Swancor applies its EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin technology to a large-scale Mingyang Smart Energy blade

Swancor cooperated with Mingyang Smart Energy to launch a large-scale blade using its EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin in Inner Mongolia.

Swancor applies its EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin technology to a large-scale Mingyang Smart Energy blade

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The blade features a composite of recyclable epoxy pultruded plate and recyclable sandwich core material, utilizing Swancor’s EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin infusion molding technology. The blade has become an important step in the application of EzCiclo recyclable thermosetting resin to large wind power blades.

EzCiclo, a recyclable thermosetting epoxy resin, has now obtained ISO 14021 certification. The composite materials made of EzCiclo series products can have a recyclability rate of ≥95%. This certification demonstrates the feasibility of sustainable recycling of EzCiclo.

The successful application of Swancor’s EzCiclo in the trial production of this first large-scale blade of Mingyang Smar Energy is a major milestone for both parties to jointly promote circular economy. In the future, the two parties will continue to leverage their respective advantages in the industry to carry out in-depth and comprehensive development cooperation under the premise of resource sharing and win-win cooperation, and work together to promote the green circular economy and find recyclable solutions.

More information www.swancor.com