REDEX Group extends the load cells range WAT+

The range of REDEX Sensors is completed in 2023 with an extra size covering higher tension range up to 5000N. Original version is covering 3 ranges of tension measurement: 50N – 250N – 500N.

REDEX Group extends the load cells range WAT+

60 secondes

With the new version, 3 ranges are also proposed to the market with: WAT+ 100 (1000N), WAT+ 250 (2500N) and WAT+ 500 (5000N). The tension control specialist offers with WAT+ series, the best of its know-how in force measurement with innovative concept and design.

WAT+ load cells introduce a very modular architecture based on a versatile body to which various accessories like pulley, roller or coupling can be easily mounted.

This flexibility is a real added value as it offers to designers the capability to create their own accessories based on application or product specifications (shape, length, surface treatment). This original concept allows to address all types of materials with different width from ribbon, narrow web and web applications.

The very unique 3C design (Cantilever Compensation Concept) guarantees the remarkable insensitivity to the position of the load along a roller accessory.

The measured value remains the same whatever the load position of the product along the roller.

This reliability is particularly interesting for accurate measurement in cantilever applications up to 300mm.
REDEX Group is a reference supplier of tension control solution under its brand Merobel and takes the opportunity of this launching to announce the update of the universal sensors signal amplifier with a new version of the Ampliblock+.

Meet REDEX Group at JEC World 2023, hall 6, booth B55.

More information www.redex-group.com