Teijin supports JCI’s latest call for stronger action regarding climate and energy crisis

Teijin Limited announced its support for the latest statement issued by the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI), which has calls on the Japanese government to take stronger action to mitigate climate change and energy crisis, including by introducing renewable energy and early introduction of stricter carbon pricing system and also the JCI takes the initiative to make actions.

Teijin supports JCI’s latest call for stronger action regarding climate and energy crisis

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The JCI network was established in Japan in 2018 to help entities working to combat global climate change to strengthen their intercommunication and exchange best practices and solutions. The JCI’s new statement calls on the Japanese government to take effective measures and regulatory reforms in action to supply most of the electricity used nationwide with renewable energy by 2035. Also, it calls the government to establish a carbon pricing system promptly and more efficiently to achieve the country’s emissions-reduction targets for fiscal 2030 and such efforts made by Japanese companies for net-zero are properly evaluated globally. Furthermore, the JCI declares that it will promote the development and use of new sustainable renewable energy.

Teijin, a member of JCI, has set internal goals for lowering its groupwide environmental impact, include targets for achieving net-zero emissions by fiscal 2050. As one such practical initiative, Teijin adopted stricter 2030 targets for its reduction of CO2 emissions from in-house operations and the company’s entire supply chain effective from July 2021. Also, Teijin’s targets for greenhouse gas emissions are officially validated science-based targets (SBT) for helping to limit the average global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius from pre-Industrial Revolution levels, which presumably could reduce the risks and impacts of climate change significantly.

Teijin is a people-focused company that develops innovative solutions for enhanced quality of life and also works to minimize any negative impact on the environment or society through its business activities.

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