Johns Manville showcases novel Neomera® PA-6 organosheets at JEC World 2023

Johns Manville’s Advanced Composites business will showcase its innovative PA-6 Neomera® organosheets at JEC World 2023, the international trade show, in Paris, France, from April 25-27, 2023.

Johns Manville showcases novel Neomera® PA-6 organosheets at JEC World 2023

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“These novel liquid impregnated products offer excellent mechanical properties. Their high load bearing capacity is based on excellent bonding of the glass fibers to the resin matrix, enabled by a patented reactive glass fiber sizing,” said Dany De Kock, Market Development Manager. “Since sheets up to 3 mm thick can be produced in a single production step, the risk of delamination is avoided.”

Neomera® thermoplastic organosheets are available in large sheet dimensions and designed to enable short cycle times.

They are thermoformable and can be injection-overmolded. The recyclable sheets are suitable for conventional joining processes and exceed fire safety requirements without additives (FMVSS 302).
Johns Manville offers Neomera® nylon-6 organosheets with woven fabrics (OS-6 series) and non-crimp fabrics (NCF-6 series).

“The properties of Neomera® organosheets are simply outstanding,” said Stefan Mohr, Director for Johns Manville’s European business activities. “We expect them to quickly find their way into many applications in the transportation sector over the next few years.”

Among other experts, Dany De Kock and Stefan Mohr will be available at the Johns Manville booth during show hours.

Meet Johns Manville at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth D84.

More information www.jm.com