgin CFRP. There is no limitation to the process and matrix, and we are the world’s first manufacturer that successfully utilizes rCF in pultrusion molding with epoxy resin. Due to wind energy market growth, we expect future rCF spun yarn application to the demand for carbon neutral production for wind power generation blades. Furthermore, we established a comprehensive CF recycling system from CF recovery to reproduction (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Applicable recycle CF to pultrusion molding using epoxy matrix
٠ Recycled CFRP highly compatible with virgin CFRP performance
٠ A comprehensive high value CF recycling system
٠ High compatibility for existing process and resin matrix
٠ Low environmental impact
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Category Digital, AI & Data

In-process AFP manufacturing inspection system

Company : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : In-process AFP Manufacturing Inspection System (IAMIS) for automated fiber placement (AFP) head to detect manufacturing defects and a user-friendly augmented reality visualization module. IAMIS detects manufacturing defects that are above the certification basis (or unacceptable) using machine-learning (ML) algorithms for reducing time-consuming and operator-dependent manual inspection processes that require significantly interrupting the manufacturing process.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase automated manufacturing system utilization (operational efficiency)
٠ Eliminate labor-intensive manual inspections and improve quality
٠ Eliminate human error associated with operator experience levels
٠ Augmented reality visualization for repair and quality assurance
٠ Create a digital record of defects for certification and sustainment support
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Isotruss® carbon fiber tower

Company : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partners(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : IsoTruss® Carbon Fiber Towers are up to twelve times stronger than steel for a given weight, or as little as one-twelfth the weight for a given load, depending on the design, site and specifications. IsoTruss was originally invented for aerospace applications and is ideally suited in load bearing structures anywhere low weight and stiffness are critical. Overall, the IsoTruss® combines high performing continuous fiber (such as carbon, glass, aramid, etc.) reinforced polymer composite materials with a very efficient geometry to allow those elements to carry the load efficiently, allowing extremely lightweight and extremely high performance.
Key benefits :
٠ Material Advantages: High Strength/High Stiffness/High Durability/Transversely Isotropic/Radio Frequency Transparent/Corrosion Resistant
٠ Structural Advantages: Resists Shell Buckling/Lighter Weight/Low Drag/Damage Tolerant/Aesthetics/Eco-Friendly/Corrosion Resistant/Less CF to mfg/lightweight lowers shipping/install costs-reduces CO2 70%.
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding

Solid sail mast

Company : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partners(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialization of the fabrication of very large mast to fit to price and delay of marine industry market. SOLID SAIL MAST fabrication is based on carbon preg pieces made in autoclave. We cut the mast in sections able to enter the largest autoclave (24m x 6m) we had and develop an assembly method using AFP fabricated sleeves to assembly the 24m long sections together in a quick and efficient way.
Key benefits :
٠ Higher quality standard through precisely automated lamination
٠ Higher productivity from faster/fewer manufacturing processes
٠ Lower production cost from reduction of processes
٠ Reduced waste and reduced manufacturing hazard
٠ Higher consistency in the mass manufacturing of parts
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Category Renewable Energies

New acrylic adhesives for a better world

Company : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : New technology of non-flammable, low-odor, and primer-free structural acrylate adhesives with a favorable health and safety profile, providing exceptional bonding performance on multiple substrates. The innovation is a new acrylic adhesives technology that cures fast, creates high strength and high elongation bonds, outstanding stress and impact resistance, and importantly, unlike many structural adhesives, provides an effective solution to multiple sustainability-related challenges, without compromising performance (Non-flammable classification, favorable health and safety profile, low odor and limited surface preparation) (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Safety, wellbeing, and productivity
٠ Reduced CO2 emissions (transport)
٠ Financial savings (storage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrates, and composites bonding
٠ Material models available for simulation
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Recyclable thermoset CFRP composite bike

Company : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partners(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Thermoset CFRP bicycle was made from recyclable EzCiclo prepreg. Composite parts can be recycled by CleaVER liquid to reclaim resin and fiber enabling closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite. Swancor presents recyclable thermosetting resin “EzCiclo” and degradation liquid “CleaVER”. EzCiclo is a recyclable epoxy resin. Hot melt prepregs made of EzCiclo RB-564 with different Fiber Average Weight (FAW) are used to produce composite bicycle parts including frame, handlebar, front fork and rims. The End-of-life composite parts made from EzCiclo can be degraded by CleaVER liquid at 130°C-150°C for 4 hours, enabling complete separation of matrix and fiber. The crosslinked matrix is dissolved in CleaVER and can be reused. The reclaimed fiber shows comparable properties compared to virgin fiber (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 100% recyclable thermoset composite bicycle parts with promising properties
٠ Innovative resin system enables closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite
٠ Ease of adoption with existing manufacturing facilities and processes
٠ Lower carbon emission recycling and generate no waste
٠ Higher value of recycled resin and fiber
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127564JEC Group
Rome Snowboards developed two technologies with FlaxDry fabrics Thu, 02 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Flax. The lightweight super fiber
Flax is a natural, incredibly versatile, lightweight material that ROME Snowboards use in their boards. Depending how the flax material is used, it has advanced impact absorption properties or the ability to create rigidity and strengthen specific regions of a board.

ROME Snowboards is collaborating with EcoTechnilin and have developed two technologies with FlaxDry fabrics for the new season: Flax Impact Plates and Flax Walls.

Rome Board Tech: Flax

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Flax Impact Plates
Flax impact plates help absorb impact and add increase strength without changing the board’s flex pattern. This technology consists in a full EcoTechnilin’s woven FlaxDry construction and a new special shape that cover and reinforce the insert pack. These plates are designed to make boards more durable. ROME Snowboards have overhauled the industry of impact plates and taken a step forward in the design of performant boards.

Flax Walls
Flax Walls are an I-Beam shaped sidewall reinforcement. When used in a vertical arrangement between the core and the sidewall Flax Walls create rigidity and stability. ROME Snowboards use strategic mapping to inlay Flax Walls on directional boards to utilize these benefits.

127470JEC Group
Creative Composites Group introduces FRP H-5 SuperDeck Wed, 01 Mar 2023 14:24:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Departments of the Interior and Agriculture will invest $2.8 billion this year in critical deferred maintenance projects, transportation improvements and recreation infrastructure for national parks, wildlife refuges and recreation areas. With park visits on the rise, engineers are specifying bridges, boardwalks, sidewalks and trails that can support ambulance and maintenance vehicles. To meet this requirement, Creative Composites Group has introduced its new pultruded Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) H-5 SuperDeck Lite deck profile.

The composite manufacturer engineered H-5 SuperDeck Lite to AASHTO H-5 standards for uniform live loads and vehicles weighing 10,000 lbs. [8,000 lb. and 2,000 lb. axles with a minimum 72-in. wheel base]. Produced in the U.S. at an ISO 9001:2015 compliant facility, SuperDeck Lite is corrosion and rot-resistant, environmentally sustainable and offers the lowest lifetime cost of ownership. Easy to carry, drill and cut, SuperDeck Lite pultruded deck profiles are significantly lighter than newly treated lumber and offer fast installation in remote areas. CCG also developed deck attachments for top down construction or for blind-bolted connections.

“Traditionally park trail bridges and pedestrian access structures have used treated timber decks,” says Dustin Troutman, director of marketing and product development for CCG. “Agencies are telling us that they are only getting about 10 years of performance life out of treated lumber. It’s difficult to assess the structural integrity of wood decking for supporting a 10,000 lb. vehicle as it ages and begins to rot and decay A large number of national parks don’t want to use treated wood because the preservatives leach into the environment.”

SuperDeck Lite is available in standard isophthalic polyester and vinyl ester resin systems with a fire retardant option. Aesthetically pleasing, the product is designed to blend with its surroundings and is available in olive green, slate gray and beige. An ADA-compliant anti-skid surface enhances safety. 

127262JEC Group
Xiaomi unveils its lightweight wireless AR glasses Wed, 01 Mar 2023 13:11:00 +0000 Read more]]> This tech innovation is Xiaomi’s first wireless AR glasses to utilize distributed computing, offering a retina-level adaptive display that adjusts to the lighting environment. With enhanced connectivity to a Snapdragon Spaces ready smartphone, it enables innovative hand tracking at a refined level, supports a comprehensive range of applications for larger displays, and offers innovations in inter-device compatibility.

Xiaomi Wireless AR Glass Discovery Edition is designed with individual experience in mind. Instead of relying on a wired connection to a host computing device, this device is designed at just 126 g and adopts Xiaomi-developed high-speed interconnection buses to achieve high-speed data connection from smartphone to AR glasses.

The AR glasses feature a lightweight design that incorporates a range of lightweight materials such as magnesium-lithium alloy, carbon fiber parts, and a self-developed silicon-oxygen anode battery. With a weight of just 126 g, these glasses are designed to minimize any physical burden on the user. Additionally, through analyzing tens of thousands of head tracking data samples, the glasses have been calibrated with precision, taking into account details such as the center of gravity, leg spacing, angle, nose rest, and other factors that contribute to a superior experience.

127485JEC Group
Corvette Z06 on Carbon Revolution wheels sets lap records Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:51:00 +0000 Read more]]> The C8 Z06 recorded a time of 2:38.6 seconds around the 4.1-mile Virginia International Raceway. This made the Corvette the fastest vehicle tested in 2023, and the fastest naturally aspirated vehicle and fastest in its price category in Lightning Lap history. It was also the fifth-fastest overall.

Lighter wheels = faster turn in
Car & Driver writer K.C. Colwell praised the Z06’s chassis balance and steering feel.

“Equipped with optional carbon fibre wheels, which shave 41 pounds of rotating (and unsprung) mass, this car turns in like no other at high speed,” he wrote.

Carbon Revolution supplies the five-spoke carbon fibre wheels available on the Corvette Z06 (and upcoming Corvette E-Ray).

Performance enhancing wheels
The Z06 recorded a faster lap time than even expensive European exotics, and previous Corvette models including the more powerful C7 ZR1.

Chevrolet engineers have previously stated that switching to carbon fibre wheels can improve lap times by up to 1.5-2.0 seconds over a two-minute lap, all other factors being equal.

Carbon Revolution wheels have a history of success at the Lightning Lap. Before the Z06’s record-breaking lap this year, the Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Carbon Fiber Track Pack held the equal record for the LL3 class in 2021.

127221JEC Group
A lighter and cleaner winch for low-emission superyachts Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:42:49 +0000 Read more]]> Lightweight carbon fibre composites have been part of the impressive performance gains seen in grand prix yacht racing for several decades now. Carbon fibre materials are also typically the first choice for superyacht rig specialist Rondal, with ever larger and more performance-focused sailing superyachts chasing the weight reduction that composites deliver. Over the last 25 years, the company has evolved into a carbon fibre specialist, manufacturing some of the world’s largest composite masts and booms along with additional composite components such as winches, windbreaks, hatches, and doors that combine superior craftsmanship with engineering excellence.

Since 1989, Solico Engineering has developed to be Benelux’s largest composite engineering company. With more than 30 years of experience in maritime, defence and industrial composites, the company is completely independent and has no ties to any specific materials or production methods. Always focused on elegant, simple and durable solutions, Solico has been a partner of Rondal’s for many years.

Lightweight carbon composite sail handling systems
While Rondal is perhaps best known for its most visible products – carbon fibre masts and booms for some of the world’s largest and most prestigious sailing superyachts – the company’s sail handling winch packages, which remain discretely hidden away below decks, have become a go-to solution for naval architects, designers and engineers. Rondal has been supplying aluminium winch packages for more than 20 years, with standard sized units available with electric or hydraulic power for line loads of 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 24 tons.
The company’s winch systems have become even more indispensable components of a safe and durable sail handling system as rigs have grown ever larger. With owners and sailing superyacht designers continuing to create not just larger, but also more efficient and performance-orientated yachts, Rondal conceived a carbon fibre version of their existing technology that would take full advantage of the weight-saving benefits enabled by composites.
Around 22% lighter than the previous versions, the new carbon fibre winch series delivers an impressive weight reduction. Considering a typical 60 m sailing superyacht with a multiple winch sail handling system, a 2-ton reduction in overall displacement is an attractive option when performance is the goal.

Rondal’s carbon fibre winch series removes the need for a heavy metallic base plate, integrating the winch loads into the yacht structure

A powerful design and engineering collaboration
The two companies have already established a close working relationship across a wide range of projects, with Solico providing composite engineering support for rig components, radar masts, hatches and rudders, even validating the handling and transport solution for a massive carbon fibre superstructure element. For the new carbon winches, Rondal’s in-house engineering department designed the winches, working with Solico on the laminate properties of the composite parts. Solico was also involved from an early development stage, discussing, and brainstorming with Rondal about the best design options.

For the carbon winch project, Solico engineered the winch frame and performed structural engineering and verification for the drum in coordination with Rondal. Some of the major challenges included solving critical strength issues while respecting the dimensional packaging of the winches and satisfying the demanding calculations for the drum itself. Detailed modelling with layered solid elements was used to optimize the drum structure and thickness while keeping material usage to a minimum.
One of the additional challenges regarding the winch design was how to define the boundary conditions and integrate the winches into the deck structure so that the deck and winch could work as one component, each benefiting from the strength of the other. This load sharing concept enabled the partners to verify a much lighter design than previously designed, with no need for the new winches to incorporate a heavy base plate.
Solico’s primary output was the structural verification report with finite element (FE) analysis results. This report confirmed the final laminate details for each part and key points of attention for the production team at Rondal.

Solico verifi cation and optimization of the winch frame enables maximum weight saving whist minimizing material usage

Optimising the materials and manufacturing process
The main carbon fibre components of the new winch series are a filament-wound drum and an autoclave-moulded prepreg winch frame. The winch drums are manufactured using a standard-modulus fibre for the winding process and liquid epoxy resins. The drums are wound on metallic mandrels, postcured, before machining to final dimensions and then sealing of the drum surface with a protective clear coat.

Using plotter cut plies of Lloyd’s-approved carbon fibre unidirectional (UD), 0-90˚ woven and +/-45˚ stitched biaxial prepregs, the winch frame parts consist of prepreg plies laid up by hand and vacuum bagged. An autoclave cure at 120°C for 12 hours produces the best possible mechanical and thermal properties.
The materials and processes can be easily scaled if winches larger than those in the current range are required for future vessels. Indeed, Rondal is working on an even larger 32-ton winch model for an upcoming build.

Carbon composite components lightweight Rondal’s precision engineered winch systems

Benefits and advantages of composite construction
٠ Carbon construction massively reduces weight (by over 20%)
٠ No corrosion of aluminium parts when exposed to salt water-soaked lines
٠ Electric versions result in lighter weight systems as (unlike hydraulic systems) they do not need to be specified to offer peak power at all times
٠ Suitable technology for zero-emission yachts
٠ Composite winch elements can share load with the yacht’s composite structure

A rigourous testing regime a rigorous testing regime
The latest carbon winches are not yet in the scope of the typical class societies that certify sailing superyachts, and so there is no specific third-party standard for assessment of the units. To ensure ultimate quality and reliability, Rondal conducts its own stringent test programme in-house. Every winch is evaluated on the test bench in the company’s shop, with tests including loading to 1.5 times the designated maximum line load, providing clients with complete assurance that the winch system can withstand everything the wind and ocean can throw at it.

As part of the carbon winch development and testing programme, Rondal also utilised…

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126898JEC Group
Construction du 1er porte-conteneur industriel à propulsion hybride voiles/carburant de synthèse : Démarrage du projet Mervent 2025 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:40:03 +0000 Read more]]> Un navire décarboné pour le transport industriel
Le projet vise à concevoir, faire construire et opérer le premier porte-conteneur industriel à propulsion hybride voiles/carburant de synthèse permettant de réduire d’au moins 50% les émissions de CO2 dès 2026 et adapté à un marché identifié.

Le projet se concentrera sur des enjeux essentiels aujourd’hui dans la transition énergétique et la décarbonation, notamment pour atteindre la sobriété énergétique :

  • Travailler sur l’efficacité énergétique : optimisation hydrodynamique et aérodynamique, optimisation de la consommation…
  • Travailler sur l’activité du navire : promouvoir la réduction de vitesse, optimiser la route du navire, les temps de manutention, la formation des équipages
  • Économiser de l’énergie simplement grâce à la propulsion par le vent
  • Intégrer l’usage possible d’un carburant de synthèse

Ce navire satisfera, dès sa mise en service en 2025, les objectifs fixés par l’Organisation Maritime Internationale 2050 visant une réduction de 50% de l’intensité carbone du navire.

Mervent est un projet collaboratif mené par 4 acteurs :

  • Zéphyr & Borée en tant qu’armateur et exploitant qui développe un nouvel armement français spécialisé sur la gestion de ce type de navire,
  • CWS (Computed Wing Sail) qui développe et industrialise un système d’aile automatisée et rétractable en composite à destination du shipping avec la création d’une nouvelle usine en France,
  • GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) via sa filiale OSE Engineering et Centrale Nantes qui travailleront ensemble sur la thématique de l’efficacité énergétique du navire.

Les missions de Centrale Nantes dans le projet Mervent 2025
Avec son équipe D2SE (Décarbonation & Dépollution des Systèmes Énergétiques), le laboratoire LHEEA, sous tutelle de Centrale Nantes et du CNRS, participera donc à la thématique « Efficacité énergétique du navire » au travers de plusieurs actions.

3 thèses auront lieu tout au long du projet sur :

  • La modélisation énergétique des navires,
  • L’optimisation des stratégies de gestion de l’énergie d’un navire à assistance vélique,
  • La caractérisation expérimentale de capture du carbone.

Concernant la capture de carbone, les recherches menées passeront par une phase expérimentale et la création d’un banc d’essais fin 2023. La société GTT est en charge de la conception du système de capture du CO2 (CSS : Carbon Capture & Storage) qui sera ensuite testé sur le banc conçu par Centrale Nantes. Ces essais, en 2024, permettront de valider le système qui sera ensuite installé sur le navire construit par Zéphyr et Borée.

Des essais en mer avec ce navire innovants sont prévus en mer en 2025.

127452JEC Group
BMW Group brings hydrogen cars to the road Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:27:44 +0000 Read more]]> The fleet of under 100 vehicles will then be employed internationally for demonstration and trial purposes for various target groups. This active driving experience will therefore be the first chance for people not involved in the development process to gain a direct impression of what the BMW iX5 Hydrogen has to offer.

“Hydrogen is a versatile energy source that has a key role to play in the energy transition process and therefore in climate protection. After all, it is one of the most efficient ways of storing and transporting renewable energies”, said Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. “We should use this potential to also accelerate the transformation of the mobility sector. Hydrogen is the missing piece in the jigsaw when it comes to emission-free mobility. One technology on its own will not be enough to enable climate-neutral mobility worldwide.”

Launch of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen pilot fleet

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The BMW iX5 Hydrogen.
The BMW iX5 Hydrogen developed on the basis of the current BMW X5 was first unveiled as a concept at the IAA show in 2019. Initial prototypes were then made available at the IAA Mobility 2021 for visitors to experience in action as shuttle vehicles.

Its hydrogen fuel cell system is further proof of the BMW Group’s leading development expertise in the field of electric drive technologies. The BMW Group is systematically pushing forward with development of hydrogen fuel cell technology as an additional option for locally emission-free individual mobility in the future.

BMW’s technological expertise.
The BMW Group produces the highly efficient fuel cell systems for the pilot fleet at its in-house competence centre for hydrogen in Munich. This technology is one of the core elements in the BMW iX5 Hydrogen and generates a high continuous output of 125 kW/170 hp.

A chemical reaction takes place in the fuel cell between gaseous hydrogen from the tanks and oxygen from the air. Maintaining a steady supply of both elements to the fuel cell’s membrane is of crucial importance for the drive system’s efficiency. In addition to the technological equivalents of features found on combustion engines, such as charge air coolers, air filters, control units and sensors, the BMW Group also developed special hydrogen components for its new fuel cell system. These include the high-speed compressor with turbine and high-voltage coolant pump, for instance.

The BMW Group sources the individual fuel cells from the Toyota Motor Corporation. The two companies have enjoyed a partnership characterised by trust for many years and have been collaborating on fuel cell drive systems since 2013.

Fuel cell systems are manufactured in two main steps, based on the individual fuel cells. The cells are first assembled into a fuel cell stack. The next step involves fitting all the other components to produce a complete fuel cell system.

Stacking of the fuel cells is largely a fully automated process. Once the individual components have been inspected for any damage, the stack is compressed by machine with a force of five tonnes and placed in a housing. The stack housing is manufactured in the light metal foundry at BMW Group Plant Landshut using a sand casting technique.

For this, molten aluminium is poured into a mould made from compacted sand mixed with resin in a process specially designed for this small-series vehicle.

The pressure plate, which delivers hydrogen and oxygen to the fuel cell stack, is made from cast plastic parts and light-alloy castings, also from the Landshut plant. The pressure plate forms a gas-tight and water-tight seal around the stack housing.

Final assembly of the fuel cell stacks includes a voltage test along with extensive testing of the chemical reaction within the cells. Finally, all the different components are fitted together in the assembly area to produce the complete system.

During this system assembly stage, further components are fitted, such as the compressor, the anode and cathode of the fuel-cell system, the high-voltage coolant pump and the wiring harness.

In combination with a highly integrated drive unit using fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology (the electric motor, transmission and power electronics are grouped together in a compact housing) at the rear axle and a power battery with lithium-ion technology developed specially for this vehicle, the powertrain channels maximum output of 295kW / 401 hp onto the road. In coasting overrun and braking phases, the motor also serves as a generator, feeding energy back into a power battery.

Production at Munich pilot plant.
The BMW iX5 Hydrogen is being built in the BMW Group’s pilot plant at its Research and Innovation Centre (FIZ) in Munich. This is the interface between development and production where every new model from the company’s brands is made for the first time. Around 900 people work there in the body shop, assembly, model engineering, concept vehicle construction and additive manufacturing.
They are tasked with ensuring that both the product and the manufacturing process are ready for series production. In the case of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen, specialists in hydrogen technology, vehicle development and initial assembly of new models have been working closely together to integrate the cutting-edge drive and energy storage technology.

Hydrogen allows rapid re-fuelling with carbon fiber tanks
The hydrogen needed to supply the fuel cell is stored in two 700-bar tanks made of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). Together these hold almost six kilograms of hydrogen, enough to give the BMW iX5 Hydrogen a range of 504 km (313 miles) in the WLTP cycle. Filling up the hydrogen tanks only takes three to four minutes – so the BMW iX5 Hydrogen can also provide the driving pleasure for which BMW is renowned over long distances, with just a few, short stops along the way.

Summary of the technical data, performance, fuel consumption and range figures for the BMW iX5 Hydrogen:
– Maximum output of overall drive system: 295 kW/401 hp
– Electric continuous output of the fuel-cell system: 125 kW/170 hp
– Maximum output of the battery (lithium-ion technology): 170 kW/231 hp
– Maximum output of the highly integrated electric drive unit: 295 kW/401 hp
– Capacity of the hydrogen tanks: 6 kg hydrogen (gaseous)
– Acceleration 0-100 km/h (62 mph) < 6 s
– Top speed: Over 180 km/h (112 mph)
– Hydrogen consumption in the WLTP cycle: 1.19 kg/100 km
– Range in the WLTP cycle: 504 km (313 miles)

FCEV technology contributes to decarbonisation.
The BMW Group is the first German carmaker to have joined the “Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign” led by the Science Based Targets initiative and is committed to achieving the goal of full climate neutrality throughout the value chain.

The next step in this process involves the BMW Group’s plan to reduce CO2 emissions per vehicle over its full lifecycle – i.e. supply chain, production and use phase – by at least 40 per cent by 2030 compared with 2019.

The BMW Group sold more than 215,000 fully electric vehicles worldwide in 2022, which represents an increase over the previous year of almost 108 per cent. Fully electric vehicles accounted for just under 9 per cent of total sales volumes last year, and this share is set to increase to 15 per cent in 2023.

By 2030 at the latest, the BMW Group is looking to reach a situation where fully electric vehicles claim a more than 50 per cent share of its overall sales.

The BMW Group views FCEV technology expressly as a potential addition to the drive technology used by battery-electric vehicles.

Hydrogen as part of global activities for CO2-free mobility.
According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), hydrogen offers considerable potential as a future energy source in connection with global energy transition activities. Thanks to its storage and transport capabilities, hydrogen can be used for a wide variety of applications.
Most industrialised countries are therefore adopting hydrogen strategies and backing them up with roadmaps and concrete projects. In the transport sector, hydrogen can become a further technology option, alongside battery-electric mobility, for shaping sustainable individual mobility in the long term.

However, this will depend on competitive production of sufficient quantities of hydrogen from green power, as well as expansion of the corresponding filling infrastructure, which is already being intensively pursued in many countries.

The BMW Group welcomes and supports activities to promote innovation in Germany and Europe that will help build a hydrogen economy and accelerate production of green hydrogen. These specifically include the large-scale hydrogen projects classified as Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI).

The projects that comprise this European Union initiative, supported in Germany by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Transport, span the entire value chain – from hydrogen production to transport to applications in industry.

With the right conditions, hydrogen fuel cell technology has the potential to become a further pillar in the BMW Group’s drive train portfolio for local CO2-free mobility.

127434JEC Group
Harbin Institute builds the first composite wireless signal tower in Egypt Tue, 28 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The wireless signal tower is 18 meters high. The tower body adopts a truss structure and is connected by metal parts; the tower weighs 1.5 tons and covers an area of ​​2.25 square meters, which is respectively 50% and 30% lower than traditional iron towers, but it can resist 140 KPH wind speed (12-13 typhoon).

The tower can carry 6 HXWXD antennas, 1 MW antenna (0.6 m in diameter), and 6 RRUs, which is more than iron towers. At the same time, the tower is also equipped with climbing ladders, lightning protection systems, no-navigation lights and other components, which meet the requirements of ANSI/TIA 222-G design specifications.

The use of composite materials significantly reduces carbon emissions in the building process and reduces the risk of electric shock. The excellent weather resistance of composite materials also greatly reduces the cost of later inspection and maintenance. The life cycle cost is significantly lower than that of traditional iron towers.

According to Adel Hamed, CEO of Telecom Egypt, the implementation of such a green mobile site in Egypt is “unprecedented”. The tower relies on modern technology in wireless access equipment, such as antenna technology integrated with signal amplifiers, which helps to reduce the site’s energy consumption by about 40%. This will improve the signal quality by 20% compared to normal antennas, thus reducing the number of stations.

Since the end of 2019, Harbin Institute of Technology has carried out research on the application of composite materials in the field of communication infrastructure, and has accumulated experience from structural design to installation and construction.

127375JEC Group
Northrop Grumman awarded 2023 Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:01:38 +0000 Read more]]> The award recognizes NASA and the industry team led by Northrop Grumman for their extraordinary contributions to U.S. leadership in the field of astronautics. The Goddard Trophy will be presented at the National Space Club and Foundation’s annual Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Dinner in Washington on March 10.

“The Webb team embodies a pioneering spirit that pushed engineering to new levels and is now defining a new era of astronomical discovery,” said Scott Willoughby, vice president, program excellence for space systems, Northrop Grumman.

James Webb Space Telescope Launch Anniversary

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To enable the observatory’s ambitious scientific mission, Northrop Grumman and partners invented 10 technologies, including revolutionary optics, detectors, thermal control systems, a deployable sunshield, cryocooler technologies and the manufacturing of a lightweight composite backplane to carry the weight of Webb’s mirror, telescope optics and scientific instruments.

In 2022, over the course of two weeks after its historic launch, Webb flawlessly deployed its sunshield and mirrors during a series of complex deployments and maneuvers, the first of its kind ever attempted in space. After achieving its final configuration, the team made a series of fine adjustments to the telescope’s optics to bring the telescope’s optical train into precise alignment. The team then tested Webb’s state-of-the-art scientific instruments and brought them to operational temperature, all necessary to begin Webb’s historic mission.

Northrop Grumman leads the industry team for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the largest, most complex and powerful space telescope ever built. The company was recently awarded a sustainment contract by NASA to continue support through June 24, 2027. Northrop Grumman will provide the products and services required to monitor and maintain Webb spacecraft systems including the spacecraft bus, optics/telescope, and sunshield; maintain and update the spacecraft flight software; and trend spacecraft performance and recommend corrections and updates required for spacecraft health and safety.

NASA heads an international partnership that includes the European Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency. The Goddard Space Flight Center manages the Webb Telescope project, and the Space Telescope Science Institute is responsible for science and mission operations, as well as ground station development.

Read more news on the James Webb Space Telescope:
Webb space telescope en route to the stars
Toray celebrates the successful launch of the historic James Webb Space Telescope

127359JEC Group
Sustainable high-end luggage Fri, 24 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Overcoming the conventional
Launched in 2015, HORIZN STUDIOS was Europe’s first direct-to-consumer travel brand. Focused on innovative design, convenience, and sustainable solutions, it was the first company in the world to release luggage with a removable charging function. Dismayed by ‘throwaway’ culture, its founders Jan Roosen and Stefan Holwe wanted to design and engineer aesthetic travel solutions with long-term quality and durability. Through this journey, HORIZN STUDIOS developed several interesting travel products, even collaborating with NASA astronaut Alyssa Carson in 2019.

In 2021, however, HORIZN STUDIOS was looking to really revolutionise luggage design. Despite the challenges of the global pandemic, the company intended to create the world’s most sustainable luxury luggage. Embracing a philosophy of lightweight, high-performance, and sustainable materials, HORIZN STUDIOS sought out a partner that would be able to simultaneously fulfil these demanding criteria.

Natural fibre composite technologies
Already proven in the unrelenting world of motorsport and the equally challenging arena of ultra-high-end furniture, Bcomp’s innovative ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ are ground-breaking carbon-neutral composite reinforcements made entirely from flax fibre.

Cultivated across Europe, flax is an indigenous plant that has been part of the agricultural industry for centuries. With low water and nutrient requirements and little need for pesticides and fertilisers, it is a popular rotational crop with excellent utility – useful for feed, making flax oil, and its fibres can be used in textiles.

ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ make the most of flax’s inherent mechanical properties, creating composite parts with high stiffness, resistance to breakage, torsion, and compression – perfect to form the shell of tough and sturdy luggage. Using appropriate care and processes, Bcomp’s materials also offer a flawless surface finish, suitable for luxury product applications.

Most importantly, ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ are some of the most sustainable composite technologies available today, particularly in the high-performance category. Analysis of past projects has shown that Bcomp’s technologies can provide a material emission reduction of 90% when compared to its most commonly used equivalent, carbon fibre. Overall, they offer an outstanding 80-85% cradle-to-gate emission reduction, while retaining many of the performance benefits.
This was perfect for HORIZN STUDIOS’s new Circle One range.

A revolutionary new luggage solution
Circle One is HORIZN STUDIOS’s European-made sustainable luggage range, harnessing ampliTex™ in its BioX technology, a patented hard-shell luggage innovation. With a much lower carbon footprint than carbon fibre or aluminium – including energy consumption in manufacture and use of a bio-based resin – BioX is one of the most sustainable hardcase luggage materials on the market. Thanks to ampliTex™, BioX is not only a more sustainable material, but it even allows to eliminate some petroleum-based materials that would normally be used from the manufacturing process.

Unlike other luggage materials that would be sent to landfill at the end of their useful life, the Circle One range has various end-of-life recycling options thanks to Bcomp’s flax fibre composite technologies. ampliTex™ also opens up the possibility of repair, rather than replace, something of great interest to the HORIZN STUDIOS team.

With the circular economy and sustainable products becoming an increasingly important part of consumer purchasing decisions and lifestyle, the use of innovative natural composites is the perfect way to integrate carbon-neutral, sustainable materials. With excellent stiffness, low weight, and the possibility of stunning surface finishes and designs, Bcomp’s technologies offer a sustainable alternative to manufacturing conventional luxury and performance products.

127344JEC Group
Toray develops rapid integrated molding technology for CFRP mobility components Thu, 23 Feb 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Toray obtained some findings for this advance under the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization’s Research and Development of Innovative Structural Materials project.

This new technology makes it possible to mold such CFRP mobility components as a car roof 10 times faster than a conventional autoclave molding setup. Such offerings can be just half the weight of steel counterparts. Toray will keep pursuing R&D to accelerate the application of this technology to electrified vehicle parts, for which lightness and fast production are vital.

CFRP members typically sandwich urethane foam cores with thermosetting prepreg skins. Common applications for these light and rigid structures are large panels for aircraft, automobiles, ships, and infrastructure. Some have pushed for shorter manufacturing times to optimally bond the core after shaping it to the skin.

Vehicular electrification has made it increasingly important to reduce component weights to extend the cruising ranges of models employing heavy batteries.

Toray’s new rapid integrated molding technology makes it possible to fabricate large panels in a single press shot. That is because this approach simultaneously shapes, thermosets and molds, and bonds the core CFRF and thermosetting prepreg skin in the same mold.

Synchronizing CFRF’s expansion with the prepreg’s curing timing is significantly faster than with conventional processes. The prepreg thermosetting resin penetrates the porous CFRF to bond the skin and core materials without using adhesives, for a highly reliable bonding structure. Toray’s technology paves the way to quickly producing large CFRP components.

CFRF offers significantly better strength, elastic modulus, and impact resistance than conventional core materials. Its low specific gravity range of 0.2 to 0.4 can enhance performance and lighten sandwich structures. Toray demonstrated its concept by using a pressing machine to create a large automobile roof panel (1.2m long x 1.2m wide x 2.3mm thick) in just five minutes. This was 10-fold faster than the conventional approach. The company assessed rigidity tests, coatability, sound insulation properties, and other practical aspects for automobile production. In vital drop-weight impact tests, Toray confirmed that the skin core interface did not delaminate and that impact absorption is excellent.

Toray will undertake R&D to meet wide-ranging needs by offering this setup for simultaneously saving weight and accelerating production. The company also looks to cultivate such emerging transportation modalities as urban air mobility and drones that benefit massively from lightweight materials.

The company will contribute to social development by innovating advanced materials and technologies in line with its corporate philosophy of “Contributing to society through the creation of new value with innovative ideas, technologies and products.”

*Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Foam is a proprietary porous material. Its binder resin becomes flexible on heating and simultaneously expands with the restorative force of carbon fibers. The resulting three-dimensional network of short carbon fibers strongly bonds the binder resin and carbon fibers.

**Prepreg is a sheet-like intermediate material comprising fibers pre-impregnated with resin. Common applications include aircraft fuselages, main wings, tail fins, and other structures, as well as golf club shafts, fishing rods, tennis racket frames, and other sports equipment.

127245JEC Group
What’s new in Carbon Revolution’s fourth Ford carbon fibre wheel program? Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The five-spoke, 19-inch wheels will be optional on the Dark Horse and reduce unsprung, rotational mass by 37% compared to the aluminium wheels offered on the vehicle.

The Carbon Revolution wheels also introduce several innovations.

What’s new?
The Dark Horse wheels are the first wheels to feature signature blue carbon fibre detailing, in keeping with the blue accents throughout the Dark Horse’s interior and exterior.

The wheels feature Carbon Revolution’s Diamond Weave Technology™, which ensures a perfect carbon fibre weave on visible surfaces of the wheel face.

The wheels are Carbon Revolution’s first five-spoke design for a Ford vehicle, and the first time the lug nuts have been positioned between the spokes on a Carbon Revolution wheel. This gives the bold spoke design more prominence, and harkens back to iconic Ford Mustang five-spoke wheels over its extensive history.

Wider adoption of carbon fibre wheels
The Mustang Dark Horse wheel program is Carbon Revolution’s fourth program with the Ford Motor Company.

It’s the first time that Carbon Revolution will supply a core vehicle program at Ford – previous programs have been limited to Ford Performance Shelby® Mustang variants and the Ford GT. Supplying a core vehicle allows a wider adoption of Carbon Revolution’s lightweight wheel technology.

Carbon Revolution’s growth and industrialisation strategy is enabling supply of wheel programs on a greater range of vehicles like the Dark Horse, and at higher volumes.

This will also be the first Carbon Revolution wheel available on a Ford right-hand drive (RHD) platform, enabling wider global exposure of the Company’s wheel technology. The Mustang Dark Horse will be available in key RHD Mustang markets, including Australia, the UK and Japan.

Extensive testing
Building on Carbon Revolution’s lengthy relationship with Ford, Carbon Revolution’s engineering teams developed the Dark Horse wheels with a strong understanding of Ford’s stringent wheel testing criteria, which sees wheels undergo over 200 tests for structural and environmental validation.

Advanced construction
Carbon Revolution is expected to commence production of Mustang Dark Horse carbon fibre wheels on the Mega-line in late FY23.

The Ford Mustang Dark Horse will be on sale in late 2023.

127213JEC Group
The JEC Composites Innovation Awards: 2023 official finalists line up Tue, 21 Feb 2023 09:47:00 +0000 Read more]]> The competition is open to any company or R&D Center with a strong collaborative innovation or concept to present. The success of each competitor is closely linked to the partnerships and collective intelligence involved.

More than just a ceremony, these awards are an opportunity to bring possibly undisclosed projects in the limelight as well as a source of inspiration and stimulation to an expert audience always eager to reach out towards new horizons.

After pre-selection of the 30 finalists, one winner will be selected in each of the 11 categories. The awards ceremony will take place in Paris on March 2nd, 2023.

Discover here the finalists in each category.

Category Aerospace – Parts

Hybrid seating structure

Company : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partner(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : Aircraft hybrid seating structure designed and demonstrated under sustainability criteria, based on easy to recycle light weight composite material and produced with efficient automated processes. Commercial aircraft seats consist of many materials and individual parts, mostly a mix of polymers and metals, so very complex to recycle. The seats must also be lightweight to increase the overall efficiency of the aircraft. To achieve both goals (lightweight and recyclability), an aircraft seat series was developed based on the following sustainability criteria:
– Ease of recycling using one polymer type for all polymer parts for which recycling process is available.
– Reduction of number of seat components and weight through function-integrated lightweight design.
– Effective production of the plastic components through processes suitable for series production
– Elimination of toxic primers to improve the adhesion of metal inserts to the polymers (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fuel Sustainable PU based light weight CFRP to reduce CO2 emissions and waste
٠ Radically reduction of numbers of seat parts for low maintenance
٠ Automated high volume production technologies (SMC/WCM) to reduce costs
٠ Reduce the economic cost for carbon fiber aircraft seats
٠ Carbon Fiber attractive design
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Integrally stiffened TP primary structure

Company : Nikkiso (Japan)
Partner(s) : A&P Technology, United States – Solvay Japan, Japan
Description : Development of a high-rate molding process using aerospace qualified thermoplastic materials for parts with complex geometries enabling the replacement of heavier metallic components with composites.Nikkiso, Solvay and A&P have been working in partnership during the last two years to address industry your composite innovation needs for high rate, sustainable, complex geometry components targeting primary and secondary structures for aerospace and AAM (Advanced Air Mobility) market for small to mid-size applications. This innovation consists of the development of Nikkiso’s design of the integrated stiffening component allowing a one-shot processing technology which eliminates multiple fabrication processes. Total process time is reduced from 7 hours to 1 hour (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Unique design as integrated stiffened panels made with continuous fiber
٠ A&P’s ability to tailor the material width/real weight eliminates material waste
٠ Solvay’s sustainable thermoplastic tape allows ease of processing and reforming
٠ High quality one-shot fabrication without large trim and auxiliary materials
٠ Highly drapable with aerospace performance
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Lunar Lander with carbon monocoque structure

Company : Toray Carbon Magic Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Partner(s) : ispace, inc., Japan
Description : Lightweight structure by committing completely to the pursuit of specific strength and stiffness. Encouragement of the airframe structure as close to a one-piece composite structure. On December 11, 2022, ispace launched a lunar lander on a SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket which now continues to maintain a stable attitude and power supply. The precedents to be set by ispace, which is expected to land on the moon in April 2023, could strongly influence future directions in the concepts for lander form and structure. Understanding that weight reduction of the structure for Luner Lander is a critical factor that impacts the efficiency of its business, ispace and Toray Carbon Magic planned a lightweight structure that is optimal in principle by committing completely to the pursuit of specific strength and stiffness in materials, structure, and fabrication methods (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Carbon Composite Monocoque Structure
٠ Sandwich-Structured Composites
٠ Mandrel-Molded Process with Cost-Effective
٠ Integrated Composite Structure
٠ Speedy Development & Production in Composite Parts
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Category Aerospace – Process

Manufacture a Krueger wing flap in thermoplastic.

Company : CETIM (France)
Partner(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Innovative Krueger Flap produced In-situ with an automated thermoplastic process. The innovative Krueger flap, produced through this multi-partner project, has a large and complex shape and was manufactured using an in-situ thermoplastic consolidation process. It outperforms existing processes in terms of structural and industrial performance with higher production, better process stability and improved composite quality (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-situ consolidation with full automated process (laser filament winding)
٠ Recyclability (thermoplastic part)
٠ Repeatability and reliability of the process
٠ Reduction of production costs
٠ Mass reduction of large parts
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Self-cure of CFRP for aerospace applications

Company : The AMRC with Boeing, Wallis Way, Catcliffe (UK)
Partner(s) : Embraer RT Europe, Portugal
Description : Self-Cure is joule heating of CFRP to cure temperature, significantly increasing the energy efficiency of the curing process, reducing cure time and increasing the quality of cured components. Self-cure utilizes the Joule effect to heat conductive carbon fibers in composite components up to their cure temperature. This was developed in the H2020 project MASTRO, from small lab scale panels, up to 2-metre-long aerospace inspired components. Using self-cure, it was possible to cure pre-preg and VARTM components using less than 1% of energy compared to oven-cured components (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Low energy curing of CFRP
٠ Low capital expenditure
٠ Higher quality laminates
٠ Almost limitless size constraints
٠ Path to more multifunctional composites
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Hydrostatic membrane press technology for composites

Company : CTC GmbH (Germany)
Partner(s) : Airbus, Germany
Description : The metal membrane press concept allows for the production of high-temperature thermoplastic composites using a flexible metal tooling side to achieve high laminate quality and production rates. The idea of the technology is the use of a thin, flexible steel membrane for pressure application in composite manufacturing processes. With this technology, the disadvantages and tolerance issues of using hard-hard tooling are mitigated. The flexibility of the membrane compensates all thickness tolerances in the laminate, creating a perfect consolidation. This technology also enables the consolidation of a skin structure while integrating stiffening elements such as stringers in a single process (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Hydrostatic pressure yielding a perfect processing pressure
٠ One-Shot consolidation and integration for high production rates
٠ No auxiliary materials necessary, which greatly contrasts autoclave or oven
٠ Cycle times of 1h for high-temperature thermoplastics lead to lower energy use
٠ High versatility, as the same upper tooling can be used for multiple parts
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Automotive & Road Transportation – Design Part

2022 Toyota Tundra™ composite seatback design

Company : L&L Products (United States)
Partner(s): BASF Corporation, United States – Toyota, United States
Description : Taking an all-steel assembly that contained 60 stamped and welded parts and integrating it into 4 composite parts reducing weight by 20% while passing all relevant crash test requirements. L&L Products CCS™ (Continuous Composite Systems) CCS™ are continuous fiber-reinforced composite materials that can be used as a carrier when combined with our highly engineered sealants and/or structural adhesives. This two-dimensional part is designed to provide strength, stiffness, and rigidity to a lightweight structure. This is the first interior application to use L&L Products Continuous Composite Systems (CCS) technology with BASF’s polyurethane pultrusion system Elastocoat 74850 (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-house engineering expertise
٠ Advanced CAE capabilities
٠ Ultra-high strength to weight ratio
٠ Competitive pricing
٠ Seamless integration of adhesives/sealants
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World’s first carbon roll cage for production cars

Company : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partners(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Extreme lightweight carbon roll cage, to be road legally fitted into a production car, enabled by engineering a unique geometry. The initial metal design withstands extreme elongations. Thus, the use of carbon fibers, presented a major challenge for this application due to the low elongations at break. The Engineering innovation of the project is a new 3 step structural optimization process providing a specific design suitable for CFRP under full consideration of an extremely limited design space as well as multiple crash and FIA load cases (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High weight reduction compared to steel and even titanium
٠ Topology optimized, unique bionic design
٠ Innovative calculation approach – automated link between CAD an FE
٠ Innovative manufacturing process – structural hollow part in serial production
٠ Fulfills FIA load collective
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Company : Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Bamberg (Germany)
Partner(s) : 1 A Autenrieth Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany – Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft, Germany – Fraunhofer IGCV, Germany – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – WAFIOS AG, Germany
Description : Wire-shaped inserts for load-oriented fiber reinforcement of injection-molded thermoplastic components. Implemented on two full-scale industrial demonstrators within the automotive sector, the DRIFT-Technology features a combination of thermoplastic pultrusion, wire bending technique and injection molding technology. This new technology combines large-scale production capability, cost efficiency, design freedom and sustainability to an unmatched degree (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Topology-optimised load-adapted 3D-design-freedom
٠ Disruptive structural/functional property profiles
٠ Large-scale production capability
٠ Significantly enhanced cost-cfficiency & material-utilization
٠ Distinct integration of sustainability concept
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

KORIDION – Active core molding

Company : Alia Mentis SRL (Italy)
Partner(s) : Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Italy – FERRARI Spa, Italy – FILIPPI Boats Srl, Italy – GEVEN Spa, Italy – MFC Hawaii, United States, SABELT Spa, Italy – SCUDERIA ALPHATAURI Spa, Italy – SUM Srl, Italy
Description : Active core molding. The new process that cancel all current limits on CFRP Transformation. KORIDION is the first active core for the self-forming of CFRP to its final shape. No more autoclaves, No more bags. Its ultralight structure expands by heat, applying equalized pressure to every detail of the CFRP structure within the mold. The viscous behavior absorbs overlaps and all the overall interference involved in the component forming. The Koridion core allows previously impossible forms, is completely fire-proof, is soluble, permits the reduction of CFRP materials guaranteeing ultralight compositions and is easy to use (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Design freedom + impossible shapes + self-forming structures + monolithic
٠ Equalized pressure up to 12bar + ultralight+ fireproof + shockproof + soluble
٠ No autoclaves + no bags + simple process
٠ + 40% CFRP saving + 50% labor saving.
٠ 50% green-house-gas reduction
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BEV battery protection plate in composite design 

Company : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partner(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Largest, innovative, sustainable BEV underride guard in thermoplastic sandwich lightweight design with highly efficient one-shot manufacturability for the new Audi Q8 e-tron. The innovative composite part is characterized by its mechanically extremely robust light-weight sandwich design as well as its large dimensions of about 2100 mm x 1400 mm and a total weight of app. 23 kg, of which about 13 kg are UD-tapes. Due to the large size of the component, production using injection molding is technically not feasible, thus a novel one-shot process had to be developed. The overall design is an excellent trade-off in terms of lightweight potential, design suitability for cost-efficient high-volume production, mechanical robustness and sustainability (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High light-weight potential for BEV underride guards, replacing Al-design
٠ Significant reduction of CO2-footprint compared to aluminum design
٠ Novel press-process for high-volume production of complex sandwich parts
٠ Design for recycling
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Graphene from waste tire for lightweight vehicles

Company : Nanografen (Türkiye)
Partner(s) : Farplas Otomotiv A. S., Türkiye – Oyak Renault, Türkiye – Ravago Petrokimya Üretim A.Ş., Türkiye
Description : Nanografen produces graphene from waste tires in pilot scale used as a co-reinforcement in compounding process for cost-effective and lightweight automotive composites without changing the mould. Nanografen scaled up the upcycling sustainable graphene manufacturing technology by using the recycled carbon black obtained from the pyrolysis of waste tires. In this process, the conversion of waste tires to carbon black is 35% and the reaction is occurred under nitrogen environment at 450°C by using catalytic bed process (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Sustainable graphene manufacturing from end-of-life tires in pilot plant scale
٠ Lightweight design by reducing main reinforcement and integrating graphene
٠ Ease thermoplastic processing with graphene requiring no additional treatment.
٠ Lowering cost of graphene by using end-of-life tires compared to prime graphene
٠ Large volume production capacity and easily scalable process
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

CFRP cable-net glass façade 

Company : CARBO-LINK AG (Switzerland)
Partner(s) : seele, Germany
Description : An innovative and novel CFRP cable-net structure for glass façades providing maximum transparency with no visible supporting structure, enabling a clear design language for building envelopes. The CFRP cable-net innovation is an evolution of seele’s steel glass design façades integrated into some of the world’s most recognizable architecture. Combining seele’s innovative glass panels and engineering experience with Carbo-Link’s CFRP tension members has led to a new structural solution for large-scale glass façades (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High tensile strength capacity = increasing ability to carry structural load
٠ Super lightweight = less superstructure demand at more extensive project scale
٠ No relaxation over lifespan = high level of pretension maintained over the life
٠ No service demands = increased active lifespan, reduced cost of ownership
٠ Small cross-section = hidden structural components for increased transparency
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Sheephouse wood bat mitigation structure 

Company : Asset International structures (United Kingdom)
Partner(s) : COWI UK, United Kingdom
Description : Provide a safe structure, ensuring the protection of a rare species of the bat using offsite modular construction, minimizing embodied carbon, and maximizing safety using our FRP and concrete units. Our use of innovative FRP composites for the mesh panels was driven by the design scope. Part of the original requirement was for a minimal maintenance structure to reduce future maintenance costs for the stakeholders which we reviewed and proposed the current adopted design. Using FRP allowed us to create a system that met all the design loadings, 60% open porosity for aerodynamic loads, met smoke and toxicity requirements, created small enough apertures that the bat species cannot enter the structure and allowed for minimal maintenance over the lifespan of the structure (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Showcasing FRP In Major Infrastructure Projects such as underground projects
٠ Protecting the habitat & 13 species of bats including the rare Bechstein’s bat
٠ Reduced long term maintenance offering low life costs
٠ Construction time reduced minimizing the effect on local population & wildlife
٠ Reduces the construction time thus the overall construction cost
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A composite roof for the stadium of Real Madrid

Company : Nanotures (Spain)
Partner(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Three elements are mechanically joined to reach beams with a span of 75 m. The manufacturing process was infusion with double VAP membrane, avoiding the use of holes in the core and excess polymer. Critical parameters such as fiber linearity and core joints have been controlled in production to obtain elements with high compression resistance. Strategically, different reinforcements have been utilized in the design to meet the load case and assist in joining to the metallic elements. Finally, the lightweight composite beams allow simplification in the assembly operations on site as well as the simplification, weight and energy reduction of the displacement and elevation motors.
Key benefits :
٠ Weight reduction and simplification on site installation
٠ Excellent mechanical properties
٠ Environmental and energy benefit
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Category Circularity & Recycling

Circular welding process for thermoset composites

Company : University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwerstern Switzerland (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Huntsman Advanced Materials Switzerland GmbH, Switzerland
Description : A super-fast, reusable welding process that creates high-performance joints between fast-curing epoxy composites involving a co-bonded thermoplastic interlayer that enables the design for circularity. To achieve this, a thermoplastic coupling layer is created by co- bonding with the thermoset resin. This leads to a weldable surface that can be processed with thermoplastic welding methods such as ultrasonic welding. The thermoplastic coupling layer (phenoxy resin) is utilized as a thin film, compatible with the fast-curing epoxy system Araldite® LY3585/Aradur® 3475 in the sense that it can partially diffuse in a controlled way into the thermoset resin during the 1 min curing time at 140°C (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Design for circularity
٠ Fast welding of thermoset composites
٠ Lightweight joint design
٠ CO2 reduction by disassembly and reuse
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100% recycled CF spun yarn and applied products

Company : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partner(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : 100% recycled CF spun yarn compatible to pultrusion process. Establishment of comprehensive CF circulation system from recycling to product application. CFRP properties of rCF spun yarn achieve about 70% tensile strength and 90% elastic modulus compared to virgin CFRP. There is no limitation to the process and matrix, and we are the world’s first manufacturer that successfully utilizes rCF in pultrusion molding with epoxy resin. Due to wind energy market growth, we expect future rCF spun yarn application to the demand for carbon neutral production for wind power generation blades. Furthermore, we established a comprehensive CF recycling system from CF recovery to reproduction (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Applicable recycle CF to pultrusion molding using epoxy matrix
٠ Recycled CFRP highly compatible with virgin CFRP performance
٠ A comprehensive high value CF recycling system
٠ High compatibility for existing process and resin matrix
٠ Low environmental impact
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True bio-based thermoset resin

Company : Evonik Operations GmbH (Germany)
Partner(s) : Kemijski Institut,Slovenia
Description : We developed a new, low viscosity thermosetting resin based on lignin. Designed to work with established processes, i.e. VARI, it reduces the carbon footprint of composites significantly. Vanillin methacrylate, derived from lignin, a waste product from the paper and pulp industry, is the backbone of our new bio-based thermoset resin. Our innovation converts this solid material into a liquid suitable for commercial peroxide hardeners. We made composite panels using flax fiber fabric and VARI (vacuum-assisted resin infusion) equipment. Testing with benchmark materials (epoxy and vinyl ester resins) showed a comparable performance of the laminate. By optimizing the hardener package the performance can be enhanced further.
Key benefits :
٠ 75 % carbon footprint reduction
٠ Bio-based from waste material of the paper and pulp industry
٠ Easy to use, low viscosity
٠ Excellent performance, especially in combination with flax
٠ Drop-in thermoset resin
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Category Digital, AI & Data

Auto-teaching algorithm for thermography

Company : Twin Robotics (France)
Description : Thermography is a fast way to robotically inspect a composite part. The innovation lies in an auto-teaching algorithm that automatically defines the optimal path(s) for inspection. Currently, industrial robots automate repetitive tasks (e.g. automotive ind), Industry 4.0, however, demands more flexible, easier to program, and smarter robots that are capable of performing tasks on a small series or parts or even single parts. This flexibility requires being able to define the tasks that the robot must do in a simple way. The programming of a robot must be able to be done in a few minutes by a person with no knowledge of robotics. With our software – AppRob – we offer a digital twin of the robotic inspection machine that reduces programming time to a few hours for experts in NDT and not in robotics (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Automatic Off-Line Programming (OLP)
٠ Full simulation of Thermographic Machine
٠ No knowledge in Robotics needed
٠ Design a complete Digital Twin for the robot system
٠ Shrink the OLP time to the minimal possible
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AI-powered, cloud-based real-time process control

Company : Netzsch Process Intelligence GmbH (Germany)
Partners(s) : Carbon Revolution LTD., Australia – German Aerospace Center and the CosiMo Project, Germany – Netzsch Group, Germany – Schwarz Plastic Solutions GmbH, Germany
Description : sensXPERT is an end-to-end, integrated equipment as a service solution for the plastics manufacturing industry solving challenges around consistent process stability while ensuring cost efficiency. Dielectric sensors are the heart of the system, favorably positioned at or close to the main gate, while the second one sits best at the end of the flow—regardless of part size. Data collected by the sensors are transferred to the sensXPERT edge device, which is placed machine near. The edge device acts as an industrial PC with the main task of evaluating and communicating the data received to the Cloud via secured servers maintained by Amazon Web Services.
Key benefits :
٠ Real-time process cycle optimization
٠ In-mold process control
٠ Full tracking/traceability for every part produced
٠ Up to 50 % scrap reduction & 23 % energy cost savings
٠ Optimized use of human-based resources
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In-process AFP manufacturing inspection system

Company : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : In-process AFP Manufacturing Inspection System (IAMIS) for automated fiber placement (AFP) head to detect manufacturing defects and a user-friendly augmented reality visualization module. IAMIS detects manufacturing defects that are above the certification basis (or unacceptable) using machine-learning (ML) algorithms for reducing time-consuming and operator-dependent manual inspection processes that require significantly interrupting the manufacturing process.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase automated manufacturing system utilization (operational efficiency)
٠ Eliminate labor-intensive manual inspections and improve quality
٠ Eliminate human error associated with operator experience levels
٠ Augmented reality visualization for repair and quality assurance
٠ Create a digital record of defects for certification and sustainment support
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Composite high-speed railway car body

Company : Talgo (Spain)
Partners(s) : Aernnova, Spain – FIDAMC, Spain, TECNALIA, Spain
Description : The development is a hybrid composite car body structure for Very High-Speed train made of CFRP composite and Aluminum with a 25% weight reduction. The demonstrator is a whole carbody of an intermediate coach of Talgo 350 at TRL 6/7 1:1 scale. Talgo 350 is a High-Speed Train running in Spain since 15 years and Talgo HHR, a variation of it, running in Saudi Arabia since 5 years. The car body is divided in two main parts that are integrated at the end of the assembly process: – End walls, made on aluminum and – CFRP main tube (roof, lateral panels, and floor/main frame) made using monolithic, sandwich and pultrusion profiles. The technologies used to manufacture the composite components (apart from pultrusion profiles) are based on hand and semi-automatic lay-up CFRP semi-prepreg compliant with the Fire-Smoke-Toxicity standards for the railway. This way, we are removing completely the use of welding on steel and/or aluminum in the manufacturing of the main tube.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase of capacity due to weight reductions
٠ Decrease of energy consumption
٠ Simplified assembly process
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Isotruss® carbon fiber tower

Company : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partners(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : IsoTruss® Carbon Fiber Towers are up to twelve times stronger than steel for a given weight, or as little as one-twelfth the weight for a given load, depending on the design, site and specifications. IsoTruss was originally invented for aerospace applications and is ideally suited in load bearing structures anywhere low weight and stiffness are critical. Overall, the IsoTruss® combines high performing continuous fiber (such as carbon, glass, aramid, etc.) reinforced polymer composite materials with a very efficient geometry to allow those elements to carry the load efficiently, allowing extremely lightweight and extremely high performance.
Key benefits :
٠ Material Advantages: High Strength/High Stiffness/High Durability/Transversely Isotropic/Radio Frequency Transparent/Corrosion Resistant
٠ Structural Advantages: Resists Shell Buckling/Lighter Weight/Low Drag/Damage Tolerant/Aesthetics/Eco-Friendly/Corrosion Resistant/Less CF to mfg/lightweight lowers shipping/install costs-reduces CO2 70%.
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Lightweight booms for agricultural sprayers

Company : BK COMPONENTS S.A. (Argentina)
Partners(s) : BCK ID SRL, Argentina – CAIMAN SRL, Argentina – KOHLENIA SRL, Argentina
Description : A modular concept of sprayer boom with intelligent use of composites and manufacturing processes, to provide a scalable, cost efficient and environmentally friendly solution for agriculture. The composite materials and their manufacturing processes used for the boom are specially selected and developed, aiming for a scalable, cost efficient and environmentally friendly product. The carbon fiber tubes are made by wet filament winding for a high level of automation, the maximum integration in the value chain, and to avoid the higher costs and drawbacks associated to the logistics of prepregs. The compression-molded composite part is 80% cheaper than its aluminum counterpart and there is a reduction of 66% of the industrial waste (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Longer working span boosts productivity
٠ Reduced weight and better dynamic response of the spraying booms
٠ Reduced environmental impact (less fuel/scrap recycling/spot spraying systems)
٠ Easy repairability thanks to adhesive bonding of the repair kit
٠ Vertical integration and high automatization of production processes
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding

Automated, mouldless composite wing sail for yacht

Company : Rondal (Netherlands)
Partners(s) : Artemis Technologies, United Kingdom – Curve Works, Netherlands
Description : Rondal, Curve Works and Artemis Technologies present a fully customizable, automated, composite solid wing sail assembled from load bearing carbon fiber skin panels manufactured on adaptive tooling. Rondal, Curve Works and Artemis Technologies are seeking to increase the market share of wind propelled yachts and have created a highly efficient, automated, composite solid wing sail technology that can be “ready-to-sail” in seconds, further increasing the amount of time vessels rely solely on clean, renewable wind propulsion (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fully automated composite wing sail technology for lower emission yachts
٠ 100% sustainable wind propulsion with lowest possible manufacturing footprint
٠ Innovative structural assembly created from multiple prepreg carbon panels
٠ Modeless, scalable, customizable manufacturing process with integrated heating
٠ Maximizes sailing time and comfort, ready to sail in only 10 seconds
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Solid sail mast

Company : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partners(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialization of the fabrication of very large mast to fit to price and delay of marine industry market. SOLID SAIL MAST fabrication is based on carbon preg pieces made in autoclave. We cut the mast in sections able to enter the largest autoclave (24m x 6m) we had and develop an assembly method using AFP fabricated sleeves to assembly the 24m long sections together in a quick and efficient way.
Key benefits :
٠ Higher quality standard through precisely automated lamination
٠ Higher productivity from faster/fewer manufacturing processes
٠ Lower production cost from reduction of processes
٠ Reduced waste and reduced manufacturing hazard
٠ Higher consistency in the mass manufacturing of parts
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Serial use of hemp for small parts in boating

Company : Groupe Beneteau (France)
Partners(s) : Chomarat, France
Description : Development and integration of a glass-hemp complex in the industrial production of composite parts in closed mold process for boatbuilding applications. In boat industry activities, to date, there is no mass production integrating natural fibers. The BENETEAU Group manufactures more than 30,000 composite parts per year to equip its boat decks. The solution developed by CHOMARAT allows a compromise between the industrial constraints of the small parts production process and customer expectations, all within a sustainable development framework (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Small parts in boat industry.
٠ Sustainability Improvement
٠ Serial production marine with Hemp fibers
٠ Development of local industry
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Category Renewable Energies

New acrylic adhesives for a better world

Company : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : New technology of non-flammable, low-odor, and primer-free structural acrylate adhesives with a favorable health and safety profile, providing exceptional bonding performance on multiple substrates. The innovation is a new acrylic adhesives technology that cures fast, creates high strength and high elongation bonds, outstanding stress and impact resistance, and importantly, unlike many structural adhesives, provides an effective solution to multiple sustainability-related challenges, without compromising performance (Non-flammable classification, favorable health and safety profile, low odor and limited surface preparation) (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Safety, wellbeing, and productivity
٠ Reduced CO2 emissions (transport)
٠ Financial savings (storage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrates, and composites bonding
٠ Material models available for simulation
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Opticore design platform for blade lightweighting

Company : Gurit UK Ltd (United Kingdom)
Description : OptiCore is a software enabling more efficient core kits for wind blades – considering mechanical properties, geometrical fit, blade weight, resin uptake, manufacturing cost, health, permeability. Thanks to this new OptiCore software solution, product design parameters can be considered. Design parameters are often interdependent and impact each other. The software mitigates this complexity by considering these interdependencies reliably and quickly (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Reduced cost of wind energy
٠ Faster product development time
٠ Explore multiple designs quickly
٠ Improved wind blade mechanical properties
٠ Cost and weight saving
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Corpower WEC – Clean electricity from ocean waves

Company : Corpower Ocean AB (Sweden)
Partners(s) : Corpower Ocean Portugal Lda, Portugal
Description : Industrial-scale wave energy converter enabled by an innovative mobile filament winding factory for composite hull manufacturing at scale. The WEC hull has been designed with a low-cost sandwich structure made of filament-wound composite skins for the inner and outer layer separated by a core material. The inner skin combines glass fiber roving and specially developed 141-millimeter-wide bands of fabric – a layer of Diab (Helsingborg, Sweden) Divinycell H structural PVC foam core designed for strength and to adapt to the curvature of the hull – and an outer skin also comprising filament-wound roving and fabric. Composite hulls can be built rapidly on customer sites thanks to a “mobile factory” concept, with additive manufacturing dramatically reducing lead times, cost, and CO2 footprint by eliminating transportation of the finished product (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 20-30% increase in annual energy production (AEP) yield vs. steel
٠ 70% reduction in end-to-end hull production costs vs. steel
٠ 15-20% improvement in levelized cost of energy (LCOE) vs. steel
٠ Increased reliability, robustness and durability in harsh oceans
٠ Highly scalable onsite WEC hull production via mobile winding factory concept
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Recyclable thermoset CFRP composite bike

Company : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partners(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Thermoset CFRP bicycle was made from recyclable EzCiclo prepreg. Composite parts can be recycled by CleaVER liquid to reclaim resin and fiber enabling closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite. Swancor presents recyclable thermosetting resin “EzCiclo” and degradation liquid “CleaVER”. EzCiclo is a recyclable epoxy resin. Hot melt prepregs made of EzCiclo RB-564 with different Fiber Average Weight (FAW) are used to produce composite bicycle parts including frame, handlebar, front fork and rims. The End-of-life composite parts made from EzCiclo can be degraded by CleaVER liquid at 130°C-150°C for 4 hours, enabling complete separation of matrix and fiber. The crosslinked matrix is dissolved in CleaVER and can be reused. The reclaimed fiber shows comparable properties compared to virgin fiber (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 100% recyclable thermoset composite bicycle parts with promising properties
٠ Innovative resin system enables closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite
٠ Ease of adoption with existing manufacturing facilities and processes
٠ Lower carbon emission recycling and generate no waste
٠ Higher value of recycled resin and fiber
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Integrated loop technology bicycle frame

Company : COMPO TECH PLUS SPOL, s r.o. (Czech Republic)
Partners(s) : Czech Technical University in Prague., Czech Republic
Description : A bicycle frame produced by an automated fiber winding process, incorporating continuous fibre tube joining development “integrated loop technology” (ILT). The proprietary fiber winding and integrated loop process technologies have been used here to manufacture the interconnected frame sub-assembly parts, namely the bottom bracket shell, chainstays and the top, head, down and seat tubular sections of a mountain bike frame. CompoTech’s ILT production processes can manufacture a single large hollow integrated loop end joint or multiple individual loops to acommodate specific fixings and fastener systems.
Key benefits :
٠ More productive than comparative hand built assembled frame
٠ Stronger joints and efficient material use, eliminating over laminated joints
٠ Reduced machining – connection designed into the ILT AFL process
٠ Reduced labour time – higher productivity, lower part cost achievable
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Modular suitcase made from rCFRP

Company : PITAKA (China)
Partners(s) : a-Motion Advanced Materials & Technology Co. Ltd., China – Expliseat, France – Roctool, France
Description : Application of rCFRP and of Natural flax fibers with Roctool TP technology. Recycle & Reusing from Expliseat. Modular design makes it possible to recycle the composite parts from the products. Innovation is based on dual axis:
٠ New Materials: Develop a variety of materials which accommodate one unique goal which is sturdy industries to show and demonstrate that recycled composite materials can be used to manufacture premium products.
٠ Modular Design: Our most important strategic goal for innovation is to achieve product recyclability. With our approach any consumer can easily disassemble their suitcase & recycle the composites. We can then encourage the end-users to take real action to reduce waste and protect the environment.
Key benefits :
٠ Modular design and easy repair
٠ Composites’ sustainability in leisure industry
٠ Highly customized
٠ Lightweighted, durable and greener
٠ Fashionable travel
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126512JEC Group
Joby begins final assembly of first company-conforming aircraft Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> The aircraft, which is the first to be produced at Joby’s pilot manufacturing facility in Marina, California, has been manufactured in accordance with a released design and built according to a complete implementation of a quality management system, qualifying it as a company-conforming aircraft – an important step on the path to achieving the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) type certification required to begin commercial passenger operations.

“Beginning final assembly of our first company-conforming aircraft is a critical achievement for Joby and a landmark for the wider eVTOL industry,” said Didier Papadopoulos, Head of Aircraft OEM at Joby.

“It unlocks the path ahead and allows us to exercise our quality management system in preparation for type certification and a subsequent production certification,” he added. “There is an incredible amount of work that goes into getting to this point and I’m very grateful for the energy and commitment of the team behind this achievement.”

The Complete Flight Profile of Joby’s eVTOL Aircraft

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Having built the major aerostructures of the aircraft – the wing, tail, and fuselage – Joby is now beginning the process of mating the structures together and installing the wiring, electronics, actuation, and propulsion systems on its pilot production line. Joby expects the aircraft to begin flight testing in the first half of 2023.

Joby’s Quality Management System, matured over a number of years, includes tracking and documentation of every part on the aircraft, configuration management of engineering drawings, environmental conditions during fabrication, and actions taken by manufacturing technicians. The system is reviewed regularly by the FAA as part of the company’s preparation to receive a production certificate following the type certification of its eVTOL aircraft.

Concurrently with low-rate aircraft production in Marina, Joby is actively evaluating proposals from a number of U.S. states to support the construction of the Company’s Phase 1 production facility.

127048JEC Group
Toray supplies H3 launch vehicle with high-performance carbon fiber and prepreg Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Torayca™ carbon fiber manufactured by Toray Industries, Inc. has been used for the existing H-IIA rocket in the motor case (the part of the rocket body that stores solid fuel and serves as the combustion chamber). Torayca™ continues to be used for the motor case of the H3 Launch Vehicle, and Torayca™ prepreg, which was designed using high-strength carbon fiber and high-toughness resin, has been newly adopted for the payload fairing section (the leading edge of the launch vehicle where satellites and other payloads are loaded).

Torayca™ prepreg used in fairings is a slit tape prepreg designed for the automated fiber placement process, enabling efficient forming and processing of complex shapes and large structural materials, including oven forming, in addition to conventional autoclave forming.

In recent years, the use of satellites has expanded in various fields such as broadcasting, communications, positioning (GPS), earth observation, and disaster prevention, and the demand for launch vehicles has been increasing year by year. With the demand for lower launch costs and higher performance, the use of composite materials is expected to expand further in the future. Toray will continue to support such demand with Torayca™ products.

Toray is promoting “Global Expansion in Growth Business Fields” as one of the basic strategies under its medium-term management program, “Project AP-G 2022”, and the carbon fiber composite materials business is positioned as an area of expansion in line with this strategy. Based on our corporate philosophy of “We contribute to society through the creation of new value,” we will contribute to the development of society by proposing and providing globally optimal materials for solving problems.

127065JEC Group
Sabelt collaborates with Bcomp for natural fibre seats Fri, 17 Feb 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]>

Sabelt is working on the development of seats made with sustainable alternatives replacing non-renewable materials.

Founded in 1972 by Piero and Giorgio Marsiaj, Sabelt specializes in the development and production of car seats for performance road cars, racing products for motor racing and seatbelts for aerospace. From the world of motorsport, Sabelt has developed a range of premium sports seats for the world’s leading car manufacturers and counts Ferrari, McLaren, Alpine, Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Jaguar, Maserati and Aston Martin among its partners.

In 2019 Sabelt began its commitment to the Carbogreen Project, with the aim of reducing the company’s environmental impact and producing a new line of seats made with more sustainable materials. Three years later, the public call for the Carbogreen Project continues thanks to the financing of Finpiemonte and the support of the European Fund for Regional Development.

The whole world of automotive OEMs is taking action to move towards weight reduction, recyclability, sustainability through the use of natural fibres. Sabelt, following this course of action from years, is working to grow in this respect and can now boast of being among the leaders in this commitment.

Thanks to the collaboration with Bcomp, Sabelt is currently validating the use of flax fibres to make a seat with natural materials. The use of flax can be considered a new beginning of this project as it means replacing carbon fibre or fiberglass with renewable materials, significantly reducing CO2 emissions, without compromising performance.

The Carbogreen Project is an important initiative for Sabelt as a first step, to be followed by the implementation of natural fibre reinforced thermoplastic materials, which are more easily recyclable at the end of the vehicle’s life and helps reduce environmental impact from the seat system production.

Moving towards an environmentally sustainable future in the automotive sector must be a global common goal and still many actions need to be implemented. Sabelt is proud to actively commit to this end, also collaborating with companies that constantly work to achieve the same results.

127059JEC Group
Natural lighting is an ally of Environmental Social and Governance practices Fri, 17 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> If in the past natural lighting attracted companies only because of savings in the electricity bill, in times of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) this alternative has gained more strength, and for other reasons.

More than just the financial aspect, sunlight improves the quality of the work environment and, as a result, has a positive impact on workers’ health. Solutions of this type also combine the use of lighting with the blocking of direct solar radiation. This prevents overheating of the building while reducing reliance on air conditioning. Result: well-being and reduction of visual fatigue for those who spend a good part of their day in an industrial warehouse.

“Natural lighting strengthens the sustainable profile of companies because consuming less, under any circumstances, preserves the environment. It is also an important ally in improving workplace conditions”, said Cyrus Muchalski, general manager of Planefibra, a Brazilian company that specializes in solutions for lighting and ventilation – it is one of the main manufacturers of composites translucent and opaque tiles from Brazil.

Depending on the dimensions of the building, the season of the year and the incidence of sunlight, Muchalski calculates that companies are able to reduce their energy bill by up to 95% with lighting during business hours. “To obtain this result, the ideal is to cover 10% of the shed area with translucent tiles.”

With a minimum useful life of ten years, composite tiles have high thermal resistance. That is, even in places where the incidence of sunlight is high, there is no risk of the roof deforming. Another advantage is the production of custom-made tiles, which adapt to the various existing roofing models. “Add to that the price, on average, 30% lower than polycarbonate tiles, the main competitor of those made of composites”, compared Muchalski.

In the last decade, Planefibra supplied 3.5 million m² of tiles to builders of logistics and industrial warehouses, home centers, supermarkets, sports centers and homes. Produced in accordance with the NBR 16,753 standard and Technical Instruction No. 10, which concerns fire resistance, the company’s tiles also have ultraviolet protection on both sides.

About Planefibra:
Founded in 2007, in the city of São Bento do Sul, in Santa Catarina, Brazil, Planefibra is a company specialized in solutions for natural lighting and ventilation through the manufacture of tiles, domus, shutters and sheets of composite materials (FRP). Its products are present in industrial, commercial and residential buildings throughout Brazil and in several countries in South America.

127009JEC Group
Ferrari celebrates 30 years in China with a Ferrari Tailor Made Thu, 16 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The 620-cv turbo-charged Prancing Horse is the result of a collaboration between female Chinese designer Jiang Qiong’er and the Ferrari Tailor Made programme, combining Chinese aesthetics and expertise with Italian design philosophy and Chinoiserie chic.  

Clad in a matte silver named ‘Sanusilver’ and ‘Rosso Magma Glossy’ the contrasting colour scheme suits the Roma chassis, while inside the car there are several details drawing from Chinese culture.  

While the exterior features stripes running along the body inspired by furniture from the Ming Dynasty, the interior has Tailor Made-signature carbon fibre sills and a gold dedication plate engraved with the Chinese characters for the number 30, inlaid with jade to symbolise purity and gentility.  

It has been three decades since the first Ferrari arrived in China, when a Beijing customer ordered a Ferrari 348 TS in 1992. 

Today’s Ferrari Roma marks the beginning of a new and exciting chapter of Ferrari in China, according to the Italian luxury sports car manufacturer.

126988JEC Group
Feize Composites completes first set of carbon fiber composite medical bed boards Tue, 14 Feb 2023 14:36:23 +0000 Read more]]> The carbon fiber composite medical bed board can effectively improve the transmittance of medical rays and avoid the damage of excessive doses of rays to the human body. This product adopts a sandwich structure, which has excellent weight reduction effect and excellent fatigue resistance, according to Feize Composites. The company says that on the basis of optimized structural design, it has realized low-cost and high-quality manufacturing of carbon fiber composite medical bed boards by adopting self-designed and self-developed mold tooling and process routes. 

Langfang Feize Composites was established in February 2019 and is located in Langfang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, in China’s Hebei province. The company’s largest shareholder is Sinopec.

126936JEC Group
VisionF Yachts unveils new flagship catamaran in kevlar composite Tue, 14 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The new model is constructed entirely of innovative kevlar composite for high strength-to-weight ratio, meaning a very light structure that is at the same time extremely strong, rigid and durable.

At 30.5 metres overall, the flybridge catamaran shares the same in-house design DNA and many of the features of its smaller siblings, but on a superyacht scale. With a max beam of 12 metres it boasts enormous spaces both inside and out. Despite its huge length and width, the catamaran will have a 1.2-metre draft that makes it perfect to explore shallow waters, for example, in the Caribbean and enter secluded bays.

“I’m happy to announce that we have sold the first VisionF 100 in kevlar composite and we are going to deliver the catamaran in early 2025,” said Coskun Bayraktar, Founder and Owner of VisionF Yachts. “And we plan to start building the second unit that will be launched in March 2025.”

The aft cockpit, for example, has dining facilities for a full complement of guests with an ingenious sofa design whose backrest can be shifted to face the table or a folding terrace suspended over the stern.

The foredeck is always a favourite hang-out for guests on catamarans and the new VisionF 100 adds the option of a large glass-bottomed Jacuzzi (2.4m x 1.6m) above the water below. Not forgetting that expansive sundeck that offers 116 sqm of open-air space with yet more sofa seating, sunbeds, dining table and a bar unit.

Inside on the main deck is a huge 100-sqm saloon with a dining room. Clients can also choose to have a luxurious forward-facing master stateroom of 30 sqm with private access to the foredeck. Full-height, sliding glass doors on both sides of the saloon open onto folding bulwarks for panoramic views and a cooling sea breeze.

In the two hulls, which can be configured to suit individual owners’ preference, there is space for up to six ensuite guest cabins, a fully equipped galley and, depending on the choice of guest cabin layout, as many as three crew cabins with separate access.

As for the propulsion, the VisionF 100 will be fitted with four Volvo Penta IPS 1050 engines for the maximum speed of 22 knots.

126873JEC Group
The largest thermoplastic aerostructures successfully manufactured as part of the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator project Wed, 08 Feb 2023 10:47:19 +0000 Read more]]> GKN Fokker, NLR, Delft University of Technology and SAM|XL, have successfully manufactured one of the world’s largest thermoplastic components as part of the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) project led by Airbus. This demonstrates how the use of thermoplastic composites can help realize a next-gen fleet of aircraft capable of offering the same strength and durability as aluminum, while drastically reducing the fuselage recurring cost, as well as the overall weight of aircraft and the subsequent emissions. The eight meters by four meters composite structure – delivered under the Clean Sky 2 STUNNING project – will act as the lower half of the fuselage demonstrator.

The ground-breaking aerostructure consists of more than 400 thermoplastic fibre-reinforced parts, as well as thousands of spot welds and hundreds of meters of continuous welds. The fuselage lower half will be joined at Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade with the upper half made by German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Structures and Design in Augsburg.

GKN Fokker, NLR, Delft University of Technology and SAM|XL, have successfully manufactured one of the world’s largest thermoplastic components as part of the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) project led by Airbus.

The MFFD project aims to demonstrate High Rate Production (HRP) of a minimum of 60 aircraft per month (up to 100 aircraft), reduce the total fuselage weight by 1 ton (10 %), and reduce the total fuselage recurring cost by € 1 million (20 %). STUNNING contributed to these objectives by showcasing novel thermoplastic manufacturing and joining technologies, as well as modular manufacturing techniques and automation.

GKN Fokker was responsible for the assembly of STUNNING, which consisted of a skin module and a floor grid module. The skin module featured a skin made as a single part by NLR using Automatic Fiber Placement, 38 stringers from Xelis made using continuous compression moulding, some of which joggled by NLR, 208 injection-moulded clips produced by the ECO-CLIP consortium, and frame sub-assemblies. The floor grid module included floor beam sub-assemblies with passenger floor beams made by automatic fibre placement. Both frame and floor beam sub-assemblies were made by GKN Fokker. The floor grid was fully equipped with various systems before installation in the skin module.

Arnt Offfringa, Director Global Technology Center NL of GKN Aerospace said: “This breakthrough project, which began in 2017, has significantly advanced our understanding and accelerated the development of thermoplastic technologies for large and complex aircraft parts. It has showcased the potential for industrial-scale application of robotic welding in the assembly of thermoplastic aerostructures. The partnership approach to STUNNING has also been a great success, showing how much progress can be made when working together. Collaboration projects such as this will be vital as we continue to push the boundaries of technology in order to meet our sustainability targets.”

“The lower skin of the MFFD, the largest known single thermoplastic piece ever made in the world, allowed us to investigate thermal and positioning effects during the manufacturing of complex thermoplastic parts”, added Johan Kos, NLR project manager. “Next to this, the collaboration with GKN Fokker Aerostructures, Elmo, and Airbus benefits from further develop NLR’s knowledge of other relevant construction and system technologies such as of induction welding of thermoplastic parts, both experimentally and with simulation.”

The demonstrator was assembled in SAM|XL at the TU Delft Campus, where a 10 x 11 x 4 m ultrasonic welding robot was built from numerous machine parts and software components supplied by European partners. Team SAM|XL was responsible for the integration of the robotic welding cell and the development of smart control and programming methods. Valuable lessons were learned related to ‘design for automated assembly’. In a joint effort, rapid energy-efficient ultrasonic welding technology was scaled-up from the lab at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering to an industrial-scale solution for dust-less assembly of the demonstrator involving 1600 structurally sound spot welds. Further maturation of this game changing assembly technology will be accelerated in SAM|XL’s new robotic welding lab.

126694JEC Group
The world’s largest plane needs some composite cables Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:01:00 +0000 Read more]]> On Januray 16, 2023 Stratolaunch announced its ninth successful test flight, which saw the carrier aircraft complete a 6-hour flight at an altitude of 22,500 feet over the Mojave Desert.

There’s a lot going on behind the awe-inspiring size and power of Roc, including some very precise flight control system cables from Future Fibres. With a reputation for designing and manufacturing the highest performing cables for the largest sailing vessels on the water, Roc is the largest “vessel” on land, sea, or in the air that Future Fibres has ever supplied. Ironically enough, the cables onboard Roc also have the smallest diameter of any Future Fibres has ever produced.

EC multistrand tensile cable

The set of 34 Future Fibres EC multistrand tensile cables vary in length from 1.48-30.53 metres, making those at the top of that range some of the longest EC cables in existence. That being said, they have been designed with minimal cross-sectional diameter, a break strength of 2000kg, titanium Nanolite ends and a white spectra braid – making them long but designed to a very precise specification.

Well-proven durability characteristics coupled with consistent temperature performance of EC technology, made Future Fibres the choice to the engineers at Stratolaunch LLC.

“Future Fibres is proud to supply Stratolaunch with its composite cable technology as they continue push the boundaries of aerospace engineering to make accessing the hypersonic flight environment more routine and reliable.” said Richard Adams, Business Development Director, Future Fibres Rigging Systems S.L..

126593JEC Group
A New Chapter: The Bizzarrini ‘Giotto’ Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:48:36 +0000 Read more]]> In the Giotto, a partnership first established 60 years ago is rekindled, with Giorgetto Giugiaro penning the design alongside his son Fabrizio. A young Giugiaro, whilst at Bertone contributed to the design of the Bizzarrini 5300 GT, so naturally there was no more qualified an individual to establish the design language of the first entirely new Bizzarrini model. The bespoke carbon fibre body is intricately sculpted to intersect the mindsets of the designer, engineer and driver – crafted with purpose through the collective brilliance of the team.

Classic low-slung supercar proportions are seamlessly blended with core elements of Bizzarrini’s signature design DNA. The prominent dual bonnet-mounted vents of original Bizzarrinis are evolved into a new frontal visual character for the Giotto, incorporating ultra-slimline LED headlights. As they end in the centre of the bonnet, they cradle a prominent centre-mounted Bizzarrini badge, just as it was framed on the 5300 GT.

In profile, the Giotto is marked out by a reimagining of the 5300GT’s triangular B-pillar and a rear windscreen that wraps so far around the rear it almost seems to cascade onto the wheel arches. Rear-mid-engined, rather than front-mid-engined like the 5300 GT, the predatorial forward stance of the Giotto is a visual representation of power driving from behind and conveys the might of the power unit. The tail gently tapers and curves away gracefully, creating an aerodynamic teardrop shape.

Giorgetto Giugiaro said: “To have the opportunity to design an entirely new car from Bizzarrini is a privilege. Our two names are united in nearly six decades of history and a series of now iconic designs. With the Giotto, we honour the past but we focus wholly on the future. Designed for purpose, and incorporating active aerodynamic technologies, we have created something that is both recognisably Bizzarrini and totally relevant for an entirely new era of this cherished Italian brand.”

Giotto Bizzarrini is renowned as a genius engineer and test driver who initially made his name as controller of experimental, Sports and GT car development at Ferrari. He played the key role in the development of the iconic Ferrari 250 GTO, latterly developing the advanced aerodynamics for the legendary Ferrari 250-based ‘bread van’.

Also lauded for his work in building the famous Lamborghini V12 engine, first used on Lamborghini’s debut model, the 350 GT. Bizzarrini’s V12 engine proved such a compelling design that aspects of this power unit were used by Lamborghini right up until 2010.

In the Giotto, the rare set of diverse skills possessed by the founder of Bizzarrini have come to define the character of the car.

Full technical details will be revealed later this year, as Bizzarrini will again look to its heritage for powertrain options. Bizzarrini’s work on the Lamborghini V12 provides inspiration, with an exclusive naturally aspirated V12 engine planned. Designed to meet Bizzarrini-specific performance, drivability, emissions compliance and emotional targets, it will be paired with an eight-speed dual-clutch transmission. Development of the powertrain, as well as all engineering aspects of the Giotto will be overseen by newly appointed Bizzarrini, CTO, Chris Porritt, who has led engineering divisions at Aston Martin, Tesla and Rimac.  

Chris Porritt, Bizzarrini CTO, said: “We have a very clear vision for the Giotto, defined ultimately by how it makes a driver feel. Bizzarrini is a brand built on genius and passion, established by a polymath with world-class talents as a designer, engineer and test driver. We now very deliberately and authentically recreate Giotto’s vision, choosing not to chase acceleration times or lap records, but to develop a car that appeals to those experienced drivers seeking purity, authenticity and rarity. This is vocal and emotive, it’s mechanical and it’s tactile. But it’s also incredibly practical and luxurious, delivered with the personality and emotion of a bespoke Italian brand.”

One of Giotto Bizzarrini’s most valuable talents was his ability to push the limits of contemporary engineering. The 5300 GT made extensive use of the strongest lightweight material of its day, the Giotto will likewise make use of the lightest, strongest and most suitable materials available to its creators. As well as the purposeful carbon fibre body, the Giotto will be based on a composite body structure – designed to meet or exceed worldwide safety standards, using technologies and manufacturing processes developed in top-tier motorsport.

Testing of the Giotto will begin in 2024, with further technical details divulged throughout 2023. Its reveal comes at a time of enormous momentum at Bizzarrini. In addition to the appointment of Chris Porritt as CTO, Julian Jenkins is appointed as CCO responsible for the commercial and operational aspects of the business. Similar to Chris, Julian brings over 30 years of automotive experience including senior positions with Porsche, Bentley, Aston Martin and most recently Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. Both Julian and Chris will report to Ian Fenton who recently joined as CEO. Ian also brings over 30 years’ experience in the automotive industry, including senior or director roles in Ford of Europe, Ford Motor China, Jaguar Land Rover, Aston Martin Lagonda and Aston Martin Works.

Ian Fenton, Bizzarrini CEO, said: “As we continue to deliver the 24 examples of the 5300 GT Corsa Revival to customers all over the world, we now focus on the development of the Giotto. Envisioned as a car for connoisseurs, exclusively rare, built for pure enjoyment and luxury.”

“The 5300 GT Corsa Revival was an introduction to the world of the genius of Bizzarrini but the Giotto is the centerpiece of our future as an exclusive supercar manufacturer. It forms the heart of a ten-year strategy that will see additional variants and more Revival models from Bizzarrini while also firmly placing this historic and revered name among the very best performance brands in the world.”

126569JEC Group
Building a world championship winner Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Aurelien Ducroz’s Crosscall, which won the Class40 World Championships in June 2022, was built by a highly-skilled independent infusion specialist, Grand Largue Composites (GLC) in Caen, France. Crosscall is the prototype of the new Lift V2 design by Marc Lombard, one of the leading naval architects in this field. It is also the first Class40 (and probably the first ocean racing yacht of any kind) ever built with a significant amount of natural flax fibre.
Class40 is one of the most competitive fleets in yacht racing, for both sailors and naval architects. The weight, strength and stiffness of composite structures are just as crucial in grand prix ocean racing as they are in Formula One motorsport, but the racecourse is thousands of miles and violent storm force conditions are often encountered, meaning long-term durability is vitally important.
A further complication is that carbon fibre is banned in hull construction to keep costs under control, so builders must strive for excellence and competitive advantage while using regular glass fibre instead. The quality and reliability of the resins used for infusion and lamination are therefore of paramount importance. And that’s where Sicomin comes in.

A game-changing design
Proving to be even faster than Lombard’s design software had calculated, Crosscall is an excellent performer in light winds. While the boat is showing itself to be a good all-rounder, it was designed and optimised for a specific purpose: winning the Route du Rhum.
Staged once every four years since 1978, the Route du Rhum is the classic single-handed race across the Atlantic Ocean – more than 3,500 miles from St-Malo in Brittany to Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, starting in November. It attracts the world’s top professional ocean racing sailors, including a huge fleet of Class40s.
The Lift V2 is a development of Lombard’s Lift 40 design that won the last Route du Rhum in 2018, crossing the Atlantic in 16 days and three hours and establishing a new class record. Crosscall is capable of shaving another whole day off that record, given similar weather.

The hull was moulded and infused in one piece and the deck – including the hybrid fl ax fi bre cockpit – was also infused as a single part.

World-class composite skills
Over the last 15 years, GLC earned an enviable reputation for the quality of its vacuum- infused epoxy composite hulls, parts and structures. Sicomin has always been their sole supplier of epoxy resins for infusion, hand lamination and adhesion, also supplying fibres, core materials and more.

Ducroz was very keen to use as much flax as possible in the build but Lombard – who had to certify and warranty the boat’s structure in ocean racing use – was more cautious. A compromise was reached: the cockpit was designed to be effectively non-structural with the mainsheet, which can generate huge shock loads, supported separately. This allowed the cockpit to be built with a 50%-flax hybrid biaxial fibre that was produced specifically for the project. Other parts of the boat incorporating flax fibre include the tunnel, the engine cover, the ballast tanks and the cap. The rest of the boat is reinforced with 100% glass fibre. Given the enormous stress loads that a Class40 hull must withstand, the extreme danger of any structural failure in mid-ocean and the need to make these boats as lightweight as possible, using even that amount of a relatively unproven material such as flax is quite a bold move.

Structural core layout for the Crosscall 40 deck

Flax fibre construction
The fact that Crosscall came out of GLC’s shed weighing less than its design displacement is remarkable, given that a huge amount of attention to detail went into designing the lamination plan, and also because flax can easily absorb a lot more resin than glass fibre unless the infusion process is carefully and skilfully controlled.

Flax is twice as light as glass but only half as strong. With the right infusion technique, a flax fibre hull can be the same weight as a glass fibre hull and very nearly as stiff , but its lower strength limits its use in an ocean racing hull that needs to be fully optimised for light weight and high performance. For a non-racing boat with lower performance, flax is ok but it is more expensive today and the cost can be a major problem. At this early stage of its adoption, flax is also more time-consuming for boatbuilders because, like any new material, they don’t have the familiarity and long experience of using it.

Crosscall’s construction is the same as a Class40 built in all glass fibre. Epoxy resin is used throughout as it is stronger and lighter than polyester or vinylester, and all parts are made with a high-density closed-cell PVC foam core. Four diff erent types of glass fibre are used in addition to the flax fi bre. All the fibres and foam, as well as the resins, are Sicomin products.

The hull was moulded and infused in one piece and the deck – including the hybrid flax fibre cockpit – was also infused as a single part. The internal structure was then laminated into the hull by hand before the hull and deck were finally bonded together. An epoxy bonding primer was applied to the moulds first to make demoulding easier, and it also served as an undercoat in the polyurethane exterior paint system, which is used instead of a gelcoat to protect the epoxy hull from UV damage.

The hull and deck are joined together with Sicomin’s Isobond SR 7100

The very best materials
The main infusion resin selected for Crosscall’s construction is Sicomin’s SR 1710, a high-modulus structural epoxy system with extremely high performance. Designed specifically for infusion and injection, it has very low viscosity and its low-reactivity hardener makes it suitable for large part manufacturing. SR 1710 has excellent mechanical properties, especially its interlaminar shear strength, and it retains those properties in a wet environment, so it is ideal for the hull of an ocean racing yacht that will be subjected to millions of violent, repetitive load cycles as it slams through waves at high speed for several weeks in every race.

Sicomin’s SR 8200 was used to laminate the internal structures onto the hull skin. Ideal for hand laminating, this system includes a choice of hardeners with a wide range of reactivities, which makes it equally suitable for making large or small parts. Its three main advantages for boatbuilding are its low toxicity, extremely strong mechanical properties, and relatively low cost. During application the low level of odour and fumes is remarkable. Because the maximum temperature resistance is at least 90°C, the parts need to be post-cured to enable them to work at a service temperature of 60 to 70°C.

The hull and deck are joined together with Sicomin’s Isobond SR 7100, a high-performance adhesive epoxy specifically designed for composite structural bonding. Crucially for the hull of an ocean racing yacht, it has a very high fatigue strength and excellent resistance to micro-crack propagation. Due to its gel texture, it is easy to apply even on vertical surfaces such as the upper part of a boat’s hull-deck joint and three variable-speed hardeners are available.

Another product that played a very useful role in this build is the Undercoat EP 215 HB+ epoxy bonding primer, supplied by Sicomin’s sister company Map Yachting. GLC has been using it for six years and does not make any parts without it. It is a good interface between the composite part and the hull paint, is easier to demould, gives a surface with low porosity and is very easy to sand, much easier than resin. The primer is normally used as a very thin film but a thicker coat can be applied if there is more porosity on the surface.

Building on success
Since the launch of Crosscall, GLC has started building a second Lift V2 Class40 and a third one is now planned. The hull and deck will be exactly the same, with some modifications to the internal structures. The mast step aft was moved by 10cm and the keel is slightly modified. The weight distribution will be subtly changed to account for the Lift V2’s higher-than-expected boat speed, with more weight carried further aft to keep the bow trimmed up and prevent the boat from nose-diving when it is powering through big waves.

The second boat is all glass fibre because the sailor did not want the complication and expense of flax. But for the next one, GLC is talking about flax again.

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125725JEC Group
Unleashing DBS 770 Ultimate: A ferocious farewell to Aston Martin’s Super GT flagship Tue, 31 Jan 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> As its name suggests, the DBS 770 Ultimate is an emphatic last word. The most powerful production Aston Martin ever, and the fastest and most powerful DBS to date, extensive design and engineering enhancements ensure the DBS 770 Ultimate is an unforgettable and highly-collectible celebration of Aston Martin’s flagship Super GT. Available in both Coupe and Volante form, DBS770 Ultimate will be built in strictly limited numbers – 300 Coupes and 199 Volantes – with all examples sold ahead of release.

DBS 770 Ultimate features a ferocious iteration of Aston Martin’s quad-cam 60-deg 5.2-litre V12 engine. Now developing 770PS at 6500rpm and a colossal 900Nm of torque from just 1800rpm to 5000rpm, propelling DBS 770 Ultimate to a top speed of 211mph, this magnificent engine benefits from modified air and ignition pathways together with a 7% increase in maximum turbo boost pressure. Precise tuning of power and torque curves gives the driver a sense of boundless performance, with an intoxicating blend of exceptional response, outstanding in-gear acceleration and the authentic V12 soundtrack.

Aston Martin DBS 770 Ultimate

Power is fed through a ZF 8-speed automatic transmission and mechanical Limited-Slip Differential (LSD) mounted at the rear of the car. In addition, DBS 770 Ultimate receives a unique transmission calibration to enhance shift speeds and driver interaction, contributing to a truly connected driving experience. Such is the inherent capability of Aston Martin’s Carbon Ceramic Braking (CCB) system that the DBS 770 Ultimate uses the same 410mm x 38mm front discs and 360mm x 32mm rear as fitted to the DBS.

To further improve the direct nature of the steering response and increase the level of detailed feedback, DBS 770 Ultimate introduces a new solid mounted steering column, allowing the driver to enjoy a more precise connection with the road ahead, feeling what the front tyres are doing with utmost confidence and accurately gauge available grip.

Integral to achieving the engaging character and heightened steering feel of the DBS 770 Ultimate, front end lateral stiffness has been improved by 25% to provide maximum performance feel and response. This increase has been achieved with an enhanced front cross member, and thicker rear undertray, which also increases global torsional stiffness by 3% for perfectly balanced driving dynamics.

Enhancements have also been made to the Adaptive Damping System (ADS), DBS 770 Ultimate receiving unique damper calibration and software tune focusing on control and composure without compromise to ride quality. By enhancing driver connection and preserving the DBS’ unmistakable continent crossing character, the DBS 770 Ultimate elevates Aston Martin’s exemplary Super GT to even greater heights.

Just as the DBS 770 Ultimate has been mechanically honed, its appearance has too been amplified to present an assertive design and uncompromisingly unique aesthetic befitting of a final edition model created to celebrate the end of an era.

Being an Aston Martin, this enhanced form also had to possess an authentic level of function. Both to provide increased air flow to the radiators, enhancing thermal management and give greater visual road presence. Drawing increased air flow through the engine radiators, the clamshell bonnet features a dramatic ‘horse-shoe’ engine vent and a new front splitter integrates two new outboard vents. Together these serve to enhance cooling and echo the design signatures of previous DBS and V12 engine models.

Further detail design changes for DBS 770 Ultimate include 2×2 Twill Carbon Fibre Cantrail, Windscreen Surround, Mirror Caps, and Fender Louvre as standard. A new carbon fibre sill element visually lowers the side profile towards the rear wheel, creating a poised stance that accentuates the DBS’s muscular physique. A unique design of rear diffuser maintains aerodynamic balance from front to rear and ensures the DBS 770 Ultimate is as unmistakable from the rear as it is from the front.

DBS 770 Ultimate is further distinguished by a new and unique 21” wheel style available in three finishes. Taking inspiration from the formidable Aston Martin Valkyrie and Victor, this new 21” multi-spoke design is available in full Satin Silver finish for a bright jewellery appearance, full Satin Black finish for a contemporary and sporting appearance or optional Satin Black with Diamond Turned finish to give a darker, yet sophisticated appearance of the car. Pirelli P Zero high performance tyres – 265/35 R21 front and 305/30 R21 at the rear – are standard fitment on all rims.

Inside, the DBS 770 Ultimate delights with a dazzling array of fresh design treatments that set it apart, while retaining the instantly recognisable cabin environment of the current DBS. Signifying its halo positioning, DBS 770 Ultimate comes with Sports Plus Seats trimmed in full semi-aniline leather and Alcantara, featuring a ‘fluted’ quilt and perforation pattern as standard. Aston Martin’s performance seat can also be selected as an option. A bespoke trim split has been introduced, with contrast colours linked to welt and stitching, along with a tailor-made strap and buckle badge featuring a laser etched DBS 770 Ultimate logo found on the centre arm rest. Carbon Fibre Gearshift paddles are also fitted as standard.

Finally, DBS 770 Ultimate is fitted with a unique set of sill plaques showcasing the Aston Martin Wings, DBS 770 Ultimate logo and Limited-Edition numbering signifying the vehicle as one of 300 Coupes or 199 Volantes.

Like all Aston Martins, the scope for true one-of-a-kind personal specification is virtually limitless. A diverse range of Q by Aston Martin bespoke options are available on DBS 770 Ultimate, including Q liveries with assorted graphics options, painted wheels to match body or graphics colours, tinted carbon fibre and woven leather seat inserts, trim inlays and a carbon fibre steering wheel.

Aston Martin Chief Technology Officer, Roberto Fedeli, said of the DSB 770 Ultimate: “When an iconic model generation reaches the end of production it is important to mark the occasion with something special. In the case of the DBS 770 Ultimate, we have spared nothing in ensuring the final version of our current series production flagship is the best-ever in every respect. Not only is it the fastest and most powerful DBS in our history, thanks to a comprehensive suite of improvements to the transmission, steering, suspension, and underbody structure; it is also the best to drive.”

Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Chief Creative Officer, adds: “DBS has always sat at the pinnacle of the Aston Martin production model line-up. And now we’re infusing DBS 770 Ultimate with even more… more power, more performance purity and all with more sophistication, more taste and in the most considered manner.  Something so raw, and yet so beautiful it’s almost intimidating to look at. It’s through this design approach that we came up with the shapes – starting with the amped-up front end – and from there everything else flows in design balance with the performance upgrades.”

Production of the DBS 770 Ultimate is due to commence in Q1 of 2023, with first deliveries scheduled to begin during Q3 2023.

126140JEC Group
Briggs Automotive Company culminates exceptional year with 150 Mono delivered Tue, 31 Jan 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> With the recent expansion of the innovative technology-driven company’s retail network to incorporate Germany, Singapore and Malaysia, BAC has rapidly scaled its global footprint and presence worldwide.

“Delivering the 150th Mono represents a highly significant milestone in our history. It is fitting that Mono #150 is an R, which represents the pinnacle of our engineering expertise. Seeing the car roll out of the door of our factory in Liverpool, in such an exquisite specification, was a very special moment for everyone at BAC,” commented BAC Co-Founder and Director of Product Development Neill Briggs.

“The delivery of Mono #150 marks the culmination of an incredible year and journey for our company, during which we have continuously evolved the design and developed the advanced technologies that lead the low-volume, high-performance automotive industry.  We remain proudly British while embracing our transition to a truly global enterprise and family. Mono #150 stands testament to our passionate global customers, loyal workforce, world-leading suppliers and dedicated global retail network.”

Like every model the company builds, Mono #150 is a one-of-a-kind design created to its owner’s personal specification. The car sports a BAC bespoke livery affectionately entitled ‘Man in the (Satin) Mirror,’ featuring stunning digital metallic Satin Liquid Silver Paint with exposed satin carbon BAC logos. Unique ‘Highlighter Yellow’ details applied to the Mono R’s airbox, rear wing, wing mirrors, diffuser tips and nostril accents further amplify the potent visual impact. BAC’s design team worked with Julien to formulate a paint mix specific to the car to give an exceptional level of finish. A member of the design team then spent three days painstakingly masking the car by hand to ensure that the painted elements such as the ‘Highlighter Yellow’ technical specifications on the airbox translated onto the finished car with the utmost accuracy.

The car was commissioned by Belgian financier Julien Begasse de Dhaem. During the creative process, Julien liaised closely with BAC’s design team, working with BAC’s Bespoke Specialist, Daniel Youd to build on the company’s philosophies of form enhancing function and deploying ultra-thin surfaces to cloak a phenomenal driving machine. “It’s an honour to be a part of the history of the company, taking delivery of the 150th Mono. It’s a phenomenal looking machine and it was fantastic to be a part of the design process with the team at BAC”, summarised Julien.

Extra-terrestrial inspiration
“Like all of our customers, Julien immersed himself in the design process of the car’s livery, detailing and features through our BAC Bespoke Programme,” explained Youd. “To initiate the consultation process, we studied our Livery Style Boards, with Julien drawing particular inspiration from the sci-fi curation. With the main body finished in bespoke Satin Liquid Silver Metallic and the lower body in exposed matter carbon fibre, the ‘Man in the (Satin) Mirror’ livery represents one of the most visually arresting creations ever to leave our Liverpool factory and stands as a very fitting tribute to mark our 150th model milestone.”

To denote its status as the 29th Mono R built by BAC, the car features the number R29 subtly embedded in the centrally-mounted main beam light surrounds on the nose and on the rear arches. Julien also opted to display the number on the car’s rear wing in ‘Highlighter Yellow’ and outline the car’s technical specification on the side of the airbox.

Mono #150 features ultra-lightweight carbon hybrid wheels, utilising the world-first technology BAC developed in an exclusive collaboration with British high-performance wheel manufacturer Dymag. The ambitious project typifies BAC’s continuous drive to pioneer game-changing engineering solutions to every aspect of Mono and Mono R. The wheels’ lustrous bronze finish and Highlighter Yellow Mono logos complete the car’s bespoke exterior design package.

Inside, the diver-focussed feel of the cabin has been further augmented by the introduction of a made-to-measure carbon steering wheel featuring a Satin R logo. Designed specifically to provide Julien with perfect feel and control, the bespoke steering wheel typifies the no-holds-barred approach BAC consistently applies to fulfil each customer’s specific desires and needs. Contrast silver interior stitching on the seat and headrest logo and carbon side panels replete with R logo complete the interior design.

“Since we launched the company in 2009, the desire to offer our customers the most authentic and purest driving experience possible has gone hand-in-glove with our determination to deploy the very latest and most innovative motor-racing derived technologies and materials. To date, that philosophy has been expressed in its most distilled form in our Mono R, and it is fitting that Mono #150 is such a model,” continued Briggs.

“Equally paramount to our company DNA is the fact that no two vehicles that leave the factory will ever be the same. Our designers draw immense satisfaction and pleasure from collaborating with our customers to commission their unique creations. That was very much the case with Julien Begasse de Dhaem and his exceptional Satin Liquid Silver Mono R.”

Unparalleled critical acclaim
The delivery of Mono #150 culminates a remarkable year for the BAC brand, during which the specialist media had the opportunity to test drive the Mono R. The select outlets included Top Gear, which awarded the car an exceptional 9/10 rating and concluded its road test verdict with the highest possible praise: “If you want something that’s focused on driving to the exception of everything else – and yet rewards on so many levels – look no further.”

With its dry-sump 2.5-litre four-cylinder naturally aspirated  342bhp engine, Formula 3-derived sequential six-speed transmission, exceptionally light 555kg dry weight (subject to options fitted) and ultra-agile chassis, the Mono R imperiously swept all opposition aside during Evo Magazine’s track test.

The Mono R proved the fastest car the magazine has ever tested around the Angelsey Circuit in North West Wales. With a phenomenal time of 1:06.9, the fully road-legal newcomer took the record previously set by its Mono sister model in 2016, crossing the line more than two seconds ahead of the third-place, track-only McLaren P1 GTR, which had the advantage of running on slick tyres.

BAC culminates exceptional year with delivery of its 150th Mono
BAC culminates exceptional year with delivery of its 150th Mono

Rapid emergence as a global player
With the appointment of Jolyon Nash as Strategic Advisor to the Board in October, BAC continued its ambitious global growth trajectory in 2022, bolstered by the company’s expansion into Germany, Singapore and Malaysia. This brings Mono’s export territories to a total of 46, with 90% of the company’s production accounted for by its extensive global retail network.

Looking with confidence towards the future, the company also unveiled its hydrogen-powered e-Mono concept, and in 2023 it has an exciting array of announcements in the pipeline certain to generate more headlines.

126166JEC Group
Lightweight windshield – sustainable due to WIC compound Mon, 30 Jan 2023 09:17:41 +0000 Read more]]> The metal-plastic hybrid component in skeleton design is manufactured by injection molding. The WIC compound contains recycled carbon fibers from the production of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) at BMW – a good example of circular economy. WIPAG and BMW have a long-standing cooperation in carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTP).

The windshield serves to provide transverse stiffening for the body of the BMW iX. (BMW Group)

WIC PA6 15 BK IM offers high lightweight potential, very good mechanical properties and is also impact modified. The use of recycled carbon fibers in the WIC compound also ensures a lower carbon footprint compared with virgin carbon fiber: for example, the production of 1 kg of WIC PA6 releases around 6 kg of CO2 eq. compared with around 9 kg of CO2 eq. in the production of 1 kg of virgin carbon fiber. This CO2 balance was calculated with GaBi software.

Lightweight BMW iX windshield, consisting of metal inserts, carbon fiber rods and WIC PA6 15 BK IM.

Lightweight BMW iX windshield, consisting of metal inserts, carbon fiber rods and WIC PA6 15 BK IM. (BMW Group)

Want to know how this BMW iX windshield is made?
Read the How It’s Made we published last October: “Serial CFRTP structural part for BMW Group body-in-white application“.

126190JEC Group
Adidas uses Formula 1 innovation for most powerful hockey stick Fri, 27 Jan 2023 10:28:00 +0000 Read more]]> The new adidas Kromaskin field hockey stick is made from Hypetex Textreme material, developed with innovative technology born out of Formula 1 racing. The stick features a unique colourised carbon fibre outer layer on spread tow materials that reduces fibre damage during production to maintain the highest structural performance whilst bringing a premium new aesthetic to field hockey sticks.

Carbon fibre spread tow technology is used for the outer shell, with ultra-thin carbon tapes rather than conventional carbon ply structures. These are woven into tightly packed uniform fibres that reduce voids and carbon defects improving surface quality and maximizing performance.

It also incorporates other new and improved technologies, including a preform core technology designed by the Hypetex team specifically to allow enable players to cut new angles and distribute more effectively, whether it be threading the clinical pass or going aerial.

Alan Forsyth, Great Britain hockey player, said: “The AX24 Kromaskin is the best stick I have played with. The new shape is great for control and the power you get when hitting is excellent.”

Testing Power 
The new Kromaskin stick, designed and engineered by Hypetex and manufactured by Marque Makers for adidas, has outperformed other benchmark sticks on the market in laboratory tests.

The Sports Technology Institute Loughborough (STI), which is recognized as one of the global leaders in sports research, tested the new adidas stick against eight others in the premium market.

The adidas Kromaskin stick had up to 16% higher coefficient of restitution (COR) across all sticks in the test, meaning it will return more energy and the ball will travel faster. The variation in COR across the five kromaskin sticks was 70 per cent less than the other sticks on test, which means that ball speed when hitting will be far more consistent across a range of impacts.

Marc Cohen CEO of Hypetex said: “Working with adidas has been a great experience.  This is another example of how engineering of advanced material technology can push the boundaries of performance to the next level.”

126064JEC Group
Strohm wins second TCP ‘Jumpers on Demand’ contract for ExxonMobil in the Americas Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:20:00 +0000 Read more]]> This latest award, which is subject to government approval of the project and a final investment decision, follows closely on the heels of a similar campaign confirmed last year with the oil and gas supermajor, and marks the largest commercial agreement in Strohm’s 15-year history. Less than 12 months ago, the business won a TCP ‘Jumper on Demand’ contract for the Yellowtail development, also in offshore Guyana.

The TCP bound for the Uaru field – the one of the world’s largest SURF development projects – will be produced at Strohm’s manufacturing facility at its headquarters in the Netherlands, and used for water and gas (WAG) injection. The technology will be supplied to ExxonMobil Guyana in a single continuous length along with associated pipe handling equipment.

This concept and delivery method allows the individual 24-plus jumpers to be cut to the desired length, terminated, and tested onsite in Guyana. In this way the concept provides maximum flexibility to the end-user. The jumpers, made of carbon fibre and PA12 polymer, will be installed in deep water, at depths over 1,700m operating in the region of 10,000psi.

Strohm’s in-country specialist field service technicians will mobilise to Guyana as the jumper termination campaigns are called off over the duration of the deployment programme, spanning pre and post first oil from the development.

Gavin Leiper, Strohm’s vice president Africa & Americas, said: “This is the second TCP ‘Jumper on Demand’ award from ExxonMobil in Guyana and signals our largest order to date. This is testament to the hard work and collaborative relationship developed by both companies and partners during the 12 months since securing the Yellowtail project.

“Having successfully delivered the pilot programme to prove the design and concept of the water alternating gas (WAG) TCP to now, winning our second major award for pipe supply within the space of just two-and-a-half years under our unique ‘Jumpers on Demand’ model, there is a real sense of pride and achievement at Strohm. It proves the success and the value our concept brings to our clients. We are all very much looking forward to deepening our relationship further with ExxonMobil, and our Guyanese partners within the delivery and execution of these awards.”

Strohm is the leading manufacturer of TCP with the largest track record in the world. The technology provides a strong, corrosion free and field-proven solution for operators. The use of TCP manufactured by Strohm also allows clients the ability to significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of their pipeline infrastructure.

125964JEC Group
Qarbon Aerospace successfully completes icing tunnel test for patented Helios Ice ProtectionTM system Tue, 24 Jan 2023 13:34:25 +0000 Read more]]> The graphite’s superior thermal conductivity produces heat significantly faster than legacy ice protection systems, which is a crucial benefit in ice protection technologies. The Helios test articles used for the icing tunnel test utilized Teijin carbon fiber materials and Web Industries’ Precision BiasPlyTM technology. Web Industries’ patented technology produces bias-ply composites that allow for high-scale production in application specific formats, increasing efficiency and reducing waste. The successful Helios icing tunnel test validated a manufacturing concept for advanced manufacturing processes and low electrical power requirements. The new Helios Ice ProtectionTM electro-thermal system replaces bulky rubber pneumatic boots, gates, valves, tubing, controller, hardware, and nacelle heating systems. Helios transforms your aircraft with a safer, more advanced icing protection system. Helios Ice ProtectionTM is a generational leap forward and ready for use in platform specific applications.

Qarbon Aerospace, headquartered in Red Oak, Texas, is a leading provider of large, complex composite and metallic structural components and assemblies such as fuselages, wings, flight control surfaces, and engine nacelles and components. Qarbon Aerospace operates nearly two million square feet of factory space across three facilities located in Red Oak, Texas, Milledgeville, Georgia, and Rayong, Thailand. Qarbon Aerospace has vertically integrated manufacturing capabilities from component fabrication through large-scale assembly as well as world-leading proprietary thermoplastics technologies. Qarbon Aerospace has longstanding relationships with blue-chip OEM customers and a diversified product portfolio across a variety of successful commercial, defense, and business jet platforms. Qarbon Aerospace has the capabilities and resources to solve the market’s toughest challenges with Quality Assured.

126020JEC Group
RPS Grooved Adapter a game changer for maintenance crews Mon, 23 Jan 2023 10:41:00 +0000 Read more]]> The FRP adapters were tested in accordance with the Proof of Design test requirements of ASME NM.2-2020, which include a series of hydrostatic strength, static pressure, and cyclic pressure tests. The qualification test program was successfully completed; therefore, the adapters comply with the requirements of ASME NM.2-2020. The adapters were also tested in a pipe bending test to demonstrate a factor of safety of no less than 6 in bending with a coincident pressure of 150 psi.

Designed for both the corrosion resistant P-150 piping system as well as the corrosion and abrasion resistant A-150 piping system, customers can be confident the joint will maintain the rating of the piping systems, i.e., 150 psi at 180°F (10 Bar at 82°C).

The RPS Grooved Adapter joining system will be a welcome addition to the many options already available. Up until now, customers could choose to join their piping systems by the traditional butt and wrap joint, the tapered adhesive joint, the bell & spigot O-ring joint, and by a variety of flange options. The choice is always based on a number of factors including chemical media, pressure, pipe diameter, liner thickness, and skill level of installation labor.

It’s expected that ease of use will be the most attractive characteristic of this joint as it can be coupled or uncoupled in a matter of minutes with no special tools or training. The RPS Grooved Adapter is designed for mildly corrosive environments including water, seawater, wastewater, and some FGD services, up to 180°F and 150 psi, and is available in 2” – 12” diameters.

125816JEC Group
Neoline concrétise son projet pilote Neoliner et lance la construction de son premier cargo à voiles de 136m Fri, 20 Jan 2023 14:39:00 +0000 Read more]]> D’un budget de plus de 60 Millions d’euros, le financement du premier Neoliner a été réalisé, pour la partie fond-propre, grâce au Groupe CMA CGM, ADEME Investissement, NEOLINE Développement, Corsica Ferries et Louis Hardy SAS (société de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon). Des financements complémentaires ont également été octroyés par la Banque des Territoires, sous forme d’obligations pour 3.8 M€, et par la Région Pays de la Loire, à travers une avance remboursable de 1.3M€.

La partie bancaire du financement est assurée par le Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC), sous la forme d’un crédit-bail fiscal. Ce financement fait l’objet d’une Garantie des Projets Stratégiques, octroyé par Bpifrance Assurance Export.

EDF participe également au projet au travers de l’accord spécifique de délivrance de Certificats d’Economie d’Energie (CEE) signé en 2019 et qui a constitué une première inédite de l’application des CEE dans le secteur du transport maritime.

Le gréement SolidSail, composé d’une voile 100% composite, performante et pliable et d’un mât, sera le système de propulsion principal de ce navire de charge de 136 mètres de long.

NEOLINE Développement, la société initiatrice du projet (détenue en majorité par ses fondateurs et premiers investisseurs à travers la holding NEOLINE & Associés), a su fédérer plusieurs investisseurs afin d’apporter sa part du financement, à savoir la communauté des investisseurs en financement participatif WISEED, la société ARCAD ainsi que les fonds Mer Invest et Pays de la Loire Participations.

Un grand voilier de charge, pionnier de la transition énergétique du transport maritime
Le navire Ro-Ro de 136 mètres de long, doté de deux mâts en carbone rabattables Solidsails de 76m de haut et de plans anti-dérives rétractables, sera principalement propulsé par ses 3000m² de surface de voilure. Pour assurer les manœuvres portuaires et la ponctualité du service, le navire sera également équipé d’un moteur auxiliaire et de générateurs au MGO désulfurisé (chaque échappement sera doté d’un SCR, Selective Catalytic Reduction, pour supprimer les émissions de Nox) ainsi que de 3 propulseurs transversaux.

Opéré à une vitesse commerciale de 11nds, ce premier navire Neoliner a pour objectif de réduire de 80% à 90% les émissions de GES (par rapport à un navire de taille comparable exploité de façon conventionnelle) et de quasiment supprimer les émissions de SOx, NOx et de particules.

Neoliner 136m with Solidsail (credit : MAURIC)

Sa capacité de chargement sera de 1200 mètres linéaires (2.8m de large), ou 265 conteneurs 20’ pour un poids maximal de 5300 tonnes de marchandises.

Son équipage sera de 13 personnes (il pourra être porté jusqu’à 20 pour embarquer des stagiaires et techniciens) et le navire permettra d’accueillir confortablement 12 passagers au sein de 6 cabines doubles.

Pour construire ce cargo à voiles de marine marchande nouvelle génération, le chantier turc RMK MARINE réalisera cette construction en s’appuyant sur un groupe de partenaires français innovants dont Chantiers de l’Atlantique, concepteur et fournisseur du système de gréement innovant Solidsail, MAURIC, en charge des études de conception, études réglementaires et de performances de la gamme de navires de NEOLINE, D-ICE Engineering, qui développe les systèmes de routage météo, ou encore Fouré Lagadec, concepteur et fabricant des ailerons antidérive rétractables. Au total, plus de 30% du prix de construction bénéficiera à des entreprises françaises.

Adnan Nefesoğlu, Président Directeur Général de RMK MARINE : “The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set targets to reduce carbon emissions of all ships by 40% by 2030, by 70% by 2050, and ultimately to become carbon zero. In accordance with these goals, we use environmentally friendly and carbon footprint-reducing technologies in the projects we realize. On the other hand, we find it very valuable that renewable energy sources, particularly wind energy, find application in our own sector. The contract we signed with NEOLINE Armateur for the construction of commercial sailing Ro-Ro vessel Neoliner – which will operate mainly with the propulsion power of the wind energy – is an important indication of our environmentally friendly production understanding.

Neoliner 136m with Solidsail (credit : MAURIC)

Following the signing of the Letter of Intent on the 5th of July 2022, we are proud to have concluded the process by signing a contract with our esteemed Client for the construction of the said Vessel  and having the privilege of putting this contract into effect.

It is my firm belief that we will successfully complete this major project which excites us with the strength we derive from our infrastructure facilities and capabilities, skill sets, financial power, our recognition by our customers on the global market, and the awareness and reliability we have created in the sector and with the support of our esteemed Client and our solution partners.”

Laurent Castaing, Directeur Général Chantiers de l’Atlantique, commente : « SolidSail est une technologie révolutionnaire que les équipes de Chantiers de l’Atlantique ont pensé et développé avec passion et conviction au cours des dix dernières années. C’est avec beaucoup de fierté que nous voyons ce qui fut d’abord un projet de recherche et développement ambitieux prendre vie et se déployer maintenant sur les navires de charges. Chantiers de l’Atlantique remercie NEOLINE pour sa confiance, qui confirme l’intuition de Chantiers de l’Atlantique et la pertinence de ce concept novateur. Ce projet nous permet ainsi de penser de manière collective à de nouveaux possibles pour le transport maritime, en lien avec les enjeux de notre temps. »

Pour mener son ambitieux projet depuis les premières esquisses en 2011 jusqu’à l’étape de mise en construction, NEOLINE a su développer avec et pour ses premiers clients engagés dans la décarbonation de leurs supplychains, une solution économiquement et écologiquement efficiente de transport maritime décarboné sur ligne transatlantique et se structurer pour embarquer investisseurs et financiers.

« Le Groupe CMA CGM, qui a pour objectif d’atteindre le Net Zéro Carbone d’ici 2050, s’est pleinement impliqué depuis de nombreuses années pour développer des projets, et prototypes permettant d’accélérer la décarbonation du secteur maritime. Compte tenu de l’importance des défis, nous sommes convaincus de la nécessité d’explorer toutes les options. Plusieurs technologies devront coexister pour construire les solutions de propulsion décarbonée de demain. C’est la raison pour laquelle le Groupe CMA CGM, grâce au Fonds Energies doté d’un budget de 1,5 milliards €, a souhaité devenir partenaire de NEOLINE, dont le projet de transport RORO à voile nous semble extrêmement prometteur » déclare Emilie Espanet, directrice du Fonds Energies CMA CGM.

Jean ZANUTTINI, Président de NEOLINE Armateur et de NEOLINE Développement, commente : « On y est, le premier Neoliner va prendre vie… Pour toute l’équipe de NEOLINE, ses fondateurs, ses partenaires techniques, ses clients et ses financeurs, cette annonce est l’accomplissement d’un travail passionné, persévérant et déterminé. Il s’agit en effet du premier aboutissement d’un projet de plus de 10 ans, et c’est donc avec un immense plaisir que je remercie et salue chaleureusement leur exceptionnel engagement à tous les niveaux autour du projet.

Ensemble, nous avons réussi à mener un projet qui, à bien des égards, pouvait initialement paraître utopique. Mais, dans un contexte qui nous rappelle tous les jours que la lutte contre le changement climatique est le défi de ce siècle, la propulsion par le vent des navires de commerce s’impose de plus en plus comme une solution finalement pragmatique face à une question énergétique de plus en plus complexe. Le vent est certes intermittent, mais il est plus prévisible que les prix et la disponibilité de beaucoup d’autres énergies…

A travers la construction et la mise en service de ce premier Neoliner, notre premier objectif est de démontrer, dans des conditions opérationnelles réelles, le potentiel de la propulsion principale par le vent pour la Marine Marchande. Notre second objectif est de renouveler ce succès le plus rapidement possible, en suscitant la création d’une véritable flotte à propulsion principale par le vent.

Il s’agit-là de l’opportunité inédite de faire notre part de la transition énergétique et de reprendre le fil de l’Histoire du transport maritime à la voile. »

125937JEC Group
Neoline turns its Neoliner pilot project into a reality and launches the construction of its first 136m sailing cargo ship Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:28:05 +0000 Read more]]> With a budget of more than 60 million euros, the financing of the first Neoliner was achieved, for the equity part, thanks to the CMA CGM Group, ADEME Investissement, NEOLINE Développement, Corsica Ferries and Louis Hardy SAS (a Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon company). Additional financing have also been granted by the Banque des Territoires, in the form of bonds for €3.8 million, and by the Pays de la Loire Region, through a reimbursable advance of €1.3M.

The bank part of the financing is provided by the Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC), in the form of a tax lease. This financing is covered by a Strategic Projects Guarantee, granted by Bpifrance Assurance Export.

Neoliner 136m with Solidsail

EDF is also participating in the project through the specific agreement to issue Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) signed in 2019, which constituted an unprecedented first in the application of CEE in the shipping sector.

NEOLINE Développement, the initiating company of the project (held in majority by its founders and first investors through the holding NEOLINE & Associés), was able to federate several investors so as to bring its share in the financing, namely the community of investors in participatory financing WiSEED, the company ARCAD, as well as the funds Mer Invest and Pays de la Loire Participations.

Neoliner 136m with Solidsail (credit : MAURIC)

Emilie Espanet, Director of the CMA CGM Energy Fund: «The CMA CGM Group, which aims to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050, has been fully involved for many years in developing projects and prototypes to accelerate the decarbonization of the maritime sector. Given the importance of the challenges, we are convinced of the need to explore all options. Several technologies will have to coexist to build the decarbonized propulsion solutions of tomorrow.
This is why the CMA CGM Group, thanks to its €1.5 billion Fund for Energies, wanted to become a partner of NEOLINE, whose RORO sailing transport project seems to us to be extremely promising,” said Emilie Espanet, Head of the CMA CGM Fund for Energies.»

A large sailing cargo ship, pioneer of the energy transition in the shipping industry
The 136-meter-long Ro-Ro vessel Neoliner, with two 76-meter-high SolidSail folding carbon masts and retractable anti-drift plans, will be mainly propelled by its 3000sqm sail area. For port maneuvers and punctuality of service, the vessel will also be equipped with an auxiliary engine and MGO (Marine Gasoil) desulfurized generators (each exhaust will be equipped with SCR, Selective Catalytic Reduction, to suppress Nox emissions) as well as 3 transverse thrusters.

Neoliner 136m with Solidsail (credit : MAURIC)

Its loading capacity will be 1200 linear meters (2.8m wide), or 265 TEU, for a maximum weight of 5300 tons of goods.
Its crew will be composed of 13 people (it can be increased to 20 in order to embark trainees and technicians) and the vessel will comfortably accommodate 12 passengers in 6 double cabins.

To build this new generation merchant sailing cargo ship, the RMK MARINE shipyard will carry out this construction thanks to a group of innovative French partners including Chantiers de l’Atlantique, designer and supplier of the innovative SolidSail rigging system ; MAURIC, in charge of design studies, regulatory and performance studies for NEOLINE’s range of ships ; D-ICE Engineering, a Nantes-based deeptech company that develops advanced routing, navigation, piloting and monitoring systems specially adapted to wind propulsion systems ; or Fouré Lagadec, designer and manufacturer of retractable anti-drift fins. In total, more than 30% of the construction price will benefit French companies.

Adnan Nefesoğlu, Président Directeur Général de RMK MARINE: “The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set targets to reduce carbon emissions of all ships by 40% by 2030, by 70% by 2050, and ultimately to become carbon zero. In accordance with these goals, we use environmentally friendly and carbon footprint-reducing technologies in the projects we realize. On the other hand, we find it very valuable that renewable energy sources, particularly wind energy, find application in our own sector. The contract we signed with NEOLINE Armateur for the construction of commercial sailing Ro-Ro vessel Neoliner – which will operate mainly with the propulsion power of the wind energy – is an important indication of our environmentally friendly production understanding.
Following the signing of the Letter of Intent on the 5th of July 2022, we are proud to have concluded the process by signing a contract with our esteemed Client for the construction of the said Vessel  and having the privilege of putting this contract into effect.
It is my firm belief that we will successfully complete this major project which excites us with the strength we derive from our infrastructure facilities and capabilities, skill sets, financial power, our recognition by our customers on the global market, and the awareness and reliability we have created in the sector and with the support of our esteemed Client and our solution partners.”

Laurent Castaing, CEO of Chantiers de l’Atlantique : «SolidSail is a revolutionary technology that the teams of the Chantiers de l’Atlantique have thought out and developed with passion and conviction over the past ten years. It is with great pride that we see what started as an ambitious research and development project come to life and be deployed on cargo ships. Chantiers de l’Atlantique would like to thank NEOLINE for its confidence, which confirms the intuition of Chantiers de l’Atlantique and the relevance of this innovative concept. This project allows us to think collectively about new possibilities for shipping, in line with the challenges of our time.”

For leading its ambitious project from the first sketches in 2011 to the construction stage, NEOLINE has been able to develop with and for its first customers committed to the decarbonization of their supply chains, an economically and ecologically efficient solution for decarbonized shipping on a transatlantic line. In parallel, NEOLINE has structured itself to bring investors and financiers on board.

Jean Zanuttini, CEO of NEOLINE: “Here we are, the first Neoliner will come to life… For the whole team NEOLINE, its founders, its technical partners, its customers and its financiers, this announcement is the accomplishment of a passionate, persevering and determined work. It is indeed the first achievement of a more than 10-year project, and it is therefore with pleasure that I warmly thank and salute their exceptional commitment at all levels around the project.

Together, we have succeeded in carrying out a project which, in many respects, could initially seem utopian. But, in a context that daily reminds us that the fight against climate change is the challenge of this century, wind propulsion for commercial ships is becoming more and more of a pragmatic solution to an increasingly complex energy issue. Wind is certainly intermittent, but it is more predictable than the prices and availability of many other energies…

Through the construction and commissioning of this first Neoliner, our foremost objective is to demonstrate under real operational conditions the potential of main propulsion by wind for the Merchant Navy. Our second objective is to repeat this success as quickly as possible, by encouraging the creation of an entire fleet powered by the force of wind as a main propeller. 

This is an unprecedented opportunity to do our part in the energy transition and to pick up the thread of history of maritime transport under sail.”

125930JEC Group
ARRIS wins 2023 BIG Innovation Award Mon, 16 Jan 2023 13:57:03 +0000 Read more]]> ARRIS, the advanced manufacturer enabling the use of high-performance composites at scale with new design latitudes for mass-market consumer products, transportation, and industrial applications, today announced it has been named a winner in the 2023 BIG Innovation Awards presented by the Business Intelligence Group.

“Innovation is the lifeforce for many organizations as the world, and our culture continues to evolve,” said Maria Jimenez, chief nominations officer of the Business Intelligence Group. “We are honored to award these executives, companies, and products the BIG Innovation award this year.”

Made to outperform, additive molding for performance footwear

The advanced continuous carbon fiber plate made using ARRIS’ Additive Molding technology enables new design latitudes for designers. Product teams can create a lightweight, more responsive design with targeted stiffness in key areas versus a one-size-fits-all approach. ARRIS is partnering with top brands to manufacture the highest-performance footwear, and leading footwear product triads are leveraging the new manufacturing technology and materials to level up performance while also being mindful of sustainability…

“We’re very excited to earn the Big Innovation Award for a third year in a row,” said Riley Reese, CEO and Co-Founder at ARRIS (2021, 2022). “The recognition highlights the ARRIS team’s commitment to continuous innovation and our dedicated partnerships with brands that want to level up the performance of next-gen products in more sustainable ways.”

125854JEC Group
zUFO remporte un « CES Award 2023 » pour son concept breveté de chaussure de ski Mon, 16 Jan 2023 09:41:00 +0000 Read more]]> zUFO s’attaque au problème non résolu du confort des chaussures de ski et propose un concept sans coque rigide ni crochet pour remplacer la technologie actuelle qui a très peu évolué en 50 ans et pâtit d’un manque d’innovation. Sa mission ? Rendre le confort à 135 millions de skieurs grâce à son exosquelette précis et confortable. La chaussure de ski zUFO est toujours en phase de développement. Des tests en station et une levée de fonds sont prévus en 2023 pour lancer l’industrialisation et la commercialisation à l’hiver 2023-24.

Le confort des chaussures de ski : un problème non resolu à ce jour
Dans les années 1970 sont apparues les chaussures de ski avec coques en plastique. Cette technologie était disruptive à l’époque : on passait de chaussures en cuir qui ne soutenaient pas la basse-jambe à une technologie retenant la cheville grâce à une coque rigide. Cette technologie a peu évolué depuis et ce statu quo dénote un manque flagrant d’innovation (cf. graphique des dépôts de brevets depuis 1980 ci-dessous). Le problème du confort des chaussures de ski est multi-factoriel :
٠Le chaussage et déchaussage sont compliqués
٠De même que la marche pour se rendre aux remontées mécaniques
٠ Il persiste des douleurs pendant le ski (pied trop serré ou flottant, frottements aux chevilles ou au tibia, coup de pied comprimé…)
٠Le skieur a souvent trop chaud ou trop froid dans ses chaussures

Néanmoins, le marché de la chaussure de ski représente 3 à 4 millions de paires vendues par an pour 135 millions de skieurs dans le monde. Ce marché est stagnant voire en léger recul, sauf pour les chaussures de ski de randonnée qui représente aujourd’hui 20% des paires vendues alors que leur part de marché était inférieure à 5% il y a 5 ans.

Une nouvelle approche de la chaussure de ski : la technologie zUFO

zUFO est composée d’un exosquelette en fibre de carbone qui assure la fonction mécanique de la chaussure de ski (transmission des efforts entre le corps et le ski) et d’une partie textile qui assure la fonction étanchéité ainsi que la fonction thermique.

Plutôt que d’améliorer une innovation vieille de 50 ans, Hervé Fredouille, ingénieur et fondateur de la start-up, est parti d’une feuille blanche en construisant le nouveau concept zUFO sur la base des fonctions que doit tenir la chaussure de ski pendant la pratique mais aussi de l’ergonomie nécessaire avant et après la pratique.

zUFO est composée d’un exosquelette qui assure la fonction mécanique de la chaussure de ski (transmission des efforts entre le corps et le ski) et d’une partie textile qui assure la fonction étanchéité ainsi que la fonction thermique (garder les pieds au sec et procurer un confort thermique).

zUFO est une chaussure de ski modulaire : elle est composée d’une douzaine de modules montables et démontables sans outil spécial ni colle, et est née éco-conçue. Cette éco-conception s’articule sur le développement de quatre axes :
٠Chaussure polyvalente : Concevoir une chaussure multi-usage (ski de piste + ski de randonnée) mettant fin à la segmentation spécifique du matériel de loisirs et évitant la multiplication des produits présents,  
٠Matériaux et durée de vie : Choisir les bons matériaux (recyclables, biosourcés, …) et travailler sur une conception permettant une extension de la durée de vie de la chaussure (durabilité grâce à remplacement des modules défectueux),  
٠ Circuit-courts : Participer à la reconquête industrielle en fabriquant les chaussures en France,
٠Optimisation de l’usage d’un produit sorti d’usine : Développer une nouvelle vision du marché permettant de proposer des produits dans une logique d’économie de la fonctionnalité et/ou de nouveaux business models à impact limité (vente, location, abonnements, …).

Le projet zUFO est soutenu par l’ADEME et fait partie des 27 lauréats de l’appel à projets Perfecto 2022 qui vise à faire émerger une offre de produits, services et procédés à plus faible impact environnemental, grâce à une démarche d’éco-conception.

Pour l’ensemble de ces caractéristiques, l’entreprise a reçu le « CES Award 2023 » – une distinction internationale remise à Las Vegas lors du salon CES (Consummer Electronic Show) qui s’est tenu du 5 au 8 janvier 2023.

« Nous sommes honorés de ce prix qui représente pour nous une première étape validant ces 3 années de R&D. Nous regardons vers 2023 avec de nombreux projets dont une levée de fonds qui nous permettra de poursuivre la dynamique de développement, augmenter notre communauté de testeurs et étoffer l’équipe avec – en ligne de mire – le lancement industriel de zUFO » indique Hervé FREDOUILLE, CEO et fondateur de zUFO.

125655JEC Group
Lingrove’s Carbon Neutral Luxury ekoa® featured in concept vehicle Fri, 13 Jan 2023 10:02:29 +0000 Read more]]> Delivering a higher strength-to-weight ratio than steel, ekoa® is developed from renewable flax fibers to replace wood, laminates, and plastics with a carbon-neutral, ultra-sustainable material. ekoa® is already being used to replace rainforest trees and carbon composites in musical instruments and wood paneling in homes and offices, and is now in advanced automotive testing, as Lingrove extends ekoa® into car interiors. ekoa® is also available in a format with hidden transparency enabling backlighting effects and/or options for capacitive touch.

This video shows ekoa® in a Hyundai Palisade door

“The demand for reinventing mobility with sustainable ekoa®interiors is incredibly strong,” says Joe Luttwak, CEO of Lingrove. “After years of R&D and investment, our high-performance, beautiful, ekoa® is ready to meet our customers’ commitments to decarbonizing their vehicles – while transitioning their interiors to feel like living room spaces.”

Increasingly, customers are demanding healthy and sustainable interiors, without sacrificing luxury and beauty – at all price points. Automobile OEMs look to innovators like Lingrove to deliver the right products to their design and CMF teams. ekoa® on the Palisade doors reflects Hyundai Motor Group and HATCI’s commitment to sustainability and its confidence in the market demand for applying naturetech in even the toughest design challenges.

125801JEC Group
The “eco-responsible boat concept by Beneteau” in Elium® resin Fri, 13 Jan 2023 09:20:39 +0000 Read more]]> To reduce the environmental impact of the boating sector, Beneteau has chosen the path of innovation. Concrete and unprecedented innovations embodied in particular by its new sailboat presented as a world premiere at the Paris Boat Show: the First 44E, the first production boat built with Arkema’s Elium® recyclable thermoplastic resin and equipped with a hybrid engine.

The First 44E is foremost an industrial achievement for a mass-produced boat: it was built with Elium® thermoplastic resin using the traditional infusion process, as part of an exclusive partnership with Arkema set up three years ago.

Secondly, this is the first production boat whose Elium® composite hull is recyclable, thanks to a thermolysis process that separates the fiberglass from the resin when the boat is dismantled. The resin can then be reused to make new infusion parts for new boats.

the First 44E, the first production boat built with Arkema’s Elium® recyclable thermoplastic resin and equipped with a hybrid engine.

The resin thus enters a virtuous circle, which minimizes the need for raw materials, reduces waste, and thus makes a considerable improvement to the life cycle of boats that until now, made of thermoset resins, could not be recycled. With this boat, the nautical industry makes its first steps towards the circular economy.

Finally, with Elium® resin, the boat’s performance and the boater’s sensations remain the same.

125792JEC Group
UNSW Sydney’s student-built solar-powered car goes 1000 km on a single charge Fri, 13 Jan 2023 08:59:00 +0000 Read more]]> UNSW Sydney’s Sunswift 7 solar-powered electric car has claimed a Guinness World Record by going 1000km on a single charge in under 12 hours. The car, designed and built by students, posted a verified time of 11 hours 52.08 minutes for the distance at the Australian Automotive Research Centre (AARC) in Wensleydale, Victoria. That equates to an average speed of nearly 85km/h and secured the Sunswift Racing team the record for the ‘Fastest EV over 1000km on a single charge’.

The official honour – and Guinness World Record certificate – was conferred a few days later once timing information and car telemetry data had been analysed and confirmed by a team of experts.

Sunswift Team Manager Andrea Holden, a Mechanical Engineering student at UNSW Sydney, was delighted with the car’s performance and ecstatic to be part of a prestigious world record.

Sunswift 7 completed 1000km in a time of 11 hours 52.08 minutes. Photograph by Richard Freeman

“It feels very weird to think that we’ve helped to make something that’s the best in the entire world,” she said.

“Two years ago, when we started to build this car, everything was going into lockdown and there were a lot of difficult moments.

“But it’s been so rewarding to see the whole team come together and make so much progress and get us to this amazing point. It was a lot of work and a lot of hours and a lot of stress, but it’s all been worth it.

“This world record is validation of all the effort everyone in the team has put in.”

The Sunswift Racing team, made up of students from UNSW, celebrate their unofficial Guinness World Record. Photograph by Richard Freeman

Sunswift 7 is the latest in a long line of successful solar-powered cars from UNSW since the first vehicle was produced in 1996. Due to the extensive use of carbon fibre, it weighs just 500kg, about one quarter that of a Tesla, and boasts superb efficiencies thanks to its aerodynamic design, the efficiency of the motors and throughout the drive chain, and incredibly low rolling resistance.

The record attempt was not without drama, with a battery management issue causing the car to come to a complete halt at one point. The rules of the event stated Sunswift 7 could not be stationary for more than 15 minutes at a time – and it took the team 14 minutes and 52 seconds to fix the problem and get back onto the track.

The UNSW Sunswift Racing team designing, building and racing an electric-powered solar car in an effort to take back a world record (fastest solar-powered vehicle) and to redefine the future of sustainable transport through the research and development of solar electric vehicle technologies.

Ultimate efficiency

Team Principal, Professor of Practice Richard Hopkins, says the world record shows what is possible and what can be achieved, albeit with a significant weight advantage over road legal cars which require a host of features, such as airbags and an air conditioning systems, that Sunswift 7 does not include.

Professor Hopkins won four F1 world titles while Head of Operations at Red Bull, but ranks this Guinness record just as highly.

“This is amazing, incredible. Wow. The whole year has been leading to this point and it hasn’t been plain sailing. To be honest, we had our doubts whether we were going to be able to achieve it,” he said.

“So to come here and do what we set out to do is just the most incredible feeling. I’m sure those sentiments are shared amongst the whole team.”

Sunswift 7 completed 240 laps of AARC’s Highway Circuit, equivalent to more than the driving distance from Sydney to Melbourne, to break the record. The car stopped only to allow for a change of driver every few hours – plus one tyre change due to a puncture and the nerve-wracking battery management repair.

The record attempt was not without drama, including the need to quickly repair a puncture and get the car back on the track inside 15 minutes. Photograph by Richard Freeman

And Prof. Hopkins paid tribute to the student team that did such a brilliant job.  

“Let’s remember, these are not the best-paid professional car makers in Stuttgart working for Mercedes. This is a bunch of very smart amateurs who have taken all the ingredients and put it together in a brilliant way,” he said.

“I don’t like to call them ‘normal’ students. The reason is that UNSW is the top-ranked engineering university in Australia and this is the top engineering project within the university. So it attracts the very best.

“But these young men and women are the future and they have already demonstrated here with Sunswift what they are capable of – imagine what they will do when we let them loose on the wider world.

“This team have focused on ultimate efficiency in order to break this world record. They have shown what is ultimately achievable if you concentrate on aerodynamics, and rolling resistance and the use of smart materials.

Sunswift 7 posted superb efficiency ratings during the world record attempt. Photograph by Richard Freeman

“During this record, the energy consumption was just 3.8 kWh/100km, whereas even the most efficient EVs on the road today only achieve a rating of 15kWh/100km and the average is around 20kWh/100km,” Prof. Hopkins added.

“Sunswift 7 isn’t a production car of the future, since we’ve compromised on comfort and the cost is prohibitive. But we have shown that if you want to make cars more efficient, more sustainable, more environmentally friendly, then it is possible.

“I used to work in Formula One and nobody thinks we’ll be driving F1 cars on the road in five or 10 years. But the technology they use in F1 really pushes the boundaries and some of that filters down [to regular vehicles] and that’s what we are trying to do with Sunswift and what this world record shows is achievable.”

Sunswift 7 is the latest in a long line of successful solar-powered cars from UNSW since the first vehicle was produced in 1996. Photograph by Richard Freeman
125742JEC Group
How Hera asteroid mission will phone home Fri, 13 Jan 2023 08:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> The 1.13-m diameter High Gain Antenna of ESA’s Hera mission went through a week-long test campaign at the Compact Antenna Test Range, part of the Agency’s ESTEC technical centre in the Netherlands.

The CATR’s metal walls isolate external radio signals while its foam-spike-lined interior absorbs radio signals to prevent reflections and reproduce the empty void of space. Each test session took more than 10 hours at a time, with the antenna rotated a degree at a time to build up a 360 degree picture of the antenna’s detailed signal shape.

“The High Gain Antenna is really a crucial part of our mission – it will be our sole means of receiving data and sending commands with the volume we need, with the Low Gain Antenna as backup for low data rate emergency communications” explains Hera antenna engineer Victoria Iza.

Hera system engineer Paolo Concari adds: “Coupled with an innovative deep-space transponder, this antenna will also perform science in its own right. Doppler shifting in its signals due to slight shifts in Hera’s velocity as the spacecraft orbits Dimorphos will be used to derive the mass and shape of the asteroid. But for this radio science experiment to work well, the antenna signal will need to remain stable over time, which means the antenna itself has to maintain its geometrical shape very precisely.”

The High Gain Antenna was manufactured by HPS in Germany and Romania. The company was checking that the antenna’s CATR test performance met mission requirements, comparing the results to simulated radio frequency data.

“The antenna reflector is made of carbon fibre, which makes it very stable and resistant to temperature extremes and general environmental stresses,” comments Fulvio Triberti from HPS. “With a total mass of just 7.5 kg, it is a scaled up version of a smaller model produced for ESA’s Euclid observatory, which will operate 1.5 million km from Earth. But Hera’s antenna will need to cover much greater distances still than Euclid, transmitting and receiving across as far as over 400 million km.”

Located on the exterior of the spacecraft, the High Gain Antenna is especially susceptible to accelerations during launch and the high and low temperatures experienced in space – for added protection against the latter, the antenna will be flown covered in a Kapton-Germanium sunshield that provides thermal isolation while radio waves can still pass through it.

So, as a next step, the antenna will undergo vibration testing at IABG in Germany, to reproduce launch stresses, followed by ‘thermal vacuum’ testing at AAC in Austria, to simulate temperature extremes. Then the antenna will return to the CATR next spring, in order to check that this environmental testing did nothing to degrade its radio-frequency performance.

Antenna engineer Ines Barbary led the CATR test campaign: “The challenge for us has been the very high gain of the antenna, and also its tightly focused directivity – it is a very narrowly focused beam with low side lobes. Our test signals cross less than 2 m from our antenna to the High Gain Antenna within the chamber but our specialist software can transform the signals as if they are travelling across vast distances.”

The High Gain Antenna boosts its signal more than 4000-fold to reach Earth, focused down to only half a degree, so that the entire spacecraft will move in order to line up with its homeworld.

“It’s a fantastic feeling to see flight hardware take shape like this,” concludes Paolo. “And all involved did a great job in making it happen on time, to meet our launch schedule in October 2024.”

125541JEC Group
Skyfly selects Norco for composite manufacturing Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:19:00 +0000 Read more]]> “We have been extremely impressed with Norco from our first initial contact to now running the project alongside them. It is refreshing to work with such a slick operation and knowing that we are in capable hands. The Norco team have years of experience to draw on which they have driven into the design for manufacture stages examining every detail prior to the aircraft being signed off.”  – Michael Thompson, CEO at Skyfly

Skyfly aims to achieve a complete airframe weight of just 220kg. This low weight structure is only achievable through the use of light weight composite structures which can retain the required crashproofing and structural strength needed. The aircraft fuselage consists of a main shell built in one piece with a nose and tail cone:

“The Skyfly Axe EVTOL fuselage main shell is built in one piece using resin infusion, which provides low void content lightweight mouldings at low cost. A sandwich structure and unidirectional carbon is used to reinforce the skin. The skin in the cockpit area uses hybrid carbon/aramid which improves impact resistance. The internal structure includes a tunnel which provides torsional stiffness and frames which distribute point loads (e.g. from the undercarriage and flying surfaces) into the structure. I have had a personally positive experience with Norco some years ago, since then, their expertise and experience in lightweight composite aerostructures has developed greatly. We find them responsive especially in DFM (design for manufacture) resulting in a better product at less cost.” – William Brooks, CTO at Skyfly

Using this method of construction – also allows for the low cost, accurate and reliable repeatability of our main structures – which is important when we progress into series production of the Axe. 

“Norco are very excited to work with Skyfly in developing the Axe aircraft. UAM will see the largest growth in the civil aviation sector in the coming years, and its aircraft such as the Axe that will provide ground breaking capability. This aircraft will enable Norco to leverage on its skills and capabilities in the manufacture of advanced composite structures. Norco have been involved in a number of UAM platforms and see the relationship with Skyfly as a natural progression in the development and manufacture on EVTOL’s. 

Norco are a leading UK manufacturer of large composite structures, the company embraces the majority of composite processes from wet lay and resin infusion to high end pre-preg mouldings. Norco have made major investments in equipment and facilities over recent years, providing a ‘One Stop’ capability from tooling design and manufacture to paint finishing and assembly.  Every project at Norco is supported by one of our engineering team, who ensure projects are manufactured to cost , quality and schedule” – Jason Hunt, Project Manager at Norco

The announcement comes just before the Christmas break ensuring Skyfly are on schedule with their build timeline. 

125490JEC Group
SolidSail : le savoir-faire de 5 entreprises de la Bretagne Sailing Valley® condensé dans un mât de 66m Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:20:00 +0000 Read more]]> Des chiffres vertigineux pour une prouesse technologique

L’horizon se dégage toujours un peu plus pour la propulsion des navires par le vent. Vendredi 9 décembre 2022, un nouveau cap a été franchi avec la présentation du premier très grand mât commandé par les Chantiers de l’Atlantique. Les chiffres de ce prototype à échelle 1, assemblé et dévoilé à Lanester, sont éloquents et témoignent de la prouesse technique et technologique réalisée :

  • 66m de hauteur ;
  • 2m de largeur;
  • un poids de 20t;
  • peut supporter une voile de 1 500m²;
  • 20 000 heures de travail.

Cinq entreprises de la Bretagne Sailing Valley à bord du projet SolidSail

Ces 20 000 heures de travail nécessaires à cette prouesse technologique, c’est un consortium de 5 entreprises de la Bretagne Sailing Valley® qui les ont effectuées. Quatre sont basées à Lorient et une à Vannes. Signé en 2020, il regroupe l’expertise d’entreprises de la filière bretonne des composites hautes performances :

“Ce projet est inhabituel et hors norme. Il fallait des compétences diverses et des capacités de production pour sortir cette pièce, indique Luc Talbourdet, président d’Avel Robotics. Aucun des cinq intervenants ne pouvait fabriquer le mât tout seul. L’idée était donc de s’unir pour répondre à ce projet plutôt que de ne pas pouvoir le faire individuellement et que le mât soit réalisé à l’étranger. Il faut bien se rendre compte de l’aspect exceptionnel du projet. La taille du mât représente le double de ce qui équipe la classe Ultim (35-38m).” Vincent Marsaudon, directeur du groupe Wichard, dont Lorima fait partie, et président de SMM prolonge : « La capacité à gérer des dossiers que l’on n’a pas habituellement chez CDK, Lorima et Multiplast a permis à chacun d’apporter sa pierre à l’édifice et de répondre intégralement au projet. »

Équipant également les navires de la course au large, ces cinq entreprises ont mis en synergie et à profit leur savoir-faire en matière de voile de compétition et de course au large. « Les navires sont les Formule 1 des mers, insiste Luc Talbourdet. Nous sommes donc habitués à un haut niveau d’exigence de la part des teams en termes de prototypes. »

La répartition du projet SolidSail

Durant ce projet, Lorima a fourni les tronçons de mâts en pré-imprégné autoclavé et a articulé le montage et la pose de l’accastillage.

Multiplast a, aux côtés des Chantiers de l’Atlantique, participé à la mise au point et au développement des voiles et des gréements des futurs paquebots dans le cadre de projets de recherche financés par la Région Bretagne et Golfe-du-Morbihan-Vannes-Agglo. Multiplast a ainsi réalisé les voiles prototypes qui ont permis de valider le concept de ces grands paquebots à voile.

Avel Robotics a conçu et fabriqué les deux manches qui permettent d’assembler les trois tubes du mât.

Spécialiste de la mise en œuvre des composites en carbone pré-imprégné, CDK Technologies a pris en charge la fabrication d’un tronçon de 24 mètres. L’entreprise réalise également la cuisson sous haute pression des principaux éléments du mât, grâce à son four.

Enfin, SMM a réalisé l’ensemble des outillages nécessaires au projet : moules de tubes et de manchons, châssis d’assemblage et outils d’aide au drapage. Son usine de 100m de long a permis d’assembler le mât.

Cinq autres entreprises de la Bretagne Sailing Valley apportent aussi leur pierre à l’édifice SolidSail : Ocean Data System, Awentech, Pixel sur Mer, Blew Stoub et GSea Design.

Une voile destinée aux navires de croisières et de transport de marchandise pour réduire les émissions de CO2

Ce mât du futur doit accueillir la voile SolidSail. Une voile 100% composite, performante et pliable. À terme, elle doit équiper et propulser le paquebot Silenseas, en cours de développement dans les entrepôts de Chantiers de l’Atlantique, ainsi que des cargos à voile. Cette voile et le mât composent le gréement Aeoldrive, totalement automatisé. Son balestron orientable à 360° et ses mâts inclinables à 70° doivent lui permettre de passer sous des ponts.

La propulsion vélique doit permettre aux navires de demain de réduire leurs émissions de CO2. À compter du 1er janvier 2023, les navires marchands devront calculer deux indicateurs : l’EEXI, indice de rendement énergétique des navires existants, et le CII, indice d’intensité carbone opérationnel annuel. L’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) entend ainsi réduire d’au moins 40% l’intensité carbone de tous les navires d’ici 2030. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, l’OMI intègre la propulsion vélique parmi les solutions envisagées. 

Selon Chantiers de l’Atlantique, SolidSail permettra de baisser les émissions de C02 de 25% à 40%.

Vers une industrialisation de la production

Cet engouement collectif doit se poursuivre dans le futur. “L’objectif est de réaliser une paire de mâts pour un bateau de transport et de signer d’autres commandes, avance Luc Talbourdet. L’avantage est que nous sommes les premiers à produire, à l’échelle 1, une solution vélique utilisable. Cela incite à passer commande. Notre but sera de répondre à la demande.”

Comment ? En passant par la case industrialisation de la production de ce type de mâts. “Une entité juridique doit être créée entre les cinq entreprises du consortium et Chantiers de l’Atlantique, indique Vincent Marsaudon. L’enjeu est de pouvoir compter sur un site dédié et robotisé pour répondre aux problématiques manuelles que l’on connaît, avec un recrutement difficile dans nos métiers.”

125511JEC Group
Limited Edition Ford GT Mk IV Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:57:00 +0000 Read more]]> Representing the ultimate and most extreme track only Ford GT ever, the new Ford GT Mk IV by Ford Performance and Multimatic is a radically advanced supercar delivering max performance with its unique body, powertrain and suspension.

To deliver unconstrained performance, exceeding that of any Ford GT to date, the Ford GT Mk IV has a unique twin-turbo EcoBoost engine, racing transmission, aero-focused exterior design, and chassis with longer wheelbase for greater on-track handling.

“The original GT Mk IV held nothing back for max track performance, and the new Ford GT Mk IV brings it in the same way,” said Mark Rushbrook, global director, Ford Performance Motorsports. “With an even higher-level of motorsport engineering and performance, plus a completely new carbon fiber body that is functional and striking, the Mk IV is the ultimate sendoff of the third-generation supercar.”

The new Ford GT Mk IV nods to the year that the original Mk IV won the 24 Hours of Le Mans, with just 67 of the hand-built supercars to be produced at Multimatic’s facility in Markham, Ontario. A new client application process will begin for this $1.7M supercar (starting MSRP), with client selections confirmed in the first-quarter of 2023. Deliveries will begin in late spring 2023.

“Multimatic’s brief was to create the most extreme final version of the Ford GT, and the Mk IV is the outcome,” said Larry Holt, executive vice president, Multimatic Special Vehicle Operations Group. “A unique larger displacement engine, proper racing gearbox, stretched wheelbase and truly radical body has resulted in an unprecedented level of performance. We are proud to have been a part of the third-generation GT from its inception to this amazing swan song and consider it a significant chapter in Multimatic’s history.”

Ford GT Mk IV has a history of technological advances
Building on Ford GT Mk II’s triumphant 1966 1-2-3 Le Mans finish, Ford’s development team held nothing back and redesigned the car from scratch with state-of-the-art technology and engineering available to create the 1967 Ford GT Mk IV.

To leverage new material science advantages, Ford’s engineers and Kar Kraft developed a new lightweight chassis using adhesive bonded honeycombed-aluminum construction with a more aerodynamic body and named it the “J-Car” because it was built to the new FIA Appendix J rules. Combined with the famous 427 Ford V-8 (7L) engine and a special transaxle with its own cooling system that carried power to the rear wheels the 1967 Ford GT Mk IV was 9-inches longer and built specifically to dominate global endurance racing.

125379JEC Group
Glüxkind wins CES Innovation Award Tue, 10 Jan 2023 10:43:05 +0000 Read more]]> This year’s CES Innovation Awards program received a record high number of over 2,100 submissions. The announcement was made ahead of CES 2023, the world’s most influential technology event, happening Jan. 5-8 2023 in Las Vegas, NV.

The CES Innovation Awards program, owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®, is an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in 28 consumer technology product categories. An elite panel of industry expert judges, including members of the media, designers, engineers and more, reviewed submissions based on innovation, engineering and functionality, aesthetic and design.

Glüxkind Technologies received the prestigious recognition for their smart carbon fiber stroller “Ella” which was created to support new parents on their daily adventures, be more inclusive and enable families to spend quality time together.

The Product: GlüxKind Ella

Ella, Glüxkind’s AI stroller is designed and optimised for real, daily life, not the showroom. With Ella’s adaptive push and brake assistance, parents and caregivers alike can enjoy effortless walks regardless of terrain; uphill, downhill, and even when fully loaded with groceries and toys, it will be a walk in the park.

When the child is not inside the stroller because the baby needs a hug or a toddler wants to walk for a bit, parents can activate Ella’s intelligent hands free strolling. Glüxkind Ella’s advanced parent assist technology empowers parents to be present and focus on their kids without compromise or distracting multitasking.

Whether on the go or at home, Glüxkind’s AI stroller offers parents unparalleled support. With baby soothing features like Rock-My-Baby mode to help the little ones stay asleep or built in White Noise playback, Ella is there to give parents almost a nanny-like experience.

“We are thrilled to be named CES Innovation Award Honoree.” says Glüxkind co-founder and CEO, Kevin Huang. “With Glüxkind’s Ella, we aim to make parenting easier, starting with the key piece of parenting equipment, the baby stroller. At Glüxkind, we believe in empowering our families with safe, convenient, and seamless products. We want to embolden parents to explore and create their own paths on their parenting journey and be the best parents they can be. Being named a CES Innovation Awards recipient is further proof that we’re on the right track.”

Previous recipients of this distinction have included products from industry giants such as Samsung, Bosch, Waymo, and Sony.

“We’ve put a lot of hard work into this product and are excited to get it into more customers’ hands in 2023. The development has been driven by our own experience as new parents. Supporting the next generations of parents with an incredible product is what motivates us every day. Getting this recognition not only validates our effort but also enables us to reach more families who are looking for better products.” says Anne Hunger, CPO and Co-founder of Glüxkind.  

Glüxkind Technologies
Glüxkind is a Canadian baby technology startup founded in 2020 by Anne Hunger and Kevin Huang shortly after they became parents for the first time. 

The name Glüxkind is inspired by the German word Glückskind. “Glück” means lucky and “Kind” translates to child. For a lucky child, everything turns out better than ‘just fine’. The word Glückskind is especially common in fairytales. The startup wants parents to experience just as many magical moments with their little ones while they are out and about as they do during story time.

125640JEC Group
zUFO wins a “CES Award 2023” for its patented ski boot concept Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:11:01 +0000 Read more]]> zUFO tackles the unsolved problem of ski boot comfort and offers a concept without a hard shell or hook to replace current technology which has evolved very little in 50 years and suffers from a lack of innovation. His mission ? Providing comfort to 135 million skiers thanks to its precise and comfortable exoskeleton. The zUFO ski boot is still in the development phase. Tests in ski resorts and fundraising are planned for 2023 to launch industrialization and marketing in the winter of 2023-24.

The comfort of ski boots: an unsolved problem to date
In the 1970s ski boots with plastic shells appeared. This technology was disruptive at the time: we went from leather shoes that did not support the lower leg to technology that retained the ankle thanks to a rigid shell. This technology has evolved little since then and this status quo shows a flagrant lack of innovation.

The problem of the comfort of ski boots is multi-factorial:
• Putting on and taking off are complicated
• As well as walking to get to the ski lifts
• Pain persists during skiing (too tight or floating foot, rubbing at the ankles or tibia, compressed kick,
• The skier is often too hot or too cold in his boots

A new approach to ski boots: zUFO technology

zUFO is composed of an carbon fiber exoskeleton which provides the mechanical function of the ski boot (transmission of forces between the body and the ski) and a textile part which provides the waterproofing function as well as the thermal function.

Rather than improving a 50-year-old innovation, Hervé Fredouille, engineer and founder of the start-up, started from scratch by building the new zUFO concept based on the functions that the ski boot must hold during practice but also the ergonomics needed before and after practice.

zUFO is composed of an carbon fiber exoskeleton which provides the mechanical function of the ski boot (transmission of forces between the body and the ski) and a textile part which provides the waterproofing function as well as the thermal function (keeping the feet dry and provide thermal comfort). zUFO is a modular ski boot: it is made up of a dozen modules that can be assembled and disassembled without special tools or glue, and was born eco-designed.

This eco-design is based on the development of four items:

• Versatile boot: Design a multi-use shoe (piste skiing + ski touring) putting an end to the specific segmentation of leisure equipment and avoiding the multiplication of products on the market, Materials and durability: Choose the right materials (recyclable, biosourced, etc.) and work on a design allowing an extension of the lifespan of the shoe (durability thanks to the replacement of defective modules),
• Local fabrication: Modular architecture allows fabrication and assembly of modules close to their place of use,
• Optimization of the use of a product leaving the factory: Develop a new vision of the market allowing to offer products in a logic of economy of functionality and/or new business models with limited impact (sale, rental, subscriptions, etc.).
• The zUFO project is supported by ADEME (French Environment Agency) and is one of the 27 winners of
the Perfecto 2022 Call for Projects, which aims to bring out an offer of products, services and processes
with a lower environmental impact, thanks to an eco-friendly approach design.

“We are honored by this prize which represents for us a first step validating these 3 years of R&D. We are
looking towards 2023 with many projects including fundraising which will allow us to continue the
development dynamic, increase our community of testers and expand the team with – in sight – the
industrial launch of zUFO” indicates Hervé FREDOUILLE, CEO and founder of zUFO.

125648JEC Group
Victrola Stream Carbon received CES 2023 Innovation Awards Mon, 09 Jan 2023 14:25:00 +0000 Read more]]> Whether listeners are new to vinyl or experienced collectors, Victrola Stream Carbon is meticulously designed for the discerning consumer given its premium design and finish. Carbon utilizes the highest quality materials that include a low-resonance veneer plinth with premium metal turntable components, and a carbon fiber tonearm with a custom-designed removable headshell.

To further elevate the wireless vinyl listening experience, Victrola Stream Carbon is supplied with a premium Ortofon Red 2M moving magnetic cartridge that will deliver optimized sound reproduction and a high level of sonic accuracy through listeners’ Sonos speaker systems.

Victrola Stream Carbon Turntable

About Victrola:
Victrola has been a leading manufacturer of audio products since 1906, beginning with the first in-home record player in the U.S. Since then, Victrola has grown into a global company with a mission of bringing lifelong music memories to everyone. Victrola continues to deliver innovative turntables and audio solutions designed with simplicity, beauty, and superior sound, providing an immersive experience for music lovers everywhere.

125619JEC Group
babyark launches the safest car seat at CES Fri, 06 Jan 2023 09:49:14 +0000 Read more]]> “I was surprised to learn that the most important people in our lives, our children, sit in safety seats primarily made out of plastic and Styrofoam,” said Shy Mindel, CEO of babyark. “While safety features for adults in vehicles have evolved dramatically over the past 10 years, child passenger safety technology has remained stagnant. babyark is approaching safety through the hardware, the actual seat, and the software, including the safety sensors that communicate with the app. The result is a car seat that takes a holistic approach to safety.”

Made of anticrash materials, the babyark energy absorption technology is built around a high strength steel SafeCoil™ shock-absorbing system that gently slows the seat’s forward momentum during a crash. Carbon fiber and D3O™, the world’s most technologically-advanced impact absorbing polymer tested in extreme military applications, complement the babyark suite of safety solutions. In addition to top materials, the baybark smart seat uses IoT technology to supply caregivers with real time indications regarding child passenger safety at all times. With 14 sensors embedded in the base of the seat, it alerts the driver via the personal babyark app if the seat is installed correctly, if the child is buckled or if the child is forgotten in the vehicle. The app then provides instructions on how to ensure that everything is correct, giving caregivers the peace of mind that their child is safely in their seat on each and every drive. The app is available on Android and iOS.    

“Car seats are a major source of anxiety for parents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 59% of car seats are installed incorrectly,” said Yifat Ryce, Chief Marketing Officer of babyark and licensed CPST. “Safety starts with installation, and the babyark app uses technology to simplify everything possible for caregivers, enabling them to do it right the first time and every time.”

babyark can be used for infants and children from four to 65 pounds and allows for extended rear facing up to 55 pounds. The seat is available for pre-order now for a limited-time price of $990 and will officially be released in the Summer 2023 for $1,190.

About babyark:
babyark is a global brand focused on innovative technology, enhancing children’s safety at various out of home activities. babyark combines energy absorption systems that were tested in aviation and military applications with IOT technology, creating a new standard of safety. High strength steel SafeCoil™, carbon fiber and D3O™, the world’s most technologically-advanced impact absorbing polymer, are part of the babyark car seat. Smart base containing 14 sensors alerts caregivers via app when the seat is installed both correctly and incorrectly and if the child is unbuckled or left unattended, taking the guesswork out of car seat safety.

125603JEC Group
Autel Energy showcases Vision to Power the Planet, electrified Bronco at CES Fri, 06 Jan 2023 09:17:58 +0000 Read more]]> The eye-catching $350,000 all-electric classic Ford Bronco restoration from 1969 was customized from the ground up by Los Angeles-based Zero Labs Automotive, an automotive and industrial design, technology and engineering firm specializing in electric vehicle conversions.

“As the country transitions to electric vehicles, we wanted to show that embracing the future doesn’t mean that you have to give up the past,” said John Thomas, chief operating officer of Autel Energy. “We’re always innovating and love to partner with companies who share a passion for performance, and we’re proud to be partnering with Zero Labs to showcase this vintage vehicle at CES, blending tradition with technology.”

The custom Bronco SUV features a carbon fiber body and has been fully electrified with a 600-horsepower, dual-motor propulsion system featuring a 100-kWh battery and 235-plus miles of all-electric range.

“Over the past two decades, Autel (a name born by combining ‘Automotive’ and ‘Intelligence’) has revolutionized the automotive service and repair business around the globe, and now we’re doing it with EV charging technologies,” Thomas said.

At CES, Autel Energy is highlighting a comprehensive suite of EV charging solutions designed to advance the seamless transition to an e-mobility future. The brand debuted its viable and reliable charging technologies at the Detroit Auto Show this past September.

Autel Energy’s 50-by-30-foot CES exhibit offers an interactive visitor experience replete with custom EV graphics and Autel’s complete line of MaxiCharger residential and commercial chargers, including a DC fast charger with an advertising-ready 27-inch color touchscreen display. A residential display shows how energy flows in a home ecosystem and demonstrates how Autel’s comprehensive home solutions and Adaptive Load Management technologies work as an intelligent, cohesive system. A commercial display demonstrates the EV charging company’s sweeping public and business solutions, including dynamic load balancing and high-power charging.

Powering the Planet
Autel Energy designs, develops and engineers integrated solutions that help achieve carbon neutrality and solve some of the biggest challenges seen today in the EV charging space.

The company’s MaxiCharger family of products includes AC (Level 2) home and commercial chargers, DC bi-directional vehicle-to-everything (V2X) home charging, DC fast charging (Level 3) and digital energy management offerings, including mobile apps and Autel’s ChargeCloud, the only all-in-one charging cloud solution available today. Autel’s wholistic approach to curating solutions that address the needs of the entire charging ecosystem helps balance the grid while enabling the organic expansion of power access.

“The key to the success of the widespread adoption of EVs will be putting in place critical charging infrastructure to support it,” Thomas said. “We have charging solutions for every market segment, including home charging, commercial vehicles, and DC fast chargers. We can power vehicles of any size, and due to our extensive experience in vehicle diagnostics, we know the vehicle market better than any other charging company.”

About Autel Energy:
Autel Energy’s vision is to create a seamless customer experience that enables the deployment of technology and smart infrastructure that accelerates the adoption of electric vehicles and energy management solutions worldwide. Autel Energy makes the most advanced products accessible and convenient for residential and commercial users offering hardware, software, apps and cloud-based solutions to cover almost every use case and application. This includes world-class charging hardware for AC (Level 2) home and commercial, DC Bi-directional V2X power management, and DC (Level 3) fast charging from 40kW to 480kW with innovative configurability and modularity. 

125606JEC Group
UPNA/NUP researchers manage to remotely manipulate a composite material by means of heat and magnetic fields “with an unprecedented level of control” Wed, 04 Jan 2023 15:29:00 +0000 Read more]]> The authors of this research, published in the latest issue of the journal “Nature Scientific Reports”, are Josu Irisarri, Íñigo Ezcurdia, Xabier Sandúa, Itziar Galarreta, Iñaki Pérez de Landazábal and Asier Marzo.

Programmable matter is defined as a material capable of modifying its properties in a programmatic way. “It can change its shape, stiffness or other physical properties in a controlled way,” says Asier Marzo. Until now, optical or magnetic methods have been used to control matter remotely. “However, both procedures have limitations: the former, in terms of strength; and the latter, regarding the minimum size of the achievable details –spatial resolution–,” he explains.

Control of matter using heat and magnetic fields

The UPNA/NUP researchers used a composite of thermoplastic and iron powder. The former is rigid at 27°C, but becomes malleable when heated in a process that is reversible; on the other hand, iron powder can be mixed with the thermoplastic and is attracted by magnetic fields. The compound was subjected to thermal patterns and magnetic fields. Thanks to this combination, “an unprecedented degree of control is demonstrated”, according to the article’s lead author, Josu Irisarri. To do this, the compound is heated at specific locations which become malleable and can be attracted by magnetic fields. “The hot areas solidify when they cool down and the process can be repeated,” adds Josu Irisarri.

Sheet of material on which raised dots similar to Braille patterns have been created.
Sheet of material on which raised dots similar to Braille patterns have been created.

The researchers performed multiple remote manipulations using light, heat and magnets on the composite, as can be seen in this video. For example, a filament was heated at the centre, making it malleable. Afterwards, a magnetic field pulled from the sides to bend it along the pre-heated area. The filament solidified upon cooling down. This process was repeated several times to form different letters using a single strand.

Blocks of material that have been sculpted without contact into 3D figures.
Blocks of material that have been sculpted without contact into 3D figures.

In a second experiment, a sheet of material was heated up by a laser at specific points. Afterwards, a magnetic field attracted these points and, as they cooled down, they became solid forming a Braille pattern. This process was repeated for more complex patterns.

In the third experiment, a block of material was heated with infrared light, and raised by a magnetic field to form a column. Then, a point on the column was heated, and again, using a magnetic field, a secondary branch was pulled out, forming a tree.

Block of material turned into a tree.
Block of material turned into a tree.

In the final test, the material was inserted into a lung simulator balloon, which is optically opaque. It was heated with microwaves, and when the magnetic fields were applied, the material inside the balloon could be expanded to a certain size.

To summarize, the material can be moved, rotated, bent, stretched, contracted, split, fused, raised, melted and sculpted into figures or Braille patterns. Moreover, in its solid state, it can support heavy weights.

Complex manipulations

 “We have demonstrated complex manipulations on 3D blocks, 2D sheets and 1D filaments, which will have applications in tactile displays and object manipulation,” says Asier Marzo.

Solid material in the shape of a filament, sheet and block.
Solid material in the shape of a filament, sheet and block.

Apart from tactile technologies, UPNA/NUP researchers foresee other possibilities. “Due to the low transition temperature and the capability of heating through opaque materials using microwave, the composite can be manipulated inside biological tissue, offering great potential for biomedical devices.” concludes Asier Marzo.

125063JEC Group
SolidSail : the know-how of 5 companies from the Bretagne Sailing Valley condensed into a 66m mast Tue, 03 Jan 2023 15:39:43 +0000 Read more]]> Staggering figures for a technological feat

The horizon is becoming increasingly clear for wind-powered ships. On Friday 9 December 2022, a new milestone was reached with the presentation of the first very tall mast ordered by Chantiers de l’Atlantique. The figures for this full-scale prototype, assembled and unveiled in Lanester, speak for themselves and bear witness to the technical and technological feat achieved:

  • 66m high
  • 2m wide
  • a weight of 20t
  • can support a 1,500m² sail
  • 20,000 working hours

Five companies from the Bretagne Sailing Valley on board the SolidSail project

The 20,000 hours of work required for this technological feat were carried out by a consortium of five companies from the Bretagne Sailing Valley®. Four are based in Lorient and one in Vannes. Signed in 2020, it brings together the expertise of companies in the Breton high performance composites sector:

“This project is unusual and out of the ordinary. We needed a variety of skills and production capacities to produce this part, says Luc Talbourdet, president of Avel Robotics. None of the five people involved could make the mast on their own. So the idea was to join forces for this project rather than not being able to do it individually and having the mast made abroad. You have to realise that this is an exceptional project. The size of the mast is double that of the Ultim class (35-38m).” Vincent Marsaudon, director of the Wichard group, of which Lorima is a part, and president of SMM, continues : “The ability to manage projects that CDK, Lorima and Multiplast don’t usually have has enabled each of them to contribute to the project and to respond fully to it.”

Also equipping ocean racing vessels, these five companies have synergised and leveraged their expertise in competitive sailing and ocean racing. “The ships are the Formula 1 of the seas, insists Luc Talbourdet. We are therefore used to a high level of demand from the teams in terms of prototypes.”

The breakdown of the SolidSail project

During this project, Lorima supplied the autoclaved prepreg mast sections and articulated the assembly and fitting of the fittings.

Multiplast has, alongside Chantiers de l’Atlantique, participated in the development of the sails and rigging of the future liners within the framework of research projects financed by the Brittany Region and Golfe-du-Morbihan-Vannes-Agglo. Multiplast produced the prototype sails that validated the concept of these large sailing ships.

Avel Robotics designed and manufactured the two handles that connect the three tubes of the mast.

CDK Technologies, which specialises in the processing of prepreg carbon composites, took charge of the manufacture of a 24-metre section. The company also carries out the high-pressure curing of the main elements of the mast, thanks to its oven.

Finally, SMM produced all the tooling required for the project: tube and sleeve moulds, assembly frames and draping tools. Its 100m long factory was used to assemble the mast.

Five other companies from the Bretagne Sailing Valley are also contributing to the SolidSail project: Ocean Data System, Awentech, Pixel sur Mer, Blew Stoub and GSea Design.

A sail for cruise ships and freighters to reduce CO2 emissions

This mast of the future will house the SolidSail. A 100% composite, high-performance and foldable sail. Eventually, it should equip and propel the Silenseas cruise ship, currently under development in the warehouses of Chantiers de l’Atlantique, as well as sailing cargo ships. This sail and mast make up the fully automated Aeoldrive rig. Its 360° rotatable balestron and 70° tiltable masts should allow it to pass under bridges.

The aim of the Aeoldrive is to enable future ships to reduce their CO2 emissions. From 1 January 2023, merchant ships will have to calculate two indicators: the EEXI, the energy efficiency index for existing ships, and the CII, the annual operational carbon intensity index. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) aims to reduce the carbon intensity of all ships by at least 40% by 2030. In order to achieve this objective, the IMO includes the use of diesel propulsion among the solutions considered.

According to Chantiers de l’Atlantique, SolidSail will reduce C02 emissions by 25% to 40%.

Towards industrialisation of production

This collective enthusiasm should continue in the future. “The objective is to make a pair of masts for a transport boat and to sign other orders, says Luc Talbourdet. The advantage is that we are the first to produce, on a scale of 1, a usable sail solution. This is an incentive to place orders. Our goal will be to meet the demand.”

How ? By going through the industrialization of the production of this type of mast. “A legal entity must be created between the five companies in the consortium and Chantiers de l’Atlantique, says Vincent Marsaudon. The challenge is to be able to count on a dedicated and robotised site to respond to the manual problems that we are experiencing, with difficult recruitment in our trades.”

125516JEC Group
Northrop Grumman and the US Air Force introduce the B-21 Raider Tue, 03 Jan 2023 10:23:00 +0000 Read more]]> “The Northrop Grumman team develops and delivers technology that advances science, looks into the future and brings it to the here and now,” said Kathy Warden, chair, chief executive officer and president, Northrop Grumman. “The B-21 Raider defines a new era in technology and strengthens America’s role of delivering peace through deterrence.”

The B-21 Raider forms the backbone of the future for U.S. air power, leading a powerful family of systems that deliver a new era of capability and flexibility through advanced integration of data, sensors and weapons. Its sixth-generation capabilities include stealth, information advantage and open architecture.

“The B-21 Raider is a testament to America’s enduring advantages in ingenuity and innovation. And it’s proof of the Department’s long-term commitment to building advanced capabilities that will fortify America’s ability to deter aggression, today and into the future. Now, strengthening and sustaining U.S. deterrence is at the heart of our National Defense Strategy,” said Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III. “This bomber was built on a foundation of strong, bipartisan support in Congress. And because of that support, we will soon fly this aircraft, test it and then move into production.”

The B-21 is capable of networking across the battlespace to multiple systems, and into all domains. Supported by a digital ecosystem throughout its lifecycle, the B-21 can quickly evolve through rapid technology upgrades that provide new capabilities to outpace future threats.

“With the B-21, the U.S. Air Force will be able to deter or defeat threats anywhere in the world,” said Tom Jones, corporate vice president and president, Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems. “The B-21 exemplifies how Northrop Grumman is leading the industry in digital transformation and digital engineering, ultimately delivering more value to our customers.”

The B-21 Raider is named in honor of the Doolittle Raids of World War II when 80 men, led by Lt. Col. James “Jimmy” Doolittle, and 16 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers set off on a mission that changed the course of World War II. The designation B-21 recognizes the Raider as the first bomber of the 21st century.  

Northrop Grumman is a technology company, focused on global security and human discovery. Our pioneering solutions equip our customers with capabilities they need to connect, advance and protect the U.S. and its allies. Driven by a shared purpose to solve our customers’ toughest problems, our 90,000 employees define possible every day.

125026JEC Group
16,000 breathing apparatus with graphene nanotube-enhanced cylinders adopted by firefighter services globally Fri, 30 Dec 2022 13:20:00 +0000 Read more]]> Fire services in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the UK, Germany, Indonesia, Qatar, and many other countries have already recognized the efficiency of the innovative breathing system.

“Reduced weight and a non-limited life performance are the key features of the developed compressed air breathing cylinders. The combination of lightweight sturdy cylinder material, which was achieved with the use of OCSiAl’s graphene nanotubes, with impact-resistant caps ensures the high durability and solid robustness of nanocylinders. They are 75% lighter than steel cylinders and 30% lighter than aluminum ones,” said Piotr Saferna, R&D leader of Techplast, an innovative company which developed the nanocylinders.

In 2021, Dräger received exclusive rights to use these nanocylinders in its self-contained breathing apparatus. “Thanks to a shell weight of only 2.8 kg and 6.8 l of air, the Dräger NANO Type 4 reduces fatigue and increases firefighter agility. Since 2021, we have provided fire service companies in more than twenty countries worldwide with self-contained breathing apparatus equipped with nanocylinders fully compliant with EN12245:2009,” said Mike George, Product Manager for PM Emergency and Rescue Services, Draeger Safety UK Ltd.

Now airport and industrial fire brigades, marine firefighters, and mine rescue teams have the opportunity to increase safety via a longer duration of air consumption and air supply if using a twinning option.

About Dräger:
Dräger is an international leader in the fields of medical and safety technology. Its products protect, support, and save lives. Founded in 1889, Dräger generated revenues of around € 3.3 billion in 2021. The Dräger Group is currently present in over 190 countries and has more than 15,000 employees worldwide.

About Techplast:
Techplast was founded in 2002 and based in Poland. It focusses on developing and production of composite cylinders with reduced weight and higher safety and durability. Techplast cooperates with many companies on the European and worldwide market.

124901JEC Group
ZAG skis for a smooth ride Thu, 29 Dec 2022 10:19:00 +0000 Read more]]> Born and bred in Chamonix

ZAG Skis from the French Alps know a thing or two about skiing and making the perfect tools for the job. Based in Chamonix, they have some of the best testing grounds one could imagine just outside their ZAG Lab. Building prototypes one day, just to go and test them in the most challenging and striking mountain terrain on the next one, allows them to continually optimise the performance of their skis. ZAG is celebrating their 20th anniversary this winter and they are far from slowing down any time soon.


The power of flax fibres

Ski construction hasn’t seen too many revolutionary changes over the past years but incremental improvements in all areas still mean that the level of performance has never been higher. The trend of lightweight freeride- and so-called freetouring skis has started to reach a level of maturity that put an end to the race for always lighter skis. While the low weight of a carbon fibre reinforced ski with a light wood core is highly appreciated on the way up, it will start to reveal its drawbacks as soon as you take it into some variable and icy conditions. The light and stiff ski struggles to deal with the typical vibrations and passes them onto the skier in a very direct way that is often described as a chattery feeling.

ZAG Skis is collaborating with Bcomp and uses our high-performance ampliTex™ flax fibre composite reinforcements across the SLAP collection. ampliTex™ has proven its unique performance and sustainability benefits in applications from McLaren Racing’s F1 seats all the way to satellite panels built together with the European Space Agency.

Incorporating Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax fibres into the SLAP range of skis has allowed ZAG to create a very calm and smooth ski that is still light enough to earn your turns. ampliTex™ harnesses the inherent mechanical properties of flax fibres to provide 250% higher vibration damping than carbon fibres. As the result of countless R&D hours in the ZAG Lab, their engineers have found the perfect recipe with ampliTex™ flax fibre reinforcements to satisfy every type of free rider.

124812JEC Group
[BEST OF 2022] Bucci Composites presents the 20” carbon fiber rim for the aftermarket Wed, 28 Dec 2022 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This news has been originaly published on September 8, 2022 and was the most popular news of September.

All the benefits of using the ultralight carbon fiber wheel are directly linked to the reduced weight of the wheel: a lighter component design means less rotational inertia, which translates into greater acceleration, shorter braking distance and better vehicle handling.

Furthermore, less unsprung mass means always having the best contact of the tire with the asphalt, thus guaranteeing excellent road grip characteristics.

A further key element of the Bucci Composites wheel is the hub-wheel system, which allows the wheel to be fixed to the hub in the traditional way, eliminating the risk of loosening torque of the bolts. This guarantees the ultra-light carbon fiber wheel all the ease of assembly and maintenance of a conventional wheel.

To cope with the high temperatures that occur especially with the use of carbon-ceramic brakes, a ceramic coating has been applied to the inside of the rim that protects the carbon fiber even from the most extreme temperatures, making it possible to use the rim in all conditions.

For this project, Bucci Composites has also equipped itself with a production technology (High Pressure RTM – HP-RTM) at the forefront of the sector, the only ones in Italy to have acquired the skills on the use that it will use to continue in the development of further models of wheels for the automotive sector.

For the development of the 20-inch wheel, advanced technologies were used and a dedicated team responsible for following the entire process from design to manufacturing of the component produced in Bucci Composites.

The rim will be available for sale in the first half of 2023, initially only for the Italian market.

124725JEC Group
Virtek helps bring sustainable space tourism to life Fri, 23 Dec 2022 10:29:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Iris 3D system locates parts in 3D space and then precisely projects a laser template onto the workpiece to guide operators through each step of the composite layup and fabrication process. The system delivers superior laser line visibility, especially on large tools and parts with complex geometries, even in brightly lit manufacturing environments.

Space Perspective was looking for ways to accelerate its composite layup processes and reduce labor intensive tasks, but also needed the flexibility to work in different areas of its manufacturing floor. The Virtek system’s integrated FlashAlign™ feature eliminates the need for workers to align laser targets manually, so it streamlines the initial setup process and improves overall worker productivity. In addition, because Virtek’s Iris 3D system is compact and highly portable, workers can quickly and easily reposition it on the manufacturing floor for use on any tool.

Peter Tinkman, manager of Capsule Manufacturing Engineering at Space Perspective, said, “The Virtek laser-based vision system has enabled us to reduce waste, increase technician confidence and add a critical layer of verification to our manufacturing process. As one can imagine, our composite tooling and parts are quite large and have complicated geometries, but Virtek’s solution makes dealing with these challenges a breeze.”

Dietmar Wennemer, President & CEO of Virtek, said, “For over three decades, Virtek has partnered with top-tier space pioneers and aeronautical manufacturers, helping them to minimize set up time, dramatically improve throughput and increase quality. Today, our team is honored to help Space Perspective’s team to innovate faster in their quest to pioneer space tourism.”

Virtek’s experienced service technicians install and calibrate each Iris projection system and customize operator training to meet the organization’s unique process needs. 

“The team at Virtek understands that each deployment of their system needs to integrate flawlessly,” Tinkman added. “Their dedication to this philosophy has made working with them incredibly easy and their attention to the customer after the sale adds a level of confidence to their clients’ mission success.”

Setting a new bar in out-of-this-world adventures, Space Perspective plans to take Space Explorers to space beginning in late 2024. During the six-hour journey, Explorers will see the world anew from 20 miles above the earth. The ultra-comfortable, accessible and gentle journey redefines space travel. Space Perspective has sold more than 1,000 tickets to date. Tickets are available to reserve now at the current price of $125,000 at

124852JEC Group
byACRE Overland Carbon all-terrain rollator Wed, 21 Dec 2022 16:40:00 +0000 Read more]]> The rollator is the latest from byACRE, the Copenhagen-based international designer and producer of stylish mobility products. Since 2021, Medline has served as byACRE’s exclusive North American product distributor. Medline and Medline At Home offer the byACRE Overland Carbon and Ultralight Carbon rollators, and related accessories.

“We wanted to create a rollator that aligns with people’s hopes and dreams,” said Anders Berggreen, founder and owner of byACRE. “When you get challenged on your mobility, it shouldn’t be the rollator that limits you, it should only be your imagination. With an Overland Carbon, it’s only up to you.”

The Overland Carbon is the world’s lightest all-terrain rollator, with a carbon fiber frame and pneumatic rubber tires. It’s light, strong and responsive enough to withstand every weather and terrain, allowing users to fully experience outdoor life.

Assembled, the Overland Carbon Rollator weighs less than 15 pounds, and also offers:

  • A shock-absorbing frame
  • Integrated brakes with cables hidden in frame for a sleek look
  • A built-in seat providing on-the-go seating
  • Soft, ergonomic forward-pointing handles adding comfort and allowing easy maneuvering

Medline offers byACRE rollators in a variety of colors, as well as accessories including attachable bags, back rests, a carrying case, tire pump and cane holders.

“The new byACRE Overland Carbon Rollator is a strong addition to our product line, which includes more than 100 rollators, walkers and other assistive devices,” said Medline Director of Product Management, Durable Medical Equipment Division, Klara Nowak. “Our goal is to offer the broadest array of quality products that help users maintain their independence. The Overland Carbon and Ultralight rollators are unique. There is nothing else like them on the market.”

124944JEC Group
[BEST OF 2022] Porsche GT4 race car sustainable interior Tue, 20 Dec 2022 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This news has been originaly published on March 1, 2022 and was the most popular news of March.

Bcomp’s lightweighting solution replaces nine interior carbon fibre parts with significantly more sustainable composite components that also help to minimise vibrations.

Following the tremendous success of the partnership’s sustainable bodywork project, Bcomp and Porsche Motorsport worked to overhaul the GT4’s interior to further cut carbon emissions. Nine parts were reverse engineered by Bcomp, including the air channels, consoles, instrument cluster, glovebox and roof panel.

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior

The new interior parts were manufactured using Bcomp’s innovative ampliTex™ and  PowerRibs™ technologies, which harness the natural advantages of flax fibre. The powerRibs™ reinforcement grid uses the high specific bending stiffness of flax to build up height very efficiently, boosting the flexural stiffness of thin-walled shell elements significantly.

The parts made with ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ are not only light but also very safe as there are no sharp edges or splinters in the event of a crash or collision. Bcomp and Porsche have already reaped these safety benefits in the previously developed bodywork, resulting for example in a reduced risk for tire defects. Offering 250% better vibration damping than carbon fibre, there are also noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) advantages to using ampliTex™ and powerRibs™.

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior

As part of the project, Bcomp conducted a full sustainability analysis comparing the natural fibre composites to the conventional carbon fibre parts. The Bcomp solution offered a 94% reduction in material emissions and a 90% reduction in cradle-to-gate emissions. While carbon fibre parts are often discarded in landfills, Bcomp’s alternative brings a number of sustainable end-of-life options to help further minimise the cradle-to-grave impact. Thanks to highly efficient thermal energy recovery, components that are no longer in use or broken can be used to supply the production of new parts with renewable energy and form a sustainable process without residual waste.

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior

The components are now with the Four Motors racing team to undergo extensive endurance racing testing at the legendary Nürburgring. Four Motors raced this new interior components for the first time during six-hour race of the Nürburgring Endurance Series.

New interior parts convince with 250% better vibration damping compared to the previous carbon fibre parts and great safety performance in a crash scenario

All visual components were painted with a matt lacquer to match the finish of the GT4 CS series rear wing, which also utilises Bcomp’s ampliTex™ and powerRibs™. With the GT4 car closely resembling its road-going version and high-quality finishing options available, the racing parts highlight a possible pathway to road applications.

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior

Bcomp’s award-winning technologies are already used in 16 racing series around the world but their applications are not restricted to motorsport. From automotive interior panels to luxury yachting and the European Space Agency’s latest natural-fibre satellite panels, Bcomp’s technologies are relied upon wherever weight, stiffness and sustainability are important.

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior

Christian Fischer, CEO and Co-Founder at Bcomp, commented: “Our previous work with Porsche Motorsport on the Four Motors Bioconcept-Car helped to demonstrate the capability of Bcomp’s highperformance natural fibre composites. We continued to work with the Porsche team, investigating interior applications for the same GT4 programme. This confirmed the previous findings since the new natural fibre composite parts not only convince with their performance, but we also achieved a reduction of material emissions of 94% compared to the carbon fibre parts.

“Alongside these primary benefits, our natural fibre technologies also improved vibration damping and deliver a splinter-free crash behaviour due to their inherent mechanical properties and design. Given the popularity of race-to-road technology transfer – and the similarity between GT4 and road-going sportscars – this proves the possibility of volume road applications for our technology. We look forward to continuing our work with Porsche Motorsport and exploring new possibilities and applications for sustainable composites in racing and beyond.

Bcomp solution offers 94% fewer material emissions and a 90% cradle-to-gate emissions reduction versus the carbon fibre interior, with thermal energy recovery as a viable end-of-life option

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior

Eduard Ene, Specialist Interior GT-Road Cars, Porsche Motorsport, commented: “We must all ensure that natural fibre composites are used more and more in the world of automotive components.”

Thomas von Löwis of Menar, Managing Director, Four Motors, commented: “Thanks to the collaboration between the Porsche engineers and the natural fibre specialists at Bcomp, the quality of natural fibre components has been raised to a new level in recent years and beats carbon fibre components particularly in terms of the carbon footprint. We are pleased that with the bio-interior we can now gradually replace all carbon fibre parts in our 718 Cayman GT4 CS with natural-fibre parts.”

Porsche GT4 race car gets a more sustainable interior
124703JEC Group
Japan’s premiere single seater race series confirms sustainable fibre composite parts for the SF23 chassis as part of Next 50 plan Wed, 14 Dec 2022 08:35:00 +0000 Read more]]> The announcement was made on the 50th anniversary of the championship, as Super Formula looks ahead to its future and is undertaking significant steps to target carbon neutrality. With their Next 50 plan, they have specified measures such as the use of new tyre compounds with recycled rubber and natural compounding agents in addition to the use of more sustainable materials in the race cars’ construction.

Carbon fibre bodywork is used extensively throughout the motorsport industry and is responsible for a substantial carbon footprint. Many of the carbon fibre parts used in racing end up in landfill when damaged in a race or no longer needed. Bcomp’s innovative ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ composite technologies are made from flax fibre and offer a promising solution and have already extensively proven their performance across the board in motorsports series from F1 to Formula E, Extreme E, DTM and GT4 on Porsche, Mercedes Benz-AMG and BMW M GT cars.

New Machine SF23 Announcement | 2023 SUPER FORMULA PRE. SEASON

With low density and excellent mechanical properties, flax fibres are a significantly more sustainable option for developing high-performance composites. The unique combination of ampliTex™ flax fabrics with the patented powerRibs™ reinforcement grid allows this natural fibre composite solution to match the low weight and high stiffness of carbon fibre bodywork parts in a drastically more sustainable package. Analysis conducted in past projects showed that Bcomp’s high-performance natural fibre composites enable a reduction of 90% in material CO2 emissions when compared to carbon fibre parts as well as an over 80% reduction of CO2 emissions from cradle-to-gate, considering all production steps from raw material to the final part.

Introducing ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ flax fibre composites into the SF23 bodywork also introduces safer crash behaviour thanks to the absence of dangerously sharp debris and edges. Additionally, flax fibre-based composites come with a viable end-of-life solution that eliminates the need to landfill damaged or old bodywork.

Extensive testing has been conducted in 2022 by Super Formula drivers to evaluate the new engines, fuels, tyres and, of course, the Bcomp bodywork. Sidepods and engine covers, entirely made from ampliTex™ and powerRibs™ performed well in the initial tests but it seemed more appropriate to create hybrid parts for the implementation in the SF23. A construction with about 70% flax and only 30% carbon fibre for local reinforcements proved to be an ideal combination of each material’s benefits while still significantly reducing the carbon footprint. This innovative collaboration has been recognised already across the motorsport community, including most recently being nominated as a finalist for this year’s World Motorsport Symposium Green Tech Award.

Johann Wacht, Manager Motorsports and Supercars at Bcomp, said: “Super Formula is considered the second fastest racing series in the world and proves that sustainable technologies are ready to compete at the very highest performance level. The series impressively shows to the industry what is possible, and we are very much looking forward to a great season full of entertainment and sustainable innovations!”

The 2023 Super Formula will feature nine races across seven events, with double headers at the season opener at Fuji and the season finale at Suzuka next October.

124778JEC Group
China develops a prototype of its first flying car Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:26:00 +0000 Read more]]> The flying car adopts a split configuration of three independent modules: an autonomous vertical take-off and landing aircraft, a cockpit and a chassis. It is a three-dimensional transport system for people and objects. 

The two-seat cockpit adopts ultra-lightweight design, with a deadweight of 80 kg; the maximum load of the autonomous chassis is greater than 500 kg, and the maximum design speed is 80 km/h. 

According to Beijing Institute of Technology, the flying car has the respective advantages of a near-earth aircraft and a ground driving chassis. It can realize personnel and cargo air-to-ground transfer, with flexibility. Through ground-air collaborative precise perception and positioning, intelligent decision-making and planning, and automatic guidance and docking technologies, the modules combination and reconstruction can be realized, and different driving modes of land and air can be switched. 

“Flying cars are a new type of urban transportation and are an effective way to solve traffic congestion and environmental pollution faced by urban development. The United States, the European Union, Japan and other developed countries or regions attach great importance to support the research and development of flying cars or urban aircraft. China also focuses on the deployment of flying car research and development in the medium and long term. To meet the demand for the construction of a national transportation power, flying car technology and industrial development will usher in a period of rapid development”, the Beijing Institute of Technology announces.

124544JEC Group
New pedestrian drawbridge adds missing piece to Cleveland’s harbor loop Wed, 07 Dec 2022 09:18:59 +0000 Read more]]> “Typically these bridges are constructed with a steel grid deck,” says Matt English, structural division project manager for The Ruhlin Company. “But you can’t put too much weight on a movable bridge. It has to maintain balance. Lightweight, corrosion-resistant FRP panels also allowed us to use smaller gears, motors and counterweights to pivot and open the spans for river traffic.”

Performance criteria called for a uniform pedestrian live load of 90 psf, a vehicle maximum load rating of 8,000 lb. [wheel load], and a wind uplift load of 20 psf. Other requirements included Class II fire resistance and a deck operating range of -40 degrees Fahrenheit to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. To streamline the drawbridge function and reduce the need for complex joints and connections, two large FRP panels [one for each side] were prefabricated with curbs, drainage scuppers and a railing attachment. Each panel was 51 ft. long and 13 ft., 8-in. wide. Deck thicknesses ranged from 7.5 in. to 8.75 in.

English worked with CCG to design the tight tolerance bolted connections that attached the FRP panels to the steel superstructure. “We had to install the connections from a boat and ensure there were no gaps,” he says. “Pre-drilled holes for the stainless steel railing worked out well as did the walking surface. CCG recommended its hybrid non-skid technology system which has been so effective that the city of Cleveland decided to add it to the surface of the structure’s concrete approaches. The product originally specified wouldn’t have held up under the bridge’s high traffic volume.”

124586JEC Group
LamLight  – Composites got brighter Tue, 06 Dec 2022 16:41:21 +0000 Read more]]> Giving light, structure.

LamLight is a two-component system built with an electronic (Light Injector) and a lighting composite (Schematic 1). LamLight uses the phenomenon of light transportation with Kanvaslight illuminating fabrics laminated with co-cure resin. With the fiber optics laminated throughout the composite, electricity does not flow in the composite, making LamLight the ideal lighting solution in terms of safety. Once the electronic is plugged into a power source, the light injector shines a powerful magnified light through a patented optical coupler, the light can then be diffused into the various optical fibers of the composite. The fiber optics are treated to allow light to leak out, creating a very uniform and smooth lighting effect.

Kanvaslight® Technology by Guardtex 2022

We quite often use the analogy to a pipe of water. Imagine that water is going into a pipe from point A to point B. If you create small holes along the pipe, water will leak along the way reducing the volume reaching point B. With Kanvaslight, the company use the same principle with fiber optics. Normally, it is impossible to see light going along the fiber optics, only at the two ends. The fiber optics are treated to create “micro holes” along them in order to “release” 80% of the light injected on the length, only 20% is remaining at the end of the fibers. With LamLight, 80% of the light used is released to create lighting surfaces (Picture 1).

Schematic 1 : LamLight is a two-component system built with an electronic (Light Injector) and a lighting composite

Since the inception of LamLight, new uses for the product have emerged. LamLight can illuminate more than just a logo or a graphic design; its multi-faceted application will bring your branding and message to life. Users also have the choice of RGBW colors that they can control by way of a smartphone, tablet and more.

LamLight can seamlessly integrate into a structure, without altering its mechanical properties unlike other light-emitting solutions. This allows it to be used in various industries such as marine, pools, aeronautics, and more.

Picture 1 : With LamLight, 80% of the light used is released to create lighting surfaces

LamLight = Kanvaslight + Lamination

Kanvaslight is a technology created by Guardtex in 2017. Initially integrated into boat bimini tops, Kanvaslight lighting fabrics quickly evolved into other applications, the latest being composite integration. Using woven optical fibers and LED lights, UL approved and CE certified Kanvaslight can be safely used in a wide range of applications, including sun shades, flooring and seating. No electricity flows through the fabric, making it a safe and versatile solution. The patented technology allows the use of textile structures to create broad lighting surfaces producing perfectly diffused light (Picture 2). Designed to withstand extreme conditions on the water, the integrated lighting creates a clean-line installation that is visible only when illuminated.

Picture 2 : The patented technology allows the use of textile structures to create broad lighting surfaces producing perfectly diffused light

Understanding marine challenges, Guardtex was able to centralize all the light injectors (electronics) in one area using optical wires (Schematic 2). The company developed these wires to transport the light between the light injector and the composite with minimum light losses to integrate the electronic device further away from the illuminating composite. No electricity flows into the optical wires, only light.

Co-cure is a resin that is a hybrid of a flexible polyurethane network and a UPR rigid cured network. Co-cure is highly compatible with Kanvaslight illuminating fabric as a resin, making the LamLight composite. Co-cure provides the best light transmission ratio while keeping the composite flexible and resistant. More than just being able to transform composites into lighting surfaces, Co-cure also allows a boat manufacturer to reduce the boat’s weight while improving its mechanical performances. It can double the life expectancy of composite structures. Co-cure has been selected by the U.S. Navy for their advanced combat crafts. Co-cure allows a 90% improvement for gloss and glass retention, 40% improvement on abrasion resistance, and 100% improvement in impact resistance.

Schematic 2 : Understanding marine challenges, Guardtex was able to centralize all the light injectors (electronics) in one area using optical wires

Marine and beyond…

LamLight is a revolutionary technology for boating, pushing the limits of design even further. Designers and engineers can thus imagine illuminating shells, illuminated floors, showers, interactive spas… LamLight goes much further still by offering all composite structures a new lighting function. Functional or aesthetic, it is possible to respond to new problems in complex environments such as explosive areas. Generating neither heat nor electric current, it is possible to integrate LamLight into a fuel tank to inspect it in complete safety. LamLight simplifies interior lighting by making structural parts a source of light.

And why not imagine lighter and more economical space stations by transforming the walls into sources of ambient light?

Born from a great collaboration

Guardtex is a high-tech textile solutions company based out of France with an American office in Tampa, Florida. Guardtex has been in the marine industry for over a decade and has made great strides in that industry due to their innovative ways of thinking, a prime example being the revolutionary Kanvaslight, the Illuminating Fabric. With Kanvaslight, Guardtex has been able to break out of the marine industry and enter many others such as RV, Outdoor, aerospace, interior design, and now including the space of composites with their partnership with Structural Composites Inc to create LamLight.

Structural Composites, Inc. (SCI) is a Composites Company (TCC) division, one of the nation’s leading composites technology development firms. TCC has three divisions: Structural Composites Inc., Compsys Inc., and Composites Intellectual Holdings Inc. Structural Composites was founded in 1987 and has developed a proven track record of innovation and service in the composites industry. Over the years, they have expanded their industry and technology base to include customers in the marine, aerospace, theme park, defense, and road and rail transportation industries.

After receiving an IBEX Innovation Award for co-cure (2018) and one for Kanvaslight (2021), Guardtex and SCI decided to collaborate in order to combine their two technologies. Already in the idea of creating a luminous composite, Guardetx and SCI carried out a series of tests, by varying the parameters of the technology. One year later, Lamlight is officially made public with a first award at CAMX 2022 for “the most creative design”.

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